Nightblade Still Over Performing
That thread is full of hot garbage from players without a lick of sense
NB has been getting nerf after nerf just like everyone else. The ONLY buff since Morrowind was a QoL/bug fix to Grim Focus
That’s it
They’ve had no other buffs
Every change thus far has been nerfs and further erosion of the class’s once-unique playstyle. They killed the saptank, they killed the evasion tank, they gutted the hurt-to-heal playstyle
They only thing they had left was dps, and that seems to be getting stupid unnecessary whiner-pandering nerfs too
... a nerf? maybe ...but suffered less then all others with sustain and now how crit works.
SapTank and Evasion tank - yeah they killed it but NB-Dps classes are top for a long time, and that's for range and melee :S
IT'S A TRADITION IF DPS DIES IT'S ALWAYS THE HEALER OR TANKS FAULT!!Bladerunner1 wrote: »More reliance on combat prayer then, and more DPS screaming "learn to heal, I only got 55k" like that one bozo from last night's pledge pug.
They are top by less than 1k dps. Given that the only role they can competitively fill is dps, that’s required or else there’d be no reason to take a NB into competitive endgame. Why take a NB if Magplar does the same or better damage and offers a sustain synergy? Why take a NB if Sorc does the same or better damage and provides two synergies and more cleave?
Well guess what skill is getting removed from my nightblades bars no point having it without the 8%
It’s a destroy all classes to make them dead so they can be class changed to necromancers and then they will be nerfed 3 months later
John_Falstaff wrote: »@Raammzzaa , how removal of something can increase burst? Unless they're giving Grim Focus something else instead of that buff.
xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »
xenowarrior92eb17_ESO wrote: »
if that's whats you think then you should stop playing nb at all...even without minor berserk grim focus proc is what gives nbs the top dps parses... why do people come here talking about stuff they dont even know about?.../facepalm