Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Console voice chat.

Ps4 Na, every other loading screen I've been through this evening has frozen the voice chat. The psn names of whomever was talking is frozen on screen and it says I'm in chat still, yet no audio from players is heard. Closing application resets this, but unfortunately it breaks again very often. Seems to be getting worse these past few weeks.
  • apri
    PS4 EU it's about the same. Loading screens can kick you out of group chat randomly so you have to re-enter. Sometimes the option to join the group channel disappears along the way and requires you to restart the game to "fix" it again. That can be extremely annoying in PVP because restarting the game may also require you to re-queue into the campaign. This voice chat bug is very old and was introduced by an old major update, around or even before Morrowind. It never was fixed ever since.
  • Whiteout55
    The exact same thing on Xbox too. I came back from a long break (Which I took out of frustration with all the performance issues and bugs which don't get addressed and only get worse) in March and it's been going on ever since.
  • DestructoKitty
    The glitches in voice chat for guild chat and group chat need to be addressed ASAP. Our guild runs daily events which are becoming impossible due to these glitches. There is not a good way to coordinate in PVP or trials. PSN voice chat only holds 8 members- ESO groups are up to 24! These glitches are making long term players walk away from the game!
  • butterrum222
    It’s been going on for about a month now and makes doing any group content frustrating
  • DestructoKitty
    Also it’s not just in load screens anymore. Happens randomly.
  • Felexir
    This juggling routine of trying to maintain a voice chat with your Battlegrounds team is cancer. Between getting kicked out of chat and having to rejoin and the whole chat options just disappearing makes it so that maintaining communication in objective based games near impossible.
    Edited by Felexir on January 18, 2019 4:02PM
  • Sticky_Paws
    ZOS this is a priority.

    Ps4 NA

    I cant log in and explore with my friends, the guild chat channels disappear while trying to join them. The voice chat appears that you are speaking to guild mates (name dot pops up) at times yet you are the only voice that you hear despite being other names listed. You shut down the app to "fix" the problem to find there's a dozen folks when you rejoin the same channel that had no idea you had been in the broken chat channel moments before. While playing through group content that requires communication, the door you just moved through breaks chat.Travelling to a wayshrine while leading a group-guild activity with other players and suddenly half the group has been forced into the chat oblivion that has been killing guild events. You need to make this a proper fix ASAP. The land of the Khajiit may very well be my last chapter if I cannot play your mmo with the very social aspect that it's been known to host over console. Our guild prides itself on being a welcome environment to foster new players and old while experiencing every aspect of Nirn, yet our very social network is broken at its core causing 475-500 members to sit in batches of 8 in psn chat. Using outside media to socialize in an MMO is not okay. Did I mention yet how grouping up from a working guild chat channel to go do something forces you into a group chat channel that 90% of the time fails to connect to the chat? Yea, it does and what makes it worse is that all these chat problems cause the actual channel(s) to disappear as you try to join them until you are forced to move to psn or restart the app and then hope that it loads properly to work out that group content after you've wasted a good 5 minutes.

    I dont want to find another MMO- I love housing and hosting events for my guild but this chat issue has really harmed the game for far too long. Every dlc it seems, has made the problem worse. Take some time and make this a priority before the console community dies.

    While your fixing this, please remove the auto add to group chat upon grouping. Let us have the option to move into it. Usually our guild events are preferred in guild chat channels to allow late comers to join us without hoping we see the whisper to invite. We've assigned different activities to our guild channels and prefer it this way over forced group chat. Thank you for focusing on this and making it a priority to resolve.
    Edited by Sticky_Paws on January 19, 2019 10:27AM
  • Bc_bmx
  • Bc_bmx
    A common sight when looking for chat these days. They are just RIP.
  • Bc_bmx
    Typical eso morning, starting with crafting writs, log in, get about 3 toons done, chat rip, close app, 10 min later(about two more toons) chat rip again, close app. Repeat until all 15 toons are done.

    Now it's time for undaunted daily, grab daily quests, join a group, close app, get into dungeon, close app, massacre and annihilate, jump to next dungeon, close app, kill half a dungeon, close app, finish dungeon, so forth and so on. I hope you catch my drift... This needs attending to. I spend more time, closing and rejoining eso, trying to remain in chat than playing, at the current state.

    My guilds, once full of people talking, are barren due to them not knowing they aren't actually "in" the chat room.
  • Razberry9876
    Xbox1 NA - Getting voice chat to actually work is a rare occurrence nowadays. Every time I encounter a loading screen* I'm left wondering which "glitch" I'll encounter ... Will it simply kick me out of the voice chat channel? Will it start losing chat channels 1 by 1? Will it lose all audio & leave someone's gamertag frozen in the corner, while showing me (in the menu) that I'm still in chat? All of these glitches are occurring in increasing frequency.

    This is an MMORPG ... The point of which is to communicate with other players to accomplish tasks, etcetera. A FUNCTIONING VOICE CHAT IS CRITICAL TO THE GAME! Do I have to cancel my ESO+ subscription to get your attention Zos?

    *Due to encountering loading screens mere moments after "loading" into an area or randomly in the middle of a town, this only makes the voice chat glitches even worse.
  • scurrdi
    Soul Shriven
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert

    We really would like an update on this. I have been an active player for well over 2 years now on console and have consistently promoted this game both financially and verbally to friends and fellow gamers. However, this recent issue requires immediate attention.

    Now, not only are we having random chats drop, which is extremely frustrating and delays tons of events, both PVP and PVE, but we are also just randomly losing chat in the middle of events. Imagine being in the middle of the triplets fight in vHoF or sieging the last emp keep about to push on the flags and suddenly there is no more chat. How is even a decently experienced group supposed to complete this content?

    From the posts above, it seems to be universal across all console platforms. The game is quickly becoming very unenjoyable, a hassle to play, and making me seriously reconsider both my ESO+ subscription or the purchase of the next chapter. We aren't just whinning endlessly about your changes or anything else, we are asking for you to fix a core element of your game that is essential to our success and health of the gaming population.

    I know other groups that have just cancelled running end game trials all together and the PVP event has felt pretty dead since this chat bugs really kicked into effect. Please don't let this issue destroy our player base they get fed up with the content and move on from the game.
  • saggyspandex
    Soul Shriven
    Any chance I get I avoid this games chat like the plague. Unfortunately psn parties don’t have the max capacity to accommodate a trials or even large pvp group. It’s extremely annoying when your trying to group up and half the group has to close app and start back up just so chat will work. Even more annoying when it happens mid activity. Please fix
  • saruhrose1
    Yes we need a fix! Trying to hold a area chat auction on PS4-NA has been a absolute nightmare and puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth!
    Edited by saruhrose1 on January 21, 2019 3:26PM
  • Mothershed52
    Running vSO last night with a guild, and we had individuals have to relog to gain chat, then as the trial progressed we all lost chat one by one, and as someone mentioned,
    This is an MMORPG ... The point of which is to communicate with other players to accomplish tasks, etcetera. A FUNCTIONING VOICE CHAT IS CRITICAL TO THE GAME!

    It is hard enough doing vet content, but in silence, makes the challenge even more difficult and ruins the experience. Hopefully this can get acknowledged and fixed.

    NA PS5 / PC
    Life Long Member of New Scrolls Order
    Main: Imperial Stamplar
  • jerrodbuffington
    Last night doing nhof as a pug as grp leader and it was not possible to complete the trial, because of voice chat. When we grouped 4 people lost chat. When we got in the trial and got done with first boss(no loading screen yet) 1 or 2 people lost chat. When we teleported 5 people lost chat, 1 person left grp in frustration. We got thru the next door with no trouble and the next door as well.. got to the refab committee and we made our first pull and lost people in chat.. this one got me. 3 of us reloaded twice and it would not reset this time.

    Some other random info from my perspective..

    I have lost chat multiple times during a battle. I can still names popping up as if someone is speaking but I cant hear them and my name will not pop up as if my mic is off. One time the name of the guy talking was on my screen permanently and I could not hear anyone and they could not hear me. Other times when changing chats the desired chat room will disappear. Subsequently I will select different chats one at a time and they will disappear 1 by 1. In the past if I joined a grp and lost group chat I could attempt to load chat 3 times in other random voice chats and on the 4th I could pick the one I wanted. And other times the timer that says "joining channel in 5 sec" will count down repeatedly.

    I hope they see this post.. I really wanted to make a whole new thread.
    Edited by jerrodbuffington on January 21, 2019 4:28PM
  • Brrrofski
    Firstly, stop forcing group chat. I never, ever want to use it. I want to group with my guild mates but stay on guild chat. The forcing group chat is incredibly annoying.

    Secondly (and made worse by the above) is dissapearing chat channels. Queued for 25 minutes to get into PvP the other day, get group invite, lose chat channels. Have to kill client and open again, back of cyrodiil queue :neutral:
  • Sticky_Paws
    So the guild tried to group for pvp last night. Guess what, NONE of the chats were available for half the group. Others it worked okay. And yet a third group had chat dots disappearing vrs the "unavailable" message. Pitiful.
    Edited by Sticky_Paws on January 21, 2019 6:23PM
  • gigglefoot
    Soul Shriven
    Broken chat is making almost all content requiring a group difficult. At least in 4 person content we can rely on PS party chat. That doesn't work with trials. I don't find healing a vet trial enjoyable when communication is impossible. Can't communicate, can't play.
    This issue needs to be fixed.
  • ChaoticWings3
    Our guild recently attempted a vet trial run yesterday. It started off fairly fine but as time went on we kept losing half our group in chat. It wasn't until we hit the third boss that my group chat finally broke and I discovered that only 2 people remained. We really can't organize a boss fight when the chat goes down like that. Please resolve this as soon as possible.
  • Defilted
    XBOX NA here. Chat issues have been going on for almost a year now.

    Losing channels when you try to join. Have to reset the game.
    Channels just stop working but you never lose it, just stop hearing anyone. Game reset required.

    I almost have to restart the game 40% of the time I join a group. If ESO would turn off the auto switch to group chat, that would be a huge benefit and cut down on some of the problems players have.
    XBOX Series X

  • Bc_bmx
    Thank you guys for sharing how this is affecting the community y'all.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom whom do we need to tag to get a bit of assurance this will be seen soon and be addressed?
  • Thehartclan
    Trial group last night: one by one we lost chat until only two of twelve players had voice. And Chat almost always drops in battlegrounds. Incredibly frustrating.
    The Hart Clan

    Atelier: Exquisite Homesteads, Facilitator
    New Scrolls Order - Admin Officer

    9 Trait Crafter/ Furniture Expert / Housing Expert
    Vet 810 MagDK - 43k

    PSN: The-J-Hart Server: PS4 NA
  • paulychan
    All members of 12 person team running VSO lost chat last night around 5-7 pm PST on PS4 NA.

    There were also a few DC's and very bad lag. The lag got so bad I could finally get my rotation back on track being able to plan for being behind the on screen happenings by a full second, or at least what I call a second in my rotation.

    I adapted but alas, we did not succeed so ya, that's not a good fix thus far.
  • ultraturk
    The voice chat on PS4 has gotten so bad last 2 weeks.

    This should seriously be a priority
  • aussi25838
    Soul Shriven
    Voice chat being bugged for people is too common now. I was in a team in VAA waiting to start and it took us at least 20 minutes to actually start the trail purely because of different people having to relog in order to get chat. Chat also broke in loading screen throughout the trial.
  • Raammzzaa
    Xbox 1 NA

    Some of us, usually most of our group loose chat seemingly at random. Closing ESO and reopening will fix, or eventually it seems to come back on. We have given up, and we are just using Discord. It would be good if we could get this patched up though...
  • davidcombs7
    Please fix on PS4 NA server!!! @ZOS_GinaBruno
  • Sticky_Paws
    I'm sad to see folks transitioning to use a third party communication app for an MMO with built in communication features, but it's now happening in our guild as well. We need answers. Fix this before Elsweyr, even better would be a repair with the Q.1 Dungeon DLC. group content is a pain without group communication. -_-
  • Defilted
    There are other chat issues as well.

    I will get the tone that I joined the channel successfully, but there is no one in the list(And I know people are in the channel). If I just wait 10 to 15 min it will eventually let me in. This is only in a very specific scenario. This happens but not very often.

    Another bug while I am on the subject is when you go to manually join a channel the message will tell you it is exiting or joining chat, countdown from 5 6 seconds and then reset the count down. This never resolves itself and you have to restart the game.

    I encourage console players to hit this thread and keep telling ZOS what is going on.
    XBOX Series X

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