Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Console voice chat.

  • apri
    dotme wrote: »
    Aside from a glitchy couple of days a couple weeks back, chat has been rock solid for me on PS4NA. These things get complicated - What if the people affected all have the same brand of router, and a recent firmware update broke something?
    This is something ZOS could figure out if they would come back to us and gather some data from those who are affected. Since they rather ignore the issue, we on our end cannot tell for sure where the problem lies.

    However, it says something if PSN voice chat works properly while the same people have issues with in-gam-chat. Based on that, it looks more likely to be an issue on ZOS' end. Furthermore, the issues began after one of the major updates. Before there was no problem with in-game-chat. So my guess is ZOS broke something with the code at some point and the issue was never addressed since.
    Edited by apri on February 14, 2019 11:42AM
  • Sticky_Paws
    I find it sad that when I post housing wish lists the items requested show up in the game. Yet now that I cant host my housing contests and home tours monthly... I wont have a reason to post housing wishlists because we cannot communicate with each other for the tour. I refuse to host a game event using a third party chat for the ingame event related communication.

    ZOS you need to respond to this ASAP. Give us feedback and let us know where you are on the path to repairing the source of the issue. You are failing your end of the deal to provide a functional service for my entertainment. I'm at the tipping point. Do I still want to share my love of the game with others and bring them into the housing and adventures I have enjoyed.... not so much, the chat bug has put the worse taste in my mouth...

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
  • Bc_bmx
  • Bc_bmx
    Only lost half the channels today...
  • Puzzlenuts
    It is horrible right now. To the point of being obnoxious. Everytime I've join a group in the past 2 or 3 weeks (may of been longer) I've had to relog the game to get voice to work sometimes had to relog more than once
  • Sticky_Paws
    So After shutting down the app twice TODAY I still do not have guild chat one. And if I move zones I get booted from the chat channel I am in...... how long before you fix this problem???
  • Hotdog_23
    Still no chat for days, thanks to everyone posting what worked for them but I am going to wait out and let ZOS fix it because I have changed nothing and it worked before so it must be on their end. Party chat works but not game chat on PS4 NA.
  • Hotdog_23
    Bump, when is this going to be addressed.
    Edited by Hotdog_23 on February 25, 2019 7:30AM
  • BrandonWandon
    I've opened a couple of tickets with them. They just say "We're looking into it" and close the ticket as "Resolved". Anything to hit those numbers I guess, even though I've asked them on MULTIPLE occasions to NOT close the ticket as the issue is not resolved. It's hard to run events without having game chat.
  • Sticky_Paws
    Still having issues with chat channels disappearing while attempting to join them. Makes it a super pain in the neck to pvp with the guild when our pvp channel up and left mid battle. How are we suppose to hear the war directives for our next point of attack when we do not stay in the channel. This problem is far worse than the 20 random load screens incurred in Cyrodiil.

    Fellow guild mate asked a few officers in the guild today why they are restricted from voice chat. And what have they done wrong... They are not blocked from entering via guild permissions. They continue to get the error message that chat is not available currently and have zero access to Any form of chat... yet chat is free from issues according to your lack of responses here...

    We've reported the issues Zos, it's in your hands to repair this mess. Would you be so kind to acknowledge us with a response, instead of ignoring the thread.

    Frustrated and missing the social side of this Game-
  • Velma
    Soul Shriven
    I am usually not one to complain, but I have to complain about the voice chat. I am having the same problems like everyone else here. Pvp and vet trials are impossible without chat. Please fix this!
  • BrandonWandon
    I'm surprised. Mine actually came back up last night. After weeks. I was in a party with a few people, as the game chat doesn't work. Then I noticed someone was talking in the group chat. I was able to hop in and use it with no issues. Not sure if it got fixed for anyone else, or if they specifically looked at mine because I opened quite a few tickets. Everytime they tried to ignore it and mark it as resolved, I opened up a new one and demand it be escalated. Not sure if that's what it took, or they pushed some kind of fix, but mine is FINALLY working after weeks of not working.
  • Hotdog_23
    Finally got mine back :D , hope it stays. For what it is worth I completed closed the game out and restarted the PS4, wait a day and it was back. Hope this helps :)
  • Velma
    Soul Shriven
    Well I had all the voice chats back the day after I posted on here....until the Jester's Festival started. All of my voice channels disappear as soon as I try to join. I restarted the game and even ps4 several times... . This is extremely frustrating!
  • Puzzlenuts
    Last night was the worst I had seen this problem. No one in my guild could use it, we had to start a PSN chat party to talk to each other
  • Koolio
    Mine was broken last night again

    NA Ps4
  • Suddwrath
    Bad communication seems to be a recurring theme with ZOS. This has been going on for over a year and only seems to be getting worse.
  • Koolio
    Broken again tonight
  • Sticky_Paws
    Mine has been doing well since the Season of dragon q1 update. Hopefully it stays fixed.
    Edited by Sticky_Paws on March 23, 2019 11:13AM
  • apri
    It's not fixed unfortunately. Voice chat is coming and going in an unpredictable pattern. I traveled in Cyrodiil to lose it, traveled again and it returned without further do. Voice chat copied some of the game's RNG by looks of it.
  • Velma
    Soul Shriven
    The disappearing of both group and all guild voice channels is still a big problem that is affecting gameplay. Well-coordinated vet trial runs are impossible without chat. This is taking the fun out of the game.
    I wish ZOS would at least acknowledge this problem and offer some help how to fix this.
  • Sticky_Paws
    Mine has been doing well since the Season of dungeon q1 update. Hopefully it stays fixed
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