To ZOS, a cast time skill can always be interrupted in this game.
Why? You forget that knockback/knockdown/knock-anywhere/pulls/teleports move the character, interrupting any action.
You can't make them uninterruptible unless you provide immunity to knock/pull/teleport during the cast.
There are a lot of abilities that have this problem, including the templar ultimate "Rite of Passage"(which roots you in place) even heavy attacks, and you have went very overboard on the amount of knockback that is in this game as even the weakest enemies have way too much so the worst time to use a cast time ability is when you should be the safest, with multiple weak enemies around instead of a big boss.
(Edit: For example, templar's Javelin is a guaranteed instant interrupt on any cast time skill that is "uninterruptible" because it is a knockback.)
I don't even think knockback or pull is considered an interrupt so it doesn't trigger the skill cooldown(good without this) but it also doesn't trigger CC immunity and the Light of Cyrodiil 5-piece bonus(very bad that this doesn't work).
I'm sorry, but you can't fix a cast time skill problem by just adding that "uninterruptible" flag because plenty of interrupts are not actually considered "interrupts" when they need to be so.
Yes, this needed to be its own thread since it is a longstanding issue with many skills and is not specific just to the new shield changes. This is not a shield change counter thread as I'm ok with that change to the specific shields as it works with a build plan I already was working on and I see the reasoning as logical.
Edited by Mystrius_Archaion on September 25, 2018 10:57AM