Mojomonkeyman wrote: »@FENGRUSH really? I watched your stream lately a few times and you don't wait 1h+ on any of your chars.... max is 15 min soloQ for you on your main, almost instant on your other characters.
GroupQ is an entirely different scenario and even then you don't wait that long on your main when being in full group.
most people don't have high mmrs and don't wait that longMojomonkeyman wrote: »@FENGRUSH really? I watched your stream lately a few times and you don't wait 1h+ on any of your chars.... max is 15 min soloQ for you on your main, almost instant on your other characters.
GroupQ is an entirely different scenario and even then you don't wait that long on your main when being in full group.
his mmr for his new chars are low, mmr is character based. on his main character it is long. I get 20 minute solo ques
If my queue hit the 5 minute mark, I used to be able to just requeue and get into an instant match. That doesn’t work anymore. At least not for me. I started requeueing every five minutes, with no match invite popping up. Nowadays, I’d say for every hour I’m waiting for a match, I might play 2 matches. If I’m lucky, I’ll get 3 matches in an hour.
I started playing Cyrodiil again in between matches. Made me realize that with the right 4 man group of regulars from BG, we could dominate all of Cyrodiil. Heh. Seriously.
Just running through Cyrodiil, bored outta my mind, I’d run into a small group of enemy players not even caring about dying, only to come out victorious and thinking “how the *** did I just solo those 5 dudes?” Or I’d run into a group of enemy players and obviously die, but not before taking 3-4 of them with me. If I’d had even one of the BG regulars with me, we coulda taken out a whole Zerg.
It was an interesting insight. Heh.
Toc de Malsvi wrote: »First que is always longer, the follow up ques if you just que immediately after leaving the BG are usually noticeably shorter.