. I just do a test for my tank.
I found that it didn't regen my resource, I myself should count as ally, Isnt it?
@ZOS_Liforce Symphony of Blades was designed as a support set, and the wearer cannot target themselves. For recent sets that target yourself and allies, we try to include the phrase "you or an ally" or "you and your allies". We plan on reviewing the tooltips of older item sets to keep them in line with the new verbal standard.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
generally yes, but not for that monster set, it does not proc on the person wearing it, on purpose, see here-
(1 items) Adds 2% Healing Done
(2 items) When you heal an ally whose primary resource is under 50%, grant them Meridia’s Favor, restoring 2325 of that resource every 1 second for 6 seconds. 18 second cooldown.
I just do a test for my tank.
I found that it didn't regen my resource, I myself should count as ally, Isnt it?
Work as intended?
Lord_Dexter wrote: »
Anyway this set is meant for Deconstruction!
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
It really is damn close anyways.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »It won’t activate on you, but it’s still a great set for tanks. You can use Vigor or Blood Altar and help your whole group sustain. If you need resources just trade procs with a healer that is also wearing the set. IMO it’s more reliable than Engine Guardian, it just requires more coordination.
Meh. I tried out SoB as a tank in healerless vDSA, hoping that my Blood Altar would proc it. Through all of stage 1, it proced a grand total of two times. This matched the abysmally low proc rate when I used it during some healerless pledges earlier. Maybe it's fine on a real healer. But definitely not on a tank using Blood Altar.
Moonsorrow wrote: »
It is one of the best support sets in the game right now for coordinated groups.
Still preffering Earthgore, don't get me wrong I feel it can be juicy set but the proc chance is as low as Trinimac Set due to the fact players recover resources through potions and well we spam shards/orbs anyways because we will not wait for the chance to proc sets to recover resources and instead we try to always supply it when necessary. I would not overly rely on a proc set for recovering resources.
It could be because your dd were not taking a lot of damage, and had self healing.
But the unwritten missing health requirement, on top of the cool down and other proc requirement, makes this set unsuitable in many scenarios.
If it didn't have that requirement--i.e., if it worked more like SPC--then it would be more useful.
Meh. I tried out SoB as a tank in healerless vDSA, hoping that my Blood Altar would proc it. Through all of stage 1, it proced a grand total of two times. This matched the abysmally low proc rate when I used it during some healerless pledges earlier. Maybe it's fine on a real healer. But definitely not on a tank using Blood Altar.