What do you guys think is the best color that suits a sorcerer? I was thinking either purple, teel, blue, or green. Just want to hear some opinions because i cant decode on a color to dye my sorcerers outfit
Well, as a LORE connoisseur I can only ask you what specific sorc are you talking about? E.G. My sorc is Dwarven Scholar so I use automaton Bronze & Thalmor Black because he is Altmer AD.
I'd stay with black&purple/violet for a standart ESO sorc.
It depends so much on how do you see your char, how do you play it... is it a benevolent wise mage or an evil power hungry one? Daedra worshiper? Necromancer? Is your sorc stamina or magicka?
I have a sorc alt.. breton female sorceres. Her outfits are Julianos White & Ancient Silver (light gold) dyed with Trans Violet (gold) for staves.
[PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter