What campaign? You said pc/NA but AD is currently last in vivec, though they did get dc scrolls and not EP‘s
AD is also last in sotha, are you playing the completely dead campaign?
dtsharples wrote: »Sounds exactly like Vivec PC / EU.
How strange, must be an AD thing.
Mrsinister2 wrote: »That giant ad ball group that farms the same 10 ep all morning has completely ruined my morning pvp time
I actually did pve stuff this morning instead
We been enjoying this for 2 years now
dtsharples wrote: »There just aren't the same amount of DC or EP online in the morning. It's literally 3 bars v 1 v 1.
The reality is, that most people have Jobs, and can't spend their morning playing a game.
Somehow, all the jobless people ended up on AD, and they treat capping an empty map at 6am like a profession.
There could be 100 EP / DC guilds, but there just aren't enough people online to make them a plausible option.
So Yes, we are passing the blame onto ZOS, because their ineptitude has resulted in 3 years of this completely unbalanced play. Campaign scoring is a joke, nobody cares, and PVP is really suffering for it.
The PVP population has probably halved, but repeatedly lowering the population limit is disguising this demise in PVP activity.
This paired with the lag, and allowing completely unbalanced scoring, will be the death of Cyrodiil.
I have much respect for you Derra and I hate your streaking a**
But, we all know that fighting outnumbered is the biggest issue (no fighting chance when it happens). I started pvp'ing about 1½ year ago, but I don't see any efforts from players getting together and fight it. All I see is people complaining like it's someone else responsability, so why doesn't EP and DC come together to fight it?
I mean if it means so much, then surely someone would start a guild and pick up people that wants to fight, no?
The thing is, there are only so many people who play at that time of day. You cannot simply conjure more.
The problem is that 3/4 of them (made-up number) all choose to play on the same faction.
You cannot blame the remaining 1/4 for
this problem, saying they are 'not organising'. The only ones you can blame are the players who are choosing to keep supporting the stacked faction as opposed to switching to even things up. Afterall, the only solution (short of ZOS removing off-peak scoring) is to have even sides.
I have much respect for you Derra and I hate your streaking a**
But, we all know that fighting outnumbered is the biggest issue (no fighting chance when it happens). I started pvp'ing about 1½ year ago, but I don't see any efforts from players getting together and fight it. All I see is people complaining like it's someone else responsability, so why doesn't EP and DC come together to fight it?
I mean if it means so much, then surely someone would start a guild and pick up people that wants to fight, no?
Maybe because most people in pvp don´t go there to fight other players but rather to pve for points?
It´s not like EP isn´t doing the same thing on sotha. Or DC doing it on sotha or shor.
The problem is a structural one where pve/pvdoor gives pvp rewards thus encouraging destructive behavior from the player side.
This is also the reason why the players still going to vivec on EP and DC side often times prefer to fight each other instead of AD.
Fighting AD is absolutely asinine as most of the factions players do actively avoid fighting unless they´re sure they´ll win. Otherwise they´ll sit inside a keep and siege you or wait in sneak until they´re sure the fight they engage into is already won.
So the problem isn´t only that you don´t have the people to start building such a guild in the first place (because most play easymode on a different campaign their faction dominates) - it´s also that the people you´d fight do everything to prevent you from actually having interesting fights.
You can´t fight people that do everything to not fight you - on terms that could be fun for both parties (see only healy healy tanky tanky builds with no dmg or they´re sneaking - the former aims to win the fight by surviving and outnumbering to kill anything - the latter aims to control fight conditions and only engages when they think they´ll win).
You can´t fix it on the player side (see also why don´t sotha EP come vivec to have action there).
The large majority choses the way of least resistance to get their carrot on a stick (in this case pvp rewards).
If a developer wants to have meaningful open world pvp either the map has to be designed differently to encourage the two weak factions to work together or they have to prevent the leading faction from being too dominant (dynamic population caps).
You can´t fight people that do everything to not fight you - on terms that could be fun for both parties (see only healy healy tanky tanky builds with no dmg or they´re sneaking - the former aims to win the fight by surviving and outnumbering to kill anything - the latter aims to control fight conditions and only engages when they think they´ll win).
I don't think you're taking into account all the players that log on, notice there are uneven odds and then log off. But these people aren't in contact with eachother, there's no community (like a guild) for them, but if there were the numbers would also start adding up. The AD guild wasn't built in a day and it's still slowly growing in numbers.
Maybe because most people in pvp don´t go there to fight other players but rather to pve for points?
It´s not like EP isn´t doing the same thing on sotha. Or DC doing it on sotha or shor.
The problem is a structural one where pve/pvdoor gives pvp rewards thus encouraging destructive behavior from the player side.
This is also the reason why the players still going to vivec on EP and DC side often times prefer to fight each other instead of AD.
Fighting AD is absolutely asinine as most of the factions players do actively avoid fighting unless they´re sure they´ll win. Otherwise they´ll sit inside a keep and siege you or wait in sneak until they´re sure the fight they engage into is already won.
So the problem isn´t only that you don´t have the people to start building such a guild in the first place (because most play easymode on a different campaign their faction dominates) - it´s also that the people you´d fight do everything to prevent you from actually having interesting fights.
You can´t fight people that do everything to not fight you - on terms that could be fun for both parties (see only healy healy tanky tanky builds with no dmg or they´re sneaking - the former aims to win the fight by surviving and outnumbering to kill anything - the latter aims to control fight conditions and only engages when they think they´ll win).
You can´t fix it on the player side (see also why don´t sotha EP come vivec to have action there).
The large majority choses the way of least resistance to get their carrot on a stick (in this case pvp rewards).
If a developer wants to have meaningful open world pvp either the map has to be designed differently to encourage the two weak factions to work together or they have to prevent the leading faction from being too dominant (dynamic population caps).
xMovingTarget wrote: »
Hmm. But I see you are DC. Which at least on vivec most of the tme is a mindless zerg too.
Almost all the people who are willing to fight against those odds already do. You have to be willing to accept killing one or two before the other 39 root spam and light attack you to death you as a win.
It's very easy to get noobs to join a zerg pvdooring the map. You can't reasonably expect to get very many new players, who are less equipped to deal with greater numbers in the first place, to spend a few months frustrated and demoralized for the months it would take to build an opposing guild. They'll quit.
Instead, those noobs go to a campaign where their faction is already dominant, join the pug zerg and "win." It's a fundamental structural problem that pvp avoidance is so highly rewarded in the pvp zone.
Ahh, but DC is the mindless zerg that looks for a fight, not the mindless zerg that does everything it can to avoid it.. A much more classy kind of mindlessness!
tbh, it only exists because its the only thing that shifts the AD faction-stack out of Ash every early-evening.. And you know how these things work - once it starts there's a momentum that's hard to stop.
My personal sense is that you don't like the objective driven pvp-type of gameplay. Like for example, take a keep requires people, in order to not letting the keep be taken you need defense and pvp ensues.
But since the majority is pushing for keeps and taking scrolls, then it also shows that's what the majority wants.
I mean, each to their own thing.
If you wanna small scale, go ahead, but you probably should avoid those bigger groups. If that's what the majority of players want then surely you have no issues finding similar minded people to play against/with.
If someone else just wants to sit inside a keep and snipe, then that's their prerogative to do so. If they wanna scuddle away as soon as someone built for melee fights, then that players best bet is to run away.
If people want to avoid fighting and focus on the most strategic choices for them to make AP, then that's fine too, no? I know plenty of people with the reaction time of a potatoe. I like them as people, I like playing with them because of their personality. But it would be completely foolish of me to take said person into a 2vs2 scenario.
You can't force people to pvp the way you like to pvp.
To me it just sounds like you don't like the idea behind "crown an emperor by taking keeps" and would rather just pvp. There's duels outside of cyrodiil. There's BG's for small scale combat. There's imperial city (however I have no idea what the state of it is nowdays).
My whole point is that what you, fundamentally, seem to object to is what the majority of players like; objective driven pvp.
I'm fully decked out in gear and skills meant for large scale combat. If I run after someone it's not to kill them, it's to chase them away from the objective, and my objective is to take the resource/keep, your objective is to kill said target.
I like the objective based pvp and I'd like more 20vs20 fights. But I would rather play with people I enjoy playing with, because of who they are as people, than to leave said group only to get more successful results in who can kill whom most effectively.