A well designed aoe taunt would go a very long way. If its well designed it wouldn't become meta and wouldn't make tanking brain-dead easy/easier, it would enhance it and reduce repetitiveness.
I think this could be improved. Sometimes I tab target to make sure my attack hits the correct enemy. It's something you pretty much have to do against pet sorcs, in PvP, although I am unsure how much it helps. Sometimes the targeting system fires 90 degrees sideways, or even backwards, which IMO it should not do. Huge nuisance when that happens. I am not sure how much that relates to tab targetting. I think this can primarily happen when I have something tab targetted.Hochstapler wrote: »- Aiming instead of tab/targeting
Big one as well. Ever since I first played Age of Conan over a decade ago I can't stand tab/targeting no mo!
Well, here we go- 'Animation canceling'
I don't see the point. Light attack damage was buffed recently, but has always been a sizeable part of overall DPS. Set bonuses don't matter. You have to weave to be competitive, or to just get through the hardest content at all, regardless of what you wear.I understand that it can't be fixed but can we please stop making armor sets that promote this 'mechanic' ?
And change the bonuses of armor sets that already do, maybe?
I appreciate the logic of that, but on the other hand this provides a way for 1vXers or smaller groups to have a chance against bigger ones, in PvP. Without it, they would be more likely to get stuck on defense, and that's always a recipe to just die. Those guys running around a tower, killing it against superior forces, the window they have to attack anyone is extremely small as it is. They manage it partly by being skilled at animation cancelling.There should be none of this "I'm gonna swing at you with my sword, stop mid-swing to block, but still damage you anyway."
This looks like a worthy thread, let's give this a whirl!
[*] Animation Cancelling. Far and away the most bizarre aspect of ESO's combat mechanics is the ability to cancel a strike mid swing and have it still do damage. Understand that I have no problem with the ability to cancel animations in of itself - it's an important mitigation tool that I like. My issue is that cancelling an ability should cancel the effect of that ability unless the animation completes itself. There should be none of this "I'm gonna swing at you with my sword, stop mid-swing to block, but still damage you anyway."
(3) That leaves us with weaving. In an earlier paragraph you praised light, medium, heavy attacks. What would happen, if light attacks shared the same GCD as skills? What would be the reason to use them at all, given that they do substantially less damage than a skill?
Funny you didn't mention CCs, roots, and snares as either positive or negative.
A well designed aoe taunt would go a very long way. If its well designed it wouldn't become meta and wouldn't make tanking brain-dead easy/easier, it would enhance it and reduce repetitiveness.
Nothing could be simpler tho!
Channeling taunt. Every 0.6-1s taunt an enemy which is not taunted for 6 sec. Maybe even get major protection.
They already have same mechanic - Rite of Passage.
Hochstapler wrote: »Let's make a list of combat mechanics likes and dislikes as a feedback for developers so maybe we can all agree on things that need improvements.
I'll go first.
- Active blocking and roll dodge -
- 'Animation canceling'
Dislike - I tank all the time and love doing dungeons. I am tired of spamming taunt all the time. A well designed aoe taunt would go a very long way. If its well designed it wouldn't become meta and wouldn't make tanking brain-dead easy/easier, it would enhance it and reduce repetitiveness.
Like - Blade of Woe is fun to use??
putting light and heavy attacks on the global timer will generally resolve the issue. A very simple solution really.
some would lose their minds but it would be a better game for it.
I find this interesting. Especially since being able to actively block and roll dodge is the reason AC exists and Zos is not getting rid of it.
Of course the use of any skill must pass the 1 second GCD to fire if block or roll dodge is used afterwards. Otherwise it does not fire but we still have our block, etc. occur. AC can be fixed at the cost of being able to actively block and roll dodge.
It really is that simple.
Hochstapler wrote: »Let's make a list of combat mechanics likes and dislikes as a feedback for developers so maybe we can all agree on things that need improvements.
I'll go first.
- Active blocking and roll dodge -
- 'Animation canceling'
I find this interesting. Especially since being able to actively block and roll dodge is the reason AC exists and Zos is not getting rid of it.
Of course the use of any skill must pass the 1 second GCD to fire if block or roll dodge is used afterwards. Otherwise it does not fire but we still have our block, etc. occur. AC can be fixed at the cost of being able to actively block and roll dodge.
It really is that simple.Dislike - I tank all the time and love doing dungeons. I am tired of spamming taunt all the time. A well designed aoe taunt would go a very long way. If its well designed it wouldn't become meta and wouldn't make tanking brain-dead easy/easier, it would enhance it and reduce repetitiveness.
Like - Blade of Woe is fun to use??
To this, an AoE taunt is not needed in this game and specifically the devs have stated that it is by design that everyone has a chance to get agro when mobs are engaged. They did not, and do not, intend for a tank to tank everything.
So an AoE taunt will not be added to the game.
putting light and heavy attacks on the global timer will generally resolve the issue. A very simple solution really.
some would lose their minds but it would be a better game for it.
Says the guy who obviously doesn't play magblade. People would lose their minds for a reason and ZOS would have to redo Grim Focus and other things to make them workable again. It's not simple.
Hochstapler wrote: »I find this interesting. Especially since being able to actively block and roll dodge is the reason AC exists and Zos is not getting rid of it.
Of course the use of any skill must pass the 1 second GCD to fire if block or roll dodge is used afterwards. Otherwise it does not fire but we still have our block, etc. occur. AC can be fixed at the cost of being able to actively block and roll dodge.
It really is that simple.
I don't understand exactly what you saying here.
Block and dodge has a priority to everything and cancels everything (as it should).
The problem is that the canceled skill aplies, be it damage or buff or whatever.
But not only block, but also any damage skill on your bar cancels light attack animation but still aplies the light attack damage on your target.
That's the problem, it's free damage if you button mash like a monkey.
If you cancel a skill mid way, it shouldn't apply the effect it carries no?
First time I saw this was in Age of Conan which had simmilar combat system.
It had combo system where you charge up a powerfull combo by activating 2 to 4 skills one after another.
Every skill had its animation but you could cancel them in simmilar way as in ESO and deliver much faster fully charged combo damage.
It was called 'combo skipping' and it was considered exploit, except that it was never fixed.
Here is considered mechanic and skills and armor sets are made to promote it.
Weird indeed.
Yes, block and dodge have priority over a skill but the use of either after activating a skill does not mean the skill still fires. There is a 1 second GCD that must pass for the skill to still fire. Otherwise nothing happens except for the block of roll dodge.
What you mention second gets into the priority of actions. Basic attack<Skill<Block/Roll Dodge/Weapon Swap
Essentially, animations are designed in a manner that they are longer than what is required for the skill to fire. It really is that simple.
putting light attacks on the gcd does not impact in any way the use of block or dodge to keep the fast paced gameplay so they are not tied together in any way.
Hochstapler wrote: »Yes, block and dodge have priority over a skill but the use of either after activating a skill does not mean the skill still fires. There is a 1 second GCD that must pass for the skill to still fire. Otherwise nothing happens except for the block of roll dodge.
The skill fires bro.
You can skip the animation of your short buffs with a block mid fight and reaply the buffWhat you mention second gets into the priority of actions. Basic attack<Skill<Block/Roll Dodge/Weapon Swap
Essentially, animations are designed in a manner that they are longer than what is required for the skill to fire. It really is that simple.
Why do we have long light attack and buffs animations if we aren't supposed to enjoy them?
They can shorten them to 2 frames (sword up, sword down..lol) and explain to new players that they are expected to button mash super dooper fast (console style) on a PC MMORPG.
Since when do we consider button mashing a player skill?
It must be a generational thing.
Edit: practice it . Really work on it and you will get it down. I did and some fairly casual players I run with some got it figured out because they wanted to.
Hochstapler wrote: »
Hochstapler wrote: »
Being that you call it button mashing, yes. Seems like a fitting comment for someone who is challenged by it. Glad you got it down.
Hochstapler wrote: »Nobody likes itHochstapler wrote: »
Being that you call it button mashing, yes. Seems like a fitting comment for someone who is challenged by it. Glad you got it down.