CP PvP is Garbage

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  • Demra
    I tried cp but i could barely do any damage to players there while they killed me almost instantly. I am low cp and my gear is mostly blue with some purple stuff ( i don't run proc sets, prefer to relay on skills and direct damage as it feels like real action). I don't see how i can compete in that environment. I don't have that much free time to grind for levels and gear.

    But in no cp the little damage i have is enough and the rest i compensate with my skills.

    I might be wrong though and somehow misjudged the situation. I'll have to give cp another try.
    Edited by Demra on January 21, 2019 6:55AM
  • Nerftheforums
    Kova wrote: »

    30 second CC-immunity?! Was this a joke or is the game seriously this broken?

    Not everyone depends on raw damage to take someone out and they need the stun so 30 seconds of no stuns = 30 seconds of just face tanking damage waiting for burst IF you can even outlast.

    If I had to guess...stam? Can probably hit 4k weapon damage? Seriously, what happened to this game?

    It was ironic man, look at what the OP wrote in the post. Oh btw, it's 5k wd.
  • chris211
    Liam12548 wrote: »
    Here's the way you have to look at it, and I think a lot of people misunderstand this. No cp is far more balanced than cp pvp, in general. You cannot deal good damage, be tanky, and have great sustain in no cp. You really have to pick two. In cp, not only is so much given to you by way of sustain and mitigation, but the amount of damage you're receiving JUST from your blue cp is far greater than the % damage value you"ll gain from equipping any 5 piece damage set. This allows for players to build primarily into mitigation and sustain which are being exponentially boosted by their cp, while at the same time achieving damage values that a year ago would have required at least one 5 piece damage set to hit. The end result is groups of players with 30k health that literally cannot be killed due to the amount of survival they have, and can still kill you fairly easily just through cumulative effort.

    In no cp, the whole idea of building into mitigation and sustain with the intention of still dealing damage doesn't work (with the exception of proc sets). Even if you build into sustain and mitigation in no cp, you can still be burnt out of resources fairly easily and you won't have the damage to kill any competent players. As such, it is much more rewarding to build into sustain and damage, which overall is how it should be.

    There are some outliers in no cp, such as damaging proc sets, damaging poisons, and bleeds. Obviously proc sets have been an issue for a long time, and they need an adjustment. Truthfully I think the best way to do this would be to have their damage scale with your max mag/stam and SD/WD, as this would reward using them on a damage setup and discourage using them on cheesy mitigation/xv1 oriented setups. Poisons weren't designed with no cp combat in mind, and as such should probably have their effectiveness reduced as a part of the no cp battle spirit. Bleeds are an interesting case. In cp, they serve their purpose well by countering the aforementioned tank meta. Truthfully their more or less the only thing stamina has to counter tanky playstyles, as all sources of defiles have become less accessible and less effective in comparison to bleeds. They're hard to deal with in no cp, but it's the combination of masters rending, axe passive bleeds, and double dot poisons that is truly broken in this environment. I personally think the masters dw should be reduced again to a flat 1k damage bonus, as opposed to the 1250 it is now (1500 on the original buff patch).

    Overall, I think people that despise no cp have a lack of experience with it. Battlegrounds is a closed scenario and tends to being out the worst in terms of meta users and cheesy setups. Open world no cp is an entirely different ballgame, and at this point theres no question about it: No-CP open world pvp performs far better than CP enabled open world pvp . Its about time (on console at least) that we ditch our second cp campaign in favor of a 7 day no cp campaign.

    proc sets need to be deleted altogether
  • Elwendryll
    I truly think no CP is better because it has less lag! My MMR may be low, but I consistently have good scores in BG, and the only damaging proc set I use is Selene. I have a medium build quite even between damage/resistance/sustain, and I use vMA bow xD (I play land grab). I don't often see proc sets on my recaps. I definitely see some Caluurion/Zaan because it's kind of flashy.

    No CP allows to use any ultimate without any real downside, magicka or stamina, as long as you have equal penetration in spell and weapon.

    And when outnumbered, well. I can win some 1v2, 1v3 are rares but do occur, and when I'm the middle of 2 teams I can sometime manage to contest the flag and keep it mine.
    Edited by Elwendryll on January 21, 2019 9:24AM
    PC - EU - France - AD
    Main character: Qojikrin - Khajiit Sorcerer Tank/Stamina DD - since March 25, 2015.
    Guildmaster of Oriflamme: Focus on 4 player endgame content.
    Member of Brave Cat Trade, Panda Division and Toadhuggers.

    All 4-man trifectas - TTT, IR, GH
  • Lord_Eomer
    Some players just growing hate in community towards Champion System,

    I do not see any problem with current progression and infact they have stopped increasing Cap for sometime.

    OP does not understand that PVP event brings huge player-base into Cyrodiil and lags are obvious!
  • Xvorg
    Elwendryll wrote: »
    I truly think no CP is better because it has less lag! My MMR may be low, but I consistently have good scores in BG, and the only damaging proc set I use is Selene. I have a medium build quite even between damage/resistance/sustain, and I use vMA bow xD (I play land grab). I don't often see proc sets on my recaps. I definitely see some Caluurion/Zaan because it's kind of flashy.

    No CP allows to use any ultimate without any real downside, magicka or stamina, as long as you have equal penetration in spell and weapon.

    And when outnumbered, well. I can win some 1v2, 1v3 are rares but do occur, and when I'm the middle of 2 teams I can sometime manage to contest the flag and keep it mine.

    No CP has less lag just because there are less people playing there. Take all the people from Vivec to Sotha and the lag peak will be the same. It was the same even before CP
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Ocelot9x
    Well, no cp pvp is an imbalanced fiesta with all the proc sets and bleeds while the only thing that matter in cp pvp is skill (once you’re at the cap obviously). And other than procset I don’t see much of a difference,I’ve plenty screens of mine and shared by my guildies of 20+/0 bgs and I don’t see how can someone can find it enjoyable or balanced. Proc monster+proc set+ sustain set and you just need to spam one button
  • Sarousse
    Non CP PvP is garbage. I love CP PvP so much. So many possibilities to build up your char.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    It’s clear who only plays one form of pvp because many of you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    CP pvp is filled with the most no thumb people you’ll ever come across. Most of them happen to be veterans that you’ll kill with or without cp. People build to not die at a higher rate with the intention of zerging. Build diversity? Yeah okay with the same few setups it’s real diverse. Sure there’s more builds you can run but no one runs them because cp actually makes them less viable. People use proc sets just as much but the difference is players will crutch on cp for mitigation allowing tanky setups to actually pack a bunch. Real skillful. So skillful that the same ones that claim cp is for the skilled are getting blown up in no cp with ease. If you’re skilled you would still be better and able to perform in no cp.

    No cp is plagued with procs but that’s not exclusive to no cp, it’s actually much more tame than it was during morrowind. Poisons have been toned down and not as effective as they was before. There’s actually more build diversity in no cp, if you theory craft this becomes obvious. It’s even more obvious when you see some of the unorthodox builds people create and posts for the community. Since there’s an mmr system you’re bound to come across more people that actually know what they’re doing so don’t expect to simply kill anyone.

    Meta is meta regardless of cp or no cp which means you’ll have to be more prepared to deal with meta setups from good players and teams. Sure people die quick typically but that’s because there’s less room for error, the system exposes little things such as not proactively healing. Nothing like a nice dawnbreaker to the face to encourage you to learn how to play or run back to cp cyrodiil. If you are a potato then you’re really a potato in no cp because you’ll get exposed in secs.

    No cp operates how pvp should normally be. Quick and fast if you’re not prepared, caught off guard, outplayed and lack basic fundamentals of pvp.

    Cp goes completely against that. You don’t need to know the fundamentals. You wasn’t proactively healing? No problem, healing, cp and sets make it so unforgiving that more mistakes can be made. While you can still burst people down in seconds you’re likely to come across players who build to stay alive. A bunch of “wait for the rest of the team” setups. Because of this bad players get carried. And as a result it skews people’s perspective on what to expect from pvp when less crutches are in place.
  • TequilaFire
    So you come here to forum PvP instead.
  • chris211
  • Anhedonie
    Yes and yes. CP system is flawed, badly designed and deserves to be nuked from the orbit.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Odovacar
    I pop into the south morrowind gate now on the weekends... for the golden :D ...then leave, lol. I truly enjoy TDM BG's much more.
  • Ocelot9x
    It’s clear who only plays one form of pvp because many of you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    CP pvp is filled with the most no thumb people you’ll ever come across. Most of them happen to be veterans that you’ll kill with or without cp. People build to not die at a higher rate with the intention of zerging. Build diversity? Yeah okay with the same few setups it’s real diverse. Sure there’s more builds you can run but no one runs them because cp actually makes them less viable. People use proc sets just as much but the difference is players will crutch on cp for mitigation allowing tanky setups to actually pack a bunch. Real skillful. So skillful that the same ones that claim cp is for the skilled are getting blown up in no cp with ease. If you’re skilled you would still be better and able to perform in no cp.

    No cp is plagued with procs but that’s not exclusive to no cp, it’s actually much more tame than it was during morrowind. Poisons have been toned down and not as effective as they was before. There’s actually more build diversity in no cp, if you theory craft this becomes obvious. It’s even more obvious when you see some of the unorthodox builds people create and posts for the community. Since there’s an mmr system you’re bound to come across more people that actually know what they’re doing so don’t expect to simply kill anyone.

    Meta is meta regardless of cp or no cp which means you’ll have to be more prepared to deal with meta setups from good players and teams. Sure people die quick typically but that’s because there’s less room for error, the system exposes little things such as not proactively healing. Nothing like a nice dawnbreaker to the face to encourage you to learn how to play or run back to cp cyrodiil. If you are a potato then you’re really a potato in no cp because you’ll get exposed in secs.

    No cp operates how pvp should normally be. Quick and fast if you’re not prepared, caught off guard, outplayed and lack basic fundamentals of pvp.

    Cp goes completely against that. You don’t need to know the fundamentals. You wasn’t proactively healing? No problem, healing, cp and sets make it so unforgiving that more mistakes can be made. While you can still burst people down in seconds you’re likely to come across players who build to stay alive. A bunch of “wait for the rest of the team” setups. Because of this bad players get carried. And as a result it skews people’s perspective on what to expect from pvp when less crutches are in place.

    I hope I caught you trolling lol

    No cp is a joke,just equip your master dual wield/ skoria and you’re good to go.
    Outplayed? More like outprocced.
    I once had in my bg team a 45k health warden with skoria,sload and viper defiling people and heavy attacking them to death, that’s a skillfull way of playing!
    I remember being a supporter of no cp the first days of the event we had some time ago (all campaign double ap no cp) because people were using their cp build. After a week everyone was running procsets and bleed builds, and the 4 people you were 1vXing before could kill you just because you couldn’t heal/sustain their 1 button pressure.

    Yeah,maybe people in cp seems too tanky for you but maybe it’s because they can outheal your -insert dot+procset- so you have to be smarter to kill them , not just attacking first / outnumbering them.
    But it’s pointless to argue since you seems so stagnant on your position.

  • kaevix
    so much possibilities to build up ur character in cp pvp? u people delusional or what? ye fury must have on all stam except nightblade btw, build diversity haHAA.

    no cp pvp is only *** because of siege hitting for 50% max health, otherwise its fine. bleeds have been nerfed, proc sets no longer crit, if ur still whining about that ur actually stupid af. meanwhile cp hasnt been toned down a single bit and cap has been going up every patch except the upcoming ones.
    Why, when an AV actress leashes her pet slave and sits on his face she's called sexy or a babe, but when I do that to my pvp opponents, I'm called toxic?

    Why, when someone swaps toons to a different faction to farm 25k AP for transmutes, it's seen as a bit of naughty fun, but when I delete my DC rank 50 Grand Overlord with 4000 hours clocked to create an EP Argonian, I'm called a faction swapper?

    Say no to censorship lads.
  • Aliyavana
    Mayrael wrote: »

    ...and this is the reason why noCP players have hard time when entering CP campaigns, they need to completely overhaul their builds, it's not about few adjustments, it's about adding completely new factor to equation. Same the other way. To be effective both need a lot of adjustments. If someone thinks that entering CP campaign is just about spending CPs - you're completely wrong!

    Now flip that around and you have cp player unprepared for no cp pvp
  • Ocelot9x
    kaevix wrote: »
    so much possibilities to build up ur character in cp pvp? u people delusional or what? ye fury must have on all stam except nightblade btw, build diversity haHAA.

    no cp pvp is only *** because of siege hitting for 50% max health, otherwise its fine. bleeds have been nerfed, proc sets no longer crit, if ur still whining about that ur actually stupid af. meanwhile cp hasnt been toned down a single bit and cap has been going up every patch except the upcoming ones.

    Chill kid lol
    I don’t know why I still try to talk to uneducated newbies like they know eso,but I guess we’re all bored waiting for patch notes. Well,it’s been fun but I gotta go back heavy attacking into blood craze in battlegrounds,my 45k health full cancer friend is waiting m so we can get more 20+/0 scores. cya later lads
  • Xvorg
    Ocelot9x wrote: »

    Chill kid lol
    I don’t know why I still try to talk to uneducated newbies like they know eso,but I guess we’re all bored waiting for patch notes. Well,it’s been fun but I gotta go back heavy attacking into blood craze in battlegrounds,my 45k health full cancer friend is waiting m so we can get more 20+/0 scores. cya later lads

    Both, CP and non CP are cancer due to meta. You must follow meta in both to be able to... play, that's all.

    The problems with PvP go beyond CP or not, it's a deeper problem.

    Anyway, people like to buy jerseys of their favorite teams, servers, games... whatever...
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • kaevix
    Ocelot9x wrote: »

    Chill kid lol
    I don’t know why I still try to talk to uneducated newbies like they know eso,but I guess we’re all bored waiting for patch notes. Well,it’s been fun but I gotta go back heavy attacking into blood craze in battlegrounds,my 45k health full cancer friend is waiting m so we can get more 20+/0 scores. cya later lads

    gl killing anyone on a team with purge/templar omegalul. enjoy ur wet noodle 15 minute 1 kill fights in cp pvp
    Why, when an AV actress leashes her pet slave and sits on his face she's called sexy or a babe, but when I do that to my pvp opponents, I'm called toxic?

    Why, when someone swaps toons to a different faction to farm 25k AP for transmutes, it's seen as a bit of naughty fun, but when I delete my DC rank 50 Grand Overlord with 4000 hours clocked to create an EP Argonian, I'm called a faction swapper?

    Say no to censorship lads.
  • RDMyers65b14_ESO
    How does this post have anything to do with the PTS which is the catagory?

    Speaking as someone who basically only does PVP on Vivec, the performance is horrible, but you learn how to counter everything else. Wait until you encounter the EP PVP guild that runs 3 full raids together at the same time.
  • Ocelot9x
    kaevix wrote: »

    gl killing anyone on a team with purge/templar omegalul. enjoy ur wet noodle 15 minute 1 kill fights in cp pvp

    The problem with cp,and here I can agree with you,is that is no longer possible to 1vX 2/3 people if they are builded for survival, but that’s why the best pvp you can get is 3/4 people vs large groups because with coordination you can one shot almost everyone. And that’s not the case in no cp,where even 3 unskilled played could generate problems if they are lucky with their procs or a larger group start spamming sieges.

    @Xvorg I agree with you but I would rather get a cancerous meta based on max stats than one which relies on proc chances
  • CatchMeTrolling
    Ocelot9x wrote: »

    I hope I caught you trolling lol

    No cp is a joke,just equip your master dual wield/ skoria and you’re good to go.
    Outplayed? More like outprocced.
    I once had in my bg team a 45k health warden with skoria,sload and viper defiling people and heavy attacking them to death, that’s a skillfull way of playing!
    I remember being a supporter of no cp the first days of the event we had some time ago (all campaign double ap no cp) because people were using their cp build. After a week everyone was running procsets and bleed builds, and the 4 people you were 1vXing before could kill you just because you couldn’t heal/sustain their 1 button pressure.

    Yeah,maybe people in cp seems too tanky for you but maybe it’s because they can outheal your -insert dot+procset- so you have to be smarter to kill them , not just attacking first / outnumbering them.
    But it’s pointless to argue since you seems so stagnant on your position.

    Oh great someone who clearly doesn’t play bgs at all and from your comments that’s probably since Morrowind. Real valid opinion here.

    I kill people with cp or without cp. Don’t speak of stagnant when you mention 40k health proc builds as if they’re not in cp pvp as I mentioned above. Then to completely act as if there’s no tank meta in cp pvp is enough to ignore your opinion entirely.

    Assumptions make you look stupid because I rarely use damage proc sets, only my magblade is equipped with one and magden I guess too with Winterborn. It’s obvious you don’t play bgs because there’s only a few proc sets that’s used regularly such as skoria but again none of them are exclusive to no cp.

    If anything you’re exposing your lack of experience with no cp. Because there’s multiple people I know that can 1vx without cp. If healing and sustain is an issue that’s on the player.

    Just say you favor cp pvp but please don’t act like cp pvp isn’t cancer and filled with procs too.

  • Skwor
    CP pvp is fine. You may think you are the majority but truth is you are far from it. The CP pvp server is nearly always pop locked. The non CP one is usually not so according to the masses the CP pvp server is preferred.

    Stop trying to make those of us who prefer CP play without it.
  • kaevix
    Ocelot9x wrote: »

    The problem with cp,and here I can agree with you,is that is no longer possible to 1vX 2/3 people if they are builded for survival, but that’s why the best pvp you can get is 3/4 people vs large groups because with coordination you can one shot almost everyone. And that’s not the case in no cp,where even 3 unskilled played could generate problems if they are lucky with their procs or a larger group start spamming sieges.

    @Xvorg I agree with you but I would rather get a cancerous meta based on max stats than one which relies on proc chances

    fair enough, i did my share of open world this event in no cp as a 4 man and siege is cancer
    Skwor wrote: »
    CP pvp is fine. You may think you are the majority but truth is you are far from it. The CP pvp server is nearly always pop locked. The non CP one is usually not so according to the masses the CP pvp server is preferred.

    Stop trying to make those of us who prefer CP play without it.

    almost certain that its pop locked because its the first (and only) campaign option u see when u first load up the alliance war interface. sotha sil isnt even below vivec as an option, its in an entirely different category that most people cant be bothered to check for on their first time going into pvp
    Edited by kaevix on January 21, 2019 5:37PM
    Why, when an AV actress leashes her pet slave and sits on his face she's called sexy or a babe, but when I do that to my pvp opponents, I'm called toxic?

    Why, when someone swaps toons to a different faction to farm 25k AP for transmutes, it's seen as a bit of naughty fun, but when I delete my DC rank 50 Grand Overlord with 4000 hours clocked to create an EP Argonian, I'm called a faction swapper?

    Say no to censorship lads.
  • Defilted
    I play CP-Cyro only.. I have fun every time I play.

    There are issues in PVP (CP or Non-CP), but it is a good time and there is nothing wrong with it in general.

    Non-CP play for me is not as fun, it requires a complete rebuild to play it correctly. Time to kill is about the same when encountering a average to bad player. Good players are still hard to kill and do the exact same things in non-CP and CP campaigns to escape damage and kill you.

    It is a preference for each players and you should play the version you like.
    XBOX Series X

  • Xvorg
    kaevix wrote: »

    fair enough, i did my share of open world this event in no cp as a 4 man and siege is cancer

    almost certain that its pop locked because its the first (and only) campaign option u see when u first load up the alliance war interface. sotha sil isnt even below vivec as an option, its in an entirely different category that most people cant be bothered to check for on their first time going into pvp

    Naaaah, it is filled because it is popular. It has always been a popular option. In fact, If I remember well, TF (cp) was below Azura's (non-cp) and TF was always cap locked.
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Wrathmane
    Funny I actually found the lag and disconnects not to bad during the PVP event. In fact, it was better than it had been for months for me.
    Sha'ria Wrathmane - Belora Wrathmane - Leora Wrathmane
    Former Head of Recruitment for Vokundein
  • Idinuse
    frostz417 wrote: »
    I laugh at people who think cp PvP is terrible as they’re sitting over there in non cp wearing 3 different proc sets, double dot poisons, spammables that snare, and multiple cc’s on their bar, and bleeds yeah cp is totally a disaster...
    *gets hit with sloads, viper, zaan, double dot poisons, bleeds*

    Agree lol, the "skills" of those players lmao.
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • Berenhir
    Neither CP nor nCP PvP need a lot of skill tbh. Just call targets and share healing.
    PC EU - Ebonheart Pact - Gray Host - Death Recap -#zergfarming -
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