People do accidentally end up doing it, so just make sure it isn't a one-off thing. I main a NB, and I've accidentally ended up going into a keep using ambush on a guy running away into an outpost door. I wasn't "glitching" or "exploiting," I just hit the ambush ability at the exact time it needed to be done.
This is probably why they don't always ban for it. Some groups may very well do it deliberately, but don't report people who aren't deliberately abusing it.
As long as they're obviously exploiting it, report away.
This isn't even a fair comparison. People exploiting vAS knew exactly what they were doing and had to take steps to skip the mechanics of the fight.Sweet. I got some goooood video of some eps on xbox doing it a couple nights ago.. like going in and out of the wall.. i dont get how they literally perma ban (with no appeals) people for glitching the skin from VAS but they allow this to go on..
VaranisArano wrote: »People do accidentally end up doing it, so just make sure it isn't a one-off thing. I main a NB, and I've accidentally ended up going into a keep using ambush on a guy running away into an outpost door. I wasn't "glitching" or "exploiting," I just hit the ambush ability at the exact time it needed to be done.
This is probably why they don't always ban for it. Some groups may very well do it deliberately, but don't report people who aren't deliberately abusing it.
As long as they're obviously exploiting it, report away.
Well, ambushing into keeps is an exploit. Its an exploit that can happen accidently, but its still an exploit.
Heck, I've wound up accidentally in the middle of an exploit. There are times when I disconnect in the middle of fighting in an inner keep, then the game logs me back into that inner keep, after its been sealed by the enemy. I just sheathe my weapons and let the guards kill me while I report it to ZOS, because anything else would be taking advantage of that glitch where the game doesn't put me at my home gate.
Personally, its pretty easy for me to tell the difference between the people who did ambush into keeps accidently (they die or leave the keep) and the people who do it deliberately or decide to rush upstairs and start killing everyone. I'd guess its pretty easy for ZOS to tell whether its a rare, accidental thing or if a player does it a bunch too.
WuffyCerulei wrote: »It's an exploit. Report all souls who glitch through the walls.
Most of these are not exploits, it's easier to ban people than to fix bugs, don't give ZOS this excuse.
I have some videos i am waiting to send in to zos but i kind of want to know if its even considered an exploit...
I would post them but you know " no naming and shaming".... Which is a stupid rule imo... If it looks like an exploit, post the videos and let the everyone decide. Regardless, thanks if you know.
This bug has been around for as long as I can remember.
It's not something a player can make happen as far as I know.
If ZOS would be able to reproduce the issue, they'd probably be able to fix it, but due to the nature of the glitch (not an exploit) it is hard to fix.
Now, if someone abuses the glitch that is exploiting the issue but because they did not intentionally cause this wall issue to appear in the first place, it would unfair to ban for it.This isn't even a fair comparison. People exploiting vAS knew exactly what they were doing and had to take steps to skip the mechanics of the fight.Sweet. I got some goooood video of some eps on xbox doing it a couple nights ago.. like going in and out of the wall.. i dont get how they literally perma ban (with no appeals) people for glitching the skin from VAS but they allow this to go on..
This PvP glitch occurs without the player doing anything to specifically cause it. Sure, they shouldn't exploit it, but it's not their fault it's occurring in the first place. The "rewards" for exploiting vAS were significantly greater than any possible outcome of walking through a wall they can't even see.
VaranisArano wrote: »Using a glitch, whether you caused it to happen or not, is an exploit. Bypassing the need to siege down the walls, accidentally or on purpose, is an exploit. In the link I put above, ZOS points out that bypassing the need to siege down walls/doors is a bannable offense (though as far as I know they haven't taken action on anyone for this exploit, currently.)