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End the tyranny of Eastmarch! [Annual request to fix the map]

  • therift
    SodanTok wrote: »
    Needs satellite images to confirm which map is most correct. Something being on hand drawn map in one game and something else on hand drawn map in other game doesnt really tell the whole truth.

    The satellite image that is used for the map in TES V has already been submitted above to support the issues with Windhelm, Blacklight, Bleakrock Isle, and Skuldafn.

    The ESO map is a single piece of art that, if redrawn to follow the maps from TES IV and V, would resolve most if not all of the issues.
  • phantasmalD
    It'll get foxed when more than 1-4 ppl actually care about something like this...
    Good! Between me and my 5 other split personalities I think we already have enough votes.
    On the other note do you really want the server lag crashes and broken game issues fixing the mao brings? I mean they fix a clipping shoulder issue and it causes loading screen issues.
    Lag? Don't be ridiculous. Obviously fixing this would cause all character model to suddenly use the animation rigging for horses, duh.
    jazsper77 wrote: »
    When players care more about fantasy land then RL. Players like that need to leave the basement once and awhile and experience RL.
    Wish I could experience the wonderful REAL LIFE™ of pointlessly berating people on an online forum about stuff I'm personally not interested in.
    SodanTok wrote: »
    Needs satellite images to confirm which map is most correct. Something being on hand drawn map in one game and something else on hand drawn map in other game doesnt really tell the whole truth.
    Like this?:
    This map was made by extracting cell information from TESV and overlays not perfectly but pretty well with the Anthology map (which was released 2 years after Skyrim)
    Pevey wrote: »
    Borders are not static, they can change over time. Especially over hundreds of years.
    I already tackled that problem by pointing out that:
    A. former Loremaster, Lawrence Shick already confirmed that Blacklight exists in the 2nd era and is still the seat of power for the Redoran house
    B. Windhelm's surroundings look almost exactly how they looked in TESV, it clearly should be in the same location. Windhelm is the oldest continously inhabited human city, it won't magically move to the east even if the borders change. And Skuldafn is an ancient Dragon cult temple, it won't suddenly materialize on top of Blacklight.
    C. Also, Skyrim at this point in time is divided into three parts, Reach, Western Skyrim and Eastern Skyrim; Eastern Skyrim is allied with Morrowind therefore they won't make a move on ancient Redoran territory as that would be a breach of the Pact. And if they did in the past they probably would have already returned it as peace gift.
    Browiseth wrote: »
    elder scrolls, where the devs already made an excuse to explain why they forget their own lore (dragon break)
    Well, the lore about dragon breaks was created to explain why all six of Daggerfall's contradictory endings can be canon simultaneously. And then I think it was mainly the fans who latched onto this idea to explain all the contradicions, not the devs.
    In fact, ESO kinda already debunked the 'ESO is a dragon break' theory in Summerset where you meet a character who says there is no dragon break atm and your main task is to prevent one from happening.
    Vildebill wrote: »
    This reminds me of when imperial city launched and and districts were skewed a little bit. A lot of noise was made, ZOS didn't change anything, and after a while some ZOS guy on the forums jokingly spilled the beans that some dev made a mistake :D
    Haha, oh yeah, that's also a thing.

    I mean the devs have already fixed the southern-east corner of Eastmarch map at one point in adition to the Vvardenfell, Summerset map changes so map fixing is clearly not out of the question.

  • HappyLittleTree
    therift wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    Needs satellite images to confirm which map is most correct. Something being on hand drawn map in one game and something else on hand drawn map in other game doesnt really tell the whole truth.

    The satellite image that is used for the map in TES V has already been submitted above to support the issues with Windhelm, Blacklight, Bleakrock Isle, and Skuldafn.

    The ESO map is a single piece of art that, if redrawn to follow the maps from TES IV and V, would resolve most if not all of the issues.

    I didn't know the people of tamriel have satellites which channels do they receive?
    Thuu chakkuth lod Hajhiit c’oo? Hajhiit gortsuquth gorihuth thuu gooluthduj thdeitoluu!

  • Olauron
    therift wrote: »
    SodanTok wrote: »
    Needs satellite images to confirm which map is most correct. Something being on hand drawn map in one game and something else on hand drawn map in other game doesnt really tell the whole truth.

    The satellite image that is used for the map in TES V has already been submitted above to support the issues with Windhelm, Blacklight, Bleakrock Isle, and Skuldafn.

    The ESO map is a single piece of art that, if redrawn to follow the maps from TES IV and V, would resolve most if not all of the issues.

    I didn't know the people of tamriel have satellites which channels do they receive?
    Have you ever done Meridia quest in TES V? Have you ever fought with giants in TES V?
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • phantasmalD
    This is why this problem shouldn't be ignored, it actively affects development:

    One or more of the devs clearly referred to the awfully drawn in-game map when creating these Psijic maps, creating more problems to fix in the future if/when ZoS decides to use Blacklight as the setting for a DLC.
    Also, this seem to indicate that ZoS doesn't have a high quality, lore friendly in-house developer map which I think in itself is a huge problem that should be resolved immediately for the sake of any future content. You shouldn't use a shoddily/hastily drawn eroneous map to create new assets.

    This map issue also affected the distant shoreline you can see from Morrowind
    This is what you can see from the north-western tip of Morrowind. This kinda matches the in-game map but not the Anthology map or any other map created during the 20 years of development preceding ESO. And I already spent enough time analyzing why Bleakrock really shouldn't be there so I'll refrain from repeating myself. I implore you to scroll up if you are curious.

    The distant detailing is generally kinda bad tho tbh, I don't think much attention was paid to it (probably rightfully so, I mean how many more *** who fuss about all these pointless details are out there? :P) .
    For example, this is the view from Vivec City.
    As you can see I'm supposed to be looking at Davon's Watch here with a semi-active volcano spewing ash on the right side. Does this look anything close to resembling Stonefalls to you?

    While I'm on the topic, here are some other bad distant land (not expecting these to ever get fixed but thought I may as well list them):
    - You can't see Valenwood/main land Tamriel from Auridon. I find this problematic as on the map they are closer to each other than Glenumbra and Alik'r Desert, and you can definetly see Glenumbra from the docks of Sentinel.
    - Same goes for Isle of Betnikh (Betony), Stros M'kai, Khenarti's Roost, Stirk and Bleakrock Isle. You can't see anything on the horizon
    - Alik'r shoreline when viewed from Stormhaven. You can't see Tava's Blessing for example.
    - Summerset - Auridon shoreline as an honorable mention. It's leagues better than most of the base game ones, thos it's not perfect; it's very rough and makes Summerset look way more mountainous and shorter than it is. Like for example the Crystal Tower's area doesn't really match up with the map.
    Kudos for adding Lillandril tho. 👍

    - There's also the reverse problem of this: from Garlas Malatar (Gold Coast) you can see an island just barely out of swimming distance that is not on the map.
    - There are also some other islands missing from the map, Eyevea is probably being the most notorious one. You go through so much trouble to bring it back to Nirn and it never appears on the map. (And you can't even use the wayshrine to teleport here)
    But there's one more I know of: Tempest Island. If you zoom the map out while there, your player arrow will be placed just to the south of Stirk but there's no island marked on the map in that location.

    Tagging you, @ZOS_LeamonTuttle, to bring this issue to you attention (I mean the original topic, that is the fact that the north-eastern portion of the map is pretty badly drawn), in case you weren't aware of the woeful lore inaccuracies of the in-game map.
    Hoping that by doing so I can increase the chances of this issue getting rectified and help avoiding other similar problems like this in the future.
  • Hurbster
    Eastmarch just gonna keep marchin' on.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Gerrymandering - Making games realistic in all the worst ways
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • RebornV3x
    this irks me as well most of the map can be chalk up to a difference of 1000 years between ESO and Skyrim especally around Summerset and Auridon

    The Stormhold City thing isn't to bad of an issue honestly they could have just moved the town or maybe the Argonians resettled and called it Stormhold

    But Eastmarch and that region near Solstheim is just a disaster to look at really shotty work
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
  • phantasmalD
    RebornV3x wrote: »
    The Stormhold City thing isn't to bad of an issue honestly they could have just moved the town or maybe the Argonians resettled and called it Stormhold
    Yeah, that's the explanation I came up with as well.
    An example and suggestion: maybe Stormhold is more of a name than an actual city, it follows the border and it's always the northernmost city that gets called Stormhold. The wandering city of Black Marsh.
  • Banana
    I thought it said End the tranny of Eastmarch on first glance.
  • Emmagoldman
    Just thinking of lore, why not just see it as a histiographical moment of cartographers dilemea. How accurate would map reading be before gps and ariel photagraphy? Maps in tameriel would most likely be similar to early medieval relax
  • Tensar
    I agree with the OP , eastmarch look not accurate at all, it would be difficult to add Winterhold or other area with a map like this...

    This sucks.
  • IzzyStardust
    Things that don’t matter for 500, Bob!
  • WeerW3ir
    I totaly agree with this. Lol. Map was allways *** up 💩
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