Master_Kas wrote: »
BS. The DC megatrains always was here just at diffrent times compared to the AD one. Most of these (TDA, Legion/Hungry wolves) are members who was part of the same guilds before. Including old blackswords. They always used to stack up 40+ man trains zerging down the map in the old trueflame campaign (when azura was the main campaign).
I remember guilds going to Trueflame back then just to farm the blue megablob, and in that campaign there was hardly any EP or AD opposition.
If youre not going up against players that often and spend lets say 85% of your combat time fighting npcs. Can you still call that pvp? Just because its being done in a pvp designated zone?
I don't know. Where do you draw the line?
Should you be allowed to ride to a location and still call it part of the pvp experience?
Making tactical decisions to give your alliance space and time to breath, isn't tactical decisions part of cyrodiil pvp?
How often do you have to be in combat in order to call it pvp, 100% of the time, 90%?
If you're dead while your friends are fighting, is that still pvp?
Isn't waiting for a camp, or to be ressed, a tactical decision you make in order to achieve your personal objective?
Why does it matter if I call that pvp?
The bottom line is that this is the hand we've been dealt (objective based pvp) and some people do their best to adapt (for example large scale pvp guild) to the enviornment.
My personal sense is that you don't like the objective driven pvp-type of gameplay. Like for example, take a keep requires people, in order to not letting the keep be taken you need defense and pvp ensues.
But since the majority is pushing for keeps and taking scrolls, then it also shows that's what the majority wants.
I mean, each to their own thing.
If you wanna small scale, go ahead, but you probably should avoid those bigger groups. If that's what the majority of players want then surely you have no issues finding similar minded people to play against/with.
If someone else just wants to sit inside a keep and snipe, then that's their prerogative to do so. If they wanna scuddle away as soon as someone built for melee fights, then that players best bet is to run away.
If people want to avoid fighting and focus on the most strategic choices for them to make AP, then that's fine too, no? I know plenty of people with the reaction time of a potatoe. I like them as people, I like playing with them because of their personality. But it would be completely foolish of me to take said person into a 2vs2 scenario.
You can't force people to pvp the way you like to pvp.
To me it just sounds like you don't like the idea behind "crown an emperor by taking keeps" and would rather just pvp. There's duels outside of cyrodiil. There's BG's for small scale combat. There's imperial city (however I have no idea what the state of it is nowdays).
My whole point is that what you, fundamentally, seem to object to is what the majority of players like; objective driven pvp.
I'm fully decked out in gear and skills meant for large scale combat. If I run after someone it's not to kill them, it's to chase them away from the objective, and my objective is to take the resource/keep, your objective is to kill said target.
I like the objective based pvp and I'd like more 20vs20 fights. But I would rather play with people I enjoy playing with, because of who they are as people, than to leave said group only to get more successful results in who can kill whom most effectively.
killimandrosb16_ESO wrote: »youre right @Derra . The symptome of the problem is the 3 bars vs. 1 bar in the main campaigns. EU, its sotha ep 3 bars, vivec its ad 3 bars. IF the objective was to pvp, these factions would actively seek each others campaigns. Instead, they chose to pack up on each empty map to PvE. And being on that 1 bar side, is only enjoyable if you either are part of a small tower farming group or a solo diehard. In any way, the moment that 3 bar group catches up to you, youre done, so smallscalers have started to vanish too.
Let us look at the situation from another perspective; This actually means, if you are NOT part of one of the 3 bar odd time factions, your game time is dramatically reduced, or you are deliberately being excluded from end game content just because you chose the wrong faction. Where the 3 bar faction has 24 hours of available pvp play to enjoy, the 1 bar faction only has 3-4 hours of peak time play. Am I correct or not? Unless Zenimax considers the 1 bar population PART of the 3 bar factions game enjoyment.
This is a futile discussion which has been taking place for the last 2 years. You wont get 3 bar faction leaders like Saras at vivec to neither understand nor accept the problem His argument is that he plays when he can, and he has absolutey no respect for the 1 bar population. Its pure egocentric gameplay, which WILL and IS forcing more and more 1 bar faction players away from the game, not that I believe the 3 bar factions notice anyway. Its more silent around the empty keeps, but thats about it. In the end, they will wake up at that morning session only to find no keeps has been flipped during the day/night, and theres not much left to do. 2 days into vivec campaign EU, ad has a 10k lead...
Master_Kas wrote: »
BS. The DC megatrains always was here just at diffrent times compared to the AD one. Most of these (TDA, Legion/Hungry wolves) are members who was part of the same guilds before. Including old blackswords. They always used to stack up 40+ man trains zerging down the map in the old trueflame campaign (when azura was the main campaign).
I remember guilds going to Trueflame back then just to farm the blue megablob, and in that campaign there was hardly any EP or AD opposition.
BS on that one in regards to Legion, I was an officer in Legion for ages, and we were never in a blob, it was very rare if we had a full group up, 40+? lol, try 8/12 most of the time, the pugs following did not matter, they were just used as cannon fodder if they were around:P
Master_Kas wrote: »
Haha then this was before your time or you're flat out lying.I had people in the guild whisper me they have 2 raids on x) But sure ^^
I feel my questions went a bit over your head so let me rephrase.
Do you think its still pvp when you spend a vast majority of your time in cyro fighting npcs and purposefully avoiding enemy players?
And this is where you´re wrong.
I love objective based large scale pvp - in fact i like it so much that it´s almost everything i´ve played for the past 16 years. I started played that type of game in 2002 with dark age of camelot (then warhammer, aion, age of conan, whatever) - which eso tried to mimic but horribly failed due to bad design decisions on many different accounts (map, cc, groupsize, healing, roles, builds).
Imo the objectives should be the playground the pvp happens on and around. What happens in eso for some time is that AD views enemy players as a distraction from taking objectives.
It´s funny how you describe what i dislike very well in the last paragraph.
You don´t want objective driven pvp. Which is what i want.
You don´t care about the pvp part. Your goal is the objective - the pve. That´s what i think should not be rewarded as much as it currently is in eso - because that´s not pvp. It´s pve.
Also i don´t get the last sentence. I´ve only ever invited people i liked playing with and as a person in my guild. Which is why it never exceeded 10 active members. I don´t believe people that claim to maintain real friendly relationships with a group of 20 or more persons. That´s more of a purpose community than anything i´ve ever done.
So imo you´re doing exactly what you´re trying to criticize with your 20 ppl groups. Playing for results.
But ultimately i think the end all be all goal - even in objective based large scale pvp should be the pvp. Not the objective. That´s what development should focus around. Enabling pvp and ideally enabling everyone to participate in that pvp.
Eso isn´t doing that on the development side. And players on certain campaigns and factions are actively working against that.
I don't think it went over my head, I said I don't know. And then I asked in return why it matters what I define as pvp
Because that's what it comes down to, if you wanna get into it; where do you, personally, draw the line.
I don't think in terms of "Now I'm gonna do some pvp". I think BG's are the closest thing to pure pvp we have, but even there it's mostly (not exclusively) about taking over an objective. I guess duels are pure Player vs Player. So in that sense, it's impossible to call the entire Cyrodiil-experience a pvp experience alone, because it's so much more than that.
It's both Yes and No, depending on how you view it.
Edit: I'm not trying to be difficult or avoid the question. I'm trying to make you understand how I view it.
killimandrosb16_ESO wrote: »
Thoragaal, its quite simple. PvP means player versus player. If there is no player involved in you fighting, its not PvP, then its PvE. If you twist it enough, you could also call it faction vs faction, as the NPC's you kill and the keep you flip is part of a faction.
The real question is, if its PvP if the player vs player ratio is 20vs1, or if its just a proof some are stupid. Like Bigboss rushing heads first into the enemy frontline when the numbers are even, is that PvP or PvE. The difference is slight.
Unfortunately I don't know those games. My player vs player experience (mainly) is from Quake 1/2/3 (capture the flag), WoW (Arathi Basin, which is like MOBA/ARTS) and a stupid game called Devilian.
"Imo the objectives should be the playground the pvp happens on and around. What happens in eso for some time is that AD views enemy players as a distraction from taking objectives."
Yeah, that's what I mean when I said "To me it just sounds like you don't like the idea behind "crown an emperor by taking keeps" and would rather just pvp". Your objective seems to be around to win the fight itself, the one that's taking place on your screen in that very moment, even if it would cost you (I'm exaggerating) 3 home keeps. Am I wrong?
My objective is to do what's best for the alliance, by playing the map, which is not necessarily always throwing myself at a zerg (opportunities goes missing), or stay at a resource for 30min in a never ending fight (wasting time), or me personally making loads of AP by porting to different keeps that's already UA (the help isn't always needed). There are tactical reasons (i.e. avoiding a fight) for the type of behavior I'm engaged in to further my goals (winning the campaign by taking keeps/scrolls/resources).
I'm not trying to critize anything or anyone, I'm trying to say that we're fundamentally playing for different reasons. If it weren't for the guild community I wouldn't even bother going into Cyrodiil. I most likely wouldn't be playing at all, since pvp is all I do in ESO nowdays.
But I don't get it. I haven't tried BGs really, why don't people (you included) go there for more pure forms of pvp?
Yeah, and cyrodiil is both. As well as a horse simulator at times. As well as a mean for strategic thinking (inside and outside of combat). And a chance to have a bit of fun with friends. And much more. We're talking about Cyrodiil as a whole, right? Not just "I fight you, you fight me" part. Because in that case I REALLY don't understand why people complain about others instead of just doing BGs instead.
Because the Cyrodiil thing you can do something about, on a personal level. It's just a matter of if you're willing to do it or not, and you don't Need ZOS to do anything about the conditions.
I sure as hell don't wanna do it (I know how time consuming it can be) and I have full understanding why others might not wanna try it. But the tools are right there, it just seems like nobody is willing to use them in order to change things themselves and would rather tell others to stop doing what they enjoy doing.
If someone is just running between objectives, what ever they might be, I don't even dismount for them. Sometimes I even whisper them telling them to hide/run, because I know I have loads of ppl around me. I also usually tell people to NOT attack those players, because it's just not doing anything for anyone, it's just damn annoying to that solo player having to run all that way back again.
But if said person is trying to take a Keep/Resource/Scroll, or resurrect other people that will, then I will get off the mount to stop them. Even if it's 20vs1.
The point is that Cyrodiil isn't 100% pvp.
And how much pvp/pve/riding/reparing walls/commanding others/scouting you like to engage in differs from person to person. But everything is towards the goal of winning the campaign for your alliance, and is a part of the Cyrodiil experience. The the pvp part alone is just one aspect of it, but not the be-all and end-all.
Those who cry and complain are:
Kids 08-16 years old brats
People who have nothing to do in their life, but play eso all day everyday and cry through their armpits.
I remember us DC winning campaign all the time
Then reds before, I remember Brohm all the time going for emp, was fun times to fight against them.
So every faction has it turns, to be fair it's not so bad. I enjoy playing at hard difficulty and putting my self to the test.
The only problem is perfomance issue. You basicly cant defend keep if more than 50 people ar coming to take a keep. If you port you get disconnected and you have to wait until everything cools down and this become more and more lately.
I just wish people would remember that this is just a game, we all players, we're fighting for nothing and we shouldn't be angry at eachother.
But I don't get it. I haven't tried BGs really, why don't people (you included) go there for more pure forms of pvp?
Because like i said - i like open world large scale pvp.
Playing for scoreboard or against guards is just not pvp.
You know i like taking keeps, crowning emps, taking scrolls - when the main opponent in doing that is actual other players. Not doors, npcs and flipping flags.
That´s the difference.
You don't need to write a wall of text. I'm saying our objectives are different; My objective is to take a keep/resource/win the campaign, your objective is more towards pure pvp (which is a sub-part of Cyrodiil as a whole).elfantasmo wrote: »
Im sorry but I don’t think you are really listening to what people are saying, you might be reading it but are you listening? Objective based pvp is fine we all love it, no issue there, so long as the population is equal and FAIR/ OR there are mechanics in place to dynamically adjust the handicap. I don’t want to write a wall of text so let me say this.
Yeah, in the beginning, probably. It's not like most AD have as much experience playing against uneven odds as DC and EP. But I don't see what that has to do with the subject, nobody is talking about which faction/guild/group is the better.elfantasmo wrote: »2. If you and your guild were to play your definition of objective based pvp against an equal amount of enemies lets say 30v30v30 as an example you would get facerolled all day. You would never capture any scroll and definitely not emp if the population was equal.
To me an exploit is when something that shouldn't be in the game, somehow is there anyway by mistake, and people abuse it. For example animation canceling in early ESO was a debate if it was an exploit or not untill ZOS said it was intentional. Just like it can be said about the "kangaroo-jump" some people do, it can be debated if it's meant to be/or not meant to be but ultimately it comes down to what ZOS says about it.elfantasmo wrote: »2. Is the main issue. You are capping the map everyday by exploiting an advantage in numerical power. Period. Thus all keeps are yellow by 10am, all scrolls capped and emp. Everyone logged of raging so you need only to turtle with emp and 6 scroll buff. Then Jonny the smallscaler voted out of his head goes to idk ROE farm for a little light hearted 1vx. Meanwhile there is nothing else for you to cap so ensues ROE FARM UA UNITY DESTROY PURPLE RATS, the entire ad pop zergs Jonny (refer point number 1). IF however Jonny is clever and sees you he kites.... NO SAYS JONNY STUCK IN COMBAT FFS!!! At which point said Zerg immediately mounts and proceeds to chase Jonny to brindle, finally kills him and obv after a job well done incorporating much skill and situational awareness Jonny received more tbags than a f Indian tea factory.
I would acknowledge that there's an issue too. But my belief is that it can be solved on a level of personal responsability (because I've seen it done plenty of times before); i.e. starting a guild to unite people. And during these 1½ years that I've been in Cyrodiil I have seen no efforts being made from the opposing factions. Knowing that ZOS isn't changing the rules for Cyrodiil should further encourage it. But like I previously said, I don't think our objectives and fundamental reasons for playing are the same, thus you feel like it's someone elses responsability to make sure you get to play the way you enjoy it.elfantasmo wrote: »And before the defensive start to show I am not singling anyone out or naming anything. But this is a cultural issue which many people are contributing too. How do we fix it i dont know but at least have the decency to acknowledge the issue which is pretty much black and white.
I would acknowledge that there's an issue too. But my belief is that it can be solved on a level of personal responsability .
See, now this is where we completely disagree.
When there are only 30 people available to PVP at that time of day and 24 of them are all on one faction - the ONLY solution is to even up the sides.. ie for 14 of those 24 to move to other faction.
So that 'personal responsibility' lies entirely with them, NOT with the remaining 6 who are already doing the right thing by not giving up and not switching to the winning faction.
We've seen over the last 3 years, that you and yours simply will not accept that personal responsibility - so its useless to even talk about it.
See, now this is where we completely disagree.
When there are only 30 people available to PVP at that time of day and 24 of them are all on one faction - the ONLY solution is to even up the sides.. ie for 14 of those 24 to move to other faction.
So that 'personal responsibility' lies entirely with them, NOT with the remaining 6 who are already doing the right thing by not giving up and not switching to the winning faction.
We've seen over the last 3 years, that you and yours simply will not accept that personal responsibility - so its useless to even talk about it.
Invite that guy that's currently only playing in the evening - who knows, maybe he's just not logging on because he doesn't like the odds in the morning/afternoon.
Invite that guy that's completely new to pvp - maybe a couple of months he'll be great.
Get people that's not usually into pvp to try it - maybe they will enjoy it.
Some people will join once and never go back. Some people will try it a few times before they disappear. Some people will show up sporadically. But there are 500 spots available in a guild and there's no reason to keep it closed for only "good enough" ones.
Why don´t you AD go to sotha to fight even number EP there?
I feel my questions went a bit over your head so let me rephrase.
Do you think its still pvp when you spend a vast majority of your time in cyro fighting npcs and purposefully avoiding enemy players?
Where you say "[...]when there are only 30 people available[...]" that's why I included that it takes time to build a guild. Because it's not only 30 people over a 4 years period of time 24h/day. You have people that don't bother going in to Cyrodiil because they don't like the odds (I've been there myself). There are people that change character to a different faction. There are silent people just waiting in sneak to at some point go for something that's giving them AP. And there are plenty of more scenarios to why you don't see these people.
But if they were in a guild, they would also see in the guild roster if there's more people online and incentivise them to join too.
If they were in a guild and in a group they would be encouraged to help out to attack/defend a keep, knowing the odds aren't as terrible as it looks. A positive spin creates more positive opportunities.
Knowing how many people that will help, at bare minimum, incentivises people to attack/defend when they know the odds are good enough.
Even if we do disagree on the odds for success of creating a guild, with the intent of winning the campaign, I would still like to see someone actually try it. Because I know from (20 years gaming online and 20 years of studying psychology) experience that it works, but I've seen no true and wholehearted attempts being made to make a change on their own to actually battle it.
Invite that guy that's currently only playing in the evening - who knows, maybe he's just not logging on because he doesn't like the odds in the morning/afternoon.
Invite that guy that's completely new to pvp - maybe a couple of months he'll be great.
Get people that's not usually into pvp to try it - maybe they will enjoy it.
Some people will join once and never go back. Some people will try it a few times before they disappear. Some people will show up sporadically. But there are 500 spots available in a guild and there's no reason to keep it closed for only "good enough" ones.
Do it Biro. DO IT! Go! Chop chop! Be the great leader you have the potential to be and lead those who can't tell the difference between their ass and their backbar!
Edit: I just noticed you can only play 5-7pm. You make a guild, have a few "officers" that you MAKE SURE are on the same page, so you deligate the responsability for when you're not there. Make the goals clear for everyone. Keep a few but strics rules.