I already know that PTS changes are more or less done else I wouldn't have titled this a Fool's Errand but I need to get this out my system. When 4.3.0 first dropped, it actually looked like a really nice patch. I had some nitpicks here in there but for the most part, everything looked fairly balanced and I was actually hopeful that this was a promising start for the new year. Some races were being opened up in ways that would give their off-spec choices slight buffs, such as Magic Redguard benefiting from the Weapon Cost Reduction to Destro and Resto abilities, and in the cases of Dunmer and Khajiit, having their off-specs completely opened up to play them competitively, which I was completely on board with. That all changed when 4.3.2 came out and altered several races that totally threw everything out of whack. Races that didn't need adjustments either got overtuned (Orc for example) or got some illogical change (like Spell Recharge for Altmer) because they didn't align with some misguided "vision" that ZOS had in mind. With each subsequent patch, those decisions just got worse and worse to a point that I just really can't say that I'm happy about the majority of it, especially when it all started off so promising. I have posted my concerns on a lot of the changes before and while I know I'm wasting my breath at this point, I would still like to list my suggestions as a Hail Mary pass in a last ditch effort to get some real balance this patch.
Spell Recharge: Restore 600 Magic or Stamina, based on which is higher, upon activating a Class ability. This effect can occur once every 6 second. Increase Healing Done by 2%
Syrabane's Boon: Increase Max Magic by 2000
Elemental Talent: Increase Max Spell Damage by 179
I restored and buffed the original Spell Recharge effect as well as changed the Cast time buff into a 2% buff to healing done to make up for the reduction in Spell Damage. I felt the reason ZOS gave as to why they altered Spell Recharge was narrow minded as by removing the Magic Restore, they were handicapping Altmer Healers and not taking them into consideration at all. The 2% Healing Done was added to emphasize this point as well as being a more universally useful utility than the current 5% damage reduction with cast times. Their Spell Damage buff was toned down to offset the buff to sustain so that they weren't totally OP in terms of overall Magic usage.
Resourceful: Increase Max Magic by 1000. Restore 12% of your Max Health, Magic and Stamina upon drinking a potion.
Argonian Resistance: Increase Max Health by 1000 and your Poison/Disease Resistance by 1155. Immune to Poison and Disease status effects
Life Mender: Increase Healing Received by 4%. Grants 10% Critical Damage and Healing
Since people won't stop exaggerating about how OP the potion passive, I just decided to revert the Morrowind change back to its old 12% Tri-Stat restore effect. I also gave back the poison resist/immunity that Argonian lost as it was lore friendly and made absolutely no sense to remove in the 1st place and it is weaker than the current Live amount so it's techinically still a nerf to Argonian. Finally, I reverted the Healing Done change for Healing Received but only at 4% since they received the 10% Critical Damage/Healing to make them still useful for healing roles while not being a total nerf to Argonian Tanks and actually opening up Argonian DPS a little without making them too powerful either.
Gift of Magnus: Increase Max Magic by 1750
Spell Annulment: Increase Spell Resistance by 2310 as well as an addition 2310 if afflicted by Burned, Chilled or Concussion status effects. Increase Magic and Stamina Regen by 110
Reduce the cost of Magic Abilities by 6%.
Yes, it's a nerf to Breton but Altmer lost almost 80 Spell Damage for their Sustain passive, it was only right for Breton to be toned down as well so that the balance wasn't too far off. Also, in terms of Lore, it was a bit nonsensical for Altmer and Breton to have the same amount of Max Magic. Still, they should have the best magic sustain of all races that they will still be comparable to Altmer in terms of Damage and Healing.
Dynamic: Increase Max Magic and Stamina by 1500
Resist Flame: Increase Max Health by 500 and Fire Resistance by 2310. Immunity to the Burned Status Effect
Ruination: Increase Spell and Weapon damage by 258
I wanted Altmer and Dunmer to be different in more ways. Dunmer has more Spell Damage but Altmer has more magic, Dunmer has Max Health while Altmer heals for more, Altmer has sustain vs Dunmer's dual stats. This was just a means of alternating the 2 Elves and having them offer different things while being on equal footing and while a Dunmer will still be a better Stamina DPS than a Stamina Altmer, a Magic Altmer will be a better Healer than a Magic Dunmer so it kind of evens out.
Robustness: Increase Health, Magic and Stamina Regen by 100
Lunar Blessing: Increase Max Health, Magic and Stamina by 750
Feline Ambush: Increase Weapon and Spell Critical Chance by 7%. Reduce your Detection Radius in Stealth by 3m
I restored Khajiit's Max Resource pools back to 750, while increasing their regen and returning their Crit chance, at a slightly lower potency to try and balance out their damage potential as much as possible with the current Shadow Mundus buff. By restoring their Max resource back down to 750 and reducing their Crit by 1%, I had hoped to keep them in check but I wanted them to be at least someone more sustainable as well so I increased their regen to 100 so that they could still be powerful on both Magic and Stamina roles.
Brawny: Increase Max Health by 1250 and Max Stamina by 1250
Unflinching: When you deal damage with a Weapon ability, restore 500 Health and 250 Stamina/Magic, whichever is higher. This ability has a 4 second CD. Reduces the cost of your Sprint ability by 12% and increases your Movement Speed while Sprinting by 10%.
Flawless Warrior: Increase Weapon Damage by 258
I altered Orc Stats a bit so that it was still a powerhouse but not to the extent it currently is. I lowered their Max Stamina by 750 and gave them a slight buff to health as well as added a small bit of stamina sustain to try and make it so Orc will still being a beast, just not so much of one that it just powers thru all other options.
Y'ffre's Blessing: Increase Stamina or Magic regen by 258, whichever is higher.
Resist Affliction: Increase Max Stamiana by 1750 and Posion/Disease Resistance by 1155. Immunity to Poison and Disease Status effects.
Hunter's Eye. Increase Weapon and Spell Penetration by 1500. Reduce the cost of Dodge rolling by 3% and after you Dodge Roll, increase movement speed by 10% for 6 seconds. Increase movement speed in Stealth by 25%.
I wanted to give Bosmer some more opened ended buffs to its racials so that it wasn't horribly gimped on the magic side while still maintaining a strong Stamina presence as well. I lowered their Max Stamina to make room for the permanent Weapon/Spell Pen value, while also allowing them to keep their old Poison/Disease resistance and immunity as well. The Dodge cost reduction is also a nice universal utility, offering more usage for both sides of the spectrum. I had to give them something for their Thieving Heritage as well and while it might not be as great as the reduced radius on Khajiit, I'm trying to give them something to help them maintain that bit of their lore while not being completely the same.
Martial Training: Reduce the Cost of Weapon abilities by 8%
Conditioning: Increase Max Stamina by 2000
Adrenaline Rush: When you deal Direct Damage, you restore 950 Stamina. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.
No changes because this is the 1 race I'm totally happy with.
Tough: Increase Max Health by 1500
Imperial Mettle: Increase Max Stamina and Magic by 1500
Red Diamond: When you deal direct damage, restore 300 Health, Stamina and Magic. This effect has a 5 second CD. Reduce the cost of Class ability by 3%
I will be blunt here. I want Imperial to be a perfect Jack of All Trades. It'll have some good damage on both ends of the spectrum, offer good Tank or Healing capabilities but it shouldn't be as powerful as it currently is. I know that, at first glance, Imperial just seems like a decently balanced race currently but after a bit of experimenting, Imperial is currently offering a bit too much in terms of utility, sustain and damage, which is why I turned down their sustain tools and evenly divided their max resources so that they can still be a good race, just not TOO good. I also changed their universal cost reduction to only affect class skills so as to limit its current potential even more while still being a useful sustain tool.
Stalwart: Increase Max Stamina by 1500. When you take damage, Restore 750 Health and 600 Stamina+Magic. This effect has a 7 second CD.
Resist Frost: Increase Max Health by 1000 and Frost Resistance by 2310. Immunity to the Chilled Status Effect
Rugged: Increase Physical and Spell Resistance by 3960. Increase Weapon Damage by 129.
I hate that Nord is shoehorned into Tanks but I am at a complete loss in how to improve their performance in a way that make it more universally appealing with that Ultimate Regen buff. It's a great buff for Nord but at the same time, its something that is just unbalanced, even with it's pitiful 0.5 calculated amount because it makes the race only viable as a Tank without really opening up other avenues for Nord to do much else but be a Tank.. While my changes aren't the best, I just wanted Nord to be something other than a meat shield.
I know some of you will disagree with my suggested changes. Some of you will say that these are unbalanced in some way, and who knows, you might be right but I wanted to at least say my final words. I wanted Racials to be somewhat more open ended. I wanted Races like Bosmer or Breton to be able to play Magic or Stamina roles more effectively, even if it wasn't a huge change or something that made them meta. I wanted Races that were shoehorned into singular functions, like Nords, to be more meaningful outside of their niche. I WANTED BALANCE!!!!! I tried to be as fair as possible with these suggested even if I know it's far too late now.
I'm a fool for expecting it but I will hold on to this foolish hope that maybe one day, we'll actually get balance.