Which Daedric Prince would you serve and why?

  • Zardayne
    Azura or Hircine
  • Inhuman003
     Boethia, The Realm of Boethia because of Dragonstar Arena and also The Tournament Ten Blood's.
  • Casul
    Jyggalag, I love Jyggalag.
    PvP needs more love.
  • OmniDo
    Forget the Daedra. Hail Sithis!
    Hail Sithis.
    Sanguine, my brother.
  • Conduit0
    I worship Uncle Sheo!

    Cheese and cabbage for everyone!
  • A_Silverius
    dtsharples wrote: »
    Sanguine & Nocturnal - but not that own-brand sub-par Redguard version of her in game atm.
    The Statue version ;)

    You mean this version?
    All over Tamriel, theres a sudden spike in Bosmers getting caught for their crimes. A sad day indeed... #FightForYourRite Give Bosmers back our stealth!
  • Kelriel0829
    Soul Shriven
    Azura or Nocturnal
  • djogani
    Well looking from the lore aspect because my main is Bosmer that would be Yffre (because it is no brainer for Bosmer right? lol) or if we look through Daedric Princes Namira because of her asociation with canibalism and at least for other races repulsive things.
  • Iluvrien
    Azura, because Morrowind. End of.
  • Luigi_Vampa
    Malacath. He is the only one that doesn't actively screw over his followers or seem to expect grovelling and servitude. As long as you are strong and honorable and an Orc you have his favor.
    PC/EU DC
  • Doctordarkspawn
    Meridia. Because least likely to get dicked over. Or Azura in that vein.
    Edited by Doctordarkspawn on July 29, 2018 2:25PM
  • Cardthief
    Meridia. Because least likely to get dicked over. Or Azura in that vein.

    I used to think the same way, until Summerset...
    just ask Darien...
    (MC) Main DPS: Redz Kuinn - Lvl 50 - MagSorc - PvE
    Main Healer: Soranna Anilu - Lvl 50 - Templar - PvE
    Main Tank: Seamus Kuinn - Lvl 50 - Dragonknight - PvE
  • gamerguy757
    Oh I would serve Sanguine. I relate to the Joker on so many levels...being an agent of chaos.
  • PrayingSeraph
    I wouldn't serve any god in the TES world. That's what I love about this lore. The gods aren't some omnipotent beings. Mortals can actively defy them.

    The dwemer had the right idea.

    Our character in this game has defeated like half the daedric pantheon while the other half (and the Tribunal) is constantly begging him/her for help. Why would they worship any of these beings?

    The et'ada are incredibly powerful, and mortals would never had existed without the Aedra.

    We the vestige were able to defeat(but not kill) Molag Bal only because we had huge help from the Divines and Daedric Prince Meridia. Even then, Molag Bal could only be hurt and Meridia states we may have actually benefitted Molag Bal in the long wrong. Perhaps the God of Schemes was the true victor and we the fool.

    Even in Clockwork and Summerset, we only suceeded because of et'ada aid. Ultimately, mortals are just tiny players in a grand hostile cosmos. Nirn was created by gods and without divine protection, can be easily destroyed by gods.

    The dwemer were intelligent fools and they paid the price. I wouldn't advise following their footsteps.
    Edited by PrayingSeraph on July 29, 2018 6:53PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    I wouldn't serve any god in the TES world. That's what I love about this lore. The gods aren't some omnipotent beings. Mortals can actively defy them.

    The dwemer had the right idea.

    Our character in this game has defeated like half the daedric pantheon while the other half (and the Tribunal) is constantly begging him/her for help. Why would they worship any of these beings?

    The et'ada are incredibly powerful, and mortals would never had existed without the Aedra.

    We the vestige were able to defeat(but not kill) Molag Bal only because we had huge help from the Divines and Daedric Prince Meridia. Even then, Molag Bal could only be hurt and Meridia states we may have actually benefitted Molag Bal in the long wrong. Perhaps the God of Schemes was the true victor and we the fool.

    Even in Clockwork and Summerset, we only suceeded because of et'ada aid. Ultimately, mortals are just tiny players in a grand hostile cosmos. Nirn was created by gods and without divine protection, can be easily destroyed by gods.

    The dwemer were intelligent fools and they paid the price. I wouldn't advise following their footsteps.

    Mortals can reach "near-divine" power in TES lore (see Divayth Fy, Vanus Galerion, etc.). Mortals can also create their own gods/become gods for protection (see Numidium, Tribunal, Talos). The Aedra aren't a threat to Mundus as they aren't gods of destruction. They don't require worship either. The Daedra are only super powerful in their own realms. Their power in Mundus is limited.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on July 29, 2018 7:37PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    Malacath. He is the only one that doesn't actively screw over his followers or seem to expect grovelling and servitude. As long as you are strong and honorable and an Orc you have his favor.

    I find it strange that Malacath is part of the "House of Troubles" when, at least in ESO, he's not expressly evil. Molag Ball and Mehrunes Dagon are basically the TES versions of Satan. They are obsessed with world domination, destruction, mass murder, ***, slavery, etc. Malacath has a blood lust, but it's bound by honour. He also doesn't seem to have any broader ambitions other than looking after the Orcs.
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on July 29, 2018 7:42PM
  • DuskMarine
    I wouldn't serve any god in the TES world. That's what I love about this lore. The gods aren't some omnipotent beings. Mortals can actively defy them.

    The dwemer had the right idea.

    Our character in this game has defeated like half the daedric pantheon while the other half (and the Tribunal) is constantly begging him/her for help. Why would they worship any of these beings?

    the daedric princes are omnipotent and all powerful but you also forget the daedra arent the only godly beings you have the aedra as well. the daedra can do whatever they please but they risk starting a war with the aedra. also we never beat molag bal or any of the other daedra as they cannot be killed we just set them back but its impossible to do for us in the form we were in. thus why the amulet of kings was used granting us akatoshes powers against him which wounded him. if you look at that we were acting with aedra power not just mortal power. so to even hurt a daedric prince you have to have godly might. nocturnal we never actually hurt or beat her we just stopped her plan by stopping the ritual. and mentioning the godlings sotha sil, almelexia and vivec their demi gods kindve sent to nirn to give the good word from the aedra basically.
  • EvilCroc
    Jyggalag. I LOVE his gray crystals.
  • PrayingSeraph
    I wouldn't serve any god in the TES world. That's what I love about this lore. The gods aren't some omnipotent beings. Mortals can actively defy them.

    The dwemer had the right idea.

    Our character in this game has defeated like half the daedric pantheon while the other half (and the Tribunal) is constantly begging him/her for help. Why would they worship any of these beings?

    The et'ada are incredibly powerful, and mortals would never had existed without the Aedra.

    We the vestige were able to defeat(but not kill) Molag Bal only because we had huge help from the Divines and Daedric Prince Meridia. Even then, Molag Bal could only be hurt and Meridia states we may have actually benefitted Molag Bal in the long wrong. Perhaps the God of Schemes was the true victor and we the fool.

    Even in Clockwork and Summerset, we only suceeded because of et'ada aid. Ultimately, mortals are just tiny players in a grand hostile cosmos. Nirn was created by gods and without divine protection, can be easily destroyed by gods.

    The dwemer were intelligent fools and they paid the price. I wouldn't advise following their footsteps.

    Mortals can reach "near-divine" power in TES lore (see Divayth Fy, Vanus Galerion, etc.). Mortals can also create their own gods/become gods for protection (see Numidium, Tribunal, Talos). The Aedra aren't a threat to Mundus as they aren't gods of destruction. They don't require worship either. The Daedra are only super powerful in their own realms. Their power in Mundus is limited.

    The only way for a mortal to achieve true godhood is through CHIM, and those who manage it are incredibly rare. The Numidium and the Tribunal werent truly gods, as they stole their divine essence from Lorkhan. They had to continually steal it.

    The Aedra don't require worship, but its logical to worship them. They ARE the gods of Mundus. It is through them that the Daedric Princes efforts to conquer Nirn are hindered. Akatosh in particular has made it very hard for Princes to do to nirn as they please.

    Mortals are but temporary pawns on the game board the Princes are playing. The one race which rejected the gods ironically tried to make their own using divine power from an actual god, and are now an extinct race. They were the perfect example of how intelligence is far from wisdom.

  • PrayingSeraph
    Malacath. He is the only one that doesn't actively screw over his followers or seem to expect grovelling and servitude. As long as you are strong and honorable and an Orc you have his favor.

    I find it strange that Malacath is part of the "House of Troubles" when, at least in ESO, he's not expressly evil. Molag Ball and Mehrunes Dagon are basically the TES versions of Satan. They are obsessed with world domination, destruction, mass murder, ***, slavery, etc. Malacath has a blood lust, but it's bound by honour. He also doesn't seem to have any broader ambitions other than looking after the Orcs.

    Well the Chimer\Dunmer classified "good " and "bad" Daedra based on that Princes history with thee race. Mephala and especially Boethiah are not "good" by common standard but they helped the Chimer migrate to a new homeland and taught them how to survive it. The three "good" daedra are essentially like parent gods to the chimer\dunmer.

    On the other hand it makes sense they view Malacath as bad. Since he was Trinimac and Trinimac opposed the Velothi movement, which he was defeated and he with his followers were transformed into Malacath and Orsimer.
  • TheShadowScout
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    Who would best suit you? And Why?
    ...probably Hermaeus Mora, because Books!

    But my incorrigeable love for books and aside... there are a couple that will -always- have a special place in my heart...
    Cloudless wrote: »
    ...excatly, and expecially among them:
  • max_only
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    Who would best suit you? And Why?
    ...probably Hermaeus Mora, because Books!

    But my incorrigeable love for books and aside... there are a couple that will -always- have a special place in my heart...
    Cloudless wrote: »
    ...excatly, and expecially among them:

    Who are they, those three? I can’t tell Elder Scrolls gods a part from looks only.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • PrayingSeraph
    max_only wrote: »
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    Who would best suit you? And Why?
    ...probably Hermaeus Mora, because Books!

    But my incorrigeable love for books and aside... there are a couple that will -always- have a special place in my heart...
    Cloudless wrote: »
    ...excatly, and expecially among them:

    Who are they, those three? I can’t tell Elder Scrolls gods a part from looks only.

    All three are Mephala
  • TheShadowScout
    max_only wrote: »
    Who are they, those three? I can’t tell Elder Scrolls gods a part from looks only.
    Actually those three:
    Cloudless wrote: »
    ...are the "Good Daedra" from Chimer mythology - Mephala (with the extra arms, as befitting a spider daedra), Boethiah (in her "dark warrior" getup), and Azura (easily identifyed if you know her title as "Mother of the Rose")

    They were the "gods" of the chimer before the rise Tribunal, and are currently considered "anticipations" of the tribunal powers in tribunal lore... yet are still venerated by the Ashlanders to this day (and that is why they and the great houses don't very much get along, since the ashlanders consider the tribunal "false gods"... and as anyone knows from the story of TES-III:Morrowind, they are actually right in that point of view, and in eight centuries or so, the tribunal will fall as the very old foe Vivec asks about in the events of ESO:Morrowind will rise and wrest the "heart of the world" from them, thus slowly cutting them off from their divine power... but that is another game, play it if you wanna know the story ;) )
  • Ratzkifal
    Namira, so I finally have an excuse to show everyone my fanfictions and browser history.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • max_only
    max_only wrote: »
    Who are they, those three? I can’t tell Elder Scrolls gods a part from looks only.
    Actually those three:
    Cloudless wrote: »
    ...are the "Good Daedra" from Chimer mythology - Mephala (with the extra arms, as befitting a spider daedra), Boethiah (in her "dark warrior" getup), and Azura (easily identifyed if you know her title as "Mother of the Rose")

    They were the "gods" of the chimer before the rise Tribunal, and are currently considered "anticipations" of the tribunal powers in tribunal lore... yet are still venerated by the Ashlanders to this day (and that is why they and the great houses don't very much get along, since the ashlanders consider the tribunal "false gods"... and as anyone knows from the story of TES-III:Morrowind, they are actually right in that point of view, and in eight centuries or so, the tribunal will fall as the very old foe Vivec asks about in the events of ESO:Morrowind will rise and wrest the "heart of the world" from them, thus slowly cutting them off from their divine power... but that is another game, play it if you wanna know the story ;) )

    Oh, Dunmer trash that’s why I don’t know. Just kidding! Thank you that was very informative :)
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Troneon
    I would make a deal with any of them if they willing to get wrobels boot off of magplars neck and remove him from ever having anything to do with ballance ever again...

    PC EU AD
    Master Crafter - Anything you need!!
    High Elf Magicka Templar Healer/DPS/Tank
    Trials / Dungeons / PVP / Everything
  • swippy
    dtsharples wrote: »
    Sanguine & Nocturnal - but not that own-brand sub-par Redguard version of her in game atm.
    The Statue version ;)

    You mean this version?

    she looks cute. if she didn't have Patrick Ewing hands i'd buy her a cup of coffee.
  • SilverIce58
    DuskMarine wrote: »
    I wouldn't serve any god in the TES world. That's what I love about this lore. The gods aren't some omnipotent beings. Mortals can actively defy them.

    The dwemer had the right idea.

    Our character in this game has defeated like half the daedric pantheon while the other half (and the Tribunal) is constantly begging him/her for help. Why would they worship any of these beings?

    the daedric princes are omnipotent and all powerful but you also forget the daedra arent the only godly beings you have the aedra as well. the daedra can do whatever they please but they risk starting a war with the aedra. also we never beat molag bal or any of the other daedra as they cannot be killed we just set them back but its impossible to do for us in the form we were in. thus why the amulet of kings was used granting us akatoshes powers against him which wounded him. if you look at that we were acting with aedra power not just mortal power. so to even hurt a daedric prince you have to have godly might. nocturnal we never actually hurt or beat her we just stopped her plan by stopping the ritual. and mentioning the godlings sotha sil, almelexia and vivec their demi gods kindve sent to nirn to give the good word from the aedra basically.

    So many things are incorrect. The daedra don't have to worry about "starting a war with the Aedra", as the Aedra are basically dead, and aside from a few separate instances, they don't have, and cannot muster the power the princes have. Also, since Seht, Ayem, and Vehk (that's Sotha Sil, Almalexia, and Vivec to those that didn't know their names) don't worship the Aedra, and have never worshipped the Aedra, they would have absolutely no contact with said Aedra.
    PC - NA
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  • hellcatlizzieb16_ESO
    Sheogorath. For the cheese.
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