Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

FPS Problem

  • Montie
    Wodinn wrote: »
    MANY of us started having the major issues with the Summerset release. That is where the Usersettings.txt work around came from.

    Ah I just switched over to Mac about that time so I have nothing to compare to.
  • Seedier
    Sharing the same frustration with all other mac users.

    For those in the know, a question:
    i was looking through the 'UserSettings.txt' file inside the ~/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/liveeu/ folder .
    I found this line:
    SET GraphicsDriver.7 "OPENGL"
    is this what it should be? I thought this whole brouhaha happened because this had be changed to MoltenVK renderer? Should this read something else than OPENGL (perhaps MOLTENVK)??

    Only wondering as there seems to be no real hardware acceleration, would be too simple to assume this was the cause i suppose, but you never know...
  • dm_critic
    Seedier wrote: »
    Sharing the same frustration with all other mac users.

    For those in the know, a question:
    i was looking through the 'UserSettings.txt' file inside the ~/Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/liveeu/ folder .
    I found this line:
    SET GraphicsDriver.7 "OPENGL"
    is this what it should be? I thought this whole brouhaha happened because this had be changed to MoltenVK renderer? Should this read something else than OPENGL (perhaps MOLTENVK)??

    Only wondering as there seems to be no real hardware acceleration, would be too simple to assume this was the cause i suppose, but you never know...

    My UserSettings.txt has this line instead:
    SET GraphicsDriver.7 "Vulkan"

    And I'm seeing the FPS issue with that enabled.
  • Wodinn
    My fps is still garbage. I have no idea what to do about it. Graphics settings doesn't even make a difference.
  • karpok
    We'll see what happened on Tuesday, but I am very doubtful now :
    • the topic seemed to be a joke during eso news
    • their talking about a patch for improvement, not a fix. Does it mean we will gave 9 fps where we have 8 today ?
    • This does not seem a big issue since we won't have an exceptional patch, but on the contrary it can be postponed for 24 more hours
    • No official news in this thread
    • No words on any compensation while we cannot enjoy the game fully for 3 weeks now

    In the end this is not serious and clearly not respectful of the users.
    Soumar, Aldmeri Sorcer
  • JJBoomer
    karpok wrote: »
    We'll see what happened on Tuesday, but I am very doubtful now :
    • the topic seemed to be a joke during eso news
    • their talking about a patch for improvement, not a fix. Does it mean we will gave 9 fps where we have 8 today ?
    • This does not seem a big issue since we won't have an exceptional patch, but on the contrary it can be postponed for 24 more hours
    • No official news in this thread
    • No words on any compensation while we cannot enjoy the game fully for 3 weeks now

    In the end this is not serious and clearly not respectful of the users.

    i'm with you on the doubt. i'm thinking we're just gonna have to accept that our ability to play in high settings on our macs has come to an end and this is what they'll leave it at.
  • keto3000
    JJBoomer wrote: »
    karpok wrote: »
    We'll see what happened on Tuesday, but I am very doubtful now :
    • the topic seemed to be a joke during eso news
    • their talking about a patch for improvement, not a fix. Does it mean we will gave 9 fps where we have 8 today ?
    • This does not seem a big issue since we won't have an exceptional patch, but on the contrary it can be postponed for 24 more hours
    • No official news in this thread
    • No words on any compensation while we cannot enjoy the game fully for 3 weeks now

    In the end this is not serious and clearly not respectful of the users.

    i'm with you on the doubt. i'm thinking we're just gonna have to accept that our ability to play in high settings on our macs has come to an end and this is what they'll leave it at.

    I don't support the doubt!

    Mac users have been through a lot of these issues with ESO since 2014. Once ZOS transited to 64-bit client, many of the crashes, and previous performance issues greatly improved. It IS possible to fix all of these current issues. Im glad that ESO is a Mac-supported game and want it to continue.

    We need to keep up the good fight to get high quality performance from the game. Lets keep hope alive and see what the upcoming patch does. If not enough, then we continue to persevere.

    I agree that that they shouldn't have pushed Vulcan through to LIVE knowing full well that these problems were unresolved on the PTS.

    Hopefully, ZOS will do the right thing & consider a proper recourse by offering some compensation to those ESO+ members for whom the game has become virtually unplayable again since Murk release.
    Edited by keto3000 on November 12, 2018 4:55AM
    “The point of power is always in the present moment.”

    ― Louise L. Hay
  • JJBoomer
    @keto3000 normally i'm the optimistic one. but so far it doesn't sound like we'll be getting our previous performance back. and as much as i hate to be inflexible, given that many of us were able to play at full settings without issues, anything less than a return to that is unacceptable. because there is no valid reason why we should have to play at lower settings now when we didn't have to before. this is one of the very few games for mac where you can actually pull off high and ultra high graphics.

    so if they come at us like "yeah, sorry. there's nothing we can do to fix this and you'll just have to play at lower settings", then that's a major problem.

    performance is a big deal for a game like this. my expectation is for them to find a way to get us back to where we were playing performance wise before Failmire. anything less is just...not okay.
  • Montie
    Elder Scrolls Online has been mostly unplayable for 21 days on Macs.
  • Wodinn
    From what I remember. The game started having problems with the release of Summerset. I personally remember a few of us, including myself. Not being able to make the game launch, at all. The screen would blink black, we got an error message. And that was it. Some people were able to get the game working enough to submit support tickets. However some very amazing and helping PLAYERS were able to help the rest of us with the Usersettings.txt work around, BEFORE ZoS support ever got back to any players on their support tickets.

    With the release of FAILmire, it's basically broken even if you can get the game to play. As stated earlier, my personal experience currently is that, if I'm in any area that has players crafting, my fps is -30. So if I try to do anything, no go. And I've tried to drop the graphic settings to low. It has made no difference on my fps. So the whole 'having to suck it up and play on lowest settings' isn't even an option for me.

    It's fine, I couldn't afford eso+ anyways. I have to be able to eat.
  • Ophion
    @ZOS_AlexTardif Could we have an update on the issue regarding this topic? On Fridays ESO Live @ZOS_GinaBruno said that there will be an improvement in todays patch. We would kindly appreciate an update beforehand considering how the state of the game has been for the past 22 days. Thank you!
    Ophion | Magicka Dragonknight EP
    Ophıon | Magicka Dragonknight DC
    Ophıøn | Magicka Dragonknight AD
  • Ecstatica
    In todays patch:

    Mac Game Client
    • Significant improvements have been made to Mac client performance across the game.
    Fingers are very crossed.
    Edited by Ecstatica on November 13, 2018 12:28PM
    Filthy Gorgeous
  • raffaeleg
    I’ll look forward to try it tonight, I hope we can play again after 3 awful weeks
  • Delsskia
    Just logged in on a toon in Cyrodiil and I'm getting 92 FPS at the gate. Of course hardly anyone is online yet, but so far it's encouraging.
  • tunepunk
    Just logged in quickly to test as well.

    Was getting 65 fps in Rawl'kha while previously i was getting around 25.

    So definitely an improvement so far.
  • ethernut60
    Thank you for making a bad client worse!!! Today's patch added no fps improvement but rather added a horrible screen flicker with entire objects flickering on and off.

    EDIT: Turning off vSync, Anti-Aliasing, and Ambient Occlusion got rid of the flicker. Dropping the resolution from 1680x1050 to 1440x900 reduced the stutter to something tolerable. FPS is still only around 20 at best. Same hardware running Windows 10 at 1680x1050 high resolution averages 40fps and is butter smooth with vSync, Anti-Aliasing and SSAO.
    Edited by ethernut60 on November 13, 2018 2:09PM
  • Gralor
    ethernut60 wrote: »
    Thank you for making a bad client worse!!! Today's patch added no fps improvement but rather added a horrible screen flicker with entire objects flickering on and off.

    +1 for flickering textures
  • dm_critic
    I'm also seeing the screen flicker. Kinda reminds me of the rain effects we got with the client for a while some months back, but not quite as bad.

    Getting average 25 fps currently in different zones. I popped into Cyrodiil briefly but I haven't been able to test in actual PvP combat yet.

    It's an improvement, but still needs a LOT of work. ZOS, you're on the right course, but please keep at it.

    Also still getting the random lockup if I alt/command-tab to another app. Would be nice if you could fix that one too.
  • Thrawn75
    I'm coming here to confirm that FPS has improved significantly on my end after the latest patch. I'm sure the team has worked hard to overcome the situation. Thanks for the patch and effort.

    Still there's random stutter during gameplay so I guess there's still room to improve it.

    Also I think the game is blurrier than before switching to the new graphics API. Could it be the mipmap bias? Perhaps it can be improved to make the textures sharper? Or maybe you can add a post-process effect similar to what Beautify in Unity does?
  • Delsskia
    In Cyrodiil I'm getting 55 - 70 FPS at keeps and riding through the countryside, 40 - 50 FPS in fights so far but I haven't been in a large scale fight yet. Weapon swapping is a problem, it's not at all reliable. No flickering textures for me yet.
  • zarnon_akoni
    looking forward to checking this out tonight. I will say the game was across the "playable" line yesterday. Though that was early to mid afternoon on Monday Veteran's day on the east cost which may mean it was simply fewer players online.

    I remain very disappointing by the lack of communication here.
  • Montie
    Flickering textures when in full screen, would prefer window (full screen) but you broke that a few patches ago. When not in full screen I am not seeing flickering. FPS seems much better although still not near as good as it use to be. That all being said, I am still seeing massive dips in FPS that go down into the single digits from time to time as well as a lot of stutters. Overall, it is an improvement but please don't stop there.

    Now, what about compensation for the last 3 weeks?
    Edited by Montie on November 13, 2018 2:38PM
  • Delsskia
    Still getting sudden FPS drops with the accompanying screen freeze. It's happened riding between keeps, in fights, in empty keeps... no real common denominator. FPS go from a smooth 60+ to sudden single digits for several seconds, then back to smooth again.
  • ethernut60
    dm_critic wrote: »
    I'm also seeing the screen flicker. Kinda reminds me of the rain effects we got with the client for a while some months back, but not quite as bad.

    Getting average 25 fps currently in different zones. I popped into Cyrodiil briefly but I haven't been able to test in actual PvP combat yet.

    It's an improvement, but still needs a LOT of work. ZOS, you're on the right course, but please keep at it.

    Also still getting the random lockup if I alt/command-tab to another app. Would be nice if you could fix that one too.

    Try Alt-Return to toggle between Windowed and Full Screen. While in Windowed mode you can access the dock or move the game window to access other apps.

  • Carmina
    ethernut60 wrote: »
    Thank you for making a bad client worse!!! Today's patch added no fps improvement but rather added a horrible screen flicker with entire objects flickering on and off.

    EDIT: Turning off vSync, Anti-Aliasing, and Ambient Occlusion got rid of the flicker. Dropping the resolution from 1680x1050 to 1440x900 reduced the stutter to something tolerable. FPS is still only around 20 at best. Same hardware running Windows 10 at 1680x1050 high resolution averages 40fps and is butter smooth with vSync, Anti-Aliasing and SSAO.

    I honestly do not get why you are posting in a Mac thread. We are talking about Mac issues, and obviously, the Mac problem has been addressed. If you have a Windows problem, please post in the appropriate forum and stop confusing everyone.

    Thanks :)

  • zanosuz
    Carmina wrote: »
    ethernut60 wrote: »
    Thank you for making a bad client worse!!! Today's patch added no fps improvement but rather added a horrible screen flicker with entire objects flickering on and off.

    EDIT: Turning off vSync, Anti-Aliasing, and Ambient Occlusion got rid of the flicker. Dropping the resolution from 1680x1050 to 1440x900 reduced the stutter to something tolerable. FPS is still only around 20 at best. Same hardware running Windows 10 at 1680x1050 high resolution averages 40fps and is butter smooth with vSync, Anti-Aliasing and SSAO.

    I honestly do not get why you are posting in a Mac thread. We are talking about Mac issues, and obviously, the Mac problem has been addressed. If you have a Windows problem, please post in the appropriate forum and stop confusing everyone.

    Thanks :)


    Im on Mac and had these exact same issues after this mornings patch. I had to do exactly what they did to fix it. The problem hasn’t been resolved fully and that information was useful!
  • Montie
    Carmina wrote: »
    ethernut60 wrote: »
    Thank you for making a bad client worse!!! Today's patch added no fps improvement but rather added a horrible screen flicker with entire objects flickering on and off.

    EDIT: Turning off vSync, Anti-Aliasing, and Ambient Occlusion got rid of the flicker. Dropping the resolution from 1680x1050 to 1440x900 reduced the stutter to something tolerable. FPS is still only around 20 at best. Same hardware running Windows 10 at 1680x1050 high resolution averages 40fps and is butter smooth with vSync, Anti-Aliasing and SSAO.

    I honestly do not get why you are posting in a Mac thread. We are talking about Mac issues, and obviously, the Mac problem has been addressed. If you have a Windows problem, please post in the appropriate forum and stop confusing everyone.

    Thanks :)


    They gave a comparison between Mac and Windows, probably using bootcamp. And I am seeing similar results on the Mac side. Problem has been improved but not fully addressed. Not running bootcamp so I can't confirm that side of things.
    Edited by Montie on November 13, 2018 2:48PM
  • Hauteecole_Rider16
    Carmina wrote: »
    ethernut60 wrote: »
    Thank you for making a bad client worse!!! Today's patch added no fps improvement but rather added a horrible screen flicker with entire objects flickering on and off.

    EDIT: Turning off vSync, Anti-Aliasing, and Ambient Occlusion got rid of the flicker. Dropping the resolution from 1680x1050 to 1440x900 reduced the stutter to something tolerable. FPS is still only around 20 at best. Same hardware running Windows 10 at 1680x1050 high resolution averages 40fps and is butter smooth with vSync, Anti-Aliasing and SSAO.

    I honestly do not get why you are posting in a Mac thread. We are talking about Mac issues, and obviously, the Mac problem has been addressed. If you have a Windows problem, please post in the appropriate forum and stop confusing everyone.

    Thanks :)


    Carmina, ethernut was talking about two computers - the problem is on their Mac while the same game running on their WIndows PC is fine.

    I am also seeing horrific screen flicker in my Mac game as well, this morning. It is as if multiple environments are competing for the same screen space - similar to the snow flickering on the roofs in Windhelm. I normally play in fullscreen mode since I can’t stand that white menu bar across the top while playing. Playing in windowed fullscreen (the default setting since last week’s patch, which I’m not happy about) removes the flicker. Running through Daggerfall (where my FPS always drops) is showing improved FPS overall, but a lot of stuttering.

    So ZOS, I have a request: if playing the game in windowed fullscreen mode is the way to go, please make it so that menu bar is dark/black when the system OS is in Dark Mode. Thank you very much.

    But I would like to go back to fullscreen mode the way it was before Summerset . . .
  • Ecstatica
    Whoop, logged in and had a quick go in battlegrounds and it works just fine again - thank goodness!!!
    Filthy Gorgeous
  • ethernut60
    Carmina wrote: »
    ethernut60 wrote: »
    Thank you for making a bad client worse!!! Today's patch added no fps improvement but rather added a horrible screen flicker with entire objects flickering on and off.

    EDIT: Turning off vSync, Anti-Aliasing, and Ambient Occlusion got rid of the flicker. Dropping the resolution from 1680x1050 to 1440x900 reduced the stutter to something tolerable. FPS is still only around 20 at best. Same hardware running Windows 10 at 1680x1050 high resolution averages 40fps and is butter smooth with vSync, Anti-Aliasing and SSAO.

    I honestly do not get why you are posting in a Mac thread. We are talking about Mac issues, and obviously, the Mac problem has been addressed. If you have a Windows problem, please post in the appropriate forum and stop confusing everyone.

    Thanks :)


    Because the Mac issue has worsened for me - re-read what I posted - Mac issue. I wnet on to compare how much better the Windows client performs on the exact same Mac.
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