Please provide an ETA for the jabs fix.

Hey guys, just wanted to confirm we have seen this thread and are currently investigating some potential fixes for this issue. Thank you!

Can we have an ETA for this fix? After the launch of 1T, jabs were bugged for a whole patch. Light attacking in between jabs caused the entire animation to disappear, resulting in a macroslice affect that made the ability terrible to use. Stamplar was basically unplayable, and magplars using jabs suffered as well. In another patch after 1T (can't recall exactly which one) jabs became extremely inconsistent while moving, resulting in their usefulness deteriorating into nothing. It would be extremely unfortunate for us players to have to suffer through an entire patch without jabs functioning properly, for the 3rd time in the games history. Jabs damage itself has suffered through being mitigated by multiple CP sources for the past year, and to this day we are still unsure if the abilities damage scales properly against players in CP combat.

It is extremely infuriating that once again jabs have been broken. Now that the bug has been acknowledged (after being reported in the PTS section and being allowed to make it to live, then being present on live for several weeks) it would be nice to have some sort of definitive ETA. Can you just tell us "The fix for this will likely not make it in the incremental, and will most likely come with the next DLC", or "We plan to have a fix in for this incremental"? I'd like to know whether I'll be able to play my stamplar at a high level this patch.

@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Gilliam @ZOS_RobGarrett
Edited by React on November 8, 2018 4:22PM
@ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
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