Khajiit Special Forces
This one welcomes you to the KSF Forum post on the ESO Forums. This one is glad you walked into our humble abode. Come, come sit down and enjoy a cup of moon sugar coffee and get to know this ones guild. Welcome to the KSF family. We are a community-based guild, looking to grow a strong family of Khajiits. Join us today! Below we have some more information, comment if your interested. this one wishes you a good day. May the moons bless you.
Weekly Events, Lunar Champion Raffles, and many more!
Social Media
Application Process
- Be a Khajiit
- Apply on the Facebook group (We have questions that are set for new applicants, if not answered it is denied)
- Be respectful to others
- Deposit in the guild bank, get our tabard, and participate. (We make it worth while.)
Well, we look forward to hanging out with you and venturing into Elsweyr.
Warm Regards,
Germaine, KSF Mane
Ps, this is a working progress.. Updates Regulary.
Edited by Germainethebold on April 10, 2019 3:24AM