This!Murador178 wrote: »Or was the lag so bad that hits didnt register?
Murador178 wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »[/iMurador178 wrote: »Ragnaroek93 wrote: »Fighting against Cloak is annoying but fighting against shields is just as annoying. Defense in general needs a nerf in my opinion. You can't nerf one defense mechanic without touching the other ones as well. My sorc on PTS has a 13k spammable shield, that's definitely not weaker than Cloak and the survivability on sorc did skyrocket with Murkmire for the PvP part (my shield is stronger in PvP than it is in PvE lol...). The only thing which makes Hardened Ward "balanced" on sorc is the low killing potential which sorc suffers from but that will change with pet buffs next patch.
You are also a player using 3 proc sets on pts and still failing.
With your limited knowledge on sorc and affinity for dk, I doubt you are a reliable or unbiased statistic.
Sorcs can still be pressured while wards up and will have to recast x times while being attacked which equates to a greater mag loss than a cloak for a full duration with full sustain return.
Very nice attitude calling people out that I for sure know that they are not using any proc sets.... U should make an exposed vid of that imaginary magDk.
The numbers from OP make zero sense except he only attacked nbs. Considering there are alot of nbs in cyro - but still they arent near 50% of the players I dont know how he got the data. Was he dueling a medium armor stamblade in cyro for multiple hours or does he want to tell us that on no CP the typical mDk/stam DK mSorc are rolling all over the place. Or was he just trying to spam light attacks on a rolldodger. so missing 80% of the hits vs a stamblade is still bad play not timing attacks well at all. As long as he cant even show some data its just a claim:
I can also say I went cyro and 90% of my attacks got blocked and still nobody would believe me.
His statement of saying its 100% migation if he takes resists in account makes zero sense aswell. Resists are only calculated on the remaing attacks hitting him --> resulting in the taken dmg -hitchance claimed to about 20%:
takendmg% = 20% * (100% - migation%)Murador178 wrote: »Ragnaroek93 wrote: »Fighting against Cloak is annoying but fighting against shields is just as annoying. Defense in general needs a nerf in my opinion. You can't nerf one defense mechanic without touching the other ones as well. My sorc on PTS has a 13k spammable shield, that's definitely not weaker than Cloak and the survivability on sorc did skyrocket with Murkmire for the PvP part (my shield is stronger in PvP than it is in PvE lol...). The only thing which makes Hardened Ward "balanced" on sorc is the low killing potential which sorc suffers from but that will change with pet buffs next patch.
You are also a player using 3 proc sets on pts and still failing.
With your limited knowledge on sorc and affinity for dk, I doubt you are a reliable or unbiased statistic.
Sorcs can still be pressured while wards up and will have to recast x times while being attacked which equates to a greater mag loss than a cloak for a full duration with full sustain return.
Very nice attitude calling people out that I for sure know that they are not using any proc sets.... U should make an exposed vid of that imaginary magDk.
The numbers from OP make zero sense except he only attacked nbs. Considering there are alot of nbs in cyro - but still they arent near 50% of the players I dont know how he got the data. Was he dueling a medium armor stamblade in cyro for multiple hours or does he want to tell us that on no CP the typical mDk/stam DK mSorc are rolling all over the place. Or was he just trying to spam light attacks on a rolldodger. so missing 80% of the hits vs a stamblade is still bad play not timing attacks well at all. As long as he cant even show some data its just a claim:
I can also say I went cyro and 90% of my attacks got blocked and still nobody would believe me.
His statement of saying its 100% migation if he takes resists in account makes zero sense aswell. Resists are only calculated on the remaing attacks hitting him --> resulting in the taken dmg -hitchance claimed to about 20%:
takendmg% = 20% * (100% - migation%)
Incorrect. 73.3 percent were combined misses and dodges. CP pvp. Mixed classes. The 82.4 percent includes the potential damage mitigation after attacks landed of your average stamblade with 23k resists. It is the center point of the confidence interval and I assure you the confidence interval itself captures a 99 percent chance the true overall mitigation is within it.
Miss chance on shuffle and double take have been removed. So ur claiming all those magicka classes are also dodgeroll monkeys? Or was the lag so bad that hits didnt register? Otherwise there is only one option to get so many misses thats being not able to hold the mouse cursor over ur target... I saw a thread complaining of not being able to hit opponents because of hitboxes. Maybe thats ur problem.
PS: a screenshot of ur statics would be nice aswell - otherwise it stays a claim.
Murador178 wrote: »Ragnaroek93 wrote: »Fighting against Cloak is annoying but fighting against shields is just as annoying. Defense in general needs a nerf in my opinion. You can't nerf one defense mechanic without touching the other ones as well. My sorc on PTS has a 13k spammable shield, that's definitely not weaker than Cloak and the survivability on sorc did skyrocket with Murkmire for the PvP part (my shield is stronger in PvP than it is in PvE lol...). The only thing which makes Hardened Ward "balanced" on sorc is the low killing potential which sorc suffers from but that will change with pet buffs next patch.
You are also a player using 3 proc sets on pts and still failing.
With your limited knowledge on sorc and affinity for dk, I doubt you are a reliable or unbiased statistic.
Sorcs can still be pressured while wards up and will have to recast x times while being attacked which equates to a greater mag loss than a cloak for a full duration with full sustain return.
Very nice attitude calling people out that I for sure know that they are not using any proc sets.... U should make an exposed vid of that imaginary magDk.
The numbers from OP make zero sense except he only attacked nbs. Considering there are alot of nbs in cyro - but still they arent near 50% of the players I dont know how he got the data. Was he dueling a medium armor stamblade in cyro for multiple hours or does he want to tell us that on no CP the typical mDk/stam DK mSorc are rolling all over the place. Or was he just trying to spam light attacks on a rolldodgers. So missing 80% of the hits vs a stamblade is still bad play not timing attacks well at all. As long as he cant even show some data its just a claim:
I can also say I went cyro and 90% of my attacks got blocked and still nobody would believe me. My story to the data is I hit 1000 people and 900 attacks got blocked. I claim ur numbers are manupilated because it sounds cooler or u did one of things above.
His statement of saying its 100% migation if he takes resists in account makes zero sense aswell. Resists are only calculated on the remaing attacks hitting him --> resulting in the taken dmg (hitchance claimed to about 20%):
takendmg% = 20% * (100% - migation%)
Murador178 wrote: »Ragnaroek93 wrote: »Fighting against Cloak is annoying but fighting against shields is just as annoying. Defense in general needs a nerf in my opinion. You can't nerf one defense mechanic without touching the other ones as well. My sorc on PTS has a 13k spammable shield, that's definitely not weaker than Cloak and the survivability on sorc did skyrocket with Murkmire for the PvP part (my shield is stronger in PvP than it is in PvE lol...). The only thing which makes Hardened Ward "balanced" on sorc is the low killing potential which sorc suffers from but that will change with pet buffs next patch.
You are also a player using 3 proc sets on pts and still failing.
With your limited knowledge on sorc and affinity for dk, I doubt you are a reliable or unbiased statistic.
Sorcs can still be pressured while wards up and will have to recast x times while being attacked which equates to a greater mag loss than a cloak for a full duration with full sustain return.
Very nice attitude calling people out that I for sure know that they are not using any proc sets.... U should make an exposed vid of that imaginary magDk.
The numbers from OP make zero sense except he only attacked nbs. Considering there are alot of nbs in cyro - but still they arent near 50% of the players I dont know how he got the data. Was he dueling a medium armor stamblade in cyro for multiple hours or does he want to tell us that on no CP the typical mDk/stam DK mSorc are rolling all over the place. Or was he just trying to spam light attacks on a rolldodgers. So missing 80% of the hits vs a stamblade is still bad play not timing attacks well at all. As long as he cant even show some data its just a claim:
I can also say I went cyro and 90% of my attacks got blocked and still nobody would believe me. My story to the data is I hit 1000 people and 900 attacks got blocked. I claim ur numbers are manupilated because it sounds cooler or u did one of things above.
His statement of saying its 100% migation if he takes resists in account makes zero sense aswell. Resists are only calculated on the remaing attacks hitting him --> resulting in the taken dmg (hitchance claimed to about 20%):
takendmg% = 20% * (100% - migation%)
Never said magdk
Murador178 wrote: »Ragnaroek93 wrote: »Fighting against Cloak is annoying but fighting against shields is just as annoying. Defense in general needs a nerf in my opinion. You can't nerf one defense mechanic without touching the other ones as well. My sorc on PTS has a 13k spammable shield, that's definitely not weaker than Cloak and the survivability on sorc did skyrocket with Murkmire for the PvP part (my shield is stronger in PvP than it is in PvE lol...). The only thing which makes Hardened Ward "balanced" on sorc is the low killing potential which sorc suffers from but that will change with pet buffs next patch.
You are also a player using 3 proc sets on pts and still failing.
With your limited knowledge on sorc and affinity for dk, I doubt you are a reliable or unbiased statistic.
Sorcs can still be pressured while wards up and will have to recast x times while being attacked which equates to a greater mag loss than a cloak for a full duration with full sustain return.
Very nice attitude calling people out that I for sure know that they are not using any proc sets.... U should make an exposed vid of that imaginary magDk.
The numbers from OP make zero sense except he only attacked nbs. Considering there are alot of nbs in cyro - but still they arent near 50% of the players I dont know how he got the data. Was he dueling a medium armor stamblade in cyro for multiple hours or does he want to tell us that on no CP the typical mDk/stam DK mSorc are rolling all over the place. Or was he just trying to spam light attacks on a rolldodgers. So missing 80% of the hits vs a stamblade is still bad play not timing attacks well at all. As long as he cant even show some data its just a claim:
I can also say I went cyro and 90% of my attacks got blocked and still nobody would believe me. My story to the data is I hit 1000 people and 900 attacks got blocked. I claim ur numbers are manupilated because it sounds cooler or u did one of things above.
His statement of saying its 100% migation if he takes resists in account makes zero sense aswell. Resists are only calculated on the remaing attacks hitting him --> resulting in the taken dmg (hitchance claimed to about 20%):
takendmg% = 20% * (100% - migation%)
Never said magdk
Murador178 wrote: »Ragnaroek93 wrote: »Fighting against Cloak is annoying but fighting against shields is just as annoying. Defense in general needs a nerf in my opinion. You can't nerf one defense mechanic without touching the other ones as well. My sorc on PTS has a 13k spammable shield, that's definitely not weaker than Cloak and the survivability on sorc did skyrocket with Murkmire for the PvP part (my shield is stronger in PvP than it is in PvE lol...). The only thing which makes Hardened Ward "balanced" on sorc is the low killing potential which sorc suffers from but that will change with pet buffs next patch.
You are also a player using 3 proc sets on pts and still failing.
With your limited knowledge on sorc and affinity for dk, I doubt you are a reliable or unbiased statistic.
Sorcs can still be pressured while wards up and will have to recast x times while being attacked which equates to a greater mag loss than a cloak for a full duration with full sustain return.
Very nice attitude calling people out that I for sure know that they are not using any proc sets.... U should make an exposed vid of that imaginary magDk.
The numbers from OP make zero sense except he only attacked nbs. Considering there are alot of nbs in cyro - but still they arent near 50% of the players I dont know how he got the data. Was he dueling a medium armor stamblade in cyro for multiple hours or does he want to tell us that on no CP the typical mDk/stam DK mSorc are rolling all over the place. Or was he just trying to spam light attacks on a rolldodgers. So missing 80% of the hits vs a stamblade is still bad play not timing attacks well at all. As long as he cant even show some data its just a claim:
I can also say I went cyro and 90% of my attacks got blocked and still nobody would believe me. My story to the data is I hit 1000 people and 900 attacks got blocked. I claim ur numbers are manupilated because it sounds cooler or u did one of things above.
His statement of saying its 100% migation if he takes resists in account makes zero sense aswell. Resists are only calculated on the remaing attacks hitting him --> resulting in the taken dmg (hitchance claimed to about 20%):
takendmg% = 20% * (100% - migation%)
Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
My burst should function just as well as yours or anyone else’s. It should land with the same ease. Telling me that I should be forced to slot non class skills or that mag sorcs should not be allowed to burst like other classes (which is what you are really saying even if you didn’t think that) is a silly response.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
My burst should function just as well as yours or anyone else’s. It should land with the same ease. Telling me that I should be forced to slot non class skills or that mag sorcs should not be allowed to burst like other classes (which is what you are really saying even if you didn’t think that) is a silly response.
No, your burst should not function as well as someone else's. It should always be based on your skill level, rotation, build, and choice of skills. Sorry no free passes just because you're a sorc or max cp.
If you choose to use skills, builds, or rotations that are not effective or your skill level is not up to the person you are fighting against then again, NO your burst should not function as well as theirs.
Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but you've had dozens of people trying to help you, but you are still stuck on your false missed percentages which have absolutely nothing to do with sorc, but rather your own personal play style and skill level.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
My burst should function just as well as yours or anyone else’s. It should land with the same ease. Telling me that I should be forced to slot non class skills or that mag sorcs should not be allowed to burst like other classes (which is what you are really saying even if you didn’t think that) is a silly response.
No, your burst should not function as well as someone else's. It should always be based on your skill level, rotation, build, and choice of skills. Sorry no free passes just because you're a sorc or max cp.
If you choose to use skills, builds, or rotations that are not effective or your skill level is not up to the person you are fighting against then again, NO your burst should not function as well as theirs.
Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but you've had dozens of people trying to help you, but you are still stuck on your false missed percentages which have absolutely nothing to do with sorc, but rather your own personal play style and skill level.
Mag sorc burst (not Illuvatar the mag sorc, but mag sorcs in general) should land just as easily as any other class. You arent being a jerk but like your first post you are showing either bias or you still are missing the point. You are basically saying to not use frags, to not use crushing shock, to not light attack with projectiles, to not use overload light attacks and to completely change the way mag sorcs have played for the past five years to fit your narrative. That is an unacceptable response in my opinion.
Don’t need help. The problem is obvious. They overnerfed mag sorc offense. You can disagree with that if you like but the numbers are the numbers. You can make it personal like you have but all you have contributed is flames to the post without adding anything substantive. Your opinion is your opinion but it is meaningless without data backing it. The problem is systemic. They broke mag sorc offense and it needs a rework.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
My burst should function just as well as yours or anyone else’s. It should land with the same ease. Telling me that I should be forced to slot non class skills or that mag sorcs should not be allowed to burst like other classes (which is what you are really saying even if you didn’t think that) is a silly response.
No, your burst should not function as well as someone else's. It should always be based on your skill level, rotation, build, and choice of skills. Sorry no free passes just because you're a sorc or max cp.
If you choose to use skills, builds, or rotations that are not effective or your skill level is not up to the person you are fighting against then again, NO your burst should not function as well as theirs.
Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but you've had dozens of people trying to help you, but you are still stuck on your false missed percentages which have absolutely nothing to do with sorc, but rather your own personal play style and skill level.
Mag sorc burst (not Illuvatar the mag sorc, but mag sorcs in general) should land just as easily as any other class. You arent being a jerk but like your first post you are showing either bias or you still are missing the point. You are basically saying to not use frags, to not use crushing shock, to not light attack with projectiles, to not use overload light attacks and to completely change the way mag sorcs have played for the past five years to fit your narrative. That is an unacceptable response in my opinion.
Don’t need help. The problem is obvious. They overnerfed mag sorc offense. You can disagree with that if you like but the numbers are the numbers. You can make it personal like you have but all you have contributed is flames to the post without adding anything substantive. Your opinion is your opinion but it is meaningless without data backing it. The problem is systemic. They broke mag sorc offense and it needs a rework.
Sorry, but you're way off base. Many of us mag sorcs are doing just fine and again your missed skills percentages are based solely on your own skill level and play style and are not representative of mag sorcs as a whole. No bias or missed point there, just facts.
Personally I use curse, frags, reach, crushing shock, fury, and streak. Maybe 15% of my attacks miss, but that's because I setup my combos properly. You also have rune cage if you choose so there is absolutely no reason why 70% of your attacks should miss unless it's a skill level(or Meridias blessing set) which if you are willing to learn, take advice, and adapt your build then you will get better and that 70% missed attacks number will start going down drastically.
We can go on for days and do pages of back and forth, but ultimately Zos is never going to nerf or buff something based on one persons personal experience that has nothing to do with reality. You have choices if you don't want to use them then that's on you.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
My burst should function just as well as yours or anyone else’s. It should land with the same ease. Telling me that I should be forced to slot non class skills or that mag sorcs should not be allowed to burst like other classes (which is what you are really saying even if you didn’t think that) is a silly response.
No, your burst should not function as well as someone else's. It should always be based on your skill level, rotation, build, and choice of skills. Sorry no free passes just because you're a sorc or max cp.
If you choose to use skills, builds, or rotations that are not effective or your skill level is not up to the person you are fighting against then again, NO your burst should not function as well as theirs.
Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but you've had dozens of people trying to help you, but you are still stuck on your false missed percentages which have absolutely nothing to do with sorc, but rather your own personal play style and skill level.
Mag sorc burst (not Illuvatar the mag sorc, but mag sorcs in general) should land just as easily as any other class. You arent being a jerk but like your first post you are showing either bias or you still are missing the point. You are basically saying to not use frags, to not use crushing shock, to not light attack with projectiles, to not use overload light attacks and to completely change the way mag sorcs have played for the past five years to fit your narrative. That is an unacceptable response in my opinion.
Don’t need help. The problem is obvious. They overnerfed mag sorc offense. You can disagree with that if you like but the numbers are the numbers. You can make it personal like you have but all you have contributed is flames to the post without adding anything substantive. Your opinion is your opinion but it is meaningless without data backing it. The problem is systemic. They broke mag sorc offense and it needs a rework.
Sorry, but you're way off base. Many of us mag sorcs are doing just fine and again your missed skills percentages are based solely on your own skill level and play style and are not representative of mag sorcs as a whole. No bias or missed point there, just facts.
Personally I use curse, frags, reach, crushing shock, fury, and streak. Maybe 15% of my attacks miss, but that's because I setup my combos properly. You also have rune cage if you choose so there is absolutely no reason why 70% of your attacks should miss unless it's a skill level(or Meridias blessing set) which if you are willing to learn, take advice, and adapt your build then you will get better and that 70% missed attacks number will start going down drastically.
We can go on for days and do pages of back and forth, but ultimately Zos is never going to nerf or buff something based on one persons personal experience that has nothing to do with reality. You have choices if you don't want to use them then that's on you.
Don’t know if I need any advice. It isn’t hard to place a target on someone and hit a button....
Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
My burst should function just as well as yours or anyone else’s. It should land with the same ease. Telling me that I should be forced to slot non class skills or that mag sorcs should not be allowed to burst like other classes (which is what you are really saying even if you didn’t think that) is a silly response.
No, your burst should not function as well as someone else's. It should always be based on your skill level, rotation, build, and choice of skills. Sorry no free passes just because you're a sorc or max cp.
If you choose to use skills, builds, or rotations that are not effective or your skill level is not up to the person you are fighting against then again, NO your burst should not function as well as theirs.
Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but you've had dozens of people trying to help you, but you are still stuck on your false missed percentages which have absolutely nothing to do with sorc, but rather your own personal play style and skill level.
Mag sorc burst (not Illuvatar the mag sorc, but mag sorcs in general) should land just as easily as any other class. You arent being a jerk but like your first post you are showing either bias or you still are missing the point. You are basically saying to not use frags, to not use crushing shock, to not light attack with projectiles, to not use overload light attacks and to completely change the way mag sorcs have played for the past five years to fit your narrative. That is an unacceptable response in my opinion.
Don’t need help. The problem is obvious. They overnerfed mag sorc offense. You can disagree with that if you like but the numbers are the numbers. You can make it personal like you have but all you have contributed is flames to the post without adding anything substantive. Your opinion is your opinion but it is meaningless without data backing it. The problem is systemic. They broke mag sorc offense and it needs a rework.
Sorry, but you're way off base. Many of us mag sorcs are doing just fine and again your missed skills percentages are based solely on your own skill level and play style and are not representative of mag sorcs as a whole. No bias or missed point there, just facts.
Personally I use curse, frags, reach, crushing shock, fury, and streak. Maybe 15% of my attacks miss, but that's because I setup my combos properly. You also have rune cage if you choose so there is absolutely no reason why 70% of your attacks should miss unless it's a skill level(or Meridias blessing set) which if you are willing to learn, take advice, and adapt your build then you will get better and that 70% missed attacks number will start going down drastically.
We can go on for days and do pages of back and forth, but ultimately Zos is never going to nerf or buff something based on one persons personal experience that has nothing to do with reality. You have choices if you don't want to use them then that's on you.
Don’t know if I need any advice. It isn’t hard to place a target on someone and hit a button....
That comment pretty much sums it up, if you're not timing your burst combo around your cc and using your reflectable skills at the right time then you will not be effective. No amount of nerfs or buffs will change that.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
My burst should function just as well as yours or anyone else’s. It should land with the same ease. Telling me that I should be forced to slot non class skills or that mag sorcs should not be allowed to burst like other classes (which is what you are really saying even if you didn’t think that) is a silly response.
No, your burst should not function as well as someone else's. It should always be based on your skill level, rotation, build, and choice of skills. Sorry no free passes just because you're a sorc or max cp.
If you choose to use skills, builds, or rotations that are not effective or your skill level is not up to the person you are fighting against then again, NO your burst should not function as well as theirs.
Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but you've had dozens of people trying to help you, but you are still stuck on your false missed percentages which have absolutely nothing to do with sorc, but rather your own personal play style and skill level.
Mag sorc burst (not Illuvatar the mag sorc, but mag sorcs in general) should land just as easily as any other class. You arent being a jerk but like your first post you are showing either bias or you still are missing the point. You are basically saying to not use frags, to not use crushing shock, to not light attack with projectiles, to not use overload light attacks and to completely change the way mag sorcs have played for the past five years to fit your narrative. That is an unacceptable response in my opinion.
Don’t need help. The problem is obvious. They overnerfed mag sorc offense. You can disagree with that if you like but the numbers are the numbers. You can make it personal like you have but all you have contributed is flames to the post without adding anything substantive. Your opinion is your opinion but it is meaningless without data backing it. The problem is systemic. They broke mag sorc offense and it needs a rework.
Sorry, but you're way off base. Many of us mag sorcs are doing just fine and again your missed skills percentages are based solely on your own skill level and play style and are not representative of mag sorcs as a whole. No bias or missed point there, just facts.
Personally I use curse, frags, reach, crushing shock, fury, and streak. Maybe 15% of my attacks miss, but that's because I setup my combos properly. You also have rune cage if you choose so there is absolutely no reason why 70% of your attacks should miss unless it's a skill level(or Meridias blessing set) which if you are willing to learn, take advice, and adapt your build then you will get better and that 70% missed attacks number will start going down drastically.
We can go on for days and do pages of back and forth, but ultimately Zos is never going to nerf or buff something based on one persons personal experience that has nothing to do with reality. You have choices if you don't want to use them then that's on you.
Don’t know if I need any advice. It isn’t hard to place a target on someone and hit a button....
That comment pretty much sums it up, if you're not timing your burst combo around your cc and using your reflectable skills at the right time then you will not be effective. No amount of nerfs or buffs will change that.
Pretty much sums it up? How did you extrapolate I am not using my burst combo or timing it right from that comment? I was giving lessons to a couple of AD players in Cyro the other morning on how to do just that. (and I play DC.....)
You are making a large number of assumptions and your 15 percent miss rate may have been true prior to the mag sorc nerfs. However, there is no way it is true in Murkmire (not doubting your veracity but maybe you are OG and living the mag sorc dream).
Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
My burst should function just as well as yours or anyone else’s. It should land with the same ease. Telling me that I should be forced to slot non class skills or that mag sorcs should not be allowed to burst like other classes (which is what you are really saying even if you didn’t think that) is a silly response.
Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Illuvatarr wrote: »Ok seeing as Sorc has a number of undodgable skills such as streak, Atro's beam attack, Curse, Mines, Familiar Pulse, ect ect ect... I find it highly unlikely for you to miss 70% of your attacks unless you are playing terribly against a Player on the defensive (which is sounds like you were)
In a 1v1 where you guys were actually fighting one another then it wouldn't be more than 50% of attacks dodged and even then that's a lot.
The only thing it sounds like is that you have the reading comprehension skills of an obscure rock on Mars or you didn’t read the post.
I did, I simply made a number of assumptions based off the information you gave.
If a good player is on the defensive you probably won't hit them but as a sorc you have a great many undodgable skills so don't complain as much. If it's too much to handle then streak way.
My burst should function just as well as yours or anyone else’s. It should land with the same ease. Telling me that I should be forced to slot non class skills or that mag sorcs should not be allowed to burst like other classes (which is what you are really saying even if you didn’t think that) is a silly response.
No, your burst should not function as well as someone else's. It should always be based on your skill level, rotation, build, and choice of skills. Sorry no free passes just because you're a sorc or max cp.
If you choose to use skills, builds, or rotations that are not effective or your skill level is not up to the person you are fighting against then again, NO your burst should not function as well as theirs.
Sorry, not trying to be a jerk, but you've had dozens of people trying to help you, but you are still stuck on your false missed percentages which have absolutely nothing to do with sorc, but rather your own personal play style and skill level.
Mag sorc burst (not Illuvatar the mag sorc, but mag sorcs in general) should land just as easily as any other class. You arent being a jerk but like your first post you are showing either bias or you still are missing the point. You are basically saying to not use frags, to not use crushing shock, to not light attack with projectiles, to not use overload light attacks and to completely change the way mag sorcs have played for the past five years to fit your narrative. That is an unacceptable response in my opinion.
Don’t need help. The problem is obvious. They overnerfed mag sorc offense. You can disagree with that if you like but the numbers are the numbers. You can make it personal like you have but all you have contributed is flames to the post without adding anything substantive. Your opinion is your opinion but it is meaningless without data backing it. The problem is systemic. They broke mag sorc offense and it needs a rework.
Sorry, but you're way off base. Many of us mag sorcs are doing just fine and again your missed skills percentages are based solely on your own skill level and play style and are not representative of mag sorcs as a whole. No bias or missed point there, just facts.
Personally I use curse, frags, reach, crushing shock, fury, and streak. Maybe 15% of my attacks miss, but that's because I setup my combos properly. You also have rune cage if you choose so there is absolutely no reason why 70% of your attacks should miss unless it's a skill level(or Meridias blessing set) which if you are willing to learn, take advice, and adapt your build then you will get better and that 70% missed attacks number will start going down drastically.
We can go on for days and do pages of back and forth, but ultimately Zos is never going to nerf or buff something based on one persons personal experience that has nothing to do with reality. You have choices if you don't want to use them then that's on you.
Don’t know if I need any advice. It isn’t hard to place a target on someone and hit a button....
That comment pretty much sums it up, if you're not timing your burst combo around your cc and using your reflectable skills at the right time then you will not be effective. No amount of nerfs or buffs will change that.
Pretty much sums it up? How did you extrapolate I am not using my burst combo or timing it right from that comment? I was giving lessons to a couple of AD players in Cyro the other morning on how to do just that. (and I play DC.....)
You are making a large number of assumptions and your 15 percent miss rate may have been true prior to the mag sorc nerfs. However, there is no way it is true in Murkmire (not doubting your veracity but maybe you are OG and living the mag sorc dream).
No assumptions needed, your 70% miss rate proves that, unless your math is off?
Either way with the evasion and dodge roll changes you should have less misses since Murkmire, not more.
Illuvatarr wrote: »I have log parses I have put together the good old fashioned way (counting and tracking).
In non cp and cp over 6 nights of pvp and roughly 4,000 spells cast....2,932 are dodged and or miss due to cloak. That is roughly 73.3 percent COMPLETE damage mitigation.
A good friend of mine who plays a stam sorc (one of the best players I have ever seen in this game actually) told me he believes this is balanced. I am trying to understand why he would say that. I asked him and he said your shields soak up my bleeds so there is parity. Ostensibly, this may seem like an excellent argument but that is not binary damage mitigation. If I took into account resists on the spells that actually do land, the number above would be higher. With dodge/cloak, it is binary damage mitigation. This is complete 100 percent damage mitigation.
It is my belief (and again I am willing to eat crow on this if someone fields a strong argument for balance) this is very imbalanced and needs to be reviewed. I am trying to understand how this made it live in the first place.
Happy to listen to counter arguments/suggestions on this. If you are going to flame the post, please don't post here. I am looking for a constructive discussion on this please. Thank you.
The problem with Dodge is that it does not have an upper limit unlike shields and heals, and that it can be used to cancel animations, so in 1 global cooldown the NB gets off both and offensive ability + a defensive "ability", which takes other classes 2 global cooldowns, if you adjust for some loss in light attack damage it still amounts to 1.5 global cooldowns or so - which is an additional 50%.
This wouldn't be so much of an issue, if stamblades could not conveniently, reset their dodge roll debuffs by cloaking. And the only viable sorc skill that works against both cloak and dodge is the curse and its damage alone is simply just not enough. Anybody who comes running with other sorc skills that might not be dodgable and claims they are viable has clearly no clue what they are talking about.
The problem here is that you can't really nerf cloak b/c it would break the neck of magblades in PvP. I guess the best solution would be to not have dodge roll debuffs not expire while in cloak or at least at a considerably slower pace. Alternatively, rework cloak completely by seperating it's mitigation and invisibility components. That would allow magblades to still mitigate damage reliably and at the same time put a limit on stamblades perma-dodging.
The problem with Dodge is that it does not have an upper limit unlike shields and heals, and that it can be used to cancel animations, so in 1 global cooldown the NB gets off both and offensive ability + a defensive "ability", which takes other classes 2 global cooldowns, if you adjust for some loss in light attack damage it still amounts to 1.5 global cooldowns or so - which is an additional 50%.
This wouldn't be so much of an issue, if stamblades could not conveniently, reset their dodge roll debuffs by cloaking. And the only viable sorc skill that works against both cloak and dodge is the curse and its damage alone is simply just not enough. Anybody who comes running with other sorc skills that might not be dodgable and claims they are viable has clearly no clue what they are talking about.
The problem here is that you can't really nerf cloak b/c it would break the neck of magblades in PvP. I guess the best solution would be to not have dodge roll debuffs not expire while in cloak or at least at a considerably slower pace. Alternatively, rework cloak completely by seperating it's mitigation and invisibility components. That would allow magblades to still mitigate damage reliably and at the same time put a limit on stamblades perma-dodging.
They could tweak cloak if they gave us back some form of decent healing. The shield nerf hurt us (magnbs) the most and because pve magnb was meta we got hit with massive healing nerf and shield nerf. Cloak is the magnbs only reliable source of defence, and even then, it is only reliable when paired with some form of snare removal or dodge roll. Even shade is not reliable because they stealth nerfed it into "invalid location" for many times you try to port in a y axis.