@_Crow I saw on discord that you were looking to break your record of 86 players in raid. If you're curious, the largest zerg I ever commanded was (if I recall correctly) in 2014, where there were six full raids + pugs following. It was the first time Lolimage was crowned emperor. I had 198 people in my TeamSpeak (though I'm not sure how many of those were actually playing).
If anyone wants the exact date, we can ask Lolimage to check his Emperor achievement date.
Back then the server didn't poop itself when more than 50 players were in one area, so good luck if you try to do something like that these days!
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
It wouldn't be possible to have a raid this large in cyro with the current server caps unless you multi faction raided
Crispen_Longbow wrote: »
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
It wouldn't be possible to have a raid this large in cyro with the current server caps unless you multi faction raided
And Cyrodiil cap was so much higher when the game launched in 2014. A full server now is a pittance to what one was almost 5 years ago.
Zos has reduced the cap more than once in order to improve server performance. We still filled up multiple campaigns back then which really shows how much smaller the PvP community is today.
Why did you stop leading factions? I'm not sure if you still do or not. At any rate I'm sure that was a sight to behold.
I wonder if they are considering lowering the population cap again due to performance issues. AotP needs to hurry and break 100 this weekend. If they don't, they may never due to even lower population caps.
Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO wrote: »
I'm sure when IC is removed we'll see the cap lowered by around 24 players at least
Thanks @Crown ! Guess every PvP player in the game is in my discord at this point... Lol! But ya, they lowered the cap since back in the day, cause in Pact Militia, we had 120ish one night 🤔. But the game was different back then.
It's more of a goal for my guild personally to see if we can break our own record, cause we have gotten SUPER close to 100 players, but haven't yet crossed that line. We will see tonight if we can though! 😃
I hope this is sarcasm. AD doesn't need a zerg lord. Please don't.Crow, I agree with what you and your guild does. From what I've read and seen, your mission is banding PUGs and more experienced solo players/groups into one large, formidable unit. You've inspired me to do the same with AD ... But think of the servers man :O They're gonna literally MELT.
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »Honestly...
I'd laugh my ass off if Crown started to seriously zerg/pugwrangle these days. I'm not sure 2019 ESO PvP is ready for that.
Somebody has to step up and do it if they want to remain competitive.
@Steelshiv Glad to hear it! I play this game for the huge Lord of the Rings like Battles that are just crazy! 😃 But the funny thing is, I get a lot of hate from the very loud minority, but the silent majority loves Zerging! (Hence why zergs are a thing haha!) So you run your huge Zerg and let ZOS worry about their servers!
I have builds setup for group V groups, and we have comms and everyone stays with crown, but the Maine thing I focus on is Make sure the group has fun! That's all that matters! And a another cool thing, is that we are bringing a LOT of people into PvP! We got 30+ players recently that never liked PvP and only PvEed, but they ran with us once and now they are hooked and some are thinking about starting their own guilds! 😊
AP gets hate from the people who push the more casual and fun first members away from the game, but guilds like AP bring people into PvP. 😉 And they let a lot of people have fun, more then don't. The solo people and Zone Generals will never see it that way, but it's because they have lost touch on the majority of the PvP community.
Crow, I agree with what you and your guild does. From what I've read and seen, your mission is banding PUGs and more experienced solo players/groups into one large, formidable unit. You've inspired me to do the same with AD ... But think of the servers man :O They're gonna literally MELT.
Also, I'm curious as to how you run raids and would totally PvP with your group given the chance ^_^