Depends, CMX counts overhealing and is wildly inaccurate. If you want big numbers in CMX just be an aoe healing class like templar or warden and spam healing springs or aoe heals on the biggest cluster of people no matter who’s taking damage.
For what mine reads, somewhere between 5k and 25k depending on what’s going on.
If you want to find out who’s ‘actually’ healing the most there isn’t a way in cyrodiil. The only way to tell actual healing, and which abilities are effective or not, is by doing BGs and looking at the BG healing total.
InvictusApollo wrote: »
Which healing abilities are you using in a team fight in Cyro?
And what do their tooltips show.
HPS means very little since its so dependent on how much damage people are taking. Can't heal a full health bar!
You can calculate with 4-5k hps.
However the raw numbers aren´t that important - it´s more important that the healer doesn´t get separated from the group, or that the healer uses the templar ulti reliably exactly when needed, before Permafrost or Negate render him/her useless.
A DK healer for instance would have a more reliable hps than a templar one (because s/he can´t be slowed), but lacks emergency healing.
You use the Templar ultimate? I don’t see people using it that often because you can’t move while channeling. Why not barrier?
You use the Templar ultimate? I don’t see people using it that often because you can’t move while channeling. Why not barrier?
HPS itself is very easy to calculate. Do the math with healing springs or the other morph. Of course you cannot take into account healing debuffs which any skilled group will use. That will vary depending on what they are actually using and how many targets they are hitting.
EHPS,m which is the only stat that really matters will vary depending on how much damage the group is taking. That can be determined on PC but you will not get the answer in these forums.
How can you calculate it on PC? I play PC and haven’t been able to figure it out.
Depends, CMX counts overhealing and is wildly inaccurate. If you want big numbers in CMX just be an aoe healing class like templar or warden and spam healing springs or aoe heals on the biggest cluster of people no matter who’s taking damage.
For what mine reads, somewhere between 5k and 25k depending on what’s going on.
If you want to find out who’s ‘actually’ healing the most there isn’t a way in cyrodiil. The only way to tell actual healing, and which abilities are effective or not, is by doing BGs and looking at the BG healing total.
There are different addons that let you see a top10 most healing / damage for a certain period of time.
you maybe saw healing received in cmx?
Well the reason I assumed CMX is unreliable and includes overhealing is I was researching monster sets. I was checking out different healing monster sets to try and get an idea of the output of each in battlegrounds. I noticed the BG total would be maybe 900k but CMX showed my total healing as 1.6 million. I didn't research it further and assumed there's an issue with CMX and overhealing.
I'll check out some of the addons, thanks for the tip! I'll look into CMX further too to see if I can figure out why I saw what I did.
I was looking last night, tbh I don’t usually pay attention. 10k. That’s my average, sometimes less sometimes more
Maybe on the low side? Idk. I do different things then pure heal. If I did HoF and saw the other healer only doing 10k I’d feel like my back was hurting.
InvictusApollo wrote: »
How many healers did you have in that ballgroup?
And how many members did that ballgroup have?
6 and 24 players I think.
InvictusApollo wrote: »
What?! That many? Even taking into consideration the healing spring target limit, every single ball group member had around 20k healing on them! Thats insane.