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ESO community: Eat a snickers

  • swippy
    i was telling my guild about how i was shopping around to price check something i wanted to sell. when i went to my inventory to gather details to refine my search, i couldn't find the thing! apparently i had already listed it, and it had just sold, so the gold was in my mail the whole time i was price-shopping for it.

    well, a guildie i don't know well (it was an odd time of day for me) probably missed the punchline, and began commiserating on having hoarder tendencies. we talked a little before i ported home and got distracted. when i looked back up, he had gifted me a Crown Coffer for housing storage!

    what a guy. i love helping people, but receiving help can be fun too. especially unexpectedly.
  • Claudman

    This forum is so angry. I literally made a thread about restrictionless cosmetics and everyone just read the title and not at all what I was talking about in the post. This community loves its arguments. I guess those game balance changes got people miffed.
    Welcome, Moon-and-Star, to this place where destiny is made.

    I play healers or DPS often for vet dungeons and trials (NA, CP810+). I play mostly elves or Argonians.
    I primarily play Damage-Based stuff in PvP, but occasionally I'll play something tanky or got the heals.
    I also love gaining more knowledge both metaphysical and mundane regarding TES lore.

    I also occasionally role-play, but I prefer playing the game.
  • Hoolielulu
    Abigail wrote: »
    I'm often pleased by the little things.

    Me, too. A couple of weeks ago I helped a new player in a delve by tossing them some heals. When we were done they waved. Made me smile for the rest of the day.
  • wolf486
    First time I will be truly negative on ESO forums....I don't like snickers. But otherwise agree. Always laugh when I think of the thread on here mocking ESO's reddit page for being always positive, whereas this thread has the same 10 people whining all the time.
    Moved onto BDO and GW2 Skyrim, ATS/ETS2, ACNH and the overall goodness of single player games

    RIP to the following:
    (DC) Tharbûrz gro-Glumgrog - Orsimer -Stamden (lvl 50)
    (AD) Vukz - Bosmer - Stamblade (lvl 50)
  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    Positive experience?

    Well I tried the IC event for the first time when it came out. I wanted to get the Soul-Shriven skin but couldn’t get to the center. Thankfully someone gave me an invite to a group, which I joined and we made it to the center. Unfortunately I got nothing the whole three times I helped defeat Molag’s simulacrum, so now I’m saving up gold to buy it bc I’ve heard the drop rates are terrible. But that night was a bit fun- hell I died to a Dremora and right as my character hit the floor Molag appeared so very close which was cool.
  • Myrm
    As an Elite Dangerous Fuel Rat I have to insist that you cease and desist in your eating Snickers. Only we Fuel Rats eat Snickers. >.< ;-P
    Edited by Myrm on December 5, 2018 2:27PM
    PC & Xbox (EU)

    I am employed as a member of Emperor Palpatine's Imperial Royal Guard. (Class of 2017, Yinchorr)
  • TheRealSniker
    I feel offended
  • Vildebill
    You're not yourself Nerien'eth, eat a snickers!
    EU PC
  • Veles
  • Trinity_Is_My_Name
    Ran a random the other day with one guy at CP 124. After the run I asked what gear he was using. All mixed dropped pieces. I crafted a set of Julianos and Seducer for him at no cost. All enchanted. He mailed me a few days later saying he reached CP 160 quickly with those sets and greatly appreciated the help.

    All good!
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    No I will not eat a Snickers

    I will instead put it in the freezer for 4hours, then eat it.

    Top Tier frozen candy
  • MuchShock
    I like when a random dungeon pug goes well and people actually say GG or TY before they leave.
    I have some characters, play the game and do stuff. It's fun sometimes.

  • Ryath_Waylander
    Ran normal Darkshade caverns 2 last night. 3 of us premade and one DD came in random. The DD was CP 450 but shame, died a lot to mechanics. But we were managing fine as although our Tank was levelling a low toon (46) we 3 were CP800 plus. We typed advice in group chat which didn't receive a reply and picked him up whenever he died, the Bull Netch really kills you a lot if you do good damage and hit him in the air. The situation was easier and funnier at times because the three of us were on a voice channel. In the end he typed in group chat at last... in caps and German, thanking us profusely. So it made the dungeon even better as we now knew why our group chat hadn't really helped him and it felt good to lend a helping hand.
  • Tasear
    Where do I pick up this free chocolate?
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    I got to run a bunch of random dungeons with my mule toons - you know, the characters with all their skill points in crafting skills? They are all pretty weak in their roles, despite being L50 and max CP (maybe 5k dps - very few passives and not many combat skills unlocked either). That said, normals are so easy that we blasted through most dungeons with no problems, and there were even a few dungeons where I got a skill point from the quest!

    One of the most interesting was a random normal Banished Cells dungeon run. I arrived in with my mule tank (who does maybe 3k dps and has few CC or group buff skills) and took the portal past first boss to where the other three players were. I discovered that the previous tank appeared to have rage-quit due to the extremely low group dps - the other group members were on toons that were as weak as mine, with one person new and one person only having done the dungeon once before. (I estimated that I was probably doing half the group dps as tank). The fights were long and I had to explain a few mechanics, but it was easy and fun enough, and that skill point at the end felt well-earned! :)
    Edited by Pyr0xyrecuprotite on December 5, 2018 4:16PM
  • jainiadral
    Went Ancestor Silk farming tonight-- after weeks of waiting I finally, finally got a couple of clothier surveys-- and just relaxed all around Tamriel. I love how alien the music is in Deshaan, how interesting the geography and flora are in Shadowfen, and how peaceful the shorelines are in Betnikh.

    Just exploring and farming is never boring in this game <3
  • Mureel
    Haven't had a noteworthy positive experience in-game in a while, so have a goat GIF instead.


  • hexnotic
    Edited by hexnotic on November 17, 2020 5:12PM
  • Abigail
    Eat something, or go outside and notice the real world doesn't comprise pixel stuff.

    I wake up this morning, look at forums, and it has erupted into this ...

    ESO is a damned game. Get in touch with reality, people.
  • Ryath_Waylander
    But right up until now this thread is a breath of positive fresh air...
  • xxthir13enxx
    SaltySudd wrote: »


  • Rain_Greyraven
    My positive experience with ESO....

    Recently Iv'e started playing FFXIV more, and I positively like the community better.

    Less Douchenozzles.
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • bearbelly
    Less Douchenozzles.

  • Ardaghion
    My positive experience with ESO....

    Recently Iv'e started playing FFXIV more, and I positively like the community better.

    Less Douchenozzles.

    ESO has made me think I should spend more time in Elite Dangerous, in solo mode. Then there's all the unfinished games I bought that have no online requirement, I might like those communities the best.
  • Riverlynn
    Haven't had a noteworthy positive experience in-game in a while, so have a goat GIF instead.


    Is it me, or should this be an in-game memento?
    My accountant told me to invest my money in bonds. So I bought 100 copies of Goldfinger.

    Unicorns and cannonballs, palaces and piers
    Trumpets, towers and tenements, wide oceans full of tears.
    Flags, rags ferryboats, scimitars and scarves
    Every precious dream and vision, underneath the stars.
  • laereal
    MuchShock wrote: »
    I like when a random dungeon pug goes well and people actually say GG or TY before they leave.

    Yeah something like this happening, even if it's just a small thing, gives me the warm fuzzies. :)
  • p00tx
    Ardaghion wrote: »
    My positive experience with ESO....

    Recently Iv'e started playing FFXIV more, and I positively like the community better.

    Less Douchenozzles.

    ESO has made me think I should spend more time in Elite Dangerous, in solo mode. Then there's all the unfinished games I bought that have no online requirement, I might like those communities the best.

    Don't let these forums set the tone for the community for you. If I judged ESO based on the constant complaining and doomsday qqing in here, I'd never talk to another player again. By and large though, the community is pretty great and I rarely ever run into jerks (and even the jerks aren't always terrible humans. Even they have their moments of social lucidity). It's just that the jerks and whiners are the loudest and need the most attention, so they take up the largest proportion of our visual and audible space in this game. Even though it makes the forums and text chat look weird, I've learned to be pretty liberal in my use of the "ignore" function, and it's made things sooooo much better.
    PC/Xbox NA Mindmender|Swashbuckler Supreme|Planes Breaker|Dawnbringer|Godslayer|Immortal Redeemer|Gryphon Heart|Tick-tock Tormentor|Dro-m'Athra Destroyer|Stormproof|Grand Overlord|Grand Mastercrafter|Master Grappler|Tamriel Hero
  • preevious
    My word..

    It's quite sad to see such a good and positive thread getting vandalized by complains..

    My positives experiences are whenever I craft a training set for a new player. Usually, they're a bit timid, not knowing how it goes, and a minute later, I'm bombarded with questions about the game, the crafting system, etc, etc.
    Makes me feel good to help them get their marks.
  • Itacira
    During the event, when running with people on low level toons, I was able to carry them through the dungeons with my main. Me. Carrying other players. Not being dragged around like a dead weight. Glorious times \o/

    I may or may not have saved the combat metrics showing I did >70% of the damage. You can prove nothing. I shall gaze at them dreamily to soothe my wounded ego next time I run with my peers.
    PC/EU - PVE 2H stam orc petsorc (meta, what meta?) ww - terrible dps - mediocre player - fun times - free ww bites to whomever asks so don't be shy if interested
  • CaffeinatedMayhem
    During Undaunted, got March of Sacrifices as a random, but none of the group had run it before. So we dove in, worked hard, and beat it. Only wiped on the 3 sisters and the last boss.

    I haven't run dungeons for over a year because I'm tired of LFG's for "experienced only" where "experienced" = knows all the cheese. It was nice to work with a group to figure something out, and be successful, with only middling DPS and no true healer. Sure, took a while, but we had more fun than just porting to FG1.
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on December 6, 2018 12:05AM
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