Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.
The Matriarch has always consistently given me less heals in Cyrodiil, probably because of my mag pool, yea. There's also the own pet's survivability to question. With 5k less max health it can't take as much punishment without those added defenses. Plus it's mostly stationary when attacking so its offense is less intrusive and distracting unless you're intentionally using it as a meat shield.Wouldn't you get better healing with the matriarch? Back when I used to run it, I'd get 12k crits off its heals in cyrodill - although that was with a higher mag pool, it was without any CP-expenditure or racials that boosted healing.
I thought about it shortly after it was introduced but there's a few reasons I didn't follow through:Have you tried frost staff instead of SnB? I tried it just after murk landed with twilight (+ desert rose) - but the sustain just wasn't there.
1) Multiple factors are at play, the first major one being that I'm very actively casting the heal to recover my own health, so any splash damage to the Clannfear is nullified. The second is that it's largely ignored, people more often than not end up focusing me instead. There is the occasional person that may or may not know to treat the healing pets like they would a normal ward, that is to CC the sorc and burst both parties when the pet's almost dead. The last one is keeping a constant eye on it. If I notice its health is falling low I'll call it to me until it's back to a healthy amount.How do you keep you pet alive so long? Yeah, I get that your health pool gives you more of a window to LOS and resummon when it dies - but without shields and low crit resists.... Have you considered upping your crit resists this patch since the pet also uses your crit resist stats now?
The magic of editing lol. Don't be fooled, on NA, Shor is dead most of the time and you have to go out of your way in Vivec to find good stuff. I don't play no-CP so I've no idea how active it is in there.Where do you find so many enemies in anything less than a 24-man group that just spam lightning heavy attacks and jesus-beam at full health?
The block cost even without any sturdy isn't very taxing in smaller fights, and 12k stam is enough for 2 dodge rolls and a break free (fossilize > break free > dodge > BoL > dodge > Dark Deal > Dark Deal > 80% stam). As for finding windows, it's fairly easy. I think after the change to the way interrupts work, people haven't really bothered putting the effort into bashing it like they used to since the user can just recast it again shortly afterward and there's nothing you can do about it. I use it fairly often so it's really rare for me to straight-up run out for an extended period, especially if I have a potion at the ready.Can you really find enough windows to dark deal to fuel your stam for blocking with the max stam so low?
I actually tried that on the last PTS, replacing Lich with Alchemist and using full infused cooldown jewelry. This is what I came to:I do have an Argonian sorc that I keep thinking about experimenting with (will do something completely different, I think. I keep thinking along the lines of a pot cooldown, clever alch magsorc using vigor)
Judas Helviaryn wrote: »Don't incorporate bugs into your builds, and you won't have [an] issue.