Mephisto939 wrote: »A 30% damage nerf??? Has anyone even complained that Guardian was outperforming? Well so much for the main selling feature of the Warden.
I've had duelists report me for 14k Bear attacks o.o
I guess this is just a lazy attempt to get Wardens to use other ultimates besides the Bear. Real shame and completely unneeded nerf
DivineFirstYOLO wrote: »
I don't know of a single PvPer that plays warden and slots bear OR has ever complained about it. Wait...hold on...I slot bear in PvP, but rarely.
More pissed off with arctic blast myself.... Yes the bear nerf sucks but i used arctic blast a lot and permafrost as my ult.
I need a new game to spend money on..
Emmagoldman wrote: »I'm sad that there isn't one soviet bear meme for this nerf
Ever since Sloads, making any proc that gets cried over as OP into a projectile seems to be the new nerf-meta.
Not sure how useful it is, though. PvE enemies don't dodge the projectile. In PvP, you have to be pretty alert in 1vX or large fights to spot it coming, so the balance is tipped mostly in 1v1 or small fights without too much stuff flying so it's spottable. As a need, "turn it into a projectile" seems like a lame way to fix something instead of adjusting the underlying mechanics.
Elsterchen wrote: »
Seriously why? Wardens are already the weakest class in the game and now you are nerfing that poor ***?
starkerealm wrote: »Seriously why? Wardens are already the weakest class in the game and now you are nerfing that poor ***?
It's an awkward thing. The bear is (usually) the best ultimate for the Warden as DPS, and the class still under performs.
I don't know. I mean, the idea was, probably, to make other ultimate more viable, and that probably did it. But, the Warden needs help for DPS. At least the mag warden.
Apparently to circle jerk back and forth until we're all playing the game with wet ramen noodles as weapons. AKA it's all to appease the PVP crowd who complain about balance that will never, ever be possible to achieve.
The very notion of balance in any RPG style game is like a unicorn that *** diamonds under a rainbow. It doesn't, and realistically cannot exist.
Bingo... PvP crowd cryers are damaging the game for everyone!
I don't know of a single PvPer that plays warden and slots bear OR has ever complained about it. Wait...hold on...I slot bear in PvP, but rarely.
Likewise I don't know a single PVEr who ever said the game wasn't balanced or things needed to be nerfed, but I can find 100s of topics a day that are from PVP players complaining about 'x' being too OP... sooo yeah... just because the devs hit the wrong spot everytime, doesn't detract from the fact they do it to try an appease PVP playerbase.
Whether for the bear or anything else - the only reason they constantly mess with everything is because of the barrage of threads they face everyday from disgruntled PVP players.
starkerealm wrote: »Letting us single bar the pets (like Mending works now), would have been a nice start.