Smokinroses wrote: »I want to know more info about these trials. What is the easiest one to complete? Also I saw 12 people in one, is that how many people need to be in a trial in order to complete it? Please and thank you!
They are for 12 people.
The easiest to complete are probably nAA, nHRC, and nCR +0 (nAA and nHRC are in the base game, and nCR requires the Summerset chapter).
SaintSubwayy wrote: »Smokinroses wrote: »I want to know more info about these trials. What is the easiest one to complete? Also I saw 12 people in one, is that how many people need to be in a trial in order to complete it? Please and thank you!
So I am gona start with diffictuly, on top is the easyest, on bottom the hardest:
Atherian Archive
Hel Ra Citadell
Sanktum Ophidia
Asylum Sanctorium
Maw of Lorkahj
Halls of Fabrication
Atherian Archive
Hel Ra Citadell
Sanktum Ophidia
Maw of Lorkahj
Asylum Sanctorium
Halls of Fabrication
Veteran Hardmodes:
Sanktum Ophidia HM
Halls of Fabrication HM
Atherian Archive HM
Hel Ra Citadell HM
Maw of Lorkahj HM
Asylum Sanctorium HM +1 / +2
Cloudrest +1 /+2 / +3 HM
This list is my personal oppinion, so it may differ from other ppls exp.
You dont need to have 12 ppl to run a Trial, expect for Atherian Archive, there you need 12 to be able to progress.
With less then 12 ppl it becomes harder and harder, since you have less dmg, means bosses live longer ect.
For some trials you need 2 or even 3 Tanks, depending on Hardmodes.
You always should have 2 healers, however you can run normal with just 1 healer if hes good enough.
Keep in Mind there is a giant Gap between Normal and Veteran.
madchuska83 wrote: »If you're above 160CP, head on over to Craglorn and post in Zone Chat. There's always someone putting a PUG together. Think of them as massive 12 man dungeons. Very mechanic heavy and there is a need to prioritize enemy types. Some mechanics can be bypassed on normal but everything matters on vet.
This, difficulty for this is like an very easy vet dungeon as in CoA1, wayrest1 or fungal1. (BC1 is hard because of one shot.)They are for 12 people.
The easiest to complete are probably nAA, nHRC, and nCR +0 (nAA and nHRC are in the base game, and nCR requires the Summerset chapter).
nMoL, is significantly harder than the craglorn ones, recommend making an group, preferable with healer and tank go to craglorn and say LFM 8DD 1 tank for nAA as an example you get an group very fast in prime time.Smokinroses wrote: »They are for 12 people.
The easiest to complete are probably nAA, nHRC, and nCR +0 (nAA and nHRC are in the base game, and nCR requires the Summerset chapter).SaintSubwayy wrote: »Smokinroses wrote: »I want to know more info about these trials. What is the easiest one to complete? Also I saw 12 people in one, is that how many people need to be in a trial in order to complete it? Please and thank you!
So I am gona start with diffictuly, on top is the easyest, on bottom the hardest:
Atherian Archive
Hel Ra Citadell
Sanktum Ophidia
Asylum Sanctorium
Maw of Lorkahj
Halls of Fabrication
Atherian Archive
Hel Ra Citadell
Sanktum Ophidia
Maw of Lorkahj
Asylum Sanctorium
Halls of Fabrication
Veteran Hardmodes:
Sanktum Ophidia HM
Halls of Fabrication HM
Atherian Archive HM
Hel Ra Citadell HM
Maw of Lorkahj HM
Asylum Sanctorium HM +1 / +2
Cloudrest +1 /+2 / +3 HM
This list is my personal oppinion, so it may differ from other ppls exp.
You dont need to have 12 ppl to run a Trial, expect for Atherian Archive, there you need 12 to be able to progress.
With less then 12 ppl it becomes harder and harder, since you have less dmg, means bosses live longer ect.
For some trials you need 2 or even 3 Tanks, depending on Hardmodes.
You always should have 2 healers, however you can run normal with just 1 healer if hes good enough.
Keep in Mind there is a giant Gap between Normal and Veteran.madchuska83 wrote: »If you're above 160CP, head on over to Craglorn and post in Zone Chat. There's always someone putting a PUG together. Think of them as massive 12 man dungeons. Very mechanic heavy and there is a need to prioritize enemy types. Some mechanics can be bypassed on normal but everything matters on vet.
You all were very helpful! Thank you! Me and my clan only have 4 people and were had no knowledge of these trial's and we tried the Maw of Lorkahj Trial lol. We assumed they were like a Dungeon.. xD ugh we're a very small guild, we are all almost to 350CP. We're trying to get the achievement for Halloween event. For the 3 years of playing we never tried playing Trials. lol But thanks guys, we'll definitely keep this in mind! ^_^
SaintSubwayy wrote: »Smokinroses wrote: »I want to know more info about these trials. What is the easiest one to complete? Also I saw 12 people in one, is that how many people need to be in a trial in order to complete it? Please and thank you!
So I am gona start with diffictuly, on top is the easyest, on bottom the hardest:
Atherian Archive
Hel Ra Citadell
Sanktum Ophidia
Asylum Sanctorium
Maw of Lorkahj
Halls of Fabrication
Atherian Archive
Hel Ra Citadell
Sanktum Ophidia
Maw of Lorkahj
Asylum Sanctorium
Halls of Fabrication
Veteran Hardmodes:
Sanktum Ophidia HM
Halls of Fabrication HM
Atherian Archive HM
Hel Ra Citadell HM
Maw of Lorkahj HM
Asylum Sanctorium HM +1 / +2
Cloudrest +1 /+2 / +3 HM
This list is my personal oppinion, so it may differ from other ppls exp.
You dont need to have 12 ppl to run a Trial, expect for Atherian Archive, there you need 12 to be able to progress.
With less then 12 ppl it becomes harder and harder, since you have less dmg, means bosses live longer ect.
For some trials you need 2 or even 3 Tanks, depending on Hardmodes.
You always should have 2 healers, however you can run normal with just 1 healer if hes good enough.
Keep in Mind there is a giant Gap between Normal and Veteran.
goldenflameslinger wrote: »Fourth, do not try to heal or tank...only be a dps. Healers and tanks have to know the mechanics, dps can usually wing it.
If you have healed vet dlc you are an experienced healer, lots of healer are not.FrancisCrawford wrote: »goldenflameslinger wrote: »Fourth, do not try to heal or tank...only be a dps. Healers and tanks have to know the mechanics, dps can usually wing it.
That's the one part of your advice I don't understand, at least as it applies to healers. I'm a decently experienced healer (I've healed one vet DLC, a lot of non-DLC vet HMs, etc., all via Groupfinder PUGs). I've rarely queued as a DPS, and have parsed >20K on a dummy exactly once. I've been assuming that I'd be more effective as a trials healer than DPS. Am I wrong, or is your advice meant for people who are somewhat unlike me?