I normally do play PvP every so often, but with the PvP event going on, I have been in Cyrodiil more frequently. After getting like 50+ Midyear boxes and Rewards of the Worthy, I came out with like 10-15 transmutation geodes, and as expected, a bunch of siege.
Transmutation geodes of the same color do not stack, I knew that. I was more frustrated at the fact that I couldn't bank the geodes. (not to mention, my frustration that siege weapons don't stack and take up valuable bank/guild bank space)
Simple solution: Remove the rather unnecessary cap on transmutation gems, or Let transmutation geodes stack in your inventory & bank and be bankable.
Bonus points if you let siege weapons of the same name stack.
"Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves.""It's just not a home until you decorate the torture chamber, am I right?""If you want to lose 10lbs of ugly fat, I'd be happy to chop your head off!""Degenerates!" --- Todd Howard
"If it's not broke, don't fix it,....unless you're ZO$ and are just doing it for the money!" --- Me
Class reps are just like our politicians. They promise mountains made of gold for us, but in the end, whenever they can they try to push their own agenda.
I am in a Kevduit video
PS4 (main platform)
--- JP_Dovahkriid
PC (just for PTS since Dragon Bones)
--- JP_Dovahkriid
Playing since console release in 2015
17 characters; mainly play PvE tanks and healer, as well as PvP stamDK, magplar, and stamblade; I also have a handful of DPS toons to have variety. All AD, with one, now PvE, DC toon.
I was on the forums before, but something happened with my account info and I had to create a new account.