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why do people like the high elves???

  • What_In_Tarnation
    How do you tell the difference between Jedi master Yoda and high elf?
    One has good relations with wookies, the other one is hated by wookies. :trollface:
  • General_Zeranth
    In my case my one High Elf character is a humble blind mage who was tossed out of his family for being blind and useless.
    He's not racist, he helps whomever needs him and just tries to live his life but hey head cannon for the win. xD

    But the NPC ones... Oof. Not the kindest lot. Very haughty until they need help with a quest or six. Lol.
    Xbox - NA

    Self confessed Master Angler title chaser.

    Titles Earned: 10/∞
  • zaria
    Ysbriel wrote: »
    Well it can be argued that people will like Altmers and Bosmers for being the quintessential Elves.
    This, I for one will never play an human in any TES game.
    As for why people like Altmer, they are elves, look good are tall and bis for magic.

    Yes they are arrogant and snobbish but think Dunmer are more of that.
    People who don't like them do this mostly because of Skyrim who is a bit absurd then you think of it as it will not happen in 1000 year, kind of like an viking hating Germans because of WW2 :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Kombinator
    They are mysterious, and ancient. Also best race for primary spellcasters, and long living. Like in any race some of them are racist, and others are not. Like the Nords calling others "milk drinkers", or argonians as "lizards". Just play Skyrim, and you see real quick how racist Nords can be. To be honest the Covenant is the least bad.

    The Dominion is very Altmer focused. They are "superior" to all. Though the queen want equality. It is clear, that many of them want Altmer superiority.

    For the Pact i have only one word. Dunmer. The most racist race among all of them. I still don't know why they put them together with Argonians, and Nords. According to lore the Dunmer considered both as barely more, than animals, and put them to slavery.

    If the game were more based on lore, then 2 main faction would be elves, and humans. Argonians would certanily side with humans, because they hate the Dunmer. And Kha'jit could be manipulated to side with elves. Though they hate the Dunmer too. If 3 faction is sort of ensured, then Nords, Redguards, Argonians would be the anti-elf pack. Dunmer, Altmer, and Bosmer would be the elven team. Breton Kha'jit, and Orcs would be the neutrals. Problem is the location since some of these are pretty far from each other.
  • L0rdV1ct0r
    Live longer
    Has much more magical potential
    More intelligent
  • LMar
    What you are witnessing is the Veiled Heritance which has taken over the College. They are a nationalistic isolationist group. Complete the quest and the Altmer there are very welcoming and courteous to their students
    "If a stick of fish is a fish stick, it will stick like other fish sticks stick"
    "Taller races now sit in chairs correctly"
  • Smasherx74
    Because they were #1 pic for anything mag.

    Also, because people enjoy playinh something they are not in the real world. This isn't ment to offend. But it's intriguing to play "the bad guy". There are whole games that put you on the evil side. But then again, I think most here play it because of the passives.

    Altmer aren't "bad guys", none of the races are. Even daedra do things that cross the border of whats good and bad. A big focus in a world like the elder scrolls is to make things realistic. In real life there aren't bad guys, north koreans aren't bad. They're just people with different perspectives.

    Also at this time period, the premise your operating under is false since there are 3 factions, and the AD actually welcomes other races such as khajitt or even other alliance races. If any race is "bad" it's probably going to be the nords considering a certain one of them is going to obtain an extraordinarily powerful artifact and then wage war and conquer most of tamriel.

    Edit: It's also worth noting the wood elves are actually cannibals. Various books cite that during the war time the wood elves would starve themselves because they don't believe in wasting good food. As a result they starve themselves so they'll be hungry enough to devour all the people they kill in war. Would you based on that consider every wood elve in game to be bad?
    Edited by Smasherx74 on March 28, 2019 12:20PM
    Master Debater
  • Kulvar
    L0rdV1ct0r wrote: »
    Live longer
    Has much more magical potential
    More intelligent

    Being taller is useless.
    More intelligent on average, it's because their population is more widely educated.
    Anyone can be as intelligent as an Altmer. Magical potential doesn't mean anything.
    Just work a bit harder and you'll catch up on both intellect and magical prowess.
    Any mage can achieve long life by working on it. Restoration magic can reverse aging.
    Coward Argonian scholar of the Ebonheart Pact
  • TheShadowScout
    SosRuvaak wrote: »
    why do people like the high elves???
    geonsocal wrote: »
    Beat me to it! :lol::p;):joy:
    SosRuvaak wrote: »
    It seems to me they're the most racist and classist race on tamriel.
    Working as intended.
    The Altmer are -supposed- to be the Tamriel-tastic poster boys and girls for "behold my pointed ears and glorious heritage, lowly peasant, I am so much better then thou!" attitude ever since the ayleids managed to get themselves extincted. (note to elves - slavery is a bad idea in the long run, mmm'kay?)

    But that arrogant mindset is derived from some of the original inspirations for all the fantasy elves - the classic "otherworld nobility" side of the old irish and nordic tales about sídhe or alfar... (the other side of them being the "nature folk" connection, from which most "wood elves" fantasy cliché are derived).

    And yeah, that "better then you" attitude is a bit annoying, especially when you see how the NPCs most subscribing to it apply it towards others (listen to the veiled heritage jerks sometime, -especially- the "teachers" at the thalmor colledge before you finish that quest and cleanse the place of that foul influence). Okay, a lot annoying. Okay, "making you want to offer dark brotherhood freebies for those altmer" annoying.

    But, just like with dunmer and slavery, not ALL altmer are racist swine, some are only a little condescending (which just as well might come from their longer lifespan) while just as many are genuinely open minded.

    Up to each player what they want to be.

    Of course, the general attitude of the race, and their current internal strife about it -does- give an interesting background for roleplaying and making up character ideas (as well as quest plotlines)... which is the point (duh!)
  • Kambo
    Kombinator wrote: »
    For the Pact i have only one word. Dunmer. The most racist race among all of them. I still don't know why they put them together with Argonians, and Nords. According to lore the Dunmer considered both as barely more, than animals, and put them to slavery.

    If the game were more based on lore, then 2 main faction would be elves, and humans.

    The Altmer dislike the Dunmer generally due to their worship of Daedra, as the Altmer religion is so based around the Aedra, the Divines, that they more or less outlawed Daedra worship back when they were still Aldmer I believe. This is essentially why the Chimer left and made their own civilization. The Chimer later became the Dunmer.

    If you play through the Pact storyline you can see that the faction is splintered, as neither side really trusts or even likes one another, and throughout the storyline, from what I've gathered having played through it twice now, is that you help to mend much of that splintering and rebuild trust and cooperation between the three races present in the Ebonheart Pact. Their faction was originally formed out of necessity when the Akaviri Snow Demons invaded and ravaged eastern Tamriel. Only when all three races banded together did they finally manage to fight off the invasion, and they decided to just keep that alliance going to maintain the strength they had gained. So while, yes, the Dunmer, Nords, and Argonians normally wouldn't get along enough to form an alliance, the necessity to fight back the invasion which threatened to wipe out their civilizations was enough to get them to put aside their differences. And even then it wasn't the most stable alliance, especially during the Three-Banners War, but the King's Arrow helps them to stabilize and get along better.

    If the Dunmer truly were as racist as your post implies then they wouldn't have agreed to make an alliance in the first place, even if doing so was nothing but beneficial to them. Same goes for the Nords. As a matter of fact I think your argument that the Dunmer are the most racist is inherently flawed as well, as while, sure, they don't like outsiders all that much, the Nords of Windhelm in the 4th Era literally harass, bully, and threaten the Dunmer refugees that had nowhere else to go after the Red Year, simply because they aren't Nords. This could be summed up to simply being the Stormcloak supporters, but even then it shows how cruel and racist the Nords can be. The worst the Dunmer have ever done to my knowledge is enslave those of other races, by far the most common being Khajiit and Argonians, but even then that practice was almost exclusively done by House Dres and House Telvanni. And if you play through the Telvanni quests in the Morrowind Chapter,
    it's literally about how an Argonian SLAVE becomes a Telvanni Wizard.

    An Argonian Slave works her way up to become a Telvanni Wizard.
    The Nords of Windhelm in the 4th Era hate refugees because they aren't Nords.

    If there is any race of the Ebonheart Pact that is undeniably racist, whether it be in the past, present, or future, I firmly believe it is, without a doubt, the Nords.

    In short, the game is heavily based around lore. You apparently just didn't know how exactly it was, which whether that's a fault of your own I cannot say. In any case, I feel I've made my arguments clear.

    And if I'm wrong on any detail then I invite anyone and everyone to correct said details. I'm always looking to improve my lore knowledge in any way possible and would appreciate clarifications and corrections of any kind.

    Edited by Kambo on March 28, 2019 12:46PM
    Straight out of Mo- uh, oh wait. Um... Ebonheart, I guess?
    PC US
    Nathyrin Othrril - Dunmer Stamina Sorcerer
    Niveth Othrril - Dunmer Stamina Dragonknight
  • Rehdaun
    I picked an Altmer way back before 1T. I liked the looks of the race and the loved the mix of good damage and sustain, not the best in either but a good mix. I wasn't into the lore as much so I didn't care about how they were viewed by other races or players.

    Since then I developed a wonderful backstory, trying to tie lore back in, although I have taken some liberties such as not being as "stuck up" as most Altmer tend to be. I have now come to love my Altmer and would not want to change her for anything.

    It's a shame that she isn't like she was. Sure her look is the same and she does high damage but she's missing the sustain that I picked well over 2 years ago. I would have happily traded damage for sustain in last patch if Zos would have offered it, and I bet I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

    Anyway, that why I like my High Elf, even though she's changed and not quite right anymore, I still love her and wouldn't change her one bit.
  • Kambo
    Rehdaun wrote: »
    I picked an Altmer way back before 1T. I liked the looks of the race and the loved the mix of good damage and sustain, not the best in either but a good mix. I wasn't into the lore as much so I didn't care about how they were viewed by other races or players.

    Since then I developed a wonderful backstory, trying to tie lore back in, although I have taken some liberties such as not being as "stuck up" as most Altmer tend to be. I have now come to love my Altmer and would not want to change her for anything.

    It's a shame that she isn't like she was. Sure her look is the same and she does high damage but she's missing the sustain that I picked well over 2 years ago. I would have happily traded damage for sustain in last patch if Zos would have offered it, and I bet I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

    Anyway, that why I like my High Elf, even though she's changed and not quite right anymore, I still love her and wouldn't change her one bit.

    Altmer now get to experience the life of the average Dunmer player, as they have literally no sustain :)

    To be for real though it's not actually a huge problem, you kind of just need to heavy attack for a bit during longer fights, or simply pop yourself a potion. Really it's not bad once you get used to it, and the trade-off for sustain is usually pretty damn good.
    Straight out of Mo- uh, oh wait. Um... Ebonheart, I guess?
    PC US
    Nathyrin Othrril - Dunmer Stamina Sorcerer
    Niveth Othrril - Dunmer Stamina Dragonknight
  • Kalik_Gold
    After playing Morrowind and Summerset as well as base game campaigns for DC, AD and EB, I don't really like any Elves except Bosmer.

    Redguards are my favorite race:

    "Ra Gada. You all know that the elves are outside our walls. These infidels call us barbarians. They would drive us from this land, but what the elves do not know is that Ruptga himself guided us to these shores. He decreed that the Alik'r would be our home. Today the infidels will see the strength of the Shehai. Onsi will guide our blades. Today the sands will run red with elven blood!"
    — King Xakhwan's speech at the Ash'abah Pass
    Main: (PvP & PvE)
    Ras Kalik a Redguard Templar, the Vestige

    Aurik Siet'ka a Redguard Necromancer
    Cacique the Sage of Ius a Redguard Warden
    Jux Blackheart a Redguard Nightblade
    Goliath of Hammerfell a Redguard Dragonknight
    Kaotik Von Dae'mon a Redguard* Sorcerer

    PvP: (Specialty)
    Tyrus Septim an Imperial Lycan Sorcerer
    Tsar af-Bomba a Redguard Vampiric Nightblade
    Movárth Piquine a Nord Vampiric Necromancer
    Uri Ice-Heart the Twin a Nord Vampiric Warden

    Cinan Tharn an Imperial Dragonknight
    Bates Vesuius of Dawnstar an Imperial Dragonknight
    Herzog Zwei the Genesis an Akavari* Templar
    Tav'i at-Shinji a Redguard** Warden
    Lucky Hunch the Gambler - a Redguard Nightblade

    Zenovia at-Tura a Redguard** Sorcerer
    Yesi af-Kalik a Redguard Templar
    Voa a Priest of Sep a Redguard* Necromancer
    Passives of another race used. (RP)


    Ras Kalik the Vestige, a renown Redguard warrior; He has been blessed to save Tamriel from Molag Bal’s destructive Planemeld while reuniting the Five Companions. His further accomplishments after defeating Molag Bal, has been to stop the destruction of Morrowind, the Clockwork City, return order to the isle of Summerset and create a new king in Wrothgar and a queen in Elsywer. These events have made him a living legend and continue to lead him into new adventures throughout Tamriel, as well as into the hearts of many ladies including the Elf Queen, Aryenn. Over many years of adventurous travels, Ras Kalik had become a loner, until he re-visited his homeland of Alik'r.

    Alik'r and it's cities were overrun by the undead Ra-Netu and therefore he made an allegiance with Alik'r's own Ash'abah tribe. These Ash'abah with his help, cleansed the city of Sentinel in Alik'r desert and it's surrounding areas of the undead brought to life by the Withered Hand. After rescuing Sentinel from the undead zombies, King Fahara’jad’s personal bodyguard the Goliath of Hammerfell, who was given this name by Imperials in the region; was asked to assist the tribe after learning of the defeat of the Withered Hand to the Ash'abah. Kalik promised Goliath he would task him with fighting living enemies on the battlefield if he so desired. Goliath being a Yokudan warrior wields a massive sword in respect to the Ansei, a gift given by the Imperial, Cinan Tharn. Not many soldiers are able to wield double two handed weapons, but Goliath loves to get up and personal in a fight, so he also carries a giant maul, both weapons laced with magical flames.

    Jux Blackheart is a master thief that masquerades as a Bard at the Sisters of the Sands inn, with his younger sidekick Lucky Hunch for pilfering and gambling during this time. Jux was known to infiltrate any towns bank vault he came across and even delved into Ayelid ruins without detection. Kalik can vividly recall the night he met the famed thief. Jux found himself rummaging thru a slightly inebriated Kalik’s pocket for too long, on a full-mooned night and because of his greed and the glimmer of his golden armor in the moonlight. He lost his left pinky fingertip as a lesson! But in return, he gained a new friend, as it was his first time since a child being caught red-handed...

    Upon arrival back in the Alik'r after many moons of adventuring, Ras Kalik ventures to Bergama. Visiting The Winking Jackal, he runs into Jux Blackheart, who introduces him to the coin game Crowns vs Forebearers (Heads vs Tails) and Golden Dwemer (RBG).... Jux constantly takes gold from the unfortunate thru theft or gambling, his biggest gambling victim is actually his partner in crime known as Lucky Hunch the Gambler. Lucky doesn't mind losing any gold coins to Jux... as Jux saved him from Altmer slavers in Summerset, by stealing a key and sending him on a boat to the mainland years prior. Lucky spent years in slavery with Khajiits in Summerset and picked up the art of subterfuge, using illusion magic disguises and stealing there.

    Kaotik Von’Daemon an outcast, and a half-caste between a Breton mother and a Redguard father. Kaotik become a pariah due to his conjuration of Daedra pets. He was taught healing magic during his childhood years by his Breton mother. His father due to Redguard customs exiled him from the desert, sending him by wagon caravan to be a soldier in the war in Cyrodiil. He happened to meet Kalik while traveling from Alik'r, during this long caravan ride the caravan he was in was ambushed in Bangkorai by a group of bandits. Kalik by chance was also traveling thru this area on his Auridon Warhorse (which was bestowed to him by his friend, Darien Gautier). During this ambush, Kalik was able to rescue five hostages from the bandits. Kaotik was the first rescued, and Ras Kalik also recruited him to be in the Ash'abah tribe. These core Ash'abah tribesmen may never be seen together in travel as they partake in their own adventures but they always know what each other is doing; as they frequent a hideout in northern Bankorai. Their hideout an old Orc castle ruin, is kept watch by Nuzhimeh and she passes messages written between them, and frequently they also enjoy her company and her bed.

    The other men rescued were a Dunmer banker, an Imperial mercenary and two other soldiers, an Imperial and a Breton Knight, stating proudly he was an Akavir descendent. One of the Imperials, Cinan, claimed to be related to Abnur Tharn the Battlemage of the Imperial Elder Council (One of Ras Kalik's mentors in the Five Companions). Cinan Tharn was really Abnur's drunkard treasure hunting illegitimate son. He was caught smuggling artifacts out of the Ayleid ruins in Cyrodiil and the elder of the two Imperials was Tyrus Septim a retired Imperial navy battle-mage (now a Lycan mercenary living in the city of Rimmen) and guard to the Tharn family. As much as Abnur Tharn hated his half-sister Euraxia, he dislikes his bas†ard son Cinan more. Tyrus now a ruffian and privateer had been paid by Abnur Tharn to watch over Cinan as much as possible. Cinan Tharn a drunkard, loves to drink at least a quarter barrel of Nord mead before he raids various delves and dungeons for relics to sell on the black market. Cinan also plans to one day, run an illegal gambling ring... which he thinks will net him more gold for his wares.

    The Dunmer captive shackled to the Imperials looked familiar to Kalik from his time in Morrowind.... and he recognized him as Tythis Andromo a House Telvanni slave-owner and banker from Vvardenfell. During a rough interrogation to Tythis, Ras Kalik learnt why the bandits accosted him. The racist Dunmer was providing slaves as soldiers for the Three Banner War. The bandits were trying to negotiate a lucrative ransom for Andromo and the Imperials.... Kalik did not need any of this gold and he could never set Tythis free as he did with the two Imperial soldiers. His past involvement with slavery and war crimes, made Kalik's blood boil. He chose not to execute Tythis, as he figured the worse punishment for this former rich and opulent slave owner, is to now be an imprisoned servant for Ras Kalik and the tribe.

    Herzog Zwei the Genesis a reknown Imperial/Akavirri battle-mage. His roots going back to Akavir through his mother’s bloodline. (His mother is descended from the Akaviri, through Versidue-Shae, and his Imperial father met her in Hakoshae, while traveling) Herzog earned the nickname "the Genesis" from his father as a child, as he was his mother's first born child, and last, as she tragically died in child-birth.

    Herzog was seeking to purchase an artifact from Cinan Tharn, before their capture and was meeting Tyrus while in Rimmen, who introduced him to Cinan. This artifact being the Ayelid artifact; the sword Sinweaver. After their rescue and the exchange of gold to Cinan for the sword he decided to slip away before Ras Kalik could question who he was, and why the Akavir descendant really wanted that sword. Herzog was headed to Nagastani — An Ayleid ruin in eastern Cyrodiil. He had read in scrolls that the Sword would give him magical powers to meet his mothers spirit, if he performed an Ayleid ritual at an old shrine hidden there. Equipped with the artifact sword, he was off to start his own adventure but Ras Kalik, did indeed notice the sword however and instead sent a letter to Jux Blackheart (whom also was interested in Ayleid treasures), to attempt to find Herzog and acquire the sword. (*Azani Blackheart in Elder Scroll's Oblivion is Jux's descendant some 747 years later)

    And so the Redguard, Imperial and Akaviri men parted ways ... While Ras Kalik went off to Elsweyr to encounter the latest threat to Tamriel, with Abnur Tharn and Sai Sahan - - DRAGONS!! Little did Ras Kalik know a few people were awaiting him in Senchal besides Sai. A necromancer survived his attack on the Withered Hand, while in Alik'r. The necromancer known as Auriek Siet'ka is also following him to the land of the Khajiits and Cacique the Sage of Ius a Shaman mystic who has become attuned spiritually with Tu'whacca (a Redguard God) and Ius (the Animal God), after being burned severely by the escaped dragons in Elsywer, is awaiting his arrival also. Aurik is a soldier of the Daggerfall Covenant that was introduced to necromancy while in the military, even though this magicka art is not spoken of openly by most of the Military leaders. He came to Alik'r and worked with the Withered Hand before Ras Kalik intervened on their plans. After the defeat of the Withered Hand, he aligned with the Worm Cult, and is constantly adapting and perfecting his necromantic arts.

    After his journey to Rimmen, Kalik heads south to Senchal, in the southern regions of Elyswer. This new adventure will also put him on a path to meet a strange Redguard man. The stranger which was infected with an untreated Peyrite disease and also was the exiled from the Order of the New Moon cult, due to his sickness. He originally joined the cult to worship Laatvulon, the green dragon, mistakenly thinking it was the Daedric prince Peyrite. This confused and suffering cultist is known as Tsar al-Bomba and he is on a path to spread the disease. He was originally infected in Orccrest while recruiting members there. Can Ras Kalik and the shaman Cacique cure this poor soul, only time will tell. Little does Tsar al-Bomba know, that his infection is tied to Vampirism, and eventually the desire for blood will take over his mind. Senchal also offers Kalik his latest love interest... Aeliah. Whom he fondly led thru battles with the Dragonguard.

    After the trek thru the heat, tropical and desert climate of Northern and Southern Elyswer, Ras Kalik heads north to the cold mountain range of Skyrim. His companion friend Lyris beckons for him with a letter sent by crow...

    Movárth Piquine - a former vampire hunter (now infected), within the Fighter's Guild (and a secretive necromancer) was in Skyrim working with the Morthaal Guard. On a patrol mission he was caught in Frewien's ice curse outside of Morthaal with the frozen undead. Movárth's vampiric infection kept him from becoming an undead minion to the curse. He was able to use necromantic ice-magic to encase himself safely until he was freed with Freiwen, when the Vestige Ras Kalik broke the curse.

    Uri Ice-Heart - brother of Urfon Ice-Heart. The twin sons of Atli and Oljourn Ice-Heart. The Ice-Heart family are originally from Markarth but now reside on the Jerall Mountain range near Cyrodiil, with their younger sister Araki. The twins had joined the Winterborn Reachmen while living in Markarth. Urfon pushed west to Orsinium with the Winterborn Clan, leaving his family behind. Uri stayed behind with his parents and sister to live in the family cabin for safety, avoiding the Vampire plague infiltrating the Reach. After news reaches him and he hears of Urfon's death... Uri leaves and heads home and is seeking vengeance. Meanwhile, his sister has also moved on to Windhelm to join the Fighter's guild. He will visit his sister, once before going to seek vengeance and she will craft him armor mixed with ice, called Stalhrim armor. Uri fearing death, after his brother's passing, falls victim to the convincing talk of Movárth at a Nordic tavern, and will also becomes a vampire.

    {time moves forward through the hour-glass}
    PS5/NA - Ras Kalik a Redguard Templar - Daggerfall Covenant • 1550+ Champion

  • CardboardedBox
  • Browiseth
    have you heard of the high elves?

    skingrad when zoscharacters:
    • EP - M - Strikes-with-Arcane - Argonian Stamina Sorc - lvl 50 - The Flawless Conqueror/Spirit Slayer
    • EP - F - Melina Elinia - Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Sinnia Lavellan - Altmer Warden Healer - lvl 50
    • EP - M - Follows-the-Arcane - Argonian Healer Sorcerer- lvl 50
    • EP - F - Ashes-of-Arcane - Argonian Magicka Necromancer - lvl 50
    • EP - M - Bolgrog the Sinh - Orc Stamina Dragonknight - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Moonlight Maiden - Altmer Magicka Templar - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Maxine Cauline - Breton Magicka Nightblade - lvl 50
    • EP - M - Garrus Loridius - Imperial Stamina Templar - lvl 50
    • EP - F - Jennifer Loridius - Imperial Necromancer tank - lvl 50
    PC/NA but live in EU 150+ ping lyfe
  • Monte_Cristo
    Kombinator wrote: »

    For the Pact i have only one word. Dunmer. The most racist race among all of them. I still don't know why they put them together with Argonians, and Nords. According to lore the Dunmer considered both as barely more, than animals, and put them to slavery.

    If the game were more based on lore, then 2 main faction would be elves, and humans. Argonians would certanily side with humans, because they hate the Dunmer. And Kha'jit could be manipulated to side with elves. Though they hate the Dunmer too. If 3 faction is sort of ensured, then Nords, Redguards, Argonians would be the anti-elf pack. Dunmer, Altmer, and Bosmer would be the elven team. Breton Kha'jit, and Orcs would be the neutrals. Problem is the location since some of these are pretty far from each other.
    I think the factions were primarily based on geography rather than who they would side with ideologically. Personally, I think the Argonians and Wood Elves would work together, since they're both very nature focused in their beliefs. I'd also like to see the Orcs and Nords team up, as the 2 main 'warrior' races. Maybe get the Redguards on their side and conquer the Bretons?
  • Ashfen
    For those who don't understand Altmer's mentality, this video could be interesting. ^^

  • MLGProPlayer
    Because they can grow taller than 5'0".
  • Kambo
    Ashfen wrote: »
    For those who don't understand Altmer's mentality, this video could be interesting. ^^


    I used to love ShoddyCast Lore videos but looking back on them after having learned a lot more via my own research and everything I honestly feel like they are/were biased towards certain subjects and often got information wrong. I feel like, while yes, watching a quick video to get an idea of the Altmer generally seems like the best choice, it's probably better to just pull up a UESP page on the Altmer and read it, as the info on that page is almost definitely the most accurate out there.

    Straight out of Mo- uh, oh wait. Um... Ebonheart, I guess?
    PC US
    Nathyrin Othrril - Dunmer Stamina Sorcerer
    Niveth Othrril - Dunmer Stamina Dragonknight
  • mayasunrising
    I actually can't stand high-elves, but it's part of the decades long story of my main character. She is actually an outcast high elf bent on destroying her kin - like all of them - for the wicked things they've done. :wink:
    "And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." Anaïs Nin

    “There’s a difference between wanting to be looked at and wanting to be seen." Amanda Palmer

    “A game is an opportunity to focus our energy, with relentless optimism, at something we’re good at (or getting better at) and enjoy. In other words, gameplay is the direct emotional opposite of depression.” Jane McGonigal

    “They'll tell you you're too loud, that you need to wait your turn and ask the right people for permission. Do it anyway." Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • Iccotak
    1. Stats
    2. Tolkien fans
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    Why do people like any races that they do? Personally I like playing elves because while they resemble humans they're also a fantasy race and elves have always been interesting to me in fantasy fiction. I'm a human in the real world. In a game I get to be an elf so why the hell not.
    Edited by ZaroktheImmortal on March 31, 2019 6:59AM
  • Ashfen
    Kambo wrote: »

    I used to love ShoddyCast Lore videos but looking back on them after having learned a lot more via my own research and everything I honestly feel like they are/were biased towards certain subjects and often got information wrong. I feel like, while yes, watching a quick video to get an idea of the Altmer generally seems like the best choice, it's probably better to just pull up a UESP page on the Altmer and read it, as the info on that page is almost definitely the most accurate out there.


    Indeed the UESP page could have seem maybe a bit more "neutral', but precisly i don't think it was the aim of the part where he's talking about Altmer's mentality. On the contrary, he just tried to think himself like an Altmer to explain better why they act the way they do, and that's why i found this part interesting.
  • SosRuvaak
    so then by the logic that high elves are rightfully snobby, then pelinal whitestrake may have had quite a solid point.
    For the Pact!
    ~Sump Scales~
    Lusty Argonian Nightblade
    ~Baron Humbert von Gikkingen~
  • Nerouyn
    Smasherx74 wrote: »
    In real life there aren't bad guys, north koreans aren't bad.

    What rock have you been living under?

    In the real world there's no shortage of psycopathic scum suckers who would throw you, your nanny and all her poor defenseless kittens under any passing bus if it happened to benefit them.
    Smasherx74 wrote: »
    They're just people with different perspectives.

    You know who likes to say things like this?

    Those "mythical" bad people.
  • aaisoaho
    No-one is subjectively evil, but almost everyone can be considered to be evil by some. With said tought, thinking about others change and you might become more tolerant.

    I personally like every playable race, with their flaws and everything. When talking about altmers and why I like them, short answer would be: they are completely alien to me, but their culture is still coherent and understandable. There's no real culture like the altmeri culture in TES universe.

    By my understanding, altmers believes Aedra are their ancestors and that Lorkhan tricked their ancestors into creating Mundus and robbing their power and rightful place. Therefore the whole Mundus is just a punishing prison for them, something they do not want and something they want to be free of. This inner conflict of existence is something I find interesting - it creates an interesting and inspiring backstory for the whole race. And is believing in that conflict an evil or a bad thing? I think not.

    Many altmers have "us versus others" -mentality. They are basing decisions on the question "does this benefit us?" which might not be a selfish way to think: you think it from the perspective of you and the people you think are the good guys. Of course this leads sometimes into racism, but at least the subject is not as black and white as it first seems. From outsider point of view it seems to be a bad thing and to paint the altmers in a bad light, but to them: it benefits the good guys and therefore it is a good thing, your society benefits from it.

    You do not need to agree with someone to understand their point of view, like I do understand altmers PoV, but I do not agree with them. I find the vibrant ways of altmeri culture to be fascinating, they are not a monotonous race.
  • Haywire30
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but barring The Great War following the Oblivion Crisis, the Altmer have been rather isolationist rather than expansionist.... and certainly not antagonistic in a military fashion. Just seems a bit rich for people to claim racism and then espouse an attitude that appears to follow along the lines of,

    "Those pointy-eared people are snooty towards us! We should kill them all!"

    Seems a bit petty, no?

    Altmer typically prefer to just keep to themselves, but have been open to contact with the outside world (See their joining of Reman's Empire) Heck, they were just minding their own business, as far as I'm aware, before Tiber Septim decided he wanted them in his empire and just invaded them out of the blue with the Numidium.

    Top and bottom is, people seem to dislike the Altmer simply because they're arrogant and 'racist', despite it being a hat that's worn by pretty much everyone to some degree or another. I'll be honest, I wonder if people dislike the Altmer (And other 'High' Elves in fiction) in general because of something else entirely. It's something that has bothered me because, for at least 18 years now, I've been having to endure people judging me for preferring elves in fiction for some reason or another that always seems to boil down to, "They're arrogant" or, "They're unmanly", as if that somehow justifies the intense hatred and obsession they show.

    If people can give a more informative and neutral view on why they feel elves (And the players that like them) should always be ridiculed, I'd be interested to hear it.
  • StormChaser3000
    Because currently things are like:

    1. Altmers - the cradle of civilization with refined culture and manners. Powerful and wise mages
    2. Nords - drunkards.
    3. Bosmers - crazy cannibal tribe
    4. Khajiits - thieves.
    5. Argonians - another wild jungle tribe that lays eggs and can't defend themselves.
    6. Imperials - decent culture, but not as refined as Altmers.
    7. Bretons - not bad, but lack identity and slightly boring.
    8. Redguards - overly superstitious (forbidden to kill undead) which is a sign of less developed culture/education.
    9. Orcs - slightly smarter ogres.
    10. Dunmer - not bad culture and they are also powerful mages.. However not as wise....since who the heck chooses to live on active volcanoes?

  • HowlKimchi
    High Elves is the race I like least because they are freakishly tall. xD

    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • CardboardedBox
    Kombinator wrote: »

    For the Pact i have only one word. Dunmer. The most racist race among all of them. I still don't know why they put them together with Argonians, and Nords. According to lore the Dunmer considered both as barely more, than animals, and put them to slavery.

    If the game were more based on lore, then 2 main faction would be elves, and humans. Argonians would certanily side with humans, because they hate the Dunmer. And Kha'jit could be manipulated to side with elves. Though they hate the Dunmer too. If 3 faction is sort of ensured, then Nords, Redguards, Argonians would be the anti-elf pack. Dunmer, Altmer, and Bosmer would be the elven team. Breton Kha'jit, and Orcs would be the neutrals. Problem is the location since some of these are pretty far from each other.
    I think the factions were primarily based on geography rather than who they would side with ideologically. Personally, I think the Argonians and Wood Elves would work together, since they're both very nature focused in their beliefs. I'd also like to see the Orcs and Nords team up, as the 2 main 'warrior' races. Maybe get the Redguards on their side and conquer the Bretons?

    There was a quest that involved argonians fighting invading wood elves, and you can overhear some of the elves saying something around the lines of this not feeling right to them.

    But there was also the main wood elf that was eating the argonians eggs, so who knows lol.
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