Canned_Apples wrote: »This is an old thread.
The set was nerfed and no one uses it now.
*Skoria is also getting nerfed this upcoming patch- or rather being brought in line with the other sets.
I see. Thank you for polling the entire ESO playbase - PC, Xbox, PS4 to let me know that nobody uses the set. Much appreciated.
This has happened before, so I'm not even sure if you're joking or not lmao
What happened before? Sets getting nerfed on PTS? I'm confused.
It was OP, now it's not, and being a proc set from a DLC dungeon that requires specific builds to work, a lot of players either don't want to use it or can't get it in the first place.
Lughlongarm wrote: »Canned_Apples wrote: »This is an old thread.
The set was nerfed and no one uses it now.
*Skoria is also getting nerfed this upcoming patch- or rather being brought in line with the other sets.
I see. Thank you for polling the entire ESO playbase - PC, Xbox, PS4 to let me know that nobody uses the set. Much appreciated.
I think this set got potential, I have a build in mind but I'm miles away from getting all the necessary items. So basically I can't recommend, until I will have it ready. Also waiting to see what will be the situation with Necro and the free purge thing. If it will stay as is, expect 0 dots pvp meta for the upcoming update.
This has happened before, so I'm not even sure if you're joking or not lmao
What happened before? Sets getting nerfed on PTS? I'm confused.
It was OP, now it's not, and being a proc set from a DLC dungeon that requires specific builds to work, a lot of players either don't want to use it or can't get it in the first place.
Sorry, I think I was half asleep. I thought you meant live for some reason xD
How strong was it on PTS? After now looking at the set on live, it does have a very high tooltip for a DoT, but I imagine it's the slow moving animation which is why I rarely see it in use
Elemental drain costs 0, is insta-cast, has a long range in Cyro, and provides a very good debuff. This set gives you 2365 per-second tooltip damage for free - literally. There's a place for it in a ranged DoT setup (hello Skoria).
What I'd like to know is:
- Does ele drain pull you out of stealth?
- Will this set pull you out of stealth?
- Will this set pull someone else out of stealth?
Has anyone actually used the set in that scenario?
If the only way to get any bleeds was from a long'ish cooldown on a 5 piece proc set, there would be a lot less complaining about them. This set is a unicorn in Battlegrounds, I've literally seen it maybe three times, and that might very well have been the same singular player every time. (And if anyone is wondering, the damage really wasn't all that great)Shokasegambit1 wrote: »Yet you all still complain about bleeds, how ironic.
What about warden ice dps?
Lapin_Logic wrote: »What about warden ice dps?
'But what about Tank DPS.
Everything must DPS ergo why is SnB heavy armour not BiS for DPS'....
Ice is not the DPS staff, you have 2 viable options for that, hint it is not resto staff either. Cryomancer is ok damage good for RP and a pain in PVP, do you really want gank AND all the CCs? This is the trouble with this game, players want their RP bow/frost stave Argonian Bard of the Dark brotherhood to be king of pve and pvp with one fit... then the devs release Icy Counjorer + Caullions Cancer proc cheese... to replace "Viper + Widowmaker+ Tremorscale" proc cheese they removed and swore never to bring back. But hey let's keep dancing this dance of proc sets and RP builds. I am hyped for my double Resto stave Orc moon sugar farmer 3 light 3 medium 1 heavy build to be topping the trials leaderboard......
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »What about warden ice dps?
'But what about Tank DPS.
Everything must DPS ergo why is SnB heavy armour not BiS for DPS'....
Ice is not the DPS staff, you have 2 viable options for that, hint it is not resto staff either. Cryomancer is ok damage good for RP and a pain in PVP, do you really want gank AND all the CCs? This is the trouble with this game, players want their RP bow/frost stave Argonian Bard of the Dark brotherhood to be king of pve and pvp with one fit... then the devs release Icy Counjorer + Caullions Cancer proc cheese... to replace "Viper + Widowmaker+ Tremorscale" proc cheese they removed and swore never to bring back. But hey let's keep dancing this dance of proc sets and RP builds. I am hyped for my double Resto stave Orc moon sugar farmer 3 light 3 medium 1 heavy build to be topping the trials leaderboard......
Ice is mostly wanted by the active community to be a dps staff. I even did a survey on it and got a decent sample size. It was 61.5% to 38.5% in favor of DPS. Tasear mentioned "warden ice dps" Warden doesn't have enough damage skills, and most of which are raw damage and pretty boring. and has a problem with group viability in pve. While having a lot of underperforming and underused morphs in winter's embrace. I get you don't like snares and associate them with frost because the only 2 viable pvp frost damage skills have some form of annoying cc attached to them which is the only reason they are used for(frost wall with a snare and immobilise on chilled enemies, and frost reach which is an immobilise). that screams to a larger picture. the other 2 viable skills are ultimates. sleet storm and ice comet. also with stuns/snares.
We are fine with snare nerfs because they get in the way of a lot of combat and it wouldn't be fair to everyone to buff sleet storm and frost wall (specifically) without touching the snares, we don't want frost to be overpowered. but we want/need more frost damage skills that don't focus on any form of CC at all. remember. frost is a damage element in the elder scrolls. always has been and always will be. they will need to make a seperate tanking staff with actual unique tanking passives and skills rather than a quick copy paste. that way, tanks will have a magic staff for tanking. and frost DPS can actually be a thing, frost tanks can still exist while on warden as they will keep their good tanking morphs. i don't expect it to be done right away, but perhaps next chapter can come with a much wanted and needed weapons update. but we do know that it's a community want.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »What about warden ice dps?
'But what about Tank DPS.
Everything must DPS ergo why is SnB heavy armour not BiS for DPS'....
Ice is not the DPS staff, you have 2 viable options for that, hint it is not resto staff either. Cryomancer is ok damage good for RP and a pain in PVP, do you really want gank AND all the CCs? This is the trouble with this game, players want their RP bow/frost stave Argonian Bard of the Dark brotherhood to be king of pve and pvp with one fit... then the devs release Icy Counjorer + Caullions Cancer proc cheese... to replace "Viper + Widowmaker+ Tremorscale" proc cheese they removed and swore never to bring back. But hey let's keep dancing this dance of proc sets and RP builds. I am hyped for my double Resto stave Orc moon sugar farmer 3 light 3 medium 1 heavy build to be topping the trials leaderboard......
Ice is mostly wanted by the active community to be a dps staff. I even did a survey on it and got a decent sample size. It was 61.5% to 38.5% in favor of DPS. Tasear mentioned "warden ice dps" Warden doesn't have enough damage skills, and most of which are raw damage and pretty boring. and has a problem with group viability in pve. While having a lot of underperforming and underused morphs in winter's embrace. I get you don't like snares and associate them with frost because the only 2 viable pvp frost damage skills have some form of annoying cc attached to them which is the only reason they are used for(frost wall with a snare and immobilise on chilled enemies, and frost reach which is an immobilise). that screams to a larger picture. the other 2 viable skills are ultimates. sleet storm and ice comet. also with stuns/snares.
We are fine with snare nerfs because they get in the way of a lot of combat and it wouldn't be fair to everyone to buff sleet storm and frost wall (specifically) without touching the snares, we don't want frost to be overpowered. but we want/need more frost damage skills that don't focus on any form of CC at all. remember. frost is a damage element in the elder scrolls. always has been and always will be. they will need to make a seperate tanking staff with actual unique tanking passives and skills rather than a quick copy paste. that way, tanks will have a magic staff for tanking. and frost DPS can actually be a thing, frost tanks can still exist while on warden as they will keep their good tanking morphs. i don't expect it to be done right away, but perhaps next chapter can come with a much wanted and needed weapons update. but we do know that it's a community want.
The community "want" a lot of things, Ice DPS is only to suit their OCD for color matched effects to fit their aesthetic.
Flame staves up your single target.
Lightning up your AOE.
Frost staves would up ??what in this scenario?
and what would replace tanking staves?... wind? would mobs be snared from the smell from wall of broken wind? maybe water? Draugr would be repelled for fear of being cleaned?
each weapon needs to have a unique purpose, not just be a reskin of effects.
as for warden DPS Look up "t3hasiangod" on YouTube he hits 51k dps on a Mag warden just fine, wardens don't need a buff
wanting something isn't reason to get something, im sure there are some that want Scythes, flails, pole arms/ spears, SnB spell casting Battlemage Dps, but there has to be a limit somewhere on how many duplicated items we have or exploitable builds (*cough* proc sets) there are.
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »What about warden ice dps?
'But what about Tank DPS.
Everything must DPS ergo why is SnB heavy armour not BiS for DPS'....
Ice is not the DPS staff, you have 2 viable options for that, hint it is not resto staff either. Cryomancer is ok damage good for RP and a pain in PVP, do you really want gank AND all the CCs? This is the trouble with this game, players want their RP bow/frost stave Argonian Bard of the Dark brotherhood to be king of pve and pvp with one fit... then the devs release Icy Counjorer + Caullions Cancer proc cheese... to replace "Viper + Widowmaker+ Tremorscale" proc cheese they removed and swore never to bring back. But hey let's keep dancing this dance of proc sets and RP builds. I am hyped for my double Resto stave Orc moon sugar farmer 3 light 3 medium 1 heavy build to be topping the trials leaderboard......
Ice is mostly wanted by the active community to be a dps staff. I even did a survey on it and got a decent sample size. It was 61.5% to 38.5% in favor of DPS. Tasear mentioned "warden ice dps" Warden doesn't have enough damage skills, and most of which are raw damage and pretty boring. and has a problem with group viability in pve. While having a lot of underperforming and underused morphs in winter's embrace. I get you don't like snares and associate them with frost because the only 2 viable pvp frost damage skills have some form of annoying cc attached to them which is the only reason they are used for(frost wall with a snare and immobilise on chilled enemies, and frost reach which is an immobilise). that screams to a larger picture. the other 2 viable skills are ultimates. sleet storm and ice comet. also with stuns/snares.
We are fine with snare nerfs because they get in the way of a lot of combat and it wouldn't be fair to everyone to buff sleet storm and frost wall (specifically) without touching the snares, we don't want frost to be overpowered. but we want/need more frost damage skills that don't focus on any form of CC at all. remember. frost is a damage element in the elder scrolls. always has been and always will be. they will need to make a seperate tanking staff with actual unique tanking passives and skills rather than a quick copy paste. that way, tanks will have a magic staff for tanking. and frost DPS can actually be a thing, frost tanks can still exist while on warden as they will keep their good tanking morphs. i don't expect it to be done right away, but perhaps next chapter can come with a much wanted and needed weapons update. but we do know that it's a community want.
The community "want" a lot of things, Ice DPS is only to suit their OCD for color matched effects to fit their aesthetic.
Flame staves up your single target.
Lightning up your AOE.
Frost staves would up ??what in this scenario?
and what would replace tanking staves?... wind? would mobs be snared from the smell from wall of broken wind? maybe water? Draugr would be repelled for fear of being cleaned?
each weapon needs to have a unique purpose, not just be a reskin of effects.
as for warden DPS Look up "t3hasiangod" on YouTube he hits 51k dps on a Mag warden just fine, wardens don't need a buff
wanting something isn't reason to get something, im sure there are some that want Scythes, flails, pole arms/ spears, SnB spell casting Battlemage Dps, but there has to be a limit somewhere on how many duplicated items we have or exploitable builds (*cough* proc sets) there are.
magdens are not fine in pve. They do the least dps and have little unique group viability. This fact can be solved by adding some more viable skills and the only room is in winter's embrace. it's a want for sure. but it's a need too. for frost staff, it would gain critical chance. and we would need a new magicka staff(alteration, if you wanted a theme). so i would only expect a massive change when we get a legitimate weapon for magicka tanking. we've thought about this.
something is telling me that this conversation will not do anything for anyone. so i'm going to end it here.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »What about warden ice dps?
'But what about Tank DPS.
Everything must DPS ergo why is SnB heavy armour not BiS for DPS'....
Ice is not the DPS staff, you have 2 viable options for that, hint it is not resto staff either. Cryomancer is ok damage good for RP and a pain in PVP, do you really want gank AND all the CCs? This is the trouble with this game, players want their RP bow/frost stave Argonian Bard of the Dark brotherhood to be king of pve and pvp with one fit... then the devs release Icy Counjorer + Caullions Cancer proc cheese... to replace "Viper + Widowmaker+ Tremorscale" proc cheese they removed and swore never to bring back. But hey let's keep dancing this dance of proc sets and RP builds. I am hyped for my double Resto stave Orc moon sugar farmer 3 light 3 medium 1 heavy build to be topping the trials leaderboard......
Ice is mostly wanted by the active community to be a dps staff. I even did a survey on it and got a decent sample size. It was 61.5% to 38.5% in favor of DPS. Tasear mentioned "warden ice dps" Warden doesn't have enough damage skills, and most of which are raw damage and pretty boring. and has a problem with group viability in pve. While having a lot of underperforming and underused morphs in winter's embrace. I get you don't like snares and associate them with frost because the only 2 viable pvp frost damage skills have some form of annoying cc attached to them which is the only reason they are used for(frost wall with a snare and immobilise on chilled enemies, and frost reach which is an immobilise). that screams to a larger picture. the other 2 viable skills are ultimates. sleet storm and ice comet. also with stuns/snares.
We are fine with snare nerfs because they get in the way of a lot of combat and it wouldn't be fair to everyone to buff sleet storm and frost wall (specifically) without touching the snares, we don't want frost to be overpowered. but we want/need more frost damage skills that don't focus on any form of CC at all. remember. frost is a damage element in the elder scrolls. always has been and always will be. they will need to make a seperate tanking staff with actual unique tanking passives and skills rather than a quick copy paste. that way, tanks will have a magic staff for tanking. and frost DPS can actually be a thing, frost tanks can still exist while on warden as they will keep their good tanking morphs. i don't expect it to be done right away, but perhaps next chapter can come with a much wanted and needed weapons update. but we do know that it's a community want.
The community "want" a lot of things, Ice DPS is only to suit their OCD for color matched effects to fit their aesthetic.
Flame staves up your single target.
Lightning up your AOE.
Frost staves would up ??what in this scenario?
and what would replace tanking staves?... wind? would mobs be snared from the smell from wall of broken wind? maybe water? Draugr would be repelled for fear of being cleaned?
each weapon needs to have a unique purpose, not just be a reskin of effects.
as for warden DPS Look up "t3hasiangod" on YouTube he hits 51k dps on a Mag warden just fine, wardens don't need a buff
wanting something isn't reason to get something, im sure there are some that want Scythes, flails, pole arms/ spears, SnB spell casting Battlemage Dps, but there has to be a limit somewhere on how many duplicated items we have or exploitable builds (*cough* proc sets) there are.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »What about warden ice dps?
'But what about Tank DPS.
Everything must DPS ergo why is SnB heavy armour not BiS for DPS'....
Ice is not the DPS staff, you have 2 viable options for that, hint it is not resto staff either. Cryomancer is ok damage good for RP and a pain in PVP, do you really want gank AND all the CCs? This is the trouble with this game, players want their RP bow/frost stave Argonian Bard of the Dark brotherhood to be king of pve and pvp with one fit... then the devs release Icy Counjorer + Caullions Cancer proc cheese... to replace "Viper + Widowmaker+ Tremorscale" proc cheese they removed and swore never to bring back. But hey let's keep dancing this dance of proc sets and RP builds. I am hyped for my double Resto stave Orc moon sugar farmer 3 light 3 medium 1 heavy build to be topping the trials leaderboard......
Ice is mostly wanted by the active community to be a dps staff. I even did a survey on it and got a decent sample size. It was 61.5% to 38.5% in favor of DPS. Tasear mentioned "warden ice dps" Warden doesn't have enough damage skills, and most of which are raw damage and pretty boring. and has a problem with group viability in pve. While having a lot of underperforming and underused morphs in winter's embrace. I get you don't like snares and associate them with frost because the only 2 viable pvp frost damage skills have some form of annoying cc attached to them which is the only reason they are used for(frost wall with a snare and immobilise on chilled enemies, and frost reach which is an immobilise). that screams to a larger picture. the other 2 viable skills are ultimates. sleet storm and ice comet. also with stuns/snares.
We are fine with snare nerfs because they get in the way of a lot of combat and it wouldn't be fair to everyone to buff sleet storm and frost wall (specifically) without touching the snares, we don't want frost to be overpowered. but we want/need more frost damage skills that don't focus on any form of CC at all. remember. frost is a damage element in the elder scrolls. always has been and always will be. they will need to make a seperate tanking staff with actual unique tanking passives and skills rather than a quick copy paste. that way, tanks will have a magic staff for tanking. and frost DPS can actually be a thing, frost tanks can still exist while on warden as they will keep their good tanking morphs. i don't expect it to be done right away, but perhaps next chapter can come with a much wanted and needed weapons update. but we do know that it's a community want.
The community "want" a lot of things, Ice DPS is only to suit their OCD for color matched effects to fit their aesthetic.
Flame staves up your single target.
Lightning up your AOE.
Frost staves would up ??what in this scenario?
and what would replace tanking staves?... wind? would mobs be snared from the smell from wall of broken wind? maybe water? Draugr would be repelled for fear of being cleaned?
each weapon needs to have a unique purpose, not just be a reskin of effects.
as for warden DPS Look up "t3hasiangod" on YouTube he hits 51k dps on a Mag warden just fine, wardens don't need a buff
wanting something isn't reason to get something, im sure there are some that want Scythes, flails, pole arms/ spears, SnB spell casting Battlemage Dps, but there has to be a limit somewhere on how many duplicated items we have or exploitable builds (*cough* proc sets) there are.
Idk about you, but "fire for single target, lightning for AoE, frost for tanking" doesn't sound like a recipe for diversity to me.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »What about warden ice dps?
'But what about Tank DPS.
Everything must DPS ergo why is SnB heavy armour not BiS for DPS'....
Ice is not the DPS staff, you have 2 viable options for that, hint it is not resto staff either. Cryomancer is ok damage good for RP and a pain in PVP, do you really want gank AND all the CCs? This is the trouble with this game, players want their RP bow/frost stave Argonian Bard of the Dark brotherhood to be king of pve and pvp with one fit... then the devs release Icy Counjorer + Caullions Cancer proc cheese... to replace "Viper + Widowmaker+ Tremorscale" proc cheese they removed and swore never to bring back. But hey let's keep dancing this dance of proc sets and RP builds. I am hyped for my double Resto stave Orc moon sugar farmer 3 light 3 medium 1 heavy build to be topping the trials leaderboard......
Ice is mostly wanted by the active community to be a dps staff. I even did a survey on it and got a decent sample size. It was 61.5% to 38.5% in favor of DPS. Tasear mentioned "warden ice dps" Warden doesn't have enough damage skills, and most of which are raw damage and pretty boring. and has a problem with group viability in pve. While having a lot of underperforming and underused morphs in winter's embrace. I get you don't like snares and associate them with frost because the only 2 viable pvp frost damage skills have some form of annoying cc attached to them which is the only reason they are used for(frost wall with a snare and immobilise on chilled enemies, and frost reach which is an immobilise). that screams to a larger picture. the other 2 viable skills are ultimates. sleet storm and ice comet. also with stuns/snares.
We are fine with snare nerfs because they get in the way of a lot of combat and it wouldn't be fair to everyone to buff sleet storm and frost wall (specifically) without touching the snares, we don't want frost to be overpowered. but we want/need more frost damage skills that don't focus on any form of CC at all. remember. frost is a damage element in the elder scrolls. always has been and always will be. they will need to make a seperate tanking staff with actual unique tanking passives and skills rather than a quick copy paste. that way, tanks will have a magic staff for tanking. and frost DPS can actually be a thing, frost tanks can still exist while on warden as they will keep their good tanking morphs. i don't expect it to be done right away, but perhaps next chapter can come with a much wanted and needed weapons update. but we do know that it's a community want.
The community "want" a lot of things, Ice DPS is only to suit their OCD for color matched effects to fit their aesthetic.
Flame staves up your single target.
Lightning up your AOE.
Frost staves would up ??what in this scenario?
and what would replace tanking staves?... wind? would mobs be snared from the smell from wall of broken wind? maybe water? Draugr would be repelled for fear of being cleaned?
each weapon needs to have a unique purpose, not just be a reskin of effects.
as for warden DPS Look up "t3hasiangod" on YouTube he hits 51k dps on a Mag warden just fine, wardens don't need a buff
wanting something isn't reason to get something, im sure there are some that want Scythes, flails, pole arms/ spears, SnB spell casting Battlemage Dps, but there has to be a limit somewhere on how many duplicated items we have or exploitable builds (*cough* proc sets) there are.
Idk about you, but "fire for single target, lightning for AoE, frost for tanking" doesn't sound like a recipe for diversity to me.
diversity??? is there a third type of damage, other than single target Or AOE?
Lapin_Logic wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »What about warden ice dps?
'But what about Tank DPS.
Everything must DPS ergo why is SnB heavy armour not BiS for DPS'....
Ice is not the DPS staff, you have 2 viable options for that, hint it is not resto staff either. Cryomancer is ok damage good for RP and a pain in PVP, do you really want gank AND all the CCs? This is the trouble with this game, players want their RP bow/frost stave Argonian Bard of the Dark brotherhood to be king of pve and pvp with one fit... then the devs release Icy Counjorer + Caullions Cancer proc cheese... to replace "Viper + Widowmaker+ Tremorscale" proc cheese they removed and swore never to bring back. But hey let's keep dancing this dance of proc sets and RP builds. I am hyped for my double Resto stave Orc moon sugar farmer 3 light 3 medium 1 heavy build to be topping the trials leaderboard......
Ice is mostly wanted by the active community to be a dps staff. I even did a survey on it and got a decent sample size. It was 61.5% to 38.5% in favor of DPS. Tasear mentioned "warden ice dps" Warden doesn't have enough damage skills, and most of which are raw damage and pretty boring. and has a problem with group viability in pve. While having a lot of underperforming and underused morphs in winter's embrace. I get you don't like snares and associate them with frost because the only 2 viable pvp frost damage skills have some form of annoying cc attached to them which is the only reason they are used for(frost wall with a snare and immobilise on chilled enemies, and frost reach which is an immobilise). that screams to a larger picture. the other 2 viable skills are ultimates. sleet storm and ice comet. also with stuns/snares.
We are fine with snare nerfs because they get in the way of a lot of combat and it wouldn't be fair to everyone to buff sleet storm and frost wall (specifically) without touching the snares, we don't want frost to be overpowered. but we want/need more frost damage skills that don't focus on any form of CC at all. remember. frost is a damage element in the elder scrolls. always has been and always will be. they will need to make a seperate tanking staff with actual unique tanking passives and skills rather than a quick copy paste. that way, tanks will have a magic staff for tanking. and frost DPS can actually be a thing, frost tanks can still exist while on warden as they will keep their good tanking morphs. i don't expect it to be done right away, but perhaps next chapter can come with a much wanted and needed weapons update. but we do know that it's a community want.
The community "want" a lot of things, Ice DPS is only to suit their OCD for color matched effects to fit their aesthetic.
Flame staves up your single target.
Lightning up your AOE.
Frost staves would up ??what in this scenario?
and what would replace tanking staves?... wind? would mobs be snared from the smell from wall of broken wind? maybe water? Draugr would be repelled for fear of being cleaned?
each weapon needs to have a unique purpose, not just be a reskin of effects.
as for warden DPS Look up "t3hasiangod" on YouTube he hits 51k dps on a Mag warden just fine, wardens don't need a buff
wanting something isn't reason to get something, im sure there are some that want Scythes, flails, pole arms/ spears, SnB spell casting Battlemage Dps, but there has to be a limit somewhere on how many duplicated items we have or exploitable builds (*cough* proc sets) there are.
Idk about you, but "fire for single target, lightning for AoE, frost for tanking" doesn't sound like a recipe for diversity to me.
diversity??? is there a third type of damage, other than single target Or AOE?
To answer your question: yes, multitarget, like Reflective Light.
As for diversity. An engaging game at it's core is ultimately a sequence of choices, possibly with more elements like mechanical skill. What we have right now with the destruction staff elements is one clearly best option for most situations, with only some real choices created by the different CC effects between them in PvP. To make it a more interesting choice that makes the player feel like they made a difference to how their build will work, rather than the game proscribing what will work with their build, all elements need to offer different ways to deal with the same situation. This could, for example, be achieved by further differentiating skill effects, preferably in a way that actually impacts the choice in PvE as well. But however this would be done, it would require getting rid of the global single target and aoe buffs.
Lapin_Logic wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Lapin_Logic wrote: »What about warden ice dps?
'But what about Tank DPS.
Everything must DPS ergo why is SnB heavy armour not BiS for DPS'....
Ice is not the DPS staff, you have 2 viable options for that, hint it is not resto staff either. Cryomancer is ok damage good for RP and a pain in PVP, do you really want gank AND all the CCs? This is the trouble with this game, players want their RP bow/frost stave Argonian Bard of the Dark brotherhood to be king of pve and pvp with one fit... then the devs release Icy Counjorer + Caullions Cancer proc cheese... to replace "Viper + Widowmaker+ Tremorscale" proc cheese they removed and swore never to bring back. But hey let's keep dancing this dance of proc sets and RP builds. I am hyped for my double Resto stave Orc moon sugar farmer 3 light 3 medium 1 heavy build to be topping the trials leaderboard......
Ice is mostly wanted by the active community to be a dps staff. I even did a survey on it and got a decent sample size. It was 61.5% to 38.5% in favor of DPS. Tasear mentioned "warden ice dps" Warden doesn't have enough damage skills, and most of which are raw damage and pretty boring. and has a problem with group viability in pve. While having a lot of underperforming and underused morphs in winter's embrace. I get you don't like snares and associate them with frost because the only 2 viable pvp frost damage skills have some form of annoying cc attached to them which is the only reason they are used for(frost wall with a snare and immobilise on chilled enemies, and frost reach which is an immobilise). that screams to a larger picture. the other 2 viable skills are ultimates. sleet storm and ice comet. also with stuns/snares.
We are fine with snare nerfs because they get in the way of a lot of combat and it wouldn't be fair to everyone to buff sleet storm and frost wall (specifically) without touching the snares, we don't want frost to be overpowered. but we want/need more frost damage skills that don't focus on any form of CC at all. remember. frost is a damage element in the elder scrolls. always has been and always will be. they will need to make a seperate tanking staff with actual unique tanking passives and skills rather than a quick copy paste. that way, tanks will have a magic staff for tanking. and frost DPS can actually be a thing, frost tanks can still exist while on warden as they will keep their good tanking morphs. i don't expect it to be done right away, but perhaps next chapter can come with a much wanted and needed weapons update. but we do know that it's a community want.
The community "want" a lot of things, Ice DPS is only to suit their OCD for color matched effects to fit their aesthetic.
Flame staves up your single target.
Lightning up your AOE.
Frost staves would up ??what in this scenario?
and what would replace tanking staves?... wind? would mobs be snared from the smell from wall of broken wind? maybe water? Draugr would be repelled for fear of being cleaned?
each weapon needs to have a unique purpose, not just be a reskin of effects.
as for warden DPS Look up "t3hasiangod" on YouTube he hits 51k dps on a Mag warden just fine, wardens don't need a buff
wanting something isn't reason to get something, im sure there are some that want Scythes, flails, pole arms/ spears, SnB spell casting Battlemage Dps, but there has to be a limit somewhere on how many duplicated items we have or exploitable builds (*cough* proc sets) there are.
Idk about you, but "fire for single target, lightning for AoE, frost for tanking" doesn't sound like a recipe for diversity to me.
diversity??? is there a third type of damage, other than single target Or AOE?
To answer your question: yes, multitarget, like Reflective Light.
As for diversity. An engaging game at it's core is ultimately a sequence of choices, possibly with more elements like mechanical skill. What we have right now with the destruction staff elements is one clearly best option for most situations, with only some real choices created by the different CC effects between them in PvP. To make it a more interesting choice that makes the player feel like they made a difference to how their build will work, rather than the game proscribing what will work with their build, all elements need to offer different ways to deal with the same situation. This could, for example, be achieved by further differentiating skill effects, preferably in a way that actually impacts the choice in PvE as well. But however this would be done, it would require getting rid of the global single target and aoe buffs.
"Multi target, Like reflective light"... Soooo an infinitesimally small amount of skills, enjoy your DPS collapsing while using this hypothetical stave
"Ice Staffers" are like "Flat Earthers" ignoring the logical just to feel special