Err, no. It's a game, not a job. I've done the 'guild-running' thing before in other games. It's one thing to run a guild where you're planned activities happen when you (and your membership) are playing anyway. It's completely different to try to make it work around the clock.
For this to work, it would need:
1. A leader (leaders) who regularly play for a reasonable length of time during these off-peak times. For crying out loud, there are only a handful of leaders at peak times.!
2. Enough people playing those times for long enough to make grouping worth while.. Yeah, I used to be able to log in for a quick 'half-hour' before work or on lunchtimes.. Not enough to get anything done with a group, by the time you join, get to where they are, wait for other members etc... its just slower than running solo.. I suspect the majority of off-peak players are like this. Those that aren't... well, they're already zerging the empty servers.
And as Derra said, which I completely agree with.. Why do people keep playing on the servers with no opposition, when there are plenty of them jus a server-hop away?
I'll say it again, the problem isn't with the few people trying to counter these zergs, no matter how badly they are doing it - the problem is with these zergs who simply do not want to fight with anything other than an overwhelming advantage.
Ask yourself, what would you do if all the EP from Sotha suddenly landed in Vivec and your groups suddenly couldn't capture anything? I'll tell you what would happen - you'd go to Sotha so you could start winning again..
I see it approaching peak time.. Too many times lately, I've been on the winning side of combats only to find loads of AD individuals hiding. You uncover them, do they gank? do they fight? Are they AFK? No - they simply run and try to hide.. It's a straight 1v1 for crying out loud! what are you hiding from?? Even seen it inside AD keeps where the inner is under-siege.. AD players hiding on the walls - not trying to get inside the inner to defend, and when discovered, jump off the walls back outside and run.. What are they doing? Just trying to hide inside so after its taken, rezz people so they can PVDoor again? Real PVP too hard? This whole attitude stinks.
I said before I log off at 7 due to lag.. Its also partly because there is no competition for DC at that point.. EP are usually 2-bars and almost a non-entity, and AD collapse after Ash is retaken, and there is little contest there. I get bored when all we are doing is taking lightly-defended keep after lightly-defended keep..
The most fun with PVP happens with evenly matched sides.. The best fights are those long-running open fights that used to happen much more between Nickel and Roe, or Bleakers and Chal.. Evenly matched, back and forth.. Fights with places and roles for all sizes of groups from solo to 24s..
But too many people are actively trying to keep it Uneven, especially offpeak - which overall only serves to destroy PVP, not to continue it.
Or when theyre caught in the open while traveling. They rather die on their mounts while running away than fight you.
I see it approaching peak time.. Too many times lately, I've been on the winning side of combats only to find loads of AD individuals hiding. You uncover them, do they gank? do they fight? Are they AFK? No - they simply run and try to hide.. It's a straight 1v1 for crying out loud! what are you hiding from?? Even seen it inside AD keeps where the inner is under-siege.. AD players hiding on the walls - not trying to get inside the inner to defend, and when discovered, jump off the walls back outside and run.. What are they doing? Just trying to hide inside so after its taken, rezz people so they can PVDoor again? Real PVP too hard? This whole attitude stinks.
I love how you´re completely contradicting yourself here by having stated earlier that you enjoyed playing with a group of friends.
What you´re describing is 100% the opposite of that. You describing building a guild purely for results.
Also this still doesn´t adress the main problem - people (on all sides) don´t want to fight for the most part. Why don´t you AD go to sotha to fight even number EP there?
Because you don´t want to actually fight on even odds. Once you accept that this is true (maybe not for you but for the large majority of people you play with) you´ll realize that everything that you´re telling others here is nonsense.
An AD faction that runs 3 bars to the other factions 1 bars and night caps every night to secure victory. GG
Now that campaign score is completely pointless can the rest of the factions quit whining about faction swapping and just enjoy some PVP?
BTW, I love the capping both of the EP scrolls but not touching the DC scrolls to keep them close so they compete for 2nd place while you pull further ahead. That's some devious thinking there! Nice!
See you guys in Vlast, the promise land!
heng14rwb17_ESO wrote: »BE AD OR BE REKT !
Then all the casuals and scrubs flock to AD[...]
Err, no. It's a game, not a job. I've done the 'guild-running' thing before in other games. It's one thing to run a guild where you're planned activities happen when you (and your membership) are playing anyway. It's completely different to try to make it work around the clock.
For this to work, it would need:
1. A leader (leaders) who regularly play for a reasonable length of time during these off-peak times. For crying out loud, there are only a handful of leaders at peak times.!
2. Enough people playing those times for long enough to make grouping worth while.. Yeah, I used to be able to log in for a quick 'half-hour' before work or on lunchtimes.. Not enough to get anything done with a group, by the time you join, get to where they are, wait for other members etc... its just slower than running solo.. I suspect the majority of off-peak players are like this. Those that aren't... well, they're already zerging the empty servers.
And as Derra said, which I completely agree with.. Why do people keep playing on the servers with no opposition, when there are plenty of them jus a server-hop away?
I'll say it again, the problem isn't with the few people trying to counter these zergs, no matter how badly they are doing it - the problem is with these zergs who simply do not want to fight with anything other than an overwhelming advantage.
Ask yourself, what would you do if all the EP from Sotha suddenly landed in Vivec and your groups suddenly couldn't capture anything? I'll tell you what would happen - you'd go to Sotha so you could start winning again..
I see it approaching peak time.. Too many times lately, I've been on the winning side of combats only to find loads of AD individuals hiding. You uncover them, do they gank? do they fight? Are they AFK? No - they simply run and try to hide.. It's a straight 1v1 for crying out loud! what are you hiding from?? Even seen it inside AD keeps where the inner is under-siege.. AD players hiding on the walls - not trying to get inside the inner to defend, and when discovered, jump off the walls back outside and run.. What are they doing? Just trying to hide inside so after its taken, rezz people so they can PVDoor again? Real PVP too hard? This whole attitude stinks.
I said before I log off at 7 due to lag.. Its also partly because there is no competition for DC at that point.. EP are usually 2-bars and almost a non-entity, and AD collapse after Ash is retaken, and there is little contest there. I get bored when all we are doing is taking lightly-defended keep after lightly-defended keep..
The most fun with PVP happens with evenly matched sides.. The best fights are those long-running open fights that used to happen much more between Nickel and Roe, or Bleakers and Chal.. Evenly matched, back and forth.. Fights with places and roles for all sizes of groups from solo to 24s..
But too many people are actively trying to keep it Uneven, especially offpeak - which overall only serves to destroy PVP, not to continue it.
Let's be honest, that's already happened.
Off-Topic: I hate how these things usualle devolve into writing a damn book as a reply :P
But like I said above, if you deligate the responsability to other players and you don't have to be online that much. You have, let's say, 5 people under you. Those 5 people are ready to take lead when they're online. You don't have to view it as a job, nobody has to be there all the time, because as someone logs off someone else will have logged on. That's what it's like when you utilize as much of the guild roster as possible
1. People can be taught to step up and take lead. For some of them, all they need is a little bit of encouragement. I've worked actively with it for the past 10-15 years online. For others you just gonna need to tell them "keep the crown, shift-click where you're going, the people that doesn't follow you kick". I've seen a few people in Cyrodiil, for example, growing from being completely quiet and docile (people you wouldn't really notice) to actively starting their own groups and taking the lead.
2. I think I know what you mean. But it doesn't need to be "everything as I want it to be" to make things worth while. I want big even fights, but that Extremely rarely happens. I usually get extremely frustrated with "the guild" because too many people don't think about group play. For example, several people chasing one guy, while healers getting slaughtered at the back, then those ppl chasing end up dead from being outnumbered and now everyone is dead. But they all make it worthwhile with who they are as people (that's not thanks to the game though). That's why I keep returning, even if I sometimes just quit out of frustration.
I can tell you why I sometimes do it. Because sometimes it's relaxing just being on TS, sharing a few laughs, while sipping the morning coffee and just watch the ram do the work. And sometimes I just log off after 5-10mins because there is nothing to fight. But there are various reasons and I'm just one out of 200 people.
" the problem isn't [...] the problem is [...] anything other than an overwhelming advantage"
I don't think I even mentioned the few people trying to counter it? If I did, then I don't think I would put the blame on them. They are the whole I reason I sometimes stay for such a long time.
When you talk about "zergs who simply do not want to fight with anything other than an overwhelming advantage" I'm not sure what you're refering to. You're a bit all over the place. The few ppl defending is a reference to the morning, right? And the people that only fight with an overwhelming advantage is.. when?
If you mean what "the guild" is doing, then no, because then we wouldn't bother defending while being outnumbered.
If you talk about the avarage player, then yeah. I can't play my main during peak hours, because I go against a zerg of 40 (what my main is built for), while our 50 AD run away. But it can't survive 1vs40. But people usually run away from the group having the momentum, it goes both ways. I can't play my small scale characters because the lag and delay is so terrible that it's impossible to even break free from CC's.
Well there are loads of reasons for why people do it. Some people just wanna leech AP, some people actually RP to an extent, some people are new and want to see what's happening without getting killed, some people think they can save the entire situation by slowly ressing their friends, some people are on the phone (or busy with something else) and can't fight properly at the time, and then there are some people not built for 1vs1 and know their best option is to try and get away.
I wish everyone was built for large scale combat and that everyone wanted to play as a team, but I know that not everyone wants that. Sometimes communication doesn't work, due to people not speaking the same language, to even allow group play. I wish there were some kind of end game progression stages, so if you perform better you would also advance and be rewarded with gear to match it. With the progression stages you would also slowly move away from the stages where the less experienced players are.
"The most fun with PVP happens with evenly matched sides[...]"
Yeah I agree. It can be 5 experienced players vs 20, or 15 evenly experienced players against 15.
"But too many people are actively trying to keep it Uneven, especially offpeak - which overall only serves to destroy PVP, not to continue it."
You gonna need to elaborate this part.
Because as it is: gear does make a difference, CP allocation makes a difference, amount of players makes a difference. Derra for example would be able to blow up several people on his own, one after another, I can't kill anything on my own with my main. Experience makes a difference, reaction time makes a difference, perception makes a difference, communication makes a difference, situational awareness makes a difference.
So pretending that being outnumbered is the only way to "keep it uneven" isn't correct one bit, so I hope that's not what you're saying. Or you wanna flatten every possible chance to use your tools to your advantage? Please elaborate
Sorry man, this is complete BS.
I don't even have the enthusiasm anymore to break it down bit by bit to explain. You win, you and yours have already practically driven me from the game (and many others).
It's obvious you flat out refuse to see you your actions are leading to the death of PVP.
Enjoy your empty servers.