VDSA has gotten to the point where it is a joke. Here is a clip of my group of 4 DPS(yes we run 4 DPS in VDSA now) on the last boss:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QMusrZ5nt4
We literally ignore all mechanics and just burn. 2 of us are argonians. It's laughable.
ZOS should look into making it tougher as well as adding a hard mode, a title for flawlessing it, and possibly a skin. Would make the content much more engaging and competitive as it is the only 4 man end game content we truly have bar Fanglair/Scalecaller HM.
VDSA has gotten to the point where it is a joke. Here is a clip of my group of 4 DPS(yes we run 4 DPS in VDSA now) on the last boss:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QMusrZ5nt4
We literally ignore all mechanics and just burn. 2 of us are argonians. It's laughable.
ZOS should look into making it tougher as well as adding a hard mode, a title for flawlessing it, and possibly a skin. Would make the content much more engaging and competitive as it is the only 4 man end game content we truly have bar Fanglair/Scalecaller HM.
You have the answer in your post lol.
Argonians, they are a big issue. No race should be as far ahead of all the others as Argonians are currently. There should not be one correct race choice for almost all circumstances.
VDSA has gotten to the point where it is a joke. Here is a clip of my group of 4 DPS(yes we run 4 DPS in VDSA now) on the last boss:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QMusrZ5nt4
We literally ignore all mechanics and just burn. 2 of us are argonians. It's laughable.
ZOS should look into making it tougher as well as adding a hard mode, a title for flawlessing it, and possibly a skin. Would make the content much more engaging and competitive as it is the only 4 man end game content we truly have bar Fanglair/Scalecaller HM.
You have the answer in your post lol.
Argonians, they are a big issue. No race should be as far ahead of all the others as Argonians are currently. There should not be one correct race choice for almost all circumstances.
Protossyder wrote: »Pff, 27k score... You died a lot during this run. And how long did it take you?
Maybe one tank would've been better to get a good score...
If you did it flawless with 4 DDs (which would result in a 48k+ score), I'd call vDSA a joke, but not like this.
ChrisToTheCanvas wrote: »No.
Fortunately ZOS is smart enough to not mess with the difficulty of old content. You want a challenge? Thats what cloudrest is for
the new arena coming out with Murkmire later this year.
That is your challenge.
U want vDSA to be hard?
Run it naked without CP and use white weapons.
There you go, there's your hard mode.
The title? You can braag on the forums when you complete this.
ChrisToTheCanvas wrote: »No.
Fortunately ZOS is smart enough to not mess with the difficulty of old content. You want a challenge? Thats what cloudrest is for
the new arena coming out with Murkmire later this year.
That is your challenge.
U want vDSA to be hard?
Run it naked without CP and use white weapons.
There you go, there's your hard mode.
The title? You can braag on the forums when you complete this.
Did not realize Murkmire had an arena coming out. There is our revamped vDSA I suppose.
Protossyder wrote: »Pff, 27k score... You died a lot during this run. And how long did it take you?
Maybe one tank would've been better to get a good score...
If you did it flawless with 4 DDs (which would result in a 48k+ score), I'd call vDSA a joke, but not like this.
Was a solid hour run with multiple deaths. But then again we are all PvP players coming straight out of cyrodiil and tend to try and get eachother killed on numerous occasions.
Should we actually try for a score run I wouldn’t be on an argonian magblade who’s mages guild is 4 and doesn’t have Psijic.
It's really damn old content, this is nothing new its been this way for quite awhile.
Highly doubt zos will waste resources on revamping old content that statistically not many people will run it. Instead they could put those resources to use and make new content which they are doing with the new 4man arena.
Not to mention your stance on this is a bit odd lol, you have barely any vitality left, looks like you were there for awhile, and you want to call it a joke? There are a few groups able to push VDSA hard but they spend quite awhile in there to accomplish that. Just cause you did it after an hour doesn't make it a joke, maybe when you breeze through it with ease and post up a 49,000 score go for it lol
VDSA has gotten to the point where it is a joke. Here is a clip of my group of 4 DPS(yes we run 4 DPS in VDSA now) on the last boss:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QMusrZ5nt4
We literally ignore all mechanics and just burn. 2 of us are argonians. It's laughable.
ZOS should look into making it tougher as well as adding a hard mode, a title for flawlessing it, and possibly a skin. Would make the content much more engaging and competitive as it is the only 4 man end game content we truly have bar Fanglair/Scalecaller HM.
DSA has been outdated for years, stuff like nuking has been done 2 years ago already
Dragon Star Arena (vet)- World Record 23961 score (2.2 DLC) Werewolf Nuke Dragonstar Arenahttps://youtu.be/2BfHX_fhzXA
ALL endgame content has been outdated for ages in terms of difficulty already, could even say Cloudrest is outdated because its a joke how fast you can nuke down the mini trial
Mostly due to Champion Points being way too strong. Making it hard for new players to find a grasp and too easy for max CP players.
DeadlyRecluse wrote: »Meh, it's super old content. It should be more accessible to new players than cutting edge content, as time goes on.
4 experienced max CP dps might burn through it, but I can't imagine 4 CP300 buddies trying to figure it out being successful stacking DPS.