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CP PvP: why?

  • Liww
    UppGRAYxDD wrote: »
    Cause there is only 1 no CP campaign on xbox....and its a ghost town during my daytime gaming hours.

    best put I guess is that you either give up on defensive or offensive strength, or choose to be mediocre-ish in both. and considering both aspects are very important in pvp, it will be tough.

    edit: im sorry double post..
    Edited by Liww on February 2, 2019 1:29AM
  • ATomiX96
    Why cp-pvp? Idk, kinda got bored of fighting people with proc-sets, master dw, oblivion damage and trollking.
    And in noncp outnumbering your opponent is even more effective than it already is in CP-environment and leaves little to no space to outplay a group with larger quantities.
  • pzschrek
    Demra wrote: »
    Curious, Where does a casual player cp 400-500 with purple items stand a better chance?

    Zerg surfing in Vivec tbh
    “The enemy is anybody who's going to get you killed, no matter which side he is on.”
  • Fur_like_snow
    I’d be more willing for play No CP if the server wasn’t empty most times of the day and night. Then a certain streamer would log in and zerg the map down with his followers which makes it boring for both sides.
    Edited by Fur_like_snow on February 3, 2019 2:11AM
  • MajBludd
    The only server with consistent pop is vicec. Shor is dead most of the time, same with Sotha.

    That's why nobody plays there and I'm sure there are few other reasons that are not known to me that others could expand upon or have.

    My few experiences in Shor, Zone chat was dead, Calls for keeps being UA were ignored, and the greatest extent of action I saw were groups farming ress.

    Sotha was great when it was Azuras. I don't even bother with it anymore because it's a dead server and I'm at max cp.
  • Datolite
    Sotha is bumping with at least two streamers and four full time pvp guilds on DC. Just not 24/7.
    Edited by Datolite on February 4, 2019 1:59AM
  • heavier
    because ESO's gearing system is kind of bland
    CP is needed to mitigate the overwhelming trend of people just stacking one category of stat and gravitating to popular sets...
    maybe the amount of customization it offers is illusionary because of linear it is, but it's a cool kind of endgame system.
    I appreciate that return on investment decreases the more points you put in into a category.

    I could see CP being locked potential in PvP
    in order to unlock branches of CP, there would be build requirements
    sets feel very generic and each piece of equipment is totally lacking in personality
    each gear item of every motif is identical in spite of having radically different appearances and materials
    there should be some kind of manner of delegating how much of CP can be channeled thru each denomination of equipment

    maybe that is too convoluted, but it should be balanced to address the sincere boringness of the idea "bigger CP = stronger in almost every way"

    i've proposed repeatedly a manner of equalizing CP to a manageable level
    some kind of way where the overall direction of a player's distribution of CP still is important...

    ...with the primary intent being to make PvP lively and less washed out

    I also see CP as a way to bandaid the lack of ability to build things that are fairly essential such as speed and sustain through equipment without making nonsensical tradeoffs
    (trading weapon damage for stamina recovery on jewelry is quadruple WTF, 1 why does jewelry affect weapon damage 2 why does jewelry affect stamina recovery 3 why are these influences mutually exclusive 4 why is invigorating trait so underwhelming that it isn't worth bothering with, in spite of being an aspect of gear where it would make sense to acquire additional stamina recovery/sustain potential)
    Edited by heavier on February 4, 2019 7:31AM
  • heavier
    Liww wrote: »
    no-CP is the best for me. It's far better paced with no rediculous strength differences outside of the skills you are slotting and gear you are sporting.

    tbh sometimes I find no-cp slow and tanky, but cp beats that a thousandfold in terms of crazy tankiness, and atleast no-cp tanks cant turn around and one shot lol they do fulfill more of a support role in no-cp imo.

    dunno I've come across one tank before I quit in no CP who could nearly oneshot

    it might be an exploit
  • TheBonesXXX
    Because I like Hybrids and certain early major players had them nerfed without any statistical analysis what so ever.
  • Master_Kas
    Datolite wrote: »
    I revisited Vivec after a long hiatus. Wanted to test out a build that required champion points. Many regrets were had.

    Its like a longer, more boring version of the pvp I have grown to love. Everyone is tanky. Fights last forever. Ball groups are ridiculous.

    Seriously, what is the appeal? I can't fathom how this server is so populated.

    Just the fact that vivec is more populated than sotha during more hours of the day says it all really. If you enjoy Nocp pvp stick to sotha and don't try to force it on the rest of us.
    EU | PC
  • technohic
    Was thinking about this more, and really I have to say I really don't care either way and will build accordingly. Reasons I go where I go have to do with where my friends are, and where fights are to be had. It really has nothing to do with anything else for me personally.
  • Defilted
    No thank you to non-cp. Please keep both so I don't have to play non-cp. I am not rebuilding 5 PVP characters to accommodate for a game mode that does not allow my progression.

    XBOX NA Non-CP campaign is dead at all times and I do not want to be in there. Non-CP at all times that I have tried it is not fun do to the fact that it requires a completely different setup to make it work. It is the same reasons I never BG. I am completely fine with someone not liking CP campaign and preferring the other.

    If and when they decide to remove the CP system or change it or whatever then fine I will continue to PVP but I am still going to use the progression system that is in place and not join a campaign that pretends part of game does not exist.

    XBOX Series X

  • CatchMeTrolling
    Defilted wrote: »
    No thank you to non-cp. Please keep both so I don't have to play non-cp. I am not rebuilding 5 PVP characters to accommodate for a game mode that does not allow my progression.

    XBOX NA Non-CP campaign is dead at all times and I do not want to be in there. Non-CP at all times that I have tried it is not fun do to the fact that it requires a completely different setup to make it work. It is the same reasons I never BG. I am completely fine with someone not liking CP campaign and preferring the other.

    If and when they decide to remove the CP system or change it or whatever then fine I will continue to PVP but I am still going to use the progression system that is in place and not join a campaign that pretends part of game does not exist.

    This is really the biggest reason most people don’t play no cp. Refuse to adjust to the system. Besides the ones who feel they should be allowed to play with the cp they’ve “earned.

    At the end of the day learning how to be remain effective in cp and no cp is going to make you a better player. There’s good players that play both while there’s others that left cp for the most part. Then there’s players who make every excuse under the sun to avoid playing cp or no cp. Adapting is apart of pvp.
  • bagon
    frostz417 wrote: »
    Datolite wrote: »
    frostz417 wrote: »
    Don’t think anyone can talk about noCP being balanced when it is littered with proc sets, poisons, and heavy armor.. mhm okay cry about cp because your sloads viper skoria build doesn’t work in cp like it does in noCP

    It's funny, cause the most effective build I have is just bright throat, shackle and bloodspawn in light armor. You just sound like you got your wet paper build torn in half by a baby proc cause you forgot to put impen on your actual gear.

    And you sound like you hit like a wet paper and cry because you can’t kill anyone in cp with your current set up. Then got bursted down.

    Also, not putting on impen in any form of PvP is mindless, but procs don’t crit so even if I didn’t have impen proc sets would do the same damage.

    Cp is the hardest carry in game
  •  Jules
    We don't run out of stamina after 1.5 dodgerolls.

    IGN- @Juies || Youtube || Twitch
    EP - Julianos . Jules . Family Jules . Jules of Misrule. Joy
    DC - Julsie . Jules . Jukes . Jojuji . Juliet . Jaded
    AD - Juice . Jubaited . Joules . Julmanji . Julogy . Jubroni . Ju Jitsu

    Rest in Peace G & Yi
    Viva La Aristocracy
  • Raammzzaa
    Is Sotha very populated on your platforms? Just curious, because I always thought it was pretty dead.
  • Ragnarock41
    Raammzzaa wrote: »
    Is Sotha very populated on your platforms? Just curious, because I always thought it was pretty dead.

    Its very populated in PC EU. And Its not a procfest like CP players claim.(can't say they don't exist, procs are definitely stronger in here) The diversity is much larger than ''fury-seventh'' since running pure damage or pure procs in no-CP has actual consequences.
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on February 7, 2019 6:44PM
  • MalagenR
    It's for perfectionists. Definitely. You really start to find the juice in your build when you stack it with 810 CP points.
  • Datolite
    Jules wrote: »
    We don't run out of stamina after 1.5 dodgerolls.

    Ur doin it wrong.
  • mursie
    Is no cp being dominated by proc sets a specific server thing or open world? In bgs they’ve been pretty tame. If I see one it’s usually skoria, other than that there’s a slim chance to see viper, sloads and Winterborn. But they aren’t the norm , so I’m confused.

    You can 1vx in cp or no cp. I don’t get how it being harder in no cp invalidates it, if anything that makes it more impressive.

    Saying sets carry in no cp is bias because sets carry in cp too. Instead it’s worse because they drag fights out against people that you’re blatantly outplaying. Everyone “hates” the tank meta but also hate fast fights that resemble the “golden age” of pvp, that which is 1.6.

    Go to cp for forgiving pvp, go to no cp where it’s less forgiving and where making a mistake or being caught off guard means you’re dead. Honestly dying quick in no cp is usually a l2p issue and a sign of inexperience. Play any high mmr bg and you’re going to wish players died as quickly as everyone claims. Fights against good players will make you think its cp pvp.

    Build diversity is a myth in cp, everyone runs the same sets. In no cp I’ve come across the most unorthodox builds because cp actually kills creativity.

    Drop bodies in cp and no cp, lets stop acting like one takes more skill or the game is skillful in general.

    well said.
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • mursie
    Nellzer wrote: »
    Because non-CP has a significantly lower skill cap. 1vX in CP actually requires in depth game knowledge, map knowledge, understanding how to use your surroundings, when to engage/disengage, etc etc. Non-CP has elements of this, sure, but not nearly to the same extent, and you can easily be overrun with zero outs.

    CP also allows for much higher build diversity, and allows unorthodox builds, in the hands of the right player, to shine and pull off good fights.

    A lot of your complaints are unwarranted as well. No turtle tanks? No one worth their salt in CP cares about turtle tanks, they literally can't scratch even the glassiest of builds, you just ignore them and go on your merry way. Much better balance? The game is literally balanced around CP, it is absolutely not true that non-CP has better balance. Fights only last forever in CP if you don't know how to: a) put together a proper build b) chain and time a proper burst rotation c) have good target priority.

    All in all, CP is just way more fun for the 'competitive' PvP community that wants to min-max and have fun, dynamic outnumbered fights.

    if the game was balanced around CP the BG's would be CP enabled. Please - just think one moment before you speak. there is a very specific reason that ZOS took BG's back to no-cp. because CP isn't balanced.
    twitter: @mursieftw
  • Fur_like_snow
    End game is PvE not PvP. End game PvE is balanced with CP in mind. It’s funny to hear these streamers so proudly announce how they haven’t stepped foot in a CP campaign but yet they run all the new trials and duengons which is CP enabled. I don’t see them disabling their CP for that content. No CP trials isn’t a thing.
    Edited by Fur_like_snow on February 8, 2019 6:04AM
  • Emmagoldman
    technohic wrote: »
    Trancestor wrote: »
    Less lag is the only good thing about no cp.

    You can get that in Shor so its not really the CP part.

    I actually enjoyed no-CP up until Summerset when lets face it; the sustain nerfs were done to combat the CP power creep, and at that point; no-CP was not as much fun.

    And people talk about players being more tanky, but players get more damage as well in CP. The difference is probably to do with players that have put in more time to get to the cap and learn to survive. You still come across plenty that haven't and die very quickly.

    Then with the populations same as Shor; it just takes one side to outnumber the others and just run the map.

    Yes and no

    Outside of either raising dmg cap or mitigation, which seems "balanced" being tanky is also about regen, which you have more of, an easy 12% to healing, and either putting into block or dodge roll. So its pretty far from balanced. There are plenty of builds that can heal up with a button push.

    No cp requires better gameplay because of the lose of regen, dodge roll or block reduction and healing received. This make less from for error as co is easier to reset a fight.

    I agree with the poster that cp fights can go on forever. I def walk away from fights because I know its the same as beating on a wall

  • JumpmanLane
    No cp once you are near or max cp in particular is just gimping yourself. Most people who enjoy no cp have low cp or copy pasted builds.

    I played cp campaigns since level 10. I played both cp and non cp till about 500 cp (when 690 was the max) and just stayed in Vivec. Playing no cp on my cp build is just not my build.

    Cp is in the game. No one does serious PvE content with their cp removed. Man up and fight PEOPLE with cp lol.
  • Emma_Overload
    MaxJrFTW wrote: »
    Baconlad wrote: »
    People play CP campaigns because it's not fun to get killed by two players when you know you can kill them 1v1 in no cp or CP.

    In CP I might stand a chance even if they are 810. The CP allows me the slight amount of breathing room needed to take on multiple players.

    Anyone who claims they enjoy no cp more is either a zergling glass canon build, or a small scale player with a pocket healer. You like no cp because you dont run across players who try to build balanced, you run across players like you...zerglings who die to the drop if a hat.

    You can 1vX in nocp sure...its possible, but its insanely harder on me as solo, and incredibly easier for zerglings to kill me with less numbers.

    Having said that, I dont care if all CP were removed. Just give me my crit, regens and max stats that they took away from me when they implemented the champion system.

    No CP is purposely gimping yourself.

    There also aren't *** for fights

    Your post can be summarized with, "i prefer cp because it gives me an advantage over players that are not cp capped". You're scared of people being on an even plainfield which is what no cp is, you'd lose your advantage.

    You're taking a shot at this guy by calling him a zergling, and saying he doesn't run across well balanced builds. Yet you're a 1vxer...You're not out there looking to fight good players. Everyone knows you can't 1vx good players. You're looking for low cp players so you can crutch on your cp and beat them.

    1vX = cp cap player seal clubbing new or less skilled players. Don't try to disguise it as anything other than that.

    That's not what he said but whatever.
  • Emmagoldman
    No cp once you are near or max cp in particular is just gimping yourself. Most people who enjoy no cp have low cp or copy pasted builds.

    I played cp campaigns since level 10. I played both cp and non cp till about 500 cp (when 690 was the max) and just stayed in Vivec. Playing no cp on my cp build is just not my build.

    Cp is in the game. No one does serious PvE content with their cp removed. Man up and fight PEOPLE with cp lol.

    What does cp vs. no cp have to do with anything to do with "man up"? Also, PLEEEEEAAASE dont tell me you think that in cp means that people dont copy builds. I must have been on bath salts seeing all of those youtube build videos in which people go over their cp allocations.

    Why compare pve end game to pvp as the are different things? I have an idea! Lets compare no cp pvp and cp pvp along with BGs. You know, keep closed variables....

  • Kadoin
    I actually prefer no-CP to CP PvP, but I play on Vivec because it's more populated and CP let's me change my build in ways that are almost impossible in no-CP. That said, I've been in no-CP with the same exact characters and armor and there is little difference in strength.

    200 mag recovery won't make me lose any sleep at night :D However, not being able to block or roll on a mag char is pretty annoying esp. since I never slot shields and still use light armor. Then you have people that jump you with proc sets, though only 8 of them really stand out as problematic...

    Getting killed by multiple Valkyns after soul assault and templar beam spam by more than one person gets old. Then, even if you turn it around, someone always has Earthgore...

    Yeah, think I'll stay in CP where I can at least roll and heal myself plenty.
  • mursie
    Let's talk real: NO-CP pvp begins and ends at CP 160. You must be this rank to have the base level end game gear.

    everyone in NO CP pvp that is at CP 160 and wearing CP 160 gear is at equal stat level opportunity. period. this is fact.

    Now - CP enabled pvp allows you to further "ENHANCE" your character's damage, defense, and recovery stats using CP points. It is an enhancement scale that moves from CP 160 up to CP 810. If you are anywhere in between these numbers, you will be facing people in CP pvp that can be mathematically at an advantage over you simply because they are at a higher CP number than you and therefore have more points to "ENHANCE" their stats.

    If all toons are at CP 810 - the max level, then effectively you are back at no-cp pvp. i.e. an equal stat level opportunity.

    Thus, you can conclude the following: CP pvp for 810 cp players facing other 810 CP players and no-cp pvp for all players above CP 160 is effectively equivalent... with only stat base levels being inflated between the two as the primary distinction.

    So why CP PvP? because a large majority of players are not infact CP 810. and for some of those that are, they feel they should be entitled to the mathematical advantage of additional stats over the non CP 810 players because they have earned that additional stat power by playing the game longer. also known as baby seal clubbing or small _____ syndrome. It is the same reason that very fast shiny red cars sell to a certain segment of the population. You can not change the minds of these individuals. The need to over compensate blinds all other reasoning and logic becomes moot.

    CP should truly have only been designed for one purpose only. to continually provide a carrot to end game PVE players so that they can further increase their combat metric scores as they race through increasingly more difficult end -game pve content and then go back and speed challenge through old pve content. CP has no place in true pvp because it creates a mathematical disadvantage, before any discussion of racials or class, at the onset of the match simply because of time played. It is the reason it was disabled in BG's.. it wasn't balanced for pvp. it wasn't intended for pvp. it has no purpose there other than to promote baby seal clubbing and shiny red car syndromes.

    twitter: @mursieftw
  • JumpmanLane
    No cp once you are near or max cp in particular is just gimping yourself. Most people who enjoy no cp have low cp or copy pasted builds.

    I played cp campaigns since level 10. I played both cp and non cp till about 500 cp (when 690 was the max) and just stayed in Vivec. Playing no cp on my cp build is just not my build.

    Cp is in the game. No one does serious PvE content with their cp removed. Man up and fight PEOPLE with cp lol.

    What does cp vs. no cp have to do with anything to do with "man up"? Also, PLEEEEEAAASE dont tell me you think that in cp means that people dont copy builds. I must have been on bath salts seeing all of those youtube build videos in which people go over their cp allocations.

    Why compare pve end game to pvp as the are different things? I have an idea! Lets compare no cp pvp and cp pvp along with BGs. You know, keep closed variables....

    Man up means fight the very best thing you can fight when fighting a PERSON. In a cp campaign that will be people who aren’t running copy paste builds. In fact, ONLY in a cp campaign will you run into someone who is truly good. By that I mean someone who has used everything available to him, including cp (which is IN THE GAME) to perfect his own build according to his own particular playstyle.

    To who and to what do you wish to measure yourself: the very best, or do you wish to bring everyone down to some “balanced” mediocrity.

  • CatchMeTrolling
    No cp once you are near or max cp in particular is just gimping yourself. Most people who enjoy no cp have low cp or copy pasted builds.

    I played cp campaigns since level 10. I played both cp and non cp till about 500 cp (when 690 was the max) and just stayed in Vivec. Playing no cp on my cp build is just not my build.

    Cp is in the game. No one does serious PvE content with their cp removed. Man up and fight PEOPLE with cp lol.

    What does cp vs. no cp have to do with anything to do with "man up"? Also, PLEEEEEAAASE dont tell me you think that in cp means that people dont copy builds. I must have been on bath salts seeing all of those youtube build videos in which people go over their cp allocations.

    Why compare pve end game to pvp as the are different things? I have an idea! Lets compare no cp pvp and cp pvp along with BGs. You know, keep closed variables....

    Man up means fight the very best thing you can fight when fighting a PERSON. In a cp campaign that will be people who aren’t running copy paste builds. In fact, ONLY in a cp campaign will you run into someone who is truly good. By that I mean someone who has used everything available to him, including cp (which is IN THE GAME) to perfect his own build according to his own particular playstyle.

    To who and to what do you wish to measure yourself: the very best, or do you wish to bring everyone down to some “balanced” mediocrity.

    You honestly shouldn’t be allowed to post because I can tell you’re not trolling.

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