"Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves.""It's just not a home until you decorate the torture chamber, am I right?""If you want to lose 10lbs of ugly fat, I'd be happy to chop your head off!""Degenerates!" --- Todd Howard
"If it's not broke, don't fix it,....unless you're ZO$ and are just doing it for the money!" --- Me
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
I am in a Kevduit video
PS4 (main platform)
--- JP_Dovahkriid
PC (just for PTS since Dragon Bones)
--- JP_Dovahkriid
Playing since console release in 2015
17 characters; mainly play PvE tanks and healer, as well as PvP stamDK, magplar, and stamblade; I also have a handful of DPS toons to have variety. All AD, with one, now PvE, DC toon.
I was on the forums before, but something happened with my account info and I had to create a new account.