KhajiitFelix wrote: »
If they are not OP then how can they pull the best mag DPS and sustain that without any problems?
Because they don´t. Magsorc and Magplar are on par with magblade. Unless you live in a time-machine and are stuck in the time period after Morrowind, magblade are not as dominant as you claim it to be.
KhajiitFelix wrote: »
MagSorc lol
KhajiitFelix wrote: »Mmmm... Delicious nightblade tears....
And now on the topic:
I'm looking forwards to patch notes with great interested.
I really would like to know what is developers reasoning about the coming change and why they thought this is necessary move.Currently right now the assassin's will proc is loud and slow, easily avoidable. If it's gonna be nerfed even more,
well, now I'll have space for that Force Pulse which did not fit before.
Knootewoot wrote: »
Problem is, when they do it like this... stamblades will just slot the magicka morph.
Stamblades mostly already have good sustain so don't need the minor endurance morph, and rarely use the bow proc. But the 8% they would like.
Maybe it should be... 8% extra damage to magic attacks or something.
BLAINE1245 wrote: »If this does turn out to be true, I will gladly sell my account the very day this goes live to recoup the time and money I've invested playing my stam nb which is the only character I play. All DLC and all expansions plus subscriptions just to be shafted yet again after the wrathstone "update" (which I also own).
You're going to quit because stam nb could lose a buff it doesn't need? Dramatic much?
BLAINE1245 wrote: »
It does need it. Even with this small buff, it's barely able to out-dps a shield in pvp. Losing 8% crit chance on top of an 8% buff to ALL damage is nothing short of ruining the one thing a nb can do.
Agony removal
Major evasion removal
Swallow Soul passive removal
Refreshing Path does no damage
and...Minor Berserk removal ?
Seriously ?
I really need a class change token .
kiLLahweSPe wrote: »So NB gonna lose minor berserk? Pls nerf it more
You forgot the part where that added resource costs to several skills.
LiquidPony wrote: »
Stamblades rarely use the bow proc?
Good lord, the amount of nonsense that gets spread around these parts is unbelievable.
Knootewoot wrote: »
Well, I only look from PvP perspective. And from all the stamblades I encountered, non have fired the proc. It's always the same light attack, poison arrow, light attack, surprise attack yadayada
Yeah, that’s always the problem with these nerfs. The PvP perspective.
Knootewoot wrote: »
The pvp nerfs are always coming from PvE crybabies who want to do PvP achievements but get killed.
But really... nobody knows the reason for this nerf. You can't just say it's because if PvP.
Knootewoot wrote: »
The pvp nerfs are always coming from PvE crybabies who want to do PvP achievements but get killed.
Ok, this is not true. But not all nerfes are from a PvP perspective. Some are yes, but then PvP is also part of the game and needs to work for the players there. But some are not asked for and come from the devs themselves.
And nobody knows the reason for this nerf yet. You can't just say it's because of PvP. Let's just wait and see the patchnotes first. I bet there will be a lot of class changes, which are not nerfes because of PvP only.
ruikkarikun wrote: »From where this information or I missing it? Where is the link to source?