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Reflective Scales

  • wheem_ESO
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    It sucks. But you gotta look on the other side. Its useless against melee builds...

    ...harness, which gives near infinite sustain and shields vs mag builds, and is useful against other ones.
    And that's the problem right there. There are major counters to Magicka setups (add Negate to the list, of course) that do absolutely nothing at all to Stam builds, and it contributes to why Stamina is so much better than Magicka right now. I've previously requested that the Crystallized Slab morph of Crystallized Shield be changed to do exactly the same thing as Shimmering Shield, but work against melee instead of projectiles. Give all the Stam-only players a taste of what it's like to have someone in no-CP be able to basically ignore your presence and maybe we'll get some changes rolling.
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    If you want to cry about overperforming skills, look at Warden's Shimmering Shield, which offers projectile absorption (based on a flat amount of damage, not a flat number of projectiles, so weak ass light attacks from multiple players won't delete your Shimmering like they do wings), magicka return per spell projectile, and Major Heroism. Shimmering is 10x stronger than wings, for Major Heroism alone.
    Shimmering Shield has 3 charges, as well as the damage limitation.
    Ender1310 wrote: »
    On my magblade I'm good. I don't need to kill every DK that I come across. Plenty of other choices and targets to pick from. I dun get how some people think.
    You don't get how they think because you seem to be PvPing only in Cyrodiil, and not Battlegrounds. I'm the exact opposite - Cyrodiil is dreadfully boring to me, so I only play in Battlegrounds. In that situation you have an absolute maximum of 8 enemy targets at any given time. I specifically remember one game some months ago where there were 2 DKs that were both frequently using wings, along with 2 Stam Wardens that were keeping Shimmering Shield up most of the time; that's literally half of the enemy players that aren't worthwhile targets. And when it comes to fights happening in small spaces, it's quite easy to reflect something big on yourself, even if you're aiming at someone that doesn't have wings or Shimmering Shield.
  • ak_pvp
    wheem_ESO wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    It sucks. But you gotta look on the other side. Its useless against melee builds...

    ...harness, which gives near infinite sustain and shields vs mag builds, and is useful against other ones.
    And that's the problem right there. There are major counters to Magicka setups (add Negate to the list, of course) that do absolutely nothing at all to Stam builds, and it contributes to why Stamina is so much better than Magicka right now. I've previously requested that the Crystallized Slab morph of Crystallized Shield be changed to do exactly the same thing as Shimmering Shield, but work against melee instead of projectiles. Give all the Stam-only players a taste of what it's like to have someone in no-CP be able to basically ignore your presence and maybe we'll get some changes rolling.
    jcm2606 wrote: »
    If you want to cry about overperforming skills, look at Warden's Shimmering Shield, which offers projectile absorption (based on a flat amount of damage, not a flat number of projectiles, so weak ass light attacks from multiple players won't delete your Shimmering like they do wings), magicka return per spell projectile, and Major Heroism. Shimmering is 10x stronger than wings, for Major Heroism alone.
    Shimmering Shield has 3 charges, as well as the damage limitation.

    3 charges, but 1/3 of wings price when returned and heroism instead of reflect/snare removal. (Snare removal for wardens doesn't even sacrifice a burst heal) Nothing really beats the dmg limit btw, its like 15k.
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • wheem_ESO
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    3 charges, but 1/3 of wings price when returned and heroism instead of reflect/snare removal. (Snare removal for wardens doesn't even sacrifice a burst heal) Nothing really beats the dmg limit btw, its like 15k.
    I was just correcting the other poster, who claimed that the sole limit was damage absorbed. Shimmering Shield is overpowered vs Magicka builds, no doubt about it. And like I said in my previous post, that's exactly the problem - it's overpowered against Magicka, while there's no counterpart that acts like such a hardcounter to Stam setups. It's the same story with Wings, Negate, 1h/shield ult, Harness Magicka, etc...

    The day of the patch I was in a BG Deathmatch where my team (all Magicka, solo queueing) wiped an enemy team, save for 1 Stam DK. How did he live? Running in a straight line towards his spawn while casting wings and mixing in a couple dodge rolls; there were 3 of us left and we couldn't touch him. 'Course, the same can't be said in reverse, he'd have been able to stick to any one of us and go max dps without having to worry about blasting himself in the face.

    I'm also a tad bitter about reflects since my Fetcher Infection "projectile" is so slow. You can cast it on someone 1-2 seconds before they even pop wings, and still end up DOT'ing yourself from across the map like 5 seconds after casting the stupid thing.
  • xselfish
    Wow some actually thinks a DK is OP lol.
  • ol_BANK_lo
    Why has reflective scales been overlooked so much? It is an "I win" button against ranged play styles. Because of this skill alone I am considering having to change my style or maybe just have a break. It is completely over- powered against ranged. You can use maybe 1/3rd of your tool kit against the DK.

    Yes people will say just run away... But how affective is avoiding people because there is no way to beat them in a death match ffs..

    There are an abundance of DKs in BGs these days. When this happens you are all but redundant.
    I had one DK sit there and laugh at me cause all I could do was curse, pulse and HA channel...

    Now it's nerfed thanks to people like you. Mag DKs already don't hit as hard, have no execute and are slow as having the reflect was a way to sit in fights and stay alive. The "ranged builds" you speak of are mobile with streak, speed and cloak. MagDK has none of that. Now they just sit there and take damage. Thanks.
  • WoppaBoem
    Why has reflective scales been overlooked so much? It is an "I win" button against ranged play styles. Because of this skill alone I am considering having to change my style or maybe just have a break. It is completely over- powered against ranged. You can use maybe 1/3rd of your tool kit against the DK.

    Yes people will say just run away... But how affective is avoiding people because there is no way to beat them in a death match ffs..

    There are an abundance of DKs in BGs these days. When this happens you are all but redundant.
    I had one DK sit there and laugh at me cause all I could do was curse, pulse and HA channel...

    Now it's nerfed thanks to people like you. Mag DKs already don't hit as hard, have no execute and are slow as having the reflect was a way to sit in fights and stay alive. The "ranged builds" you speak of are mobile with streak, speed and cloak. MagDK has none of that. Now they just sit there and take damage. Thanks.

    Salty much, I love my MagDk a lot more now. The changes are well received by me. Without the reflect it feels also far more rewarding to kill a ranged build.
    Xbox EU & NA - PVP Only
  • SmackNCheese

    Now it's nerfed thanks to people like you. Mag DKs already don't hit as hard, have no execute and are slow as having the reflect was a way to sit in fights and stay alive. The "ranged builds" you speak of are mobile with streak, speed and cloak. MagDK has none of that. Now they just sit there and take damage. Thanks.

    To be honest, I like these wings much more, the DoT hits hard and helps apply pressure.
    NA Mag Player
  • Kikke
    another one ? And yes, it WAS op, but now its balanced
    Cleared Trials:
    - vAA HM - vHRC HM - vSO HM - vMoL HM - vHoF HM - vAS HM - vCR HM -

    "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and a lot of bitching."
    -Someone said it, I guess.
  • stpdmonkey
    Now it is balanced for pvp content. But it had a strong place for some pve content. I. Disappointed in the nerf for my pve content. I understand the change for pvp but it still seems like there should have been a pvp and pve difference. I also dont like how the level of my skill got reset
  • CompM4s
    In honor of the new necromancer class, we must necro this thread from October of 2018.
    Edited by CompM4s on June 14, 2019 7:28PM
  • Davadin
    Why has reflective scales been overlooked so much? It is an "I win" button against ranged play styles. Because of this skill alone I am considering having to change my style or maybe just have a break. It is completely over- powered against ranged. You can use maybe 1/3rd of your tool kit against the DK.

    Yes people will say just run away... But how affective is avoiding people because there is no way to beat them in a death match ffs..

    There are an abundance of DKs in BGs these days. When this happens you are all but redundant.
    I had one DK sit there and laugh at me cause all I could do was curse, pulse and HA channel...

    Now it's nerfed thanks to people like you. Mag DKs already don't hit as hard, have no execute and are slow as having the reflect was a way to sit in fights and stay alive. The "ranged builds" you speak of are mobile with streak, speed and cloak. MagDK has none of that. Now they just sit there and take damage. Thanks.

    1. it's fine. DoT morph is great and anti-CC morph still works.
    2. do u have a necro character? coz u'd do well since u necro'd this thread from last year...
    August Palatine Davadin Bloodstrake - Nord Dragon Knight - PC NA - Gray Host
    Greymoor 6.0.7 PvP : Medium 2H/SnB The Destroyer
    Dragonhold 5.2.11 PvE : Medium DW/2H The Blood Furnace
    March 2021 (too lazy to add CP) PvP: Medium DW/Bow The Stabber
  • Blinkin8r
    Someone was so salty they necro'd a thread from 8 months ago :D
    II Blinkin II
    Xbox 1 NA
    "A man without the sauce is lost, but the same man can become lost in the sauce."
  • LordTareq
    Why has reflective scales been overlooked so much? It is an "I win" button against ranged play styles. Because of this skill alone I am considering having to change my style or maybe just have a break. It is completely over- powered against ranged. You can use maybe 1/3rd of your tool kit against the DK.

    Yes people will say just run away... But how affective is avoiding people because there is no way to beat them in a death match ffs..

    There are an abundance of DKs in BGs these days. When this happens you are all but redundant.
    I had one DK sit there and laugh at me cause all I could do was curse, pulse and HA channel...

    Now it's nerfed thanks to people like you. Mag DKs already don't hit as hard, have no execute and are slow as having the reflect was a way to sit in fights and stay alive. The "ranged builds" you speak of are mobile with streak, speed and cloak. MagDK has none of that. Now they just sit there and take damage. Thanks.
  • Jimmy_The_Fixer
    Great change, good for the game.
  • Arzharo
    Great change, good for the game.

    It's great. Magsorcs are literally immortal gods now thanks to the "balance" of wings.
  • wheem_ESO
    Arzharo wrote: »
    Great change, good for the game.

    It's great. Magsorcs are literally immortal gods now thanks to the "balance" of wings.
    DKs don't have much in the way of legit complaints right now, unless it's a Mag DK complaining about mobility (in which case, welcome to every other Mag class that isn't a Sorc). Sure, maybe Wings isn't as "cool" as it used to be, but the damage output and self healing available to the class is nothing short of incredible.

    Vampire is totally non-viable if there's a Mag DK around. It was bad before, but Molten Whips are currently making Dawnbreaker (which also gets a +20% bonus against Vamp) look like child's play. I have a screenshot where my poor little Mag Necro got obliterated by a Mag DK, and his 4,927 Leap was followed up by Molten Whips for 6,630 and 5,993. So while you may not be able to run down and kill a Mag Sorc (which, again, puts you in the same boat with every other Magicka class), that doesn't mean that DKs are in any way bad right now. And those whips aren't even nearly the highest I've seen so far. It's literally the hardest hitting thing in Battlegrounds right now, and ~7k isn't all that uncommon, with even ~8k actually being a thing (with full Impen, 3x Protective, and extra resists from gold-quality Pirate Skeleton). We're talking literally double the damage of a Crystal Frag.
  • BlackMadara
    wheem_ESO wrote: »
    Arzharo wrote: »
    Great change, good for the game.

    It's great. Magsorcs are literally immortal gods now thanks to the "balance" of wings.
    DKs don't have much in the way of legit complaints right now, unless it's a Mag DK complaining about mobility (in which case, welcome to every other Mag class that isn't a Sorc). Sure, maybe Wings isn't as "cool" as it used to be, but the damage output and self healing available to the class is nothing short of incredible.

    Vampire is totally non-viable if there's a Mag DK around. It was bad before, but Molten Whips are currently making Dawnbreaker (which also gets a +20% bonus against Vamp) look like child's play. I have a screenshot where my poor little Mag Necro got obliterated by a Mag DK, and his 4,927 Leap was followed up by Molten Whips for 6,630 and 5,993. So while you may not be able to run down and kill a Mag Sorc (which, again, puts you in the same boat with every other Magicka class), that doesn't mean that DKs are in any way bad right now. And those whips aren't even nearly the highest I've seen so far. It's literally the hardest hitting thing in Battlegrounds right now, and ~7k isn't all that uncommon, with even ~8k actually being a thing (with full Impen, 3x Protective, and extra resists from gold-quality Pirate Skeleton). We're talking literally double the damage of a Crystal Frag.

    The consecutive buffed whips were a big and should've been fixed yesterday.

    The scaling of a fully buffed whip is slightly higher than a procced frag and slightly lower than merciless resolve. It is balanced compared to other similar burst abilities
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