server: PC / EU
location: Cloudrest, Summerset
When: A teammate dies a black shade called the Shadow of the Fallen spawns and dashes across the arena.
Everytime?: Nope. But when it happens that person is pretty much unrevivable and usually that means it's a wipe. If you're training for Gryphon Heart or Score run this means resetting the instance also.
What happens: The Shadow of the Fallen that spawns from a dead ally is missing. Nowhere in the arena. Not on the map. El disappearo.
Theories: The Shadow spawns and usually immediately travels away from the ally's corpse. The Shadow is either travelling a) into a wall b) into the floor c) despawning mid-teleport d) never reappearing from invisibility (the Shadow is invisible whilst teleporting).
What is meant to happen: An Ally dies. The Shadow of the Fallen spawns, teleports away, is killed by teammates & then they can safely revive said ally.
Since when has this been happening: Since Cloudrest launch.