That instanced content in ESO is cold diarrhea in a dixie cup compared to WoW.
As far as games are concerned: ESO is fun. It looks lovely, the open world is consistently relevant, and it has quite a few other things to it that make it enjoyable and worth playing.
But the instanced PvE side of things.. UURGH. WoW may not be a saint or anything, but it's far superior when it comes to instanced stuff. It's consistent, it is straightforward, the difficulty of dungeons and the like aren't determined by the level of where a dungeon is located or whether or not it has been added in as extra content that you'd have to pay for.
While in ESO, it's a mess. Dungeons and their difficulty rating are all over the place, some where they can be soloed while others are the kind of difficult that make it feel like a waste of time to even press your head against them.
Part of it probably also comes down to how gameplay and the design is. It's tab-targetting, ans character progression has you get gear that has better numbers than what you currently have, and the ability choices set fairly in stone depending on your specialization. Also the rotations are straightforward as well, so success isn't too difficult to achieve.
Meanwhile in ESO you have more freedom yes, but that freedom does come at a bit of a cost. First you decide what you want to do (Let's say a Mage). Okay, decided on a class, but now what? Well, go out and hunt for specific pieces of gear that boost magic stuff. But wait, races have passives that boost your performance even further. So an Orc Mage ain't that good. Okay, gonna be an Altmer Dragon Kni- Wait, Dunmer are better suited as Dragon Knights due to all the fire damage. Best to reroll a third time.
Okay, now I finally got my choices down, now to find specific gear sets that deal with Fire Damage and maybe some other stuff. After some time hunting for those, I have everything needed, now I will certainly do great fire damage! Wait... Why is my damage output not that great, compared to this other guy who is doing a million billion DPS? And that guy is only putting down one AoE ability and maybe some other ability at most, while I am spamming all of my abilities to the best of my abilities, even trying to perform a staff-swap trick (Something I did for my mage) to get the most speed.
Long story short: WoW is more consistent with classes, dungeons and abilities. ESO is not.
In fact, the only thing I'll say ESO is good for is outdoor content. Anything else and it is... Eeeh... Well... Kinda ***, actually.
It's tab-targetting, ans character progression has you get gear that has better numbers than what you currently have, and the ability choices set fairly in stone depending on your specialization. Also the rotations are straightforward as well, so success isn't too difficult to achieve.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »Wut's tab-targetting
Is that lock-on so you just spam buttons, no need to aim at all?
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Translation: ESO endgame is harder and more diverse than WOW and I don't like it.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »MartiniDaniels wrote: »Wut's tab-targetting
Is that lock-on so you just spam buttons, no need to aim at all?
It's a gameplay mechanic that was used in the late 90s/early 2000s because game engines couldn't support action combat. You cycle between targets with tab and then roll your face on the keyboard when you want to attack the target you've selected.
You can actually enable it in ESO too (it's in settings).
That instanced content in ESO is cold diarrhea in a dixie cup compared to WoW.
As far as games are concerned: ESO is fun. It looks lovely, the open world is consistently relevant, and it has quite a few other things to it that make it enjoyable and worth playing.
But the instanced PvE side of things.. UURGH. WoW may not be a saint or anything, but it's far superior when it comes to instanced stuff. It's consistent, it is straightforward, the difficulty of dungeons and the like aren't determined by the level of where a dungeon is located or whether or not it has been added in as extra content that you'd have to pay for.
While in ESO, it's a mess. Dungeons and their difficulty rating are all over the place, some where they can be soloed while others are the kind of difficult that make it feel like a waste of time to even press your head against them.
That instanced content in ESO is cold diarrhea in a dixie cup compared to WoW.
As far as games are concerned: ESO is fun. It looks lovely, the open world is consistently relevant, and it has quite a few other things to it that make it enjoyable and worth playing.
But the instanced PvE side of things.. UURGH. WoW may not be a saint or anything, but it's far superior when it comes to instanced stuff. It's consistent, it is straightforward, the difficulty of dungeons and the like aren't determined by the level of where a dungeon is located or whether or not it has been added in as extra content that you'd have to pay for.
While in ESO, it's a mess. Dungeons and their difficulty rating are all over the place, some where they can be soloed while others are the kind of difficult that make it feel like a waste of time to even press your head against them.
I quoted where I stopped reading.
WoW is likely not superior to any MMORPG except for total subs, but then again it can be played on potatoes so more can run it on their PCs.
ESO dungeons, which is what is being discussed here, are pretty straight forward in difficutly.
If it is a 1 then it is certainly on the easier side. Also, as one moves along the list when looking at dungeons we can queue for, later dungeons are more challenging than earlier dungeons, in the context of I and II. Also, DLCs, which are last on the list, are the most challenging mechanics wise.
In every MMORPG I have played the earlier dungeons were easier than the later ones. While I never played WoW I would expect they have done the same thing, made more challenging and fun dungeons as they went along, as least for awhile.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »Wut's tab-targetting
Is that lock-on so you just spam buttons, no need to aim at all?
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Translation: ESO endgame is harder and more diverse than WOW and I don't like it.
CyberSkooma wrote: »The only thing I despise about ESO are the different "phases" or "shards" or whatever you want to call them that seperate the community from each other. The amount of times I've ported to an empty Reaper's March and then jumped to a friend who's instance was packed, annoys me. I wish they could just blend them together. Everyone in the same phase. Or at least, at the VERY LEAST, let us select our phase manually, so we can see where the people are at..
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
MartiniDaniels wrote: »Wut's tab-targetting
Is that lock-on so you just spam buttons, no need to aim at all?
to be fair it was just done at the time because of tech and covers up lag better, if you look at older MMO's that have action combat (I played DDO) that have just no way to fix the spaghetti net code and lag that's just part of the game at this point its just super hard to play as a constant half second delay on everything just causes so much to not happen. and its not like it comes or goes, it just is.
that said I do think ESO devs are aware that the instance dungeons and trials are their weak points at this point in time. (I don't play wow, I keep on it a bit as a connoisseur of games, but I never played it) but WOW's strengths are no longer the industries strengths. the days of everyone playing only a few games and "raids" being the goal of MMO's died along time ago, and anyone that tries to recapture that learns it fast (wildstar)
That instanced content in ESO is cold diarrhea in a dixie cup compared to WoW.
As far as games are concerned: ESO is fun. It looks lovely, the open world is consistently relevant, and it has quite a few other things to it that make it enjoyable and worth playing.
But the instanced PvE side of things.. UURGH. WoW may not be a saint or anything, but it's far superior when it comes to instanced stuff. It's consistent, it is straightforward, the difficulty of dungeons and the like aren't determined by the level of where a dungeon is located or whether or not it has been added in as extra content that you'd have to pay for.
While in ESO, it's a mess. Dungeons and their difficulty rating are all over the place, some where they can be soloed while others are the kind of difficult that make it feel like a waste of time to even press your head against them.
I quoted where I stopped reading.
WoW is likely not superior to any MMORPG except for total subs, but then again it can be played on potatoes so more can run it on their PCs.
ESO dungeons, which is what is being discussed here, are pretty straight forward in difficutly.
If it is a 1 then it is certainly on the easier side. Also, as one moves along the list when looking at dungeons we can queue for, later dungeons are more challenging than earlier dungeons, in the context of I and II. Also, DLCs, which are last on the list, are the most challenging mechanics wise.
In every MMORPG I have played the earlier dungeons were easier than the later ones. While I never played WoW I would expect they have done the same thing, made more challenging and fun dungeons as they went along, as least for awhile.
They most certainly do. The higher your item level, the easier the beginning dungeons become.
Less following mechanics, more burn.
Odd to say otherwise.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »Translation: ESO endgame is harder and more diverse than WOW and I don't like it.
that is actualy not entirely true. the main difference between end game difficulties in WoW vs ESO is that in ESO everything is lumped into the same groupfinder, while in WoW there are groupfinder dungeons and there are mythic dungeons that you have to form a premade group for and travel to manually. there is a great diversity of difficulty in WoW, possibly with higher range of difficulties then ESO even. its just separated, so you are not accidentally ending up in a mythic 5 dungeon while still gearing a freshly leveled up 120 with mostly basic started gear.CyberSkooma wrote: »The only thing I despise about ESO are the different "phases" or "shards" or whatever you want to call them that seperate the community from each other. The amount of times I've ported to an empty Reaper's March and then jumped to a friend who's instance was packed, annoys me. I wish they could just blend them together. Everyone in the same phase. Or at least, at the VERY LEAST, let us select our phase manually, so we can see where the people are at..
a very similar problem exists in WoW, and just about every other modern still running MMO, so...