adeptusminor wrote: »Honestly? Not in the slightest
Sadly the whining on the forums took the steam out of the excitement for it. So I tried to stay away and I forgot that it's coming out. So it's coming out tomorrow? Well it's 1am here for me October 22nd. So what time will it be out? I have ESO+ so I will be able to play it correct?
Sadly I can't buy anything right now, just enough to get ESO+ so can't buy the collector's edition of Murkmire. So I am excited I can play it. Didn't know it would be today I can.
So my question is, since now I am excited that it's out, do I need to finish the pre quest or just go straight to there?
kinda excited for Templar update. Definelty not excited (more like exhausted, lol) about new overland questing. Questing for vet players is broken and ZOS don't care about it.
I'm sure the new region will be cool, but what I'm really most excited for... and no sarcasm or joking meant, is to be able to rearrange the order of my toons! That type of quality of life stuff may be small but makes a huge difference. Finally I can move my better/fav toons up towards the top!
adeptusminor wrote: »I don't enjoy the servers being overloaded because ZoS decides to run an event at the same time they are dropping new content, so abilities take 1.5 seconds to fire off after I press them.
lvl50 Characters: Toxlexel (Argonian Templar PvE Healer, EP) Grove-of-Trees-Swaying (Argonian Vampire NB PvE Tank, EP) Kazabi-daro (Khajiit DK PvE DPS, AD)- build under renovation |
Iroas Candaalil (Maormer [Dunmer] PvE Sorc DPS, EP, vMA build)- build under renovation Trick-of-the-Light(Argonian Warden PvE Healer, EP) Characters being leveled: Meera-Ei (Argonian DK PvP Tank, EP, Grove's sister) |
Agree. I realy like ESO quests, but im sick of quest bosses without any dangerous mechanics, weak attacks, incredibly low HP. I didn't finish Summerset because of it.Finding a way to make it enjoyable for both new and veteran players should be a higher priority imho.