No one in this thread has mentioned the "Dragon" aspect we suspect is coming this year. What if the "forth faction" IS the dragons. Flying in randomly to burn down keeps and resources. Something all factions will have to deal with, especially if there's a fight already in progress?
Kill the invading dragon, go back to killing each other....
No one in this thread has mentioned the "Dragon" aspect we suspect is coming this year. What if the "forth faction" IS the dragons. Flying in randomly to burn down keeps and resources. Something all factions will have to deal with, especially if there's a fight already in progress?
Kill the invading dragon, go back to killing each other....
My only other thought is no more factions, just basically GvG as faction ties will no longer stop us from grouping up. Just like One Tam with the dungeons.
This was one of the thoughts I had as well. Cyrodiil will be a pve zone or if we keep open world then each group is on their own versus all other groups. Pugs will be able to queue in and join other pugs in group, solo players can roam freely if they like. No more emp mechanic?My only other thought is no more factions, just basically GvG as faction ties will no longer stop us from grouping up. Just like One Tam with the dungeons.
Speculation of ending AvA and Cyrodiil pvp is just hilarious. Yeah, I’m sure after hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in sunk costs, they are just gonna scrap it all...
Most likely it’s just gonna be a PvE storyline thing. But I will say, I would love to see something like roaming world bosses in Cyrodiil as someone mentioned in this thread. Think IC sewers sweepers on steroids. Something that would take multiple guilds and dozens of players to take down, a threat which players could unite to fight or exploit for personal gain. Would add some cool dynamics to PvP.
I say that to troll everyone but there are some that legit believe cyro will turn pve only lol.
I do have a funny feeling the bridges to IC will be connected soon. Maybe connected/separate IC?
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »Simply put, what needs to happen is:
1. End the 3 Banners War. No More Alliances, No more fighting over keeps or objectives.
2. Each Keep is controlled by imperials and are daily quest hubs with good rewards.
3. No more factions or friendly that are not in your group.
4. Group size limited to 4 (since were not taking keeps or objectives anymore no reason to have a zerg)
5. All the delves in Cyrodiil become instanced 4 man dungeons much like Undaunted dungeons. However, each dungeon supports up to two groups and each group will fight each other and the bosses and trash of the dungeon, those who win get rewards, these could be qued into by the group finder.
6. update the town quests in cyrodiil to give better rewards.
7. No more Emp.
Cyrodiil now becomes an open world PVP zone where the entire map is used instead of everyone zerging around the emp keeps, and your only allies are the ones in your 4 man group and you cna't heal anyone outside your group. This ends ball groups for good period.
Cyrodiil no longer lags and can support twice as many people as it can now. It will go back to how it was in 1.1 and 1.2 where pvp happened in the towns and quest hubs all the time, people will no longer have to be afraid of going out on their own and being paintrained and zerged down by 20 people which is the reason folks zerg in the 1st place.
Nightblades ridiculous front loaded burst would have to be addressed though in this change as they are simply too strong in this type of environment.
I miss the early days of the game where folks just didn't zerg the ring keeps, what we got now in Cyrodiil is old and stale...Ball groups have had their 5 years, give us an actual open world Cyrodiil pvp that doesn't revolve around groups larger than 4...fighting over the right to turn in a quest that awards 1000 gold, 33,000 xp, and a loot box with a change of a high quality item that will sell for good money or be used and these rewards updated regulary is far better to fight over than keeps and AP
just my 2 cents
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »Simply put, what needs to happen is:
1. End the 3 Banners War. No More Alliances, No more fighting over keeps or objectives.
2. Each Keep is controlled by imperials and are daily quest hubs with good rewards.
3. No more factions or friendly that are not in your group.
4. Group size limited to 4 (since were not taking keeps or objectives anymore no reason to have a zerg)
5. All the delves in Cyrodiil become instanced 4 man dungeons much like Undaunted dungeons. However, each dungeon supports up to two groups and each group will fight each other and the bosses and trash of the dungeon, those who win get rewards, these could be qued into by the group finder.
6. update the town quests in cyrodiil to give better rewards.
7. No more Emp.
Cyrodiil now becomes an open world PVP zone where the entire map is used instead of everyone zerging around the emp keeps, and your only allies are the ones in your 4 man group and you cna't heal anyone outside your group. This ends ball groups for good period.
Cyrodiil no longer lags and can support twice as many people as it can now. It will go back to how it was in 1.1 and 1.2 where pvp happened in the towns and quest hubs all the time, people will no longer have to be afraid of going out on their own and being paintrained and zerged down by 20 people which is the reason folks zerg in the 1st place.
Nightblades ridiculous front loaded burst would have to be addressed though in this change as they are simply too strong in this type of environment.
I miss the early days of the game where folks just didn't zerg the ring keeps, what we got now in Cyrodiil is old and stale...Ball groups have had their 5 years, give us an actual open world Cyrodiil pvp that doesn't revolve around groups larger than 4...fighting over the right to turn in a quest that awards 1000 gold, 33,000 xp, and a loot box with a change of a high quality item that will sell for good money or be used and these rewards updated regulary is far better to fight over than keeps and AP
just my 2 cents
@RinaldoGandolphi it sounds great except i believe it would be sad to have to pick between guild members and friends you have been playing with for the past 5years. You could say that nothing stop you from playing with different ones every gaming session but usually it's not how it goes. People tend to stick with the same group once it goes well and they have fun.
As a result, some of them could feel excluded and it could lead to ruining long term relationships. I understand that some people are fine with keeping a very restricted friendlist and people they play with. Some others enjoy grouping with 10-16players. I don't believe this vision of Cyrodiil could work for this specific reason.