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Should Blood Magic be reworked to help with Sorc Sustain

  • idk
    No, Sorcerer sustain is fine
    Illuvatarr wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    Glad OP decided to provide some reasoning for why they created this post per my suggestion.

    1. OP mentions 'band-aid" remedies but that is all this suggestion is. It does not really do anything to really fix Sorcs. OP also fails to suggest why the Sorc should gain more sustain passives than other classes have.

    2, For what content are Sorcs having to use Lich or Bright Throat for sustain? If PvE you are probably running with a bad group or you have a bad rotation. Since you are talking pet build (only reason to use Necro) that is the most sustain friendly build in game. It if talking PvP, that is all about sustain and most players run high sustain in PvP unless they are going for a fast gank build.

    In PvE most dps run a trial set for major slayer and because there are a few good magicka sets that drop in trials. I do not see people running Lich or Bright Throat in trials.

    So in the end, I do not see anything that would change my mind. There is certainly no justification provided for more Sorcs to have more sustain passives than any other class.

    1. The argument is for equal sustain. It is well known mag sorcs are deficient with sustain. Go ahead and argue it all you like. Passives is one source. Other classes alsonderive it from class skills. The argument is that additional passive may bring us to equal sustain. Im sorry you dont see that but it was quite obvious in the OP.
    2. Necro is max magicka and has not got an ounce of sustain on it..dont you even play a mag sorc? BTB is arguabley best for sustain...
    3. You appear quite invested in keeping sorcs nerfed in this state. Almost bias.... your post seems to be aimed at trying to discount little technicalities the OP may not be pointing out... But I for one do understand without the crayon pictures. Sorcs need more sustain

    1. The argument is not really about equal sustain and you can say that all you want but the OP did not actually make that argument. They are merely stating they are of the opinion they want more for the Sorcs and really do not make a solid argument for that.

    2. I think the punctuation tripped you up. My statement about Necro was in relation to pet builds, not sustain. OP does not actually mention pet builds, but the necro set so when I mentioned pet builds being the most sustain friendly builds in the game I felt it important to include the context that the only reason to wear necro was with a pet build. That little statement in parenthesis right after mentioning pet builds probably tripped you up, understandable.

    Besides, I think most that are in the forums regularly know Necro is max magicka all the way even if they do not play a mSorc.

    3. Again I suggest reading what I stated properly. I clearly stated that OP has not made a justification for the sorc class to have two passives for sustain when the other classes do not, and neither have you. My point was to help drive a well thought out idea since Zos has time for threads like that, but there are to many threads for them to try to go through threads that do not present complete arguments.

    BTW. I have played a mag sorc for 5 years now. It is one of the two classes I play the most

    “I think a viable argument can be made to either increase the magicka regen on capacitor or to provide sorcerers with another source of sustain”. First paragraph I typed.

    The entire post is about sustain. Yes gonna let you have your gotcha moment I suppose since you have read the poll question 100 times apparently and didn’t bother to read anything else.

    And to this post, they already have another source of sustain.

    And again, we are not several days into this post and it lacks any significant support being it just now hit the second page.
    Edited by idk on March 27, 2019 11:29PM
  • Maulkin
    No, Sorcerer sustain is fine
    I run a single sustain set (Shackle) on altmer magsorc and I find no issue with sustain tbh. Dark Conversion is my best friend. Engine Guardian is also great on magsoc if you feel you need more.

    I have a few small gripes with the state of the magsorc (pets too strong, cluthcing on masterstaff for cc, not enough buffs/debuffs) but really sustain is not one of them.
    EU | PC | AD
  • idk
    No, Sorcerer sustain is fine
    Maulkin wrote: »
    I run a single sustain set (Shackle) on altmer magsorc and I find no issue with sustain tbh. Dark Conversion is my best friend. Engine Guardian is also great on magsoc if you feel you need more.

    I have a few small gripes with the state of the magsorc (pets too strong, cluthcing on masterstaff for cc, not enough buffs/debuffs) but really sustain is not one of them.

    and I think your opinion on sustain is the one most have. This thread supports that notion since it really is not getting much attention.
  • bardx86
    I simply refuse to believe I should be forced into playing with twilight, and punished for playing pure sorc. While I agree its more effective currently in wrathstone pvp, I think pets are cheesy, I hate how they look and how large the models are, I hate how the pet targeting system makes them mobile LOS centers, and I hate playing against them. I'm not alone. In general pet spec is not for me in pvp (in pve i think they're fine and have one spec'd). When people say I should just get over it, that really irks me, as it's not the whole focus of the class, its just one way to play. Also pets vs. no pets in pvp is really not comparable to stam NBs not using grim focus in pve, I mean..... what even?

    With about 2 changes to passives that could give alternate benefits if no pets are summoned to add some flavor to the pets/no-pets choice, or even just the vanilla option of tying deadric summoning passives to deadric summoning skills instead of ONLY pet skills, pure sorcerer becomes just as strong as pet sorc without buffing pet sorc further. I simply don't understand the knee-jerk reaction to just hop on the most effective meta play style and discourage everyone else for not doing so when that's not how people have been playing for 4+ years. Just because pets are good in wrathstone doesn't mean everyone should be pigeon-holed into using them. if you love pets, great! have fun, but the fixes for the way many sorcs choose to/want to play are really just so easy.

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