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Looking for help - told to l2p

  • Jeremy
    Bosov wrote: »
    Hello people,

    After ragequiting eso because of all the enchant failure i went back to playing eso. I got some armor out of my bank and went into the no cp campaign. I got killed and had a death recap of 2x 5 ticks of sloads, rending slash bleed, dual wield bleed and a spin to win.

    Someone please teach me how to play because i want to be good too.

    Sidenote : To play in non cp, how many proc sets do i need to use? I use non and feel like i am the only one. Please help i crie.

    It's not just you. The changes to PvP were just really bad and made what was already a pretty stupid PvP system even worse. So there is no amount of L2P that is going to help you. None-CP PvP is just really lame at the moment and probably in the worse state I've ever seen it. I used to enjoy battlegrounds at least. But now they are crap too. You're going to die, and there isn't anything you can do about it.

    I wish this game could get some better combat designers who actually know what they are doing. Because it seems all they know how to do is make things worse. So currently, the best advice I can give you is just run with a group and try to be the first to stack offense on your opponent because that literally is the extent of this game's PvP right now. It's just a race to see who can kill who first - even in smaller scale PvP.
    Edited by Jeremy on November 16, 2018 12:12PM
  • Koensol
    Thogard wrote: »
    Bosov wrote: »
    Hi guys!

    Thanks for all the advise. I really do appreciate it. Big love and kisses to you all.

    I havent played eso yet because lets be honest... it isnt as much fun as it used to be anymore but i think i found a way to play if i start playing again!

    I am going to level up my level 3 stam nb, equip a bow a just pew pew snipe. Any tips for that?
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    You quit because of the enchant failure?

    So you stopped playing for a week?

    This is correct. You are very smart. I also quit during the Morrowind patch because Sloads was even worse. Could you also tell me how long i didnt play that time? You seem to enjoy doing that and you are also very good at it. Also i gave you a awesome for your trully great help.

    cuddles and hugs

    Signed by me

    Step 1 equip bow
    Step 2 snipe snipe snipe
    Step 3 occasionally run away if people make menacing movements towards you
    That sounds.. exhilarating!

  • Cillion3117
    A lot of little nuance things in the game makes it hard to point out in here. The best thing is to find a good guild in game with good players that are willing to teach. Then they can walk you through every aspect if the game one step at a time.
  • joseayalac

    you speak as if ranged archer playstyle is something so easy to commit to.
    in eso, all of the weapons have their own skill line, one is not greater nor less then another.
    your belief that snipe, light attacks, or any other bow line skill is reason to insult that person for their choice of weapon and play style, is against the forum rules for bashing, and insulting.

    how was that insulting? don't be offended by people joking about a playstyle if the joke is not even insulting.
  • kaithuzar
    Deep_01 wrote: »
    Stigant wrote: »
    None of the things you mention in ur recap need L2P.

    Those Sloads could have been dodged, cause you know they " balanced" the set recently and it's proc condition is not brainded stupid at all.

    The concept of this set is broken which puts it in the same league as shieldbreaker.

    You can't balance what's broken

    theres nothing wrong with shield breaker set (other then it probably needs a buff to do more damage) the shield stacking is even worse now then previously.
    this patch is the only patch in the history of MMO's where they intended to nerf something but ended up buffing it instead.
    sorcerer shields are even stronger now in PvP then ever before.

    i dont see anything wrong with any of the sets in eso. their all good, i have tried them all.
    some are weak and not my style, but other people like them and wear them.

    one mans trash is another mans treasure.

    Give magsorc a instant heal (2.5K or higher) that doesn't require to be double slotted and I'll stop shield stacking or stop shielding altogether.

    Combat prayer/blessing of restoration
    Member of:
    Fantasia - osh kosh b-josh
    Just Chill - Crown's house
    GoldCloaks - Durruthy test server penga
    Small Meme Guild - Mano's house

    Former member of:
    Legend - Siffer fan boy club
    TKO (tamriel knight's order) - free bks
    Deviance - Leonard's senche tiger
    Purple - hamNchz is my hero
    Eight Divines - myrlifax stop playing final fantasy
    WKB (we kill bosses) - turd where you go?
    Arcance Council - Klytz Kommander
    World Boss - Mike & Chewy gone EP
    M12 (majestic twelve) - cult of the loli zerg
  • Thogard
    Minno wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Bosov wrote: »
    Hi guys!

    Thanks for all the advise. I really do appreciate it. Big love and kisses to you all.

    I havent played eso yet because lets be honest... it isnt as much fun as it used to be anymore but i think i found a way to play if i start playing again!

    I am going to level up my level 3 stam nb, equip a bow a just pew pew snipe. Any tips for that?
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    You quit because of the enchant failure?

    So you stopped playing for a week?

    This is correct. You are very smart. I also quit during the Morrowind patch because Sloads was even worse. Could you also tell me how long i didnt play that time? You seem to enjoy doing that and you are also very good at it. Also i gave you a awesome for your trully great help.

    cuddles and hugs

    Signed by me

    Step 1 equip bow
    Step 2 snipe snipe snipe
    Step 3 occasionally run away if people make menacing movements towards you

    you speak as if ranged archer playstyle is something so easy to commit to.
    in eso, all of the weapons have their own skill line, one is not greater nor less then another.
    your belief that snipe, light attacks, or any other bow line skill is reason to insult that person for their choice of weapon and play style, is against the forum rules for bashing, and insulting.

    You haven't seen his steampunk stream where every snipe cast/kill was followed by cockney English and wearinga top hat lol.

    there is strong speculation that the people in that video are all from the same guild and it was not a real fight.
    the video was meant as an insult to archer playstyle.

    Strong speculation, you say?

    Do tell.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • Stratloc
    Honest question: Is using proc sets cheesing? And is that bad?
  • Juhasow
    Royaji wrote: »
    Easy. Stamwarden, Fury, Seventh Legion, Troll King, Master axes :trollface:

    No cheesy proc sets here.

    Actually master axes and troll king are proc sets in disguise. Also very cheesy ones.
    Edited by Juhasow on November 18, 2018 1:37AM
  • Thogard
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Royaji wrote: »
    Easy. Stamwarden, Fury, Seventh Legion, Troll King, Master axes :trollface:

    No cheesy proc sets here.

    Actually master axes and troll king are proc sets in disguise.

    Master axes are the exact opposite of a proc set. They increase the dmg of an ability rather than do dmg on their own, and the uptime is that increase is literally 100% - no RNG involved.

    Still cheese tho
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • Ragnarock41
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Royaji wrote: »
    Easy. Stamwarden, Fury, Seventh Legion, Troll King, Master axes :trollface:

    No cheesy proc sets here.

    Actually master axes and troll king are proc sets in disguise.

    Master axes are the exact opposite of a proc set. They increase the dmg of an ability rather than do dmg on their own, and the uptime is that increase is literally 100% - no RNG involved.

    Still cheese tho

    The way it works mechanically makes it a proc set because it works just like sheer venom, just requires rending instead of an execute.

    But then again with this logic vMa 2h is also a proc set. And this isn't a bad thing. Some proc sets are balanced, some are not.

    Problem isn't just proc sets. Problem is how they are balanced, or in this case how they are not balanced. If procs did cost resources they would never be such an issue.

    Or if abilities could compete with them we wouldnt have such problems.(remember how procs became 2x stronger after sustain nerfs? All we did since then is keep nerfing damage, penetration, crits etc which isn't helping.)

    Either way, you should probably already know about all this so this post is kind of pointless I guess.
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on November 18, 2018 1:03AM
  • Juhasow
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Royaji wrote: »
    Easy. Stamwarden, Fury, Seventh Legion, Troll King, Master axes :trollface:

    No cheesy proc sets here.

    Actually master axes and troll king are proc sets in disguise.

    Master axes are the exact opposite of a proc set. They increase the dmg of an ability rather than do dmg on their own, and the uptime is that increase is literally 100% - no RNG involved.

    Still cheese tho

    If sets like Sheer Venom or Viper are called proc sets then why master dual wield shouldnt ? First of all 100% chance is also a chance , proc sets in ESO are not always RNG based many of them have 100% chance to occur under certain easily repeatable requirements which makes those sets effects guaranteed. Second of all in ESO by proc sets most of the people understands sets that are adding numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics and have certain condition to occur. Master dual wield is doing excatly that , it have 100% chance to add additional non stat based dmg to each tick of twin slashes and condition for it to proc is using twin slashes. What makes it stronger then other proc sets though is fact that proc component can crit and have 100% penetration since it's numeric dmg value added to base bleed dmg of twin slashes ability. This is what makes it proc set in disguise , it meets all terms of proc set definition yet because of way how it's implemented it avoids to be recognised as one of the proc sets.
    Edited by Juhasow on November 18, 2018 1:27AM
  • Lord-Otto
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Royaji wrote: »
    Easy. Stamwarden, Fury, Seventh Legion, Troll King, Master axes :trollface:

    No cheesy proc sets here.

    Actually master axes and troll king are proc sets in disguise.

    Master axes are the exact opposite of a proc set. They increase the dmg of an ability rather than do dmg on their own, and the uptime is that increase is literally 100% - no RNG involved.

    Still cheese tho

    If sets like Sheer Venom or Viper are called proc sets then why master dual wield shouldnt ? First of all 100% chance is also a chance , proc sets in ESO are not always RNG based many of them have 100% chance to occur under certain easily repeatable requirements which makes those sets effects guaranteed. Second of all in ESO by proc sets most of the people understands sets that are adding numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics and have certain condition to occur. Master dual wield is doing excatly that , it have 100% chance to add additional non stat based dmg to each tick of twin slashes and condition for it to proc is using twin slashes. What makes it stronger then other proc sets though is fact that proc component can crit and have 100% penetration since it's numeric dmg value added to base bleed dmg of twin slashes ability. This is what makes it proc set in disguise , it meets all terms of proc set definition yet because of way how it's implemented it avoids to be recognised as one of the proc sets.

    "Proc" stands for "Programmed Random OCcurence". It's in the name defined by artificial change. Note that any "chance" in a virtual program is not "real" chance, but a close man-made imitation.
    Anywhoo, any "proc" set like Lich, that is controllable 100%, is not a proc set - it's a TRIGGER set, as you have to trigger its effect as in use an ability below 33% mag in the Lich example. "Proc" just rolls easier off the tongue.

    Insightfuls, please, I'm doing education here, people!
  • Waffennacht
    Thogard wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Bosov wrote: »
    Hi guys!

    Thanks for all the advise. I really do appreciate it. Big love and kisses to you all.

    I havent played eso yet because lets be honest... it isnt as much fun as it used to be anymore but i think i found a way to play if i start playing again!

    I am going to level up my level 3 stam nb, equip a bow a just pew pew snipe. Any tips for that?
    ChunkyCat wrote: »
    You quit because of the enchant failure?

    So you stopped playing for a week?

    This is correct. You are very smart. I also quit during the Morrowind patch because Sloads was even worse. Could you also tell me how long i didnt play that time? You seem to enjoy doing that and you are also very good at it. Also i gave you a awesome for your trully great help.

    cuddles and hugs

    Signed by me

    Step 1 equip bow
    Step 2 snipe snipe snipe
    Step 3 occasionally run away if people make menacing movements towards you

    you speak as if ranged archer playstyle is something so easy to commit to.
    in eso, all of the weapons have their own skill line, one is not greater nor less then another.
    your belief that snipe, light attacks, or any other bow line skill is reason to insult that person for their choice of weapon and play style, is against the forum rules for bashing, and insulting.

    You haven't seen his steampunk stream where every snipe cast/kill was followed by cockney English and wearinga top hat lol.

    there is strong speculation that the people in that video are all from the same guild and it was not a real fight.
    the video was meant as an insult to archer playstyle.

    Strong speculation, you say?

    Do tell.

    Convinced he is a troll, or else he would reply to every comment, at least to paulsimonps' direct quote about snipe gankers. He ignores most and just responds to trollable comments.

    Just ignore it, especially as you did not insult anyone not break ToS/insulting/bashing/flaming
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Thogard
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Royaji wrote: »
    Easy. Stamwarden, Fury, Seventh Legion, Troll King, Master axes :trollface:

    No cheesy proc sets here.

    Actually master axes and troll king are proc sets in disguise.

    Master axes are the exact opposite of a proc set. They increase the dmg of an ability rather than do dmg on their own, and the uptime is that increase is literally 100% - no RNG involved.

    Still cheese tho

    If sets like Sheer Venom or Viper are called proc sets then why master dual wield shouldnt ? First of all 100% chance is also a chance , proc sets in ESO are not always RNG based many of them have 100% chance to occur under certain easily repeatable requirements which makes those sets effects guaranteed. Second of all in ESO by proc sets most of the people understands sets that are adding numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics and have certain condition to occur. Master dual wield is doing excatly that , it have 100% chance to add additional non stat based dmg to each tick of twin slashes and condition for it to proc is using twin slashes. What makes it stronger then other proc sets though is fact that proc component can crit and have 100% penetration since it's numeric dmg value added to base bleed dmg of twin slashes ability. This is what makes it proc set in disguise , it meets all terms of proc set definition yet because of way how it's implemented it avoids to be recognised as one of the proc sets.

    Because sheer venom and viper proc a whole new status effect / dmg ability on you. You’ll see sheer venom or viper in a recap. In your combat log it will be a whole new line.

    But if you agree that swordsinger is a proc set then I’ll agree that master dual wield is a proc set.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • Juhasow
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Royaji wrote: »
    Easy. Stamwarden, Fury, Seventh Legion, Troll King, Master axes :trollface:

    No cheesy proc sets here.

    Actually master axes and troll king are proc sets in disguise.

    Master axes are the exact opposite of a proc set. They increase the dmg of an ability rather than do dmg on their own, and the uptime is that increase is literally 100% - no RNG involved.

    Still cheese tho

    If sets like Sheer Venom or Viper are called proc sets then why master dual wield shouldnt ? First of all 100% chance is also a chance , proc sets in ESO are not always RNG based many of them have 100% chance to occur under certain easily repeatable requirements which makes those sets effects guaranteed. Second of all in ESO by proc sets most of the people understands sets that are adding numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics and have certain condition to occur. Master dual wield is doing excatly that , it have 100% chance to add additional non stat based dmg to each tick of twin slashes and condition for it to proc is using twin slashes. What makes it stronger then other proc sets though is fact that proc component can crit and have 100% penetration since it's numeric dmg value added to base bleed dmg of twin slashes ability. This is what makes it proc set in disguise , it meets all terms of proc set definition yet because of way how it's implemented it avoids to be recognised as one of the proc sets.

    Because sheer venom and viper proc a whole new status effect / dmg ability on you. You’ll see sheer venom or viper in a recap. In your combat log it will be a whole new line.

    But if you agree that swordsinger is a proc set then I’ll agree that master dual wield is a proc set.

    So if viper would for example add 7k dmg to Your meele attacks and it wouldnt be separate effect on Your recap it would suddenly stop to being proc ? This is the difference for You between proc sets and non proc sets , presence on dead recap ? As I said previously "proc sets" term in ESO community are mostly considered as sets that are adding numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics that is why noone is calling sets like bloodspan proc set. Sword singer is not proc set since it add weapon dmg so it'll underlie dmg formula for each ability it buffs including percentage weapon dmg buffs where master dual wield will just add additional dmg after calculations. If suddenly in 1 update master dual wield would start to occur on dead recap and it would do literally the same dmg as it does now then it would suddenly become proc set ? This is why I used term "proc set in disguise" because many people fails to recognize how much this set have in common with other procs only because it's not shown on recap as separate effect.
    Edited by Juhasow on November 18, 2018 11:22AM
  • Thogard
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Royaji wrote: »
    Easy. Stamwarden, Fury, Seventh Legion, Troll King, Master axes :trollface:

    No cheesy proc sets here.

    Actually master axes and troll king are proc sets in disguise.

    Master axes are the exact opposite of a proc set. They increase the dmg of an ability rather than do dmg on their own, and the uptime is that increase is literally 100% - no RNG involved.

    Still cheese tho

    If sets like Sheer Venom or Viper are called proc sets then why master dual wield shouldnt ? First of all 100% chance is also a chance , proc sets in ESO are not always RNG based many of them have 100% chance to occur under certain easily repeatable requirements which makes those sets effects guaranteed. Second of all in ESO by proc sets most of the people understands sets that are adding numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics and have certain condition to occur. Master dual wield is doing excatly that , it have 100% chance to add additional non stat based dmg to each tick of twin slashes and condition for it to proc is using twin slashes. What makes it stronger then other proc sets though is fact that proc component can crit and have 100% penetration since it's numeric dmg value added to base bleed dmg of twin slashes ability. This is what makes it proc set in disguise , it meets all terms of proc set definition yet because of way how it's implemented it avoids to be recognised as one of the proc sets.

    Because sheer venom and viper proc a whole new status effect / dmg ability on you. You’ll see sheer venom or viper in a recap. In your combat log it will be a whole new line.

    But if you agree that swordsinger is a proc set then I’ll agree that master dual wield is a proc set.

    So if viper would for example add 7k dmg to Your meele attacks and it wouldnt be separate effect on Your recap it would suddenly stop to being proc ? This is the difference for You between proc sets and non proc sets , presence on dead recap ? As I said previously "proc sets" term in ESO community are mostly considered as sets that are adding numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics that is why noone is calling sets like bloodspan proc set. Sword singer is not proc set since it add weapon dmg so it'll underlie dmg formula for each ability it buffs including percentage weapon dmg buffs where master dual wield will just add additional dmg after calculations. If suddenly in 1 update master dual wield would start to occur on dead recap and it would do literally the same dmg as it does now then it would suddenly become proc set ? This is why I used term "proc set in disguise" because many people fails to recognize how much this set have in common with other procs only because it's not shown on recap as separate effect.

    Proc stands for “Programmed Random Occurence”

    Bloodspawn is a proc set because it has a % chance to ... activate? No wait that isnt the word we use. Oh yes, we say that it procs.

    Viper and SV May have 100% proc chance but they’re still occurrences. They are unique events, separate from abilities or the attacks used to .. activate? Them... That sounds wrong. Ah yes, they are separate from the abilities used to proc them.

    You can proc an axe bleed. It’s a separate occurrence with a random chance...

    but You don’t proc a master dual wield bleed.

    Saying that mDW is a proc set because its boosting the dmg of rending by a flat amount rather than a scalable amount is irrelevant to what a proc set is. The flat vs variable dmg argument has nothing to do with whether it’s 1. Programmed Random, or 2. A separate occurence.

    MDW bleed is literally the exact opposite of a proc set.

    Many people have come to associate proc with OP. There can certainly be sets that are OP without being proc sets. But let’s not lose the meaning of the word, and let’s definitely not let it start to mean the exact opposite of what it actually meant.
    Edited by Thogard on November 18, 2018 7:08PM
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo

    Stream: twitch.tv/THOGARDvsThePeasants
    YouTube: http://youtube.com/c/thogardpvp

  • Ash_In_My_Sujamma
    The amount of people failing to spot the sarcasm in this thread amuses me. Excelsior!
  • Juhasow
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Thogard wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Royaji wrote: »
    Easy. Stamwarden, Fury, Seventh Legion, Troll King, Master axes :trollface:

    No cheesy proc sets here.

    Actually master axes and troll king are proc sets in disguise.

    Master axes are the exact opposite of a proc set. They increase the dmg of an ability rather than do dmg on their own, and the uptime is that increase is literally 100% - no RNG involved.

    Still cheese tho

    If sets like Sheer Venom or Viper are called proc sets then why master dual wield shouldnt ? First of all 100% chance is also a chance , proc sets in ESO are not always RNG based many of them have 100% chance to occur under certain easily repeatable requirements which makes those sets effects guaranteed. Second of all in ESO by proc sets most of the people understands sets that are adding numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics and have certain condition to occur. Master dual wield is doing excatly that , it have 100% chance to add additional non stat based dmg to each tick of twin slashes and condition for it to proc is using twin slashes. What makes it stronger then other proc sets though is fact that proc component can crit and have 100% penetration since it's numeric dmg value added to base bleed dmg of twin slashes ability. This is what makes it proc set in disguise , it meets all terms of proc set definition yet because of way how it's implemented it avoids to be recognised as one of the proc sets.

    Because sheer venom and viper proc a whole new status effect / dmg ability on you. You’ll see sheer venom or viper in a recap. In your combat log it will be a whole new line.

    But if you agree that swordsinger is a proc set then I’ll agree that master dual wield is a proc set.

    So if viper would for example add 7k dmg to Your meele attacks and it wouldnt be separate effect on Your recap it would suddenly stop to being proc ? This is the difference for You between proc sets and non proc sets , presence on dead recap ? As I said previously "proc sets" term in ESO community are mostly considered as sets that are adding numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics that is why noone is calling sets like bloodspan proc set. Sword singer is not proc set since it add weapon dmg so it'll underlie dmg formula for each ability it buffs including percentage weapon dmg buffs where master dual wield will just add additional dmg after calculations. If suddenly in 1 update master dual wield would start to occur on dead recap and it would do literally the same dmg as it does now then it would suddenly become proc set ? This is why I used term "proc set in disguise" because many people fails to recognize how much this set have in common with other procs only because it's not shown on recap as separate effect.

    Proc stands for “Programmed Random Occurence”

    Bloodspawn is a proc set because it has a % chance to ... activate? No wait that isnt the word we use. Oh yes, we say that it procs.

    Viper and SV May have 100% proc chance but they’re still occurrences. They are unique events, separate from abilities or the attacks used to .. activate? Them... That sounds wrong. Ah yes, they are separate from the abilities used to proc them.

    You can proc an axe bleed. It’s a separate occurrence with a random chance...

    but You don’t proc a master dual wield bleed.

    Saying that mDW is a proc set because its boosting the dmg of rending by a flat amount rather than a scalable amount is irrelevant to what a proc set is. The flat vs variable dmg argument has nothing to do with whether it’s 1. Programmed Random, or 2. A separate occurence.

    MDW bleed is literally the exact opposite of a proc set.

    Many people have come to associate proc with OP. There can certainly be sets that are OP without being proc sets. But let’s not lose the meaning of the word, and let’s definitely not let it start to mean the exact opposite of what it actually meant.

    Everyone perfectly knows for what "proc set" term stands for in ESO. It have nothing to do with for what it stands in dictionary. In ESO we're using that term just to avoid using 5 different names for group of sets that does the same : apply numeric dmg or heal component not scaled from offensive statistics. It's simply easier to call something "proc set" then "set that deals additional numeric dmg or heal not scaled from offensive statistics".

    Basicly if You're telling that difference between something being or not being proc is how it's getting registered in combat log it's just silly. So by Your logic right now maesltorm 2 hander is a proc set because it deals separate dmg but if that dmg would be added to base dmg of 2h charge maesltorm 2 hander would magicly stop being proc set ? Or if master dual wield would suddenly start to tick for 1,35k bleed dmg with each tick of twin slashes it would magicly become proc set in 1 night ? It would literally do the same thing as before. Seriously it doesnt matter is event separated or not from what is releasing it if at the end there will be numeric portion of dmg/heal added it still underlies for what most of people names as proc sets - sets that are doing free non stat scaled dmg/heal. You are arguing about semantics here where outcome is literally the same.

    Funny fact is that verb You so proudly use which is "to proc" can be easily used also in the context of master dual wield. Each tick of twin slashes procs additional 1,35k bleed dmg if twin slashes tick wouldnt occur then also additional proc dmg from master dw wouldnt. It is still occurance. Master dual wield does excatly what proc sets in this game are doing. And by proc sets I dont mean general definition of "proc" term but the one used in ESO to simplify things.

    This is basicly why I called master dual wield "proc set in disguise" it does literally the same thing as other proc sets with the only difference it's not shown in combat log as separate dmg component so many people fails to recognize it as a proc set which is perfect disguise.
    Edited by Juhasow on November 18, 2018 8:29PM
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