Do you all think spear/polearm (or any new weapons really) is impossible now?

  • Silver_Strider
    New Weapon Skill Line
    70+ motif designs to upgrade and a new page added to the grindathon motif farming for the future.

    9 more weapon traits to research (That Nirnhoned grind all over again)

    Balancing with existing weapons (2h is still redundant outside of PvP, Ice Staff is still half baked tank tool, let's add a new weapon and ignore current issues)

    Extra drop that will dilute the loot table (I found my 12th Spear of Burning Spellweave)


    I do want new weapons but from a technical stand point, it looks like a lot of work for ZOS and a bit of a headache for us players as well.
    Argonian forever
  • lolli42
    i would love pole weapons
    its my favourite kind of weapon
  • TheShadowScout
    Lyserus wrote: »
    but standard weapons like spears will mean 80~ new models need to be made for each craftable motifs
    Nah. One per motiv.
    If they were to make a "polearms" skill line, they would need -one- weapon per motiv added... with the polearm types different depending on motiv. So there could be nord bardiches, bosmer boar spears, breton glaives, dunmer spetums, khajiit monk's spades, altmer partizans, orc fauchards, dwemer halberds, redguard guisarmes, imperial lances, argonian war-forks, daedric war-scythes, maormer tridents, akaviri naginata, and so on... then doubling the types in different designs with additional motivs...
    I mean, why try to make things boring by doing dozends types of spears when there are so many interesting looking different polearms??? ;)

    Same with any other new weapon lines they might add - one type per motiv.
    One crossbow per motiv for example, with different motics having different styles...
    Or one spell focus if they ever would give us an alternative to staffy-ness for magic casters.

    Of course, there also could be skill lines without weapon motiv.
    Like... one-handed and rune, with the rune not displayed by itself, only seem as a "magic clow" around the offhand...

    And yes, it would all mean adding to motivs and crafting research lines. Which would be a -good- thing, as it would get those who already done it all get up and play some more again, chasing those new motivs and crafting researchings!
    ...altho, it might require changing some BoP drops to some sort of token system, since its already way too iffy to get the weapon you really need for your character from some of those. Which would not be a bad thing, really... have dongeuns/trials that run on BoP drop "special materials" instead, which you then can take to a "master blacksmith" somewhere to forge into a set weapon of your choice...
    ...well, either that, or simply forego the "bind-on-pickup" altogether and let guild stores take care of the matter! Which would be the easiest solution for at least all the older dungeons (I presume they would still keep the newest DLC/Expansion stuff BoP so only those who actually shell out for the thing get the new niftyness)
  • LordTareq
    It's honestly so weird that the most commonly used weapon in our history is so poorly represented in most MMO's.
  • Bigevilpeter
    I think its too much work for ZOS to bother, specially that they have to think of a design for every single motif in the game right now
    Edited by Bigevilpeter on February 17, 2019 1:14PM
  • Nemesis7884
    i think a specific skill line centered around a weapon - for example a dawnguard skill line that involves a lot of crossbow animations or a bards guild skill line involving instrument animations is much more likely
  • Tabbycat
    In beta players were like We want spears! and ZOS be like You have Templars!
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • Vanthras79
    Never thought about the amount of art this would require. I guess it is all up to Z0$.
    Norion Germain - Telvanni Wizard, Covenant Battle Mage, Mage's Guild Magister, Resident of Daggerfall Overlook, Lord of Tel Galen, Psijic Monk, Antiquarian, Breton Scholar, and Traveler.

  • RobDaCool
    No, I do not think its impossible, but remember game developers have the only job where they don't have to do something simply because they just don't want too.
    PS4 NA -RobdacoolV2
  • technohic
    They could add polearms into 2handers to then get the bonus daggers provide dual wield thats missing from 2h. But yeah, 5he animation would be off, and there would have to be a lot if new art.

    As far as a new weapon line, we really need a magicka melee line.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Spears & polearms weapon line would be a selling point to me for the next future chapter or DLC.

    "Polearms" weapon skill line with 2 types of weapon. Both crafted at woodworking station:
    1. Spears - 2H "dagger" (2H weapon line is missing that so it would fit perfectly). The weapon will have increased crit dmg % chance (just like dual wield daggers). Additionally the weapon will have slightly more range, but less AOE potential (mostly single target focused weapon). More efficient when used on a stamina build.

    2. Combat Staff - Kinda like a mystic monk - style 2H weapon (the game currently is missing melee magicka weapon so it could fit perfectly). The weapon will have penetration / ignore % of armour (since it is mostly a bashing / blunt weapon, so bonus could be similar to what maces have). The weapon will have more AOE potential, rather than single target. More efficient when used on a magicka build.

    The line will have skills that cost stamina or magicka, but all skills will have stamina or magicka morphs. Effectiveness of weapons will be determined by passives so for example: you will get weapon dmg bonus while wielding a Spear but with a Combat staff equipped you will get a spell dmg bonus instead.

    btw. Seeing how many people wanted Necromancer class and Elsweyr Chapter / DLC - and we are getting it, if we say loud and clear that we want to have spears & polearms weapons, I bet we will eventually get them. ;)

    Oh and yes I do believe that it is possible to add new models for existing motif styles. I used to make mods for skyrim and I am not a good 3D artist, but after a while making a armour or weapon model that worked "in game" was quite easy. If some one has "a JOB" and makes a 3D models professionally - it should even easier. Besides, people will have to grind again & again to get that motifs, so for ZOS (who loves to gives us thing to grind) it is a win - win scenario.
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on February 17, 2019 6:28PM
  • Ratzkifal
    Yeah, it's looking dire for polearm/spears. Sword + Spell, Spell + Shield and unarmed are still easy to make thankfully. But who knows. Unlike when creating a guild or world skill, ZOS can spent the resources that would go into questing on making motif versions of the weapons. Also, who says that these weapons must come in every style right from the start? It could be 20 new versions for spear and polearms every patch.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • voldran
    It seems like this is not a priority. Do not worry you will get dragons. Take that.
    Sotha PC EU
    Dravron Stormwing - MagSorc || Voldros Nightwing - MagBlade || Zorvo Morningstar - MagPlar || Dracos Nightwing - Mag/Stam DK
  • Ravena
    Most staves do actually work like...well...bludgeoning staves.

    A few of them even look like spears. Maybe tweaking them into spears wouldn't be so difficult.

    But, I think maybe wands would be better? Could just downsize the staves. And give magic users a one-handed alternative instead of always having to go staff. Suddenly magicka tanks wouldn't seem so strange.

    stamina users have a ton of weapons whereas magicka users are kinda forced to stick to one.

    So yeah, I say wands should be the new weapon. Stam users have a numbers of options already. Should give some love to the mages.
    Edited by Ravena on February 17, 2019 7:40PM
  • phantasmalD
    Nah, def not impossible. New weapon skills is an easy selling point for any future expansion. Having to make models for all the motives is a small price to pay when it means you can easily double your sells. With new weapons you can appeal to the crowd who wants something new to play around with, to the RP crowd who wants a certain fighting style/weapon, to the merchant crowd who would like something new to farm and sell, etc.

    And I don't think that making new models is that big of a deal. The styles themselves already exist, they just need to be adopted to a certain kind of weapon.
    And then there's the fact that not all weapon skills even need models. One-handed + Spell or Unarmed for example.
  • ProfessorKittyhawk
    There are polearms in the game. Outside the fighters guild in skywatch, some fighters guild trainees are practicing with them. And I think you see some in Murkmire as well. The basic model and animations (including the daedric skill ones) are in the game. Don't see a reason we couldn't use them. Maybe introduce polearms and some new magicka based weapon like one hand and rune or something. Or maybe a watered down spell crafting system, perhaps introduce spells similar to previous ES games?

    They could add new content for the Mages and Fighters guild to unlock these weapon skill lines. Though the magicka skill lines would probably need to be 3 or so, to give something resembling the different schools of magic. Destruction, illusion, alteration, and restoration . Or maybe have Winterhold/the college part of a dlc or expansion that unlocks these skill lines. Maybe just unlock the polearm skill line as a base game update or something. Adding the proper schools of magic would be a nice nod to previous titles and maybe mix up builds a bit.
    Edited by ProfessorKittyhawk on February 17, 2019 9:16PM
  • TheShadowScout
    technohic wrote: »
    They could add polearms into 2handers to then get the bonus daggers provide dual wield thats missing from 2h.
    The dagger proc seems kinda a function to represent the "stab at the weak points" precision dagger wielders would have to rely on.
    "Precision" and "two-handed weapon" are kiiiinda difficult to stuff into one package, yes? ;)

    The other possibly reasoning for daggers might be "impale", but that falls short when one looks at arrows, and finds them lacking the same effect, despite being even more impale-ish then daggers.
    Also, seeing how they lumped blunt maces/hammers/mauls into one category with impaling spiked warhammers/picks and gave all of them "armor-piercing" effect... well, there goes that idea.
    Spears & polearms weapon line would be a selling point to me for the next future chapter or DLC.
    As I said: ;)
    These extra-long shafted weapons (…things like: Pikes, Poleaxes, Tridents, Glaives, Monks Spades, War Scythes, Ranseur, Military Forks, Naginata, Hunting Spears, Halberds, Spetums, Pitchforks, etc.) should have 50% more range then normal weapons, but be awkward to use in very close quarters, so any attacks that are made against opponents at knife range suffer a 50% damage penalty (meaning, the weapons will do half damage from zero to 50% normal weapon range, and then full damage from 50% to 150% normal weapon range… for light/heavy attacks, as well as skill use…)
    • Impaling Jabs (Puncturing Jabs animation, triple attacks in one go)
    - Morph1: Impaling Strikes (+ knockback on last strike)
    - Morph2: Rending Jabs (+ bleeding DoT increased per hit)
    • Circular Slash (Radial Sweep animation, Aloe around wielder)
    - Morph1: Circular Sweep (+ shield per enemy hit)
    - Morph2: Crescent Slash (+ extra damage to enemies in front)
    • Spear Charge (Focused Charge animation, gap closer & damage)
    - Morph1: Impaling Charge (+ bleeding DoT)
    - Morph2: Spear Rush (+ damage increased per distance charged)
    • Braced Guard (auto-damage against anyone using a gap closer / duration)
    - Morph1: Indomitable Guard (+CC immunity / duration)
    - Morph2: Aggressive Guard (+ increased auto-damage and chance to disorient)
    • Stalwart Defense (physical resistance buff, weapon damage buff)
    - Morph1: Stalwart Resistance (+ spell resistance buff, CC resistance chance)
    - Morph2: Indomitable Defense (+ heal over time, removes one DoT effect)
    Ultimate: Spear Dance (AoE around caster, polearm rotation like dwemer centurion)
    - Morph1: Scythe Dance (+ knockdown on hit, shorter duration)
    - Morph2: Spear Tornado (+ increased range & duration)
    • Piercing Pike: increases damage bonus for critical and damage against blocking targets
    • Balanced Polearm: reduces the cost of polearm abilities
    • Pike Wall: increases block against melee attacks
    • Melee Training: reduces the half-damage range to 40%/25%
    • Impale: gives chance to cause extra bleed DoT on any polearm strike/skill
    So... yeah, I would really want to see something along those lines. I mean, come on... which fantasy fan here has not watched the fight between "Red Viper" and "Mountain" and wanted to play a spear-hero in ESO??? ;)
    We asked for housing and zos delivered
    We asked for outfit customisation and zos delivered
    We asked for jewelry crafting and zos delivered
    We asked for a search for guild stores and zos is delivering in next patch
    Zos eventually delivers if we ask long enough and are patient.
    Thanks zos
  • TheShadowScout
    FR0STDEE wrote: »
    Zos eventually delivers if we ask long enough and are patient.
    True enough.
    They are not perfect, they often deliver less then what some of us dream of... but... they DO listen to their players, and they do take our cries for this or that into due consideration. It just often takes a while until they get around to actually implement something into the game... sometimes a long while... but in the end... well, I expect someday we will see more weapon skill lines, and if ESO stays active long enough, they likely will do something for polearms.
    One can hope anyhow. ;)
  • yodased
    Spears not very difficult. Already have staves. Already have knives. Have spears.

    Something like morning star could work fine too, but the movement wouldn't be good.

    1h + rune was datamined and that is jut a glowy hand.

    Bow staff is easy cause well its a staff.

    Crossbow already exists in the game the animation to fire is already there, so its just assets at that point.

    Polearms, axe + spear nbd

    Basically all weaponry of that "time period" is pretty much already made in game, they jsut have to attach different handles and such
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • lolli42
    I think, the problem with wands, 1h magic is, if ur able to equip an other weapon, shield, u would have access to 2 weapon trees and thats imba xD
  • munster1404
    Would love to tank with a spear+shield combo.
  • phantasmalD
    Hand-to-Hand skill tree for Stamina Healing :>
    Heal and buff people through the power of Whispering Fang~
    Edited by phantasmalD on February 21, 2019 8:56AM
  • AlexanderDeLarge
    I'm sure it's more work overall than the classes but I'm still not convinced the classes were that much work. Really, what is a class in ESO? 95% balancing 5% assets themselves for the class skills?

    The idea that a development team of ZOS' size is incapable of creating a couple variations of the stick handles and attaching different pointy ends to them and creating a single weapon skill line is ridiculous imo.
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 7 paid expansions. 22 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the vast majority of this game.

    "ESO doesn't need a harder overland" on YouTube for a video of a naked level 3 character AFKing in front of a bear for a minute and a half before dying
  • lolli42
    I'm sure it's more work overall than the classes but I'm still not convinced the classes were that much work. Really, what is a class in ESO? 95% balancing 5% assets themselves for the class skills?

    The idea that a development team of ZOS' size is incapable of creating a couple variations of the stick handles and attaching different pointy ends to them and creating a single weapon skill line is ridiculous imo.

    i think, polearm weapon would also need an own style of combat animations, which would probably be the most work
  • Valkysas154
    Wont be hard to make they can def do the animations some of them are already in game

    My templar can throw a spear stab with a spear and fly in the air with a spear and throw one into the sky to land down at the enemy feet -aoe- and another ult aoe spear skill
    so that's 5 already the line it self is called Aedric Spear

  • lolli42
    yea u right, aedric spear got some animations
  • DaveMoeDee
    Spears would be easy just take the dagger for each motif and stick it on a staff shaft bam got a spear do this 80 times and we covered

    Still need rope in all those styles.

    I guess you mean put the blade at the end of the staff shaft... Ignore that first comment
    Edited by DaveMoeDee on February 21, 2019 1:33AM
  • TheShadowScout
    Would love to tank with a spear+shield combo.
    But really, who wouldn't on their Imperial characters?
    lolli42 wrote: »
    i think, polearm weapon would also need an own style of combat animations, which would probably be the most work
    For some abilities, yeah. Still, several from the "aedric spear" line could be used, as I outlined in my Additional Weapon Skill Ideas...
  • lolli42
    Would love to tank with a spear+shield combo.

    nah im more the bo-fighting type
    dont like lances n stuff^^

    Edited by lolli42 on February 21, 2019 1:45AM
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