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Save the Bosmer!

  • Cundu_Ertur
    Czirne wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    I like new bosmer and i am changing my pvp characters to bosmer. Finally there is passive that is not useful only for one class - nb.

    Stealth radius reduction was not useful for just one class, it helped all Bosmer play any class they want and still participate in the Rite of Theft. Nb is the only class that DIDN’T use it lol

    Only one who is pissed about these changes to bosmer are nb gankers. Are you a nb ganker? Well, tough titties mate, adapt. Are you not nb ganker? rejoice!
    I am not a ganker. I play 99.9% in PVE only. I will NOT rejoice that my race (and NOT the Khajiits) is losing a racial that they've had since Morrowind. That's TES III Morrowind, not the ESO update. You should understand that the gankers are going to use their free race change tokens to go from Bosmer to Khajiit and be completely unaffected.

    edit looks like you moderated your comments later, nvmd

    tbh what really bothers me is they took away disease resistance bosmers had since morrowind. I really dont see difference sneaking as bosmer or any other race, that's why i dont care about loosing stealth radius reduction whatsoever.

    EDIT typo

    I actually have 3 Bosmer, one main who has max stealth, two others who don't and I can tell the difference in how well they are seen. Kind of agree that Bosmer should have disease not poison resist, should be swapped with Argonians, I've brought that up before, but that's not as weird as the removal of stealth to me.
    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • BlueRaven
    Czirne wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    I like new bosmer and i am changing my pvp characters to bosmer. Finally there is passive that is not useful only for one class - nb.

    Stealth radius reduction was not useful for just one class, it helped all Bosmer play any class they want and still participate in the Rite of Theft. Nb is the only class that DIDN’T use it lol

    Only one who is pissed about these changes to bosmer are nb gankers. Are you a nb ganker? Well, tough titties mate, adapt. Are you not nb ganker? rejoice!
    I am not a ganker. I play 99.9% in PVE only. I will NOT rejoice that my race (and NOT the Khajiits) is losing a racial that they've had since Morrowind. That's TES III Morrowind, not the ESO update. You should understand that the gankers are going to use their free race change tokens to go from Bosmer to Khajiit and be completely unaffected.

    edit looks like you moderated your comments later, nvmd

    tbh what really bothers me is they took away disease resistance bosmers had since morrowind. I really dont see difference sneaking as bosmer or any other race, that's why i dont care about loosing stealth radius reduction whatsoever.

    EDIT typo

    Stealth bonus loss is a huge deal to me personally. I have two bosmers currently, my main who is a Bosmer will stay because after 5 years I have developed an emotionless bond and changing the race feels like deleting the character now.

    My other Bosmer (Stam warden) might as well be an orc now without the stealth bonus. I plan to make it an orc, but I really would rather be a Bosmer.

    I agree with poison/disease thing as well. These passives were not designed with lore in mind.
  • Stx
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    That’s patently untrue.

    Furthermore how does stealth detect help everyone? How does it help anyone?

    Truth isnt subjective. Accept it.

    No matter how stealth detect is useless and I wish they removed it, in its entire uselessness it right now has more broad use than sneak ever did for people that dont sneak. Now its not doing anything only for people that dont pvp. Still bad? I agree.

    For people who don’t sneak? What did they roll a Bosmer for then? Its their defining trait other then bows. If they are not sneaking there was so many better options...

    Oh I dont know... their aesthetics, their culture, because they want to?

    I made my stamina warden a bosmer and i couldn't care less about sneaking. I made him because questing through valenwood made me like the bosmer as a race... so i made one.
  • Uryel
    Czirne wrote: »
    I like new bosmer and i am changing my pvp characters to bosmer. Finally there is passive that is not useful only for one class - nb.
    Rikumaru wrote: »
    Bosmer are useful for more than just RPing now.

    Are you serious ? First, stealth isn't something only Nightblades do. Second, stealth isn't just something useful in PvP. Finally, stealth isn't "RP", it's a gameplay mechanic. We have 2 entire DLCs revolving around that mechanic, remember ?
  • anadandy
    Uryel wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    I like new bosmer and i am changing my pvp characters to bosmer. Finally there is passive that is not useful only for one class - nb.
    Rikumaru wrote: »
    Bosmer are useful for more than just RPing now.

    Are you serious ? First, stealth isn't something only Nightblades do. Second, stealth isn't just something useful in PvP. Finally, stealth isn't "RP", it's a gameplay mechanic. We have 2 entire DLCs revolving around that mechanic, remember ?

    As well as several quests and storylines. A majority of the Balmora questline uses stealth, pickpocketing a guy for a key, following runners without being noticed, sneaking into restricted areas without killing anyone. One of the first quests in Stonefalls is to follow some guy and if he spots you, you fail and have to start all over again. Sure, anyone can do these not just stealthy characters but the idea that stealth is only for ganking and RP is patently false.
  • Tasear
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    Everyone in pvp
  • max_only
    Czirne wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    That’s patently untrue.

    Furthermore how does stealth detect help everyone? How does it help anyone?
    Czirne wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    I like new bosmer and i am changing my pvp characters to bosmer. Finally there is passive that is not useful only for one class - nb.

    Stealth radius reduction was not useful for just one class, it helped all Bosmer play any class they want and still participate in the Rite of Theft. Nb is the only class that DIDN’T use it lol

    Oh, i was talking about damage increase while in stealh. Stealh radius reduction not usefull for anyone. I did not notice difference between my wood elf stamplar in medium armor and orc dragonknight in heavy armor while sneaking during thieves guild quests. Maybe I'm not a moron and actualy avoid npc while sneaking.
    Never use it in cyrodiil either, but hey, i guess if there is all group of bosmer and khajits, it might be nice. Beware tho, it takes only one race without stealth reduce radius and its the end. Enemy sees him and they come closer.

    Only one who is pissed about these changes to bosmer are nb gankers. Are you a nb ganker? Well, tough titties mate, adapt. Are you not nb ganker? rejoice!

    “Oh, i was talking about damage increase while in stealh“
    You were talking about damage increase from stealth, you are in a conversation by yourself. No one is mourning that 10%.
    It’s clear that you have a grudge that is not enabling you to see clearly. All Nightblades are Bosmer? So Khajiit with their extra crit don’t exist? Good luck.

    “Maybe I'm not a moron“
    Maybe, maybe not. You said it.

    “Only one who is pissed about these changes to bosmer are nb gankers. Are you a nb ganker? Well, tough titties mate, adapt. Are you not nb ganker? rejoice!”
    So you can’t comprehend the topic then. It’s okay. We aren’t talking about that. And, If you think your days of being deleted from stealth by nb gankers are over you’ll be sorely mistaken.

    My mistake mate, I genuinely have no idea some people actually consider stealth radius detection useful passive and are unhappy about loosing it. As you conviniently ignored in my previuos post, i said i did not notice difference while sneaking between a medium armor bosmer and heavy armor orsimer, hence I thought its about that 10% stealth damage bonus provided by stealthy passive.

    I believe most people sneaking around are doing so for roleplaying purposes, they wanna feel like a thief, and they most certainly dont sneak right under npc nose, that would break the immersion. Furthermore, if i recal correctly, ZOS said they planing to put radius reduction in legerdemain passive, so every race can acces it.

    I am not arguing that stealth detection is useless, imho its as useless as stealth raduis reduction. Maybe in pvp if you stick to the nb it might be good, in pve not so much.

    And yea, obviously I will get deleted by nb gankers from sneak until snipe desync is fixed.

    Sorry I didn’t mean to gloss over it.

    Yes of course you can do heists as a heavy armor orc, how could they sell expansions if only Khajiit and Bosmer can complete it?

    Pve is tuned for the least specialized to be able to complete it. That’s why I can tank Cloudrest on my Bosmer. Am I highly specialized to tank Cloudrest on a Bosmer warden? No. But I can complete it just fine.

    Everyone can, technically, do everything.
    That doesn’t exclude people from building toward a specific goal like most dps, most mitigation, most stealth, most crit, most hps etc.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • BlueRaven
    Stx wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    That’s patently untrue.

    Furthermore how does stealth detect help everyone? How does it help anyone?

    Truth isnt subjective. Accept it.

    No matter how stealth detect is useless and I wish they removed it, in its entire uselessness it right now has more broad use than sneak ever did for people that dont sneak. Now its not doing anything only for people that dont pvp. Still bad? I agree.

    For people who don’t sneak? What did they roll a Bosmer for then? Its their defining trait other then bows. If they are not sneaking there was so many better options...

    Oh I dont know... their aesthetics, their culture, because they want to?

    I made my stamina warden a bosmer and i couldn't care less about sneaking. I made him because questing through valenwood made me like the bosmer as a race... so i made one.

    If I understand you correctly, you like questing and lore, but you prefer a PvP only stealth detect over stealth....

    Did you do all the quests in green shade? Because at least one of them required the player to break into peoples houses and steal things. Which required stealth btw, and that stealth bonus helped lessen the bounty.

    And just because YOU don’t use stealth in pve, is it so hard to comprehend that other players do use it? Are you that myopic?
  • Juhasow
    Yes save the bosmer from forum QQuers without imagination that see things only 1 way.

    Edited by Juhasow on February 22, 2019 6:00PM
  • Cundu_Ertur
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Yes save the bosmer from forum QQuers without imagination that sees thins only 1 way with the ability to read and comprehend the obvious and frequent references to Bosmer being stealthy.


    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Yes save the bosmer from forum QQuers without imagination that sees thins only 1 way with the ability to read and comprehend the obvious and frequent references to Bosmer being stealthy. thinking that life is stagnant and nothing can change during hundereds of years between ESO and other single players instalments and ignoring references to bosmer being also great at tracking which stealth detection is closest to in ESO.

    Edited by Juhasow on February 22, 2019 6:17PM
  • Cundu_Ertur
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Yes save the bosmer from forum QQuers without imagination that sees thins only 1 way with the ability to read and comprehend the obvious and frequent references to Bosmer being stealthy. thinking that life is stagnant and nothing can change during hundereds of years between ESO and other single players instalments and ignoring references to bosmer being also great at tracking which stealth detection is closest to in ESO.


    I've asked you to name one source to support your blatherings, and got nothing but more blathering. You have not one fact. Not one. So, no, your opinion derived entirely from assumptions and inferences is not anything like one that is based on the facts that are available. And that the Bosmer are and have been stealthy from the end of the dawn age to the beginning of the 4th era is amply documented.
    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Yes save the bosmer from forum QQuers without imagination that sees thins only 1 way with the ability to read and comprehend the obvious and frequent references to Bosmer being stealthy. thinking that life is stagnant and nothing can change during hundereds of years between ESO and other single players instalments and ignoring references to bosmer being also great at tracking which stealth detection is closest to in ESO.


    I've asked you to name one source to support your blatherings, and got nothing but more blathering. You have not one fact. Not one. So, no, your opinion derived entirely from assumptions and inferences is not anything like one that is based on the facts that are available. And that the Bosmer are and have been stealthy from the end of the dawn age to the beginning of the 4th era is amply documented.

    It's funny to see all that stubborn fanboy tears coming from inability to adapt and accept fact that things dont have to be constant in lore especially when there is up to almost thousand years difference between ESO and games that those fanboys are reffering to as "source".

    You know what there were nations that were known for having great blacksmiths/warriors/horse tamers etc few hundereds years ago. How do You think how many great blacksmiths/warriors/horse tamers etc they have right now ? History is changing with time and societies are adapting. Few hundereds years is enough for totall change in some culture and yet people are complaining about some miniscule change that is also still in line with lore of single player games. Fact that in single player games wood wlfs were "known" as good in stealth doesnt mean they were bad at stealth detecting especially few hundereds years earlier. Like seriously tribe living in dense forest specializing in use of bows must be definietly super bad at tracking. /s It's funny that it's lore fanboys who ignore the lore here the most because "there are documents".
    Edited by Juhasow on February 22, 2019 6:20PM
  • Cundu_Ertur
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Yes save the bosmer from forum QQuers without imagination that sees thins only 1 way with the ability to read and comprehend the obvious and frequent references to Bosmer being stealthy. thinking that life is stagnant and nothing can change during hundereds of years between ESO and other single players instalments and ignoring references to bosmer being also great at tracking which stealth detection is closest to in ESO.


    I've asked you to name one source to support your blatherings, and got nothing but more blathering. You have not one fact. Not one. So, no, your opinion derived entirely from assumptions and inferences is not anything like one that is based on the facts that are available. And that the Bosmer are and have been stealthy from the end of the dawn age to the beginning of the 4th era is amply documented.

    It's funny to see all that stubborn fanboy tears coming from inability to adapt and accept fact that things dont have to be constant in lore especially when there is up to almost thousand years difference between ESO and games that those fanboys are reffering to as "source".

    You know what there were nations that were known for having great blacksmiths/warriors/horse tamers etc few hundereds years ago. How do You think how many great blacksmiths/warriors/horse tamers etc they have right now ? History is changing with time and societies are adapting. Few hundereds years is enough for totall change in some culture and yet people are complaining about some miniscule change that is also still in line with lore of single player games. Fact that in single player games wood wlfs were "known" as good in stealth doesnt mean they were bad at stealth detecting especially few hundereds years earlier. Like seriously tribe living in dense forest specializing in use of bows must be definietly super bad at tracking. /s It's funny that it's lore fanboys who ignore the lore here the most because "there are documents".

    Ok. Here's the problem. Many of the things I am referring to as 'lore' are not just from the 3rd and 4th ages (that is when the games Arena through Skyrim are set) but also from the dawn age up through the second age. The 'Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st edition' explicitly references Bosmer stealth in two volumes, the Wilds and the Almeri Dominion, the Imperial author calls the ability of wood elves to hide 'forest coupling.' This is not the only reference to this (always from non-Bosmer authers, it should be noted) but it is the most current, as this book is only written in the current timeline. The Meh Ayleidion is also mentioned there, as well as in A Dance in Fire, also available in the current timeline. Oddly enough, tracking is not mentioned as a particular forte.

    The thing is, IF Bosmer got the detection bonus ALONG WITH the hiding bonus, there would be no problem. The issue is we are losing something that is documented as having ALWAYS BEEN PART OF THE CULTURE to get something that does not have anything near the same kind of supporting evidence out of the lore.
    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • BlueRaven
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Yes save the bosmer from forum QQuers without imagination that sees thins only 1 way with the ability to read and comprehend the obvious and frequent references to Bosmer being stealthy. thinking that life is stagnant and nothing can change during hundereds of years between ESO and other single players instalments and ignoring references to bosmer being also great at tracking which stealth detection is closest to in ESO.


    I've asked you to name one source to support your blatherings, and got nothing but more blathering. You have not one fact. Not one. So, no, your opinion derived entirely from assumptions and inferences is not anything like one that is based on the facts that are available. And that the Bosmer are and have been stealthy from the end of the dawn age to the beginning of the 4th era is amply documented.

    It's funny to see all that stubborn fanboy tears coming from inability to adapt and accept fact that things dont have to be constant in lore especially when there is up to almost thousand years difference between ESO and games that those fanboys are reffering to as "source".

    You know what there were nations that were known for having great blacksmiths/warriors/horse tamers etc few hundereds years ago. How do You think how many great blacksmiths/warriors/horse tamers etc they have right now ? History is changing with time and societies are adapting. Few hundereds years is enough for totall change in some culture and yet people are complaining about some miniscule change that is also still in line with lore of single player games. Fact that in single player games wood wlfs were "known" as good in stealth doesnt mean they were bad at stealth detecting especially few hundereds years earlier. Like seriously tribe living in dense forest specializing in use of bows must be definietly super bad at tracking. /s It's funny that it's lore fanboys who ignore the lore here the most because "there are documents".

    Hey everyone, we got your lore reason right here! Bosmers had great eyesight before the onset of the industrial age in Tamriel! /sarcasm

    OMG you have nothing to back you up do you? You got absolutely zero, it's AMAZING. Coming on here and pretending you know about this stuff. Do you even know ANYTHING about the game you're playing? How about before you make lore assumptions, you crack open book or at least a Wiki. HAHAHA!

    Someone else said this in another thread but it SOOO applies to you;

    "Man, just give it up. You're making a fool of yourself.

    There's also no evidence for ancient Rome to have had nuclear bombs. But since there's no evidence against it, it could have been possible, right? No, that's not how history works. Or anything, really. "

    Or this gem;

    "You almost never find something mentioned explicitly as not present. You may find something about Altmer height but you likely not find something about Altmer not having hooves. As a result it is better to focus on what is said and not on what is not said."

    Next time you want to say they have better eyesight than the other races, you better quote some sources with direct evidence, as in multiple ones across many games. Show your work or go back to your cyrodil zerg pack where the scenery never changes. :D
  • Juhasow
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Yes save the bosmer from forum QQuers without imagination that sees thins only 1 way with the ability to read and comprehend the obvious and frequent references to Bosmer being stealthy. thinking that life is stagnant and nothing can change during hundereds of years between ESO and other single players instalments and ignoring references to bosmer being also great at tracking which stealth detection is closest to in ESO.


    I've asked you to name one source to support your blatherings, and got nothing but more blathering. You have not one fact. Not one. So, no, your opinion derived entirely from assumptions and inferences is not anything like one that is based on the facts that are available. And that the Bosmer are and have been stealthy from the end of the dawn age to the beginning of the 4th era is amply documented.

    It's funny to see all that stubborn fanboy tears coming from inability to adapt and accept fact that things dont have to be constant in lore especially when there is up to almost thousand years difference between ESO and games that those fanboys are reffering to as "source".

    You know what there were nations that were known for having great blacksmiths/warriors/horse tamers etc few hundereds years ago. How do You think how many great blacksmiths/warriors/horse tamers etc they have right now ? History is changing with time and societies are adapting. Few hundereds years is enough for totall change in some culture and yet people are complaining about some miniscule change that is also still in line with lore of single player games. Fact that in single player games wood wlfs were "known" as good in stealth doesnt mean they were bad at stealth detecting especially few hundereds years earlier. Like seriously tribe living in dense forest specializing in use of bows must be definietly super bad at tracking. /s It's funny that it's lore fanboys who ignore the lore here the most because "there are documents".

    Hey everyone, we got your lore reason right here! Bosmers had great eyesight before the onset of the industrial age in Tamriel! /sarcasm

    OMG you have nothing to back you up do you? You got absolutely zero, it's AMAZING. Coming on here and pretending you know about this stuff. Do you even know ANYTHING about the game you're playing? How about before you make lore assumptions, you crack open book or at least a Wiki. HAHAHA!

    Someone else said this in another thread but it SOOO applies to you;

    "Man, just give it up. You're making a fool of yourself.

    There's also no evidence for ancient Rome to have had nuclear bombs. But since there's no evidence against it, it could have been possible, right? No, that's not how history works. Or anything, really. "

    Or this gem;

    "You almost never find something mentioned explicitly as not present. You may find something about Altmer height but you likely not find something about Altmer not having hooves. As a result it is better to focus on what is said and not on what is not said."

    Next time you want to say they have better eyesight than the other races, you better quote some sources with direct evidence, as in multiple ones across many games. Show your work or go back to your cyrodil zerg pack where the scenery never changes. :D

    What is wrong with Your fetish about eyesight ? You're all the time talking about it despite the fact tracking have nothing to do with great eyesight as I already proved numerous times to You in different thread yet You are still talking about it.

    If I have zero then You have minus one since You're bubbling all the time about eyesight for some reason. And fact that You started to be hysterical post some laughs , emojis etc only proves that You're out of ideas when real conversation happens with arguments You cannot disprove.

    I like how You need to use words of other people that they were not even using against me to prove some wierd point existing in Your head. How about using Your own words and own arguments not posting some out of context words of others ? As for ancient Rome refference that person who said that is actually making fool out of him/herself because if he/she would know a little about chemistry he/she would've known that nuclear bombs lefts the traces that You can detect even after thousands of years especially thanks to the procces called half-life and the fact nuclear fuel is also creating certain types of chemical elemets that can be produced only that way we would definietly know if ancient rome would've nuclear bombs by researching fossils from that age. That ancient rome nuclear bombs argument is literally the worst argument someone could give.

    And again You're talking about eyesight which I never said bosmers have better then other races and I already corrected You few times before yet You keep repeating Your version of the story. As I said many times good eyesight have nothing to do with tracking skills or even detecting foes in sleath especially that their primary goal is to avoid Your eyesight so I dont get why You're digging that eyesight subject so much like You would've nothing else to say.
    Edited by Juhasow on February 22, 2019 7:14PM
  • anadandy
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Yes save the bosmer from forum QQuers without imagination that see things only 1 way.


    And I'm done here.
  • Bladewizard
    The reason gankers chose wood elf is not the stealth reduction, it is the 10% increased damage from stealth. No one I have seen has been asking for that to be returned.

    I have never killed another player in the 3 years I have been playing this game let alone ganked anyone.
    Yet taking stealth away from wood elves destroys the way I play for several of my toons, unless I change them to khajit.

    I have tried to get a perfect sacrement on other races, with all the gear, I am only able to consistently get it done on a wood elf, or a khajit. Also only able to consistently pull of a perfect heist on a wood elf or a khajit.

    The idea that wood elves are only played by pvp gankers is laughable and the attempt to shame wood elf players into droping this argument with that bullpucky accusation, so that we just go play quietly in the corner while a game some of us have spent a small fortune on in regards to time and money, is ruined for us, will not work.

    Taking stealth reduction from wood elves is a bad idea that will cost zos players and subscriptions, and none of the ones that leave because of this will be your gankers.

  • Stx
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Stx wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    That’s patently untrue.

    Furthermore how does stealth detect help everyone? How does it help anyone?

    Truth isnt subjective. Accept it.

    No matter how stealth detect is useless and I wish they removed it, in its entire uselessness it right now has more broad use than sneak ever did for people that dont sneak. Now its not doing anything only for people that dont pvp. Still bad? I agree.

    For people who don’t sneak? What did they roll a Bosmer for then? Its their defining trait other then bows. If they are not sneaking there was so many better options...

    Oh I dont know... their aesthetics, their culture, because they want to?

    I made my stamina warden a bosmer and i couldn't care less about sneaking. I made him because questing through valenwood made me like the bosmer as a race... so i made one.

    If I understand you correctly, you like questing and lore, but you prefer a PvP only stealth detect over stealth....

    Did you do all the quests in green shade? Because at least one of them required the player to break into peoples houses and steal things. Which required stealth btw, and that stealth bonus helped lessen the bounty.

    And just because YOU don’t use stealth in pve, is it so hard to comprehend that other players do use it? Are you that myopic?

    Not once did I say I prefer the new racial. I just wanted to point out that you saying the stealth racial was the only reason someone would roll a bosmer is wrong and ridiculous.
  • SodanTok
    Tasear wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    Everyone in pvp

    I didnt say best, I said viable. Your response is very embarrassing, but somehow it is not surprising anymore.
    Edited by SodanTok on February 22, 2019 9:19PM
  • BlueRaven
    SodanTok wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    Everyone in pvp

    I didnt say best, I said viable. Your response is very embarrassing, but somehow it is not surprising anymore.

    By giving them a PvP only (and very short) stealth detect ability, they are now viable for what exactly?

    You claim that before all they were good for RP and NB PVP (Not true btw, I have done CR+3 normal on a bosmer) and suddenly by giving them a pvp only ability of Detect Stealth they are viable for everyone? Everyone in PvP you mean, right?
  • SodanTok
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    Everyone in pvp

    I didnt say best, I said viable. Your response is very embarrassing, but somehow it is not surprising anymore.

    By giving them a PvP only (and very short) stealth detect ability, they are now viable for what exactly?

    You claim that before all they were good for RP and NB PVP (Not true btw, I have done CR+3 normal on a bosmer) and suddenly by giving them a pvp only ability of Detect Stealth they are viable for everyone? Everyone in PvP you mean, right?

    :D I have to admit, you are at least funny, not like the others.
  • max_only
    SodanTok wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    Everyone in pvp

    I didnt say best, I said viable. Your response is very embarrassing, but somehow it is not surprising anymore.

    By giving them a PvP only (and very short) stealth detect ability, they are now viable for what exactly?

    You claim that before all they were good for RP and NB PVP (Not true btw, I have done CR+3 normal on a bosmer) and suddenly by giving them a pvp only ability of Detect Stealth they are viable for everyone? Everyone in PvP you mean, right?

    :D I have to admit, you are at least funny, not like the others.

    So you admit to posting with the intention of getting a reaction. Cool.

    The Stealth detect isn’t even good for pvp.

    Have you tested it? I have.

    It’s not stealth suppression like Magelight.
    It’s not for invisible enemies like nb’s Cloak.
    It’s only 3 meters, which is melee range btw (jabs is 8x6 meters by comparison, Incap is 5 meters)
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • BlueRaven
    Stx wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Stx wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    That’s patently untrue.

    Furthermore how does stealth detect help everyone? How does it help anyone?

    Truth isnt subjective. Accept it.

    No matter how stealth detect is useless and I wish they removed it, in its entire uselessness it right now has more broad use than sneak ever did for people that dont sneak. Now its not doing anything only for people that dont pvp. Still bad? I agree.

    For people who don’t sneak? What did they roll a Bosmer for then? Its their defining trait other then bows. If they are not sneaking there was so many better options...

    Oh I dont know... their aesthetics, their culture, because they want to?

    I made my stamina warden a bosmer and i couldn't care less about sneaking. I made him because questing through valenwood made me like the bosmer as a race... so i made one.

    If I understand you correctly, you like questing and lore, but you prefer a PvP only stealth detect over stealth....

    Did you do all the quests in green shade? Because at least one of them required the player to break into peoples houses and steal things. Which required stealth btw, and that stealth bonus helped lessen the bounty.

    And just because YOU don’t use stealth in pve, is it so hard to comprehend that other players do use it? Are you that myopic?

    Not once did I say I prefer the new racial. I just wanted to point out that you saying the stealth racial was the only reason someone would roll a bosmer is wrong and ridiculous.

    So what is your point? I don't understand.

    This is like saying, "Well I never heal on my argonian, so I am ok if they removed the healing passive." Or "I never use magicka on my Altmer, so it's ok if they lose it." Other players do heal on their argonian, and other players do use stealth with their bosmer. And people made their bosmers five years ago largely because of that passive.
    Back before trials, back before dps meters and arenas, people made their characters largely based on the passives they provided. Stealth is/was a big selling point for the race.
    If you did not want to use stealth when you made your warden well good for you, the only lawful good bosmer in existence apparently. But when stealth is advertised as a main selling point passive in the race selection, I am going to go with people thought that was important in the race selection.
  • Cundu_Ertur
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    Tasear wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    Everyone in pvp

    I didnt say best, I said viable. Your response is very embarrassing, but somehow it is not surprising anymore.

    By giving them a PvP only (and very short) stealth detect ability, they are now viable for what exactly?

    You claim that before all they were good for RP and NB PVP (Not true btw, I have done CR+3 normal on a bosmer) and suddenly by giving them a pvp only ability of Detect Stealth they are viable for everyone? Everyone in PvP you mean, right?

    To be fair, while the Stealth Detection is irrelevant, it's the other changes in the other 2 updated passives that improve the Bosmer from bottom of the barrel to being somewhat useful. You know, all of the changes we haven't complained about at all.

    As for the changes aside from Hunter's Eye, most of them are good though the poison instead of disease is, I think, backwards from a lore perspective. Within the Hunter's Eye passive, the roll dodge movement bonus is... ok. Ish. Kinda nice for a bow/DW or bow/2H build to get the Hasty Retreat junior movement bonus, though the penetration bonus is kinda clunky. The issue is with replacing the hiding bonus with a detection bonus that is useless outside of PVP (not of little value kind of useless but the literal there is no use for it, it cannot ever proc useless) and of little value even there.

    So, yes, the OTHER changes took Bosmer from WiS to, well, not BiS and in some cases still WiS, but not by anywhere as much and there are cases where Bosmer are in the middle. Which is a high-water mark. But none of those improvements are due to the replacement of the stealth passive. There is no reason why the Bosmer could not or should not retain their stealth the way the Khajiit have.
    Taking stealth away from the Bosmer is like taking magic away from the Altmer, making Nords allergic to mead, or making Orcs pretty.
  • Stx
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Stx wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    Stx wrote: »
    BlueRaven wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    They just did. They took roleplay race not used by anyone but pvp nightblades (in any serious manner) and moved it as viable option for everyone.

    That’s patently untrue.

    Furthermore how does stealth detect help everyone? How does it help anyone?

    Truth isnt subjective. Accept it.

    No matter how stealth detect is useless and I wish they removed it, in its entire uselessness it right now has more broad use than sneak ever did for people that dont sneak. Now its not doing anything only for people that dont pvp. Still bad? I agree.

    For people who don’t sneak? What did they roll a Bosmer for then? Its their defining trait other then bows. If they are not sneaking there was so many better options...

    Oh I dont know... their aesthetics, their culture, because they want to?

    I made my stamina warden a bosmer and i couldn't care less about sneaking. I made him because questing through valenwood made me like the bosmer as a race... so i made one.

    If I understand you correctly, you like questing and lore, but you prefer a PvP only stealth detect over stealth....

    Did you do all the quests in green shade? Because at least one of them required the player to break into peoples houses and steal things. Which required stealth btw, and that stealth bonus helped lessen the bounty.

    And just because YOU don’t use stealth in pve, is it so hard to comprehend that other players do use it? Are you that myopic?

    Not once did I say I prefer the new racial. I just wanted to point out that you saying the stealth racial was the only reason someone would roll a bosmer is wrong and ridiculous.

    So what is your point? I don't understand.

    This is like saying, "Well I never heal on my argonian, so I am ok if they removed the healing passive." Or "I never use magicka on my Altmer, so it's ok if they lose it." Other players do heal on their argonian, and other players do use stealth with their bosmer. And people made their bosmers five years ago largely because of that passive.
    Back before trials, back before dps meters and arenas, people made their characters largely based on the passives they provided. Stealth is/was a big selling point for the race.
    If you did not want to use stealth when you made your warden well good for you, the only lawful good bosmer in existence apparently. But when stealth is advertised as a main selling point passive in the race selection, I am going to go with people thought that was important in the race selection.

    My point was very clear. The stealth racial wasn't the only reason players chose bosmer.

    I never once said the stealth racial wasn't a reason to choose bosmer, or that it was a bad reason, or even that it wasn't a popular reason, as I'm sure it was a popular reason.

    I'm saying that it absolutely isnt the only reason a player would choose bosmer, and you claiming that is just silly.
  • ESO_Nightingale
    max_only wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    I like new bosmer and i am changing my pvp characters to bosmer. Finally there is passive that is not useful only for one class - nb.

    Stealth radius reduction was not useful for just one class, it helped all Bosmer play any class they want and still participate in the Rite of Theft. Nb is the only class that DIDN’T use it lol
    Race is fine. Im using it on my pvp magden next patch.
    Have you tested how close 3 meters of stealth detection is? I have. You’ll still have to slot Magelight (twice the radius btw), this passive isn’t going to save you a bar spot.

    I’m happy about the rolling and the penetration for pvp too, doesn’t mean that the detection is useful in any way shape or form.

    I don't care about the detection. Its just an added feature to me. I just care about the max stam, recovery and roll dodge speed. Im still gonna be using inner light anyway because of major prophecy, increased max magicka and mag regen.
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on February 22, 2019 10:22PM
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • BlueRaven
    max_only wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    I like new bosmer and i am changing my pvp characters to bosmer. Finally there is passive that is not useful only for one class - nb.

    Stealth radius reduction was not useful for just one class, it helped all Bosmer play any class they want and still participate in the Rite of Theft. Nb is the only class that DIDN’T use it lol
    Race is fine. Im using it on my pvp magden next patch.
    Have you tested how close 3 meters of stealth detection is? I have. You’ll still have to slot Magelight (twice the radius btw), this passive isn’t going to save you a bar spot.

    I’m happy about the rolling and the penetration for pvp too, doesn’t mean that the detection is useful in any way shape or form.

    I don't care about the detection. Its just an added feature to me. I just care about the max stam, recovery and roll dodge speed. Im still gonna be using inner light anyway because of major prophecy, increased max magicka and mag regen.

    This thread is about the removal of the bonus to stealth, if you are happy with the OTHER passives thats great, but this thread is not about the stam recovery or the roll dodge.
  • max_only
    max_only wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    I like new bosmer and i am changing my pvp characters to bosmer. Finally there is passive that is not useful only for one class - nb.

    Stealth radius reduction was not useful for just one class, it helped all Bosmer play any class they want and still participate in the Rite of Theft. Nb is the only class that DIDN’T use it lol
    Race is fine. Im using it on my pvp magden next patch.
    Have you tested how close 3 meters of stealth detection is? I have. You’ll still have to slot Magelight (twice the radius btw), this passive isn’t going to save you a bar spot.

    I’m happy about the rolling and the penetration for pvp too, doesn’t mean that the detection is useful in any way shape or form.

    I don't care about the detection. Its just an added feature to me. I just care about the max stam, recovery and roll dodge speed. Im still gonna be using inner light anyway because of major prophecy, increased max magicka and mag regen.

    So why are you wasting time? No one is talking about the slab of steak, we are talking about the side dish of dung that was served with it. Just let them serve it with a veggie like we’ve been expecting, at least some people will eat a veggie side dish - as opposed to no one eating the dung.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • ESO_Nightingale
    max_only wrote: »
    max_only wrote: »
    Czirne wrote: »
    I like new bosmer and i am changing my pvp characters to bosmer. Finally there is passive that is not useful only for one class - nb.

    Stealth radius reduction was not useful for just one class, it helped all Bosmer play any class they want and still participate in the Rite of Theft. Nb is the only class that DIDN’T use it lol
    Race is fine. Im using it on my pvp magden next patch.
    Have you tested how close 3 meters of stealth detection is? I have. You’ll still have to slot Magelight (twice the radius btw), this passive isn’t going to save you a bar spot.

    I’m happy about the rolling and the penetration for pvp too, doesn’t mean that the detection is useful in any way shape or form.

    I don't care about the detection. Its just an added feature to me. I just care about the max stam, recovery and roll dodge speed. Im still gonna be using inner light anyway because of major prophecy, increased max magicka and mag regen.

    So why are you wasting time? No one is talking about the slab of steak, we are talking about the side dish of dung that was served with it. Just let them serve it with a veggie like we’ve been expecting, at least some people will eat a veggie side dish - as opposed to no one eating the dung.

    because it's fine.
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
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