Maintenance for the week of September 9:
â€ĸ PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Making an attractive Dunmer

  • Megatto
    Banana wrote: Âģ
    To hard. Breton, Bosmer or imperial

    What about Altmer?

    Remove loot boxes or riot
  • mairwen85
    @Megatto... wow
  • Watchdog
    My second Dunmer character, using almost exactly the same template as my Miara Indoril in post 21 above, since they are cousins. Danna Indoril here has black eyes, instead of red ones, and different eyebrows than her cousin. I switched to the Assassin personality for the screenshots again, because I like its slight smile.


    Member of Alith Legion:
  • kinguardian
    I have the problem that I make a really good looking character and then save it. As soon as she is in the character loading screen she lools different and then in the game again. Sometimes in the loading screen and in game she is really beautiful but always different then in the screen where you create the character. If I go back to change her then again she looks beautiful. How is this possible. I have it with all my characters its frustrating.
  • barney2525
    Its so weird that my vampire Dunmer just looks ugly no matter what I try

  • Sylvermynx
    I like all of mine. I don't know that they're "gorgeous", but that's not always a case with the race. Don't have screenies, will have to try to remember to grab them tomorrow (as not in game this time of day....)
  • Davor
    Scallan wrote: Âģ
    Scallan wrote: Âģ
    Is it truly possible to make an attractive female dark elf in the character creator? I've tried so many times but those perma-frowns...

    Somehow ZOS is able to make beautiful Dunmer NPC's but I'm at a complete loss on how to emulate that in character creation. I've spent a longer time than I'd like to admit trying to do so.

    I have one but I don't have the sliders right now. Can wait until the pts? I'll post them here for you.

    Edit, I lied I have them right now. Trying to figure out how to post them.

    I think an Imgur album would work. Thank you for your efforts ❤ī¸

    I hope you like it. Provide feedback too :P

    That is so AWESOME. I think I am going to try that and use that if that is OK. Of course a little tweaks to more of my hair colour, but AWESOME job done. :)
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • Commancho
    Attractive dunmer in the character creation screen:
  • Davor
    Banana wrote: Âģ
    To hard. Breton, Bosmer or imperial

    I can't do a female Breton. What looks good in creation is always different. Eyes always seem to close together even though I have the slider for eyes apart at max. :(
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • ArchMikem
    Full blown Soft face, pale skin, light/silver eyes, and freckles on the body markings.

    That's the best I could do. Kinda makes me think that's how the Chimer looked.
    Edited by ArchMikem on March 27, 2019 1:25AM
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • DisgracefulMind
    Big tip is to play with the cheek bones
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • meekmiko
    I think the biggest tip is hiding the big foreheads they have. (This is my one and only Dunmer character)
    Edited by meekmiko on March 27, 2019 2:32AM
    🌟PC/NA CP2025+ [Been playing since 2016]
    JUSTICE FOR APEX CAMELS đŸĒ✨ Bring 'em back!
    vMA / vVH / vDSA / vBRP / vAA HM / vSO HM / vHRC HM / vMoL HM / vHoF HM / vAS+1 & +1 / vCR+2 / vSS / vKA/ vRG
    • 🌩ī¸ 🏹 EP - Jessamine Seed-Nightrun, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer / Bosmer StamSorc (DPS) -Main DPS-
    • ☀ī¸ 🛡ī¸ EP - Mihi'Mai-Ra, Plague of Peryite / Khajiit StamPlar (Tank) -Main Tank-
    • ☀ī¸ ✨ EP - Lady Lapa'au, The Magnanimous / Khajiit MagPlar (Healer) -Main Healer-
    • 🌩ī¸ ☄ī¸ EP - Ra'venk, Style Master / Khajiit MagSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡ī¸ ⚔ī¸ EP - Bird gra-Shuzgub, Forge Breaker / Orc StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🗡ī¸ ✨ EP - Blades-at-the-Ready, Witch / Argonian MagBlade (Healer)
    • ☀ī¸ ⚔ī¸ EP - Lady Fortuna the Blessed, Grand Champion / Imperial StamPlar (DPS)
    • đŸ”Ĩ 🛡ī¸ EP - Plays-in Volcanoes, Mystic / Argonian StamDK (Tank)
    • 💀 ☄ī¸ EP - Ko'shamari the Doomweaver, Dovahkriid / Khajiit MagNecro (DPS)
    • 🌱 ✨ EP - Sorvete, Countess / Khajiit StamDen (Healer)
    • đŸ”Ĩ 🏹 EP - Falora Veloth, The Merciless / Dunmer StamDK (DPS)
    • 🌩ī¸ 🛡ī¸ AD - Shimmers-with-Static, Spark of Vengeance / Argonian StamSorc (Tank)
    • ☀ī¸ ⚔ī¸ EP - Amarri-do the Magnificent, Clan Mother / Khajiit StamPlar (DPS)
    • 🌩ī¸ ⚔ī¸ EP - Z'majii-dar the Quick, Battlegrounds Butcher / Khajiit StamSorc (DPS)
    • đŸ”Ĩ ⚔ī¸ EP - Habasi the Glamorous, Seeker of Artifacts / Khajiit StamDK (DPS)
    • 🗡ī¸ 🛡ī¸ EP - Yana-la the Iron Lotus, Silver Knight / Khajiit StamBlade (Tank)
    • 👁ī¸ ☄ī¸ EP - Mog gra-Ushug the Scholar, Master Historian / Orc MagCanist (DPS)
    • 👁ī¸ 🛡ī¸ EP - Mamaea the Sledgehammer, Alpha Predator / Khajiit StamCanist (Tank)
    • 👁ī¸ 🏹 EP - Elsyiir Lichenhollow, Lady / Bosmer StamCanist (DPS)
    • 💀 🛡ī¸ EP - Vashpurri-do the Corrupt, Alpha Predator / Khajiit StamNecro (Tank)
    • & I only dabble on the PC/EU server sometimes:
    • 🗡ī¸ ⚔ī¸ AD - Jessamine Seed-Nightrun / Bosmer StamBlade (DPS)
    • 🌩ī¸ ⚔ī¸ EP - Sings-a-Song-of-Storms / Argonian StamSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡ī¸ ☄ī¸ DC - Helainie the Shadebringer / Breton MagBlade (DPS)
    • 🌩ī¸ ☄ī¸ EP - Steals-Many-Hearts / Argonian MagSorc (DPS)
    • 🗡ī¸ ⚔ī¸ AD - Pashet the Nimble / Khajiit StamBlade (DPS)
    • đŸ”Ĩ 🏹☄ī¸ EP - Furoni the Ember / Dunmer HybridDK (DPS)
    • 👁ī¸ ☄ī¸ EP - Am-Kesh / Argonian MagCanist (DPS)
    • đŸ”Ĩ ⚔ī¸ AD - Eldrinthr the Flame-Heart / Bosmer StamDK (DPS)
    • 👁ī¸ ☄ī¸ AD - Bajaa the Blackened Beast / Khajiit MagNecro (DPS)
    • 💀 ⚔ī¸ AD - Vashpurri-do the Corrupt / Khajiit StamNecro (DPS)
  • ZonasArch
    Davor wrote: Âģ
    Scallan wrote: Âģ
    Scallan wrote: Âģ
    Is it truly possible to make an attractive female dark elf in the character creator? I've tried so many times but those perma-frowns...

    Somehow ZOS is able to make beautiful Dunmer NPC's but I'm at a complete loss on how to emulate that in character creation. I've spent a longer time than I'd like to admit trying to do so.

    I have one but I don't have the sliders right now. Can wait until the pts? I'll post them here for you.

    Edit, I lied I have them right now. Trying to figure out how to post them.

    I think an Imgur album would work. Thank you for your efforts ❤ī¸

    I hope you like it. Provide feedback too :P

    That is so AWESOME. I think I am going to try that and use that if that is OK. Of course a little tweaks to more of my hair colour, but AWESOME job done. :)

    Glad to help :) post here after!
  • dazee
    Iccotak wrote: Âģ
    It's funny that this thread appears right when I am considering making my Necromancer character a female dunmer.
    Normally I don't play female characters but I had an idea for a backstory that I really liked that I couldn't pass up.

    My necromancer will most likely be female dunmer as well. I can make a fairly attractive dunmer in the char creator, although I don't know if I can explain well how I do it and beauty is in the eye of the beholder..
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • Taleof2Cities
  • r34lian
    What about Redgaurds ?
    2000 CP â€ĸ 18 Maxed Characters â€ĸ 6 Altmers â€ĸ 7 Redguards â€ĸ Necromancer Orc â€ĸ Warden Dunmer â€ĸ DK Nord â€ĸ DK Imperial â€ĸ Templar Breton
  • radiostar
    stage 4 Vamp
    "Billions upon Billions of Stars"
  • Amour




    What's about her?
  • HowlKimchi
    Mine is a guy but he looks pretty good.

    previously @HaruKamui but I outgrew my weeb phase (probably)

    PC/NA - EP - Howl Bragi/Howl Kimchi
  • Nemesis7884
    the trick to making any race more attractive is symetry and balance - every race usually is tilted towards angular, round or square - just find out what it is for dunmer (angular) and balance it out in the triangle - that goes a long way... also balance the other features out that are over- or under-done such as bigger eyes, etc...
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    This is my dark elf character. Not a female one haven't tried to make a female one but anyways here's mine


    Edited by ZaroktheImmortal on March 27, 2019 8:19AM
  • Olauron
    But I wonder which genes would be dominant in the case of Dunmer and Nord -- you might end up with something similar looking to high elf...
    After much analysis of living specimens, the Council long ago determined that all "races" of elves and humans may mate with each other and bear fertile offspring. Generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present.
    Notes on Racial Phylogeny by the Council of Healers, Imperial University
    The Three Storm Sharks, episode 8 released on january the 8th.
    One mer to rule them all,
    one mer to find them,
    One mer to bring them all
    and in the darkness bind them.
  • mairwen85
    @Olauron I had read that. I was thinking more aloud than expecting a true answer. +1 awesome for completeness however.

    Nord woman with a dunmer male = tall human offspring with some dunmer traits... Ah...

    Also, those findings aren't necessarily 100% correct. The grey Prince is the child of orc and imperial (vampire). He has the physical semblance of an orc, lighter skin because of imperial genes.

    Also, the Breton forefathers were the offspring of Direnni with nedic concubines. Their original description is quite different from both Nedes and Elf with visible traits of both that have diluted over the centuries.
    Edited by mairwen85 on March 27, 2019 5:23PM
  • valkyrie93
    easy. best looking female model in the game imo.
    two of my dunmer ladies:
    PC EU
  • Sheezabeast
    This is Firelight Searing-Bottom, she is a Mag DK Dunmer and she is my favorite of my Dunmer ladies.

    Edited by Sheezabeast on March 28, 2019 4:42AM
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • Ertosi
    I don't know for sure, OP, but I think it's truly possible. I mean, I've become quite happy with how my Dunmer, Mona Littlemoar, came out.


    Those ears sticking out of her hair, those exotic features. Heck, even that oh-too-Dunmer resting ***** face she has. She's drop dead gorgeous! But that's just me and everyone's taste is different.

    Perhaps I can suggest my method for character creation. I spam the randomizer until I see something I might kind of like. Then I start locking some of the sliders which I'm certain I want. Usually locking height and your target hair style is a great place to start (hair because it's frame will affect how you see the facial features). Then I start spamming that randomize button again. Lock some more of the sliders, like a little junk in the trunk. You know, the important stuff. Once you have it narrowed down a bit, then one-by-one start swinging the individual facial sliders to each extreme and see how it affects the face. As you work on the face, it helps to switch back to bald at times, especially when working on the ears. Think of it like an eye exam... "Do you like option 1 or 2? 1 or 2? .. 1 or 2?" There's no wrong answer, just let your eye guide you.

    It also helps to have a theme while building them. Like for Mona, the theme was petite and exotic so she's got small, exotic features to match. For contrast with my Nord Dawn, the theme was death-by-Snu-Snu, so she's as intimidatingly tall as possible with big ol' hands and feet. Despite being a giant, I think she ended up pretty cute as well.
    PC NA @Ertosi
    ♠â™Ļ My Team â™Ĩâ™Ŗ
    Goan – Jabsplar [Grand Master Crafter, Master Angler, Tamriel Hero, Explorer]
    Dru – Stamplar
    Tickles – Healplar
    Dixie – Magplar
    Figs – Stamblade Sneakthief [Master Thief]
    Sir Price – Stamblade Bow Ganker [Daedric Lord Slayer]
    Maya – Stamblade Speedster
    Ahmed – Magblade Bomber
    Balzar – StamSorc Blitzer
    Winnie – PetSorc Thunder Mage
    Tanks – StamDK Tank
    Mona – MagDK Fire Mage
    Dawn – HPDK
    Bearly – Stamden Tank
    Ivana – Magden Ice Mage

    ☠ CP 950+ ☠
    ♌ DC Loyalist ♌
    ✄ Grand Master Crafter
    No new crafting or game systems for 2019? "Season of the Dragon" would be better named "The Year of no New Major Features" to see major features of the last few years compared. to see a detailed comparison of this year's Q1 to the last two Q1s. to see a detailed comparison of each years' first two quarters combined. to see a projected comparison of the full years and what 2019's Q4 will need to catch up.
    Unsubbed January 15th, 2019 due to the lack of any new substantial features shown to be coming in 2019.
  • Ertosi
    Oh, and OP, when making a character, don't be shy to throw in a few wildly extreme features. There is great wisdom in this old quote:
    'There is no excellent beauty that hath not some strangeness in the proportion." --Francis Bacon
    PC NA @Ertosi
    ♠â™Ļ My Team â™Ĩâ™Ŗ
    Goan – Jabsplar [Grand Master Crafter, Master Angler, Tamriel Hero, Explorer]
    Dru – Stamplar
    Tickles – Healplar
    Dixie – Magplar
    Figs – Stamblade Sneakthief [Master Thief]
    Sir Price – Stamblade Bow Ganker [Daedric Lord Slayer]
    Maya – Stamblade Speedster
    Ahmed – Magblade Bomber
    Balzar – StamSorc Blitzer
    Winnie – PetSorc Thunder Mage
    Tanks – StamDK Tank
    Mona – MagDK Fire Mage
    Dawn – HPDK
    Bearly – Stamden Tank
    Ivana – Magden Ice Mage

    ☠ CP 950+ ☠
    ♌ DC Loyalist ♌
    ✄ Grand Master Crafter
    No new crafting or game systems for 2019? "Season of the Dragon" would be better named "The Year of no New Major Features" to see major features of the last few years compared. to see a detailed comparison of this year's Q1 to the last two Q1s. to see a detailed comparison of each years' first two quarters combined. to see a projected comparison of the full years and what 2019's Q4 will need to catch up.
    Unsubbed January 15th, 2019 due to the lack of any new substantial features shown to be coming in 2019.
  • Davor
    Glad to help :) post here after!

    I tried, didn't work out as good. :( Always looks different after I exit character generation screen. Maybe because I am on the Xbox it's slightly different than on PC.

    Anyways, at least I got something I like thanks to your stats. I am old, so technology has passed me buy and haven't figured out how to post screenshots taken from Xbox.


    Finally figured out how to do it.


    Edit, she has no clothes because the game wouldn't load and I had to exit out, shut down and restart. Thank god the character was saved and I didn't need to go through all that again.
    Edited by Davor on March 29, 2019 6:31AM
    Not my quote but I love this saying

    "I would pay It for support. But since they choosed we are just numbers and not customers, i dont mind if game and zos goes to oblivion"
  • ZonasArch
    Davor wrote: Âģ
    Glad to help :) post here after!

    I tried, didn't work out as good. :( Always looks different after I exit character generation screen. Maybe because I am on the Xbox it's slightly different than on PC.

    Anyways, at least I got something I like thanks to your stats. I am old, so technology has passed me buy and haven't figured out how to post screenshots taken from Xbox.


    Finally figured out how to do it.


    Edit, she has no clothes because the game wouldn't load and I had to exit out, shut down and restart. Thank god the character was saved and I didn't need to go through all that again.

    As long as you're satisfied with the character, I'm glad to have helped :)
  • OneForSorrow
    PC NA. Various alts, trying to find a main, I have no idea what I'm doing.
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