RogueShark wrote: »Nope.
I went to several capitol zones this evening. There was hardly anyone on.
I see discouragement making its way.
My guild members will also be playing less.
Is anyone else feeling discouraged?
RogueShark wrote: »Nope.
Geez... Late night and early morning, middle of the week, for most of the world, are you surprised no one was there? O.o nothing to do with a pre patch notes, pre pts, that very few people are aware about to begin with because no one comes to the forums. No one will care about this in a month when all the meta chasers watch alcahst videos on how to "fix* the issues, then everyone will be happy. Just like skrcs, or Templars, or DKs before the racials... So yeah... Please quit trying to prophetisize the end... It's not coming. Not for this tiny irrelevant change. Big PvP changes and ESO plus price hikes could, say for example, but not balancing. Balancing is easy to overcome. Be positive.
CipherNine wrote: »yeah and the earth is flat too right?
This type of scheme is what killed DCUO. Then it was sold because no one wanted to go back to it with strecthed out content.
Sound familiar?
Consider the difference in scale between a copycat of marvel MMO, and ESO. Balancing updates will always hit someone, but won't hurt the whole, not when ESO is so massive. If some weaklings aren't willing to either grind out change race, they'll go away, yes, but they represent very little of the game community. Very very little, they are just loud, but irrelevant in amount. It's like that guy that pokes a hole in his bike exhaust to make it loud... Sounds like a Hayabusa, but it's only a 250cc ninja. Just because they are loud, doesn't mean they have any power.
And the streamers, who attract lots people, those love these updates, some because they'll be the ones doing the meta, some because people will want to see what's new.. every single update is the same crybaby fest here, nothing new, but the are always more players coming than going, more streamers and more audience to this game, so balancing, again, isn't hurting.
I would say to see a doctor. You may have a condition. Lol
CipherNine wrote: »
Are you really that dense? I was saying you probably think the earth is flat too. because you think people are not in game cause of racial passive patch notes. That are not even close to being implemented yet.
Tend to enter during the morning and get the reward ticket as i might not get in then back or end up doing other stuff.
Yeah. Didnt think of that. Good call.
Yes they think that the reason why they do 15k dps is non meta race.
Oh noooo. Run...more casuals who cant hit 30k dps, or tank Moonhunter Keep.
But they are dumb enough to pay for race change tokens...
Run for youre lives!
This type of scheme is what killed DCUO. Then it was sold because no one wanted to go back to it with strecthed out content.
Sound familiar?