kiLLahweSPe wrote: »
I know those videos, but how come the top groups stacks NB despite those similar dummy parses?
Are they doing it wrong, what do you think?
Dracan_Fontom wrote: »I'm so disappointed. The fact that Necromancer is already looking OP af, and now nbs are being nerfed even more. What's the point? Necro is the new nb. They have a better fear that doesn't force targets to flee from them. They have the old leech tank premise that nb tanks use to have. They seem to have almost very buff available to them, a passive chain attack. Like seriously @ZOS what are you doing?
John_Falstaff wrote: »@DisgracefulMind , then look up Liko's raid-buffed 6mil 60k parses that compare the three classes, they're 1k apart. And let's not, stamden has no sustain issues this patch.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
Dummy parses are one thing, actual raid parses are another, nb has been strongest at those for quite some time.
I'm not saying other classes aren't close, and I didn't say anything about stamden's sustain. I said "sustained dps over a long fight". Not "how a class sustains over a fight".
Hopefully more classes are going to stay up to par and this nb change will help that be a reality.
This change will have 0 effect in trial dps unless you’re a magblade that isn’t stacked.
This change will have 0 effect in trial dps unless you’re a magblade that isn’t stacked.
DisgracefulMind wrote: »
That is true, and it will be nice for healers to need to use combat prayer again. The skill won't be dead without minor berserk though, and still 100% viable in PvP. You don't want to lose those CC into AW proc combos.
I think this change, if it goes through, will be more PvP based than anything, personally.
I don’t use it in pvp anyways. The only use I’ve found is when you have a target stunned in melee. It’s reflectable and difficult to target. With pets and moving targets if I do slot it it’s been for the damage buff on my back bar. Ele drain or mark target is better I’ve found.
Now I’ll probably only use it in pve.
John_Falstaff wrote: »@kiLLahweSPe ,
Stamden, bow/bow, 91.1k, you're saying?
Ragnaroek93 wrote: »The Nightblade is being balanced with regard to "Grim Focus". So the bonus minor frenzy (8% more damage) is completely removed. This means that this bonus can only be obtained from Wardens (Selfbuff with the wings), by Healers (Combat Prayer) or by the skill “Camouflaged Hunter” (Fighters Guild).
KhajiitFelix wrote: »Mmmm... Delicious nightblade tears....
John_Falstaff wrote: »@LiquidPony , of course you can. I'm not saying stamden is stronger, I'm saying they're both strong this patch. Also, being in melee range is often strong limitation, but that's of course beside the point.
Wardens do
Erm Wardens do
Not everything is about a trial there is other content in this game that I actually like to have that skill for
And yes I want to kill things in 2 seconds and not take 3 seconds doing it
I mean isn't this the biggest issue with Nightblades? They can self buff themselves and separates then from other classes in parses. Also one less needed for healer.
KhajiitFelix wrote: »Mmmm... Delicious nightblade tears....
Umm it still procs assassins will lol.
If this is true, I hope to god they leave minor berserk on merciless resolve (magicka morph). Without burst magicka nightblade is utter pants.
Imagine believing magblade is OP in 2019.......
KhajiitFelix wrote: »
If they are not OP then how can they pull the best mag DPS and sustain that without any problems?
Knootewoot wrote: »
Problem is, when they do it like this... stamblades will just slot the magicka morph.
Stamblades mostly already have good sustain so don't need the minor endurance morph, and rarely use the bow proc. But the 8% they would like.
Maybe it should be... 8% extra damage to magic attacks or something.
Knootewoot wrote: »
Problem is, when they do it like this... stamblades will just slot the magicka morph.
Stamblades mostly already have good sustain so don't need the minor endurance morph, and rarely use the bow proc. But the 8% they would like.
Maybe it should be... 8% extra damage to magic attacks or something.