Which Daedric Prince would you serve and why?

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  • Aesthier
    If you pay for the game you are already serving them.

    Were you unaware that they comprise the Executive Management of ESO?
  • Dracan_Fontom
    All hail the Mad God!
  • Pink_Violinz
    Based on what I know from the books and games I'd have to say Malacath. Hircine is also a solid choice, assuming you didn't have any plans for the afterlife. Previously, Meridia, Nocturnal, or Azura would have been the go-to but they all proved themselves to be, well, poor choices.

    Malacath is pretty chill, assuming you count as an outcast. He's made deals with non-orcs in the past, and as long as you don't cross him he's basically everyone's stern but loving dad. He cares about those who follow him, but doesn't do the greatest job at showing it.

    Hircine? Theres no backstabbing. You follow, or you don't. You're hunting along side him, or you're the prey. He values a good fight, where both sides have a chance to win. If you don't mind reeking of dog 24/7, I'd say it's a fair trade.
  • MER_ingue
    Soul Shriven
    My health has always been abysmal so I suspect my soul would be snatched by Peryite.

    Although if given the choice, I'd choose Sheogorath. Albeit his less antagonistic counterpart from Oblivion/Shivering Isles. Chosen partly because of nostalgia, partly because he looks like a snacc, and partly because it makes sense given my habit of hoarding useless rubbish.

    Plus, I just really like Mania/Bliss and the Golden Saints.
  • DanteYoda
    Which ever god is similar to Slaanesh..
    Edited by DanteYoda on July 29, 2018 10:39PM
  • Sylvermynx
    It depends. In Skyrim, I have some RP stories where Meridia and Azura play a large part - and are reasonably benevolent. Otherwise, none of them.
  • Unit117
    Mephala for sure
  • Tasear
    :p I would go with divines instead of Deadric princes.

  • Chrysa1is
    Tasear wrote: »
    :p I would go with divines instead of Deadric princes.


    Cheeky ;)
  • Aebaradath

    But I always have bowling Tuesday with Peryite and luncheon with Jyggalag every Friday.
  • The_Protagonist
    I would not worship nor serve any Daedric Prince, but I would surely ally myself with


    The Daedric Prince of Order and Structure and bring about the Grey March and rid this forum of all nerf nonsense posts.

  • The_Protagonist
    Another Daedric Prince I would ally with is




  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Mephala, because one of her spheres is
    Giggady Giggady Goo
  • The_Protagonist
    Both Jyggalag and Meridia represent what is closest to my heart, order and structure in society is what I feel we need the most these days in a non-totalitarian way, and Meridia destroys all that is unholy and unnatural, GMOs anyone? So those are my two favorite princes in TES.
  • Chaos2088
    They will serve me! >:)
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Vahrokh wrote: »
    I would never worship a demon. Nor a TES "god", as TES "gods" are just weak farce of a proper god.

    You have no Idea how powerful they truly are.
    Multiversal level threats, there are barriers stopping them from using their full powers, they could easily obliterate planets
  • Facefister
  • dtsharples
    Sanguine & Nocturnal - but not that own-brand sub-par Redguard version of her in game atm.
    The Statue version ;)
  • Cloudless

  • RaptorRodeoGod
    I wouldn't serve any god in the TES world. That's what I love about this lore. The gods aren't some omnipotent beings. Mortals can actively defy them.

    The dwemer had the right idea.

    Our character in this game has defeated like half the daedric pantheon while the other half (and the Tribunal) is constantly begging him/her for help. Why would they worship any of these beings?


    I'd worship Hircine. Them eternal Hunting Grounds sound pretty rad.
    Edited by RaptorRodeoGod on July 21, 2018 12:01PM
    Add a Scribing skill that works like Arcanist beam.
    Veteran players have been alienated and disengaged from Overland since One Tamriel, due to the lack of difficulty, and pushed into dungeons and trials; the minority of content in the Elder Scrolls Online. We can't take the repetition anymore, fix Overland engagement for Vet players. I don't even care if it's not combat related anymore, just make Overland engaging again.
    Overland difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 10 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including One Tamriel, an overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver & Gold as a "you think you do but you don't" - tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game. I'm bored of dungeons, I'm bored of trials; make a personal difficulty slider for overland. Make a self debuff mythic. Literally anything at this point.
  • DocDova
    I would rather make deadric prince serve me B)
  • shadow071179
    Hercine. Werewolfs rule
  • generalmyrick

    Reason! I often see myself this way and see others lacking this.

    But it makes me a but unemotional or cold towards some stuff.
    "The red pill and its opposite, the blue pill, are a popular cultural meme, a metaphor representing the choice between:

    Knowledge, freedom, uncertainty and the brutal truths of reality (red pill)
    Security, happiness, beauty, and the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue pill)"

    Insight to Agree to Awesome Ratio = 1:6.04:2.76 as of 1/25/2019

    Compared to people that I've ignored = I am 18% more insightful, 20% less agreeable, and 88% more awesome.
  • swippy
    i'm not really the "worshipping" type, but i'd ally myself with Hermaeus Mora in a heartbeat. even in real life, whenever my hands aren't busy, i'm reading.

    there's a story about a wizard who was brave and powerful enough to explore the realms of Oblivion, and passes through Daedric Princes' realms one at a time, while his assistant stays behind to relay the story. (if anyone remembers the title i'll edit this with a link to it, but here be SPOILERS) we get some secondhand descriptions of landscapes that agree with other lore, until the guy finds himself in Apocrypha and starts reading. and keeps reading. and finding so many answers that lead to so many new questions that he contacts his apprentice less and less often... and to me it felt inevitable, because that's exactly what i would do.

    i have dreams sometimes of exploring the Vatican Secret Archives, and the Library of Alexandria. i don't even visit libraries in real life anymore, because i feel bad making the librarians find me and kick me out at closing time, and because with my internet tablet i can put it down and pick back up where i left off without becoming inaccessible to the people who rely on me. but if i lived on Nirn, Hermaeus Mora would be my dude (again, just like he was in that Skyrim expansion).
  • Cardthief
    My main character serves Herma Mora, Mora is pretty straight forward, you trade knowledge for knowledge. My main also used to have a high opinion of Meridia, but
    ever since she screwed over the boi Darien, me and Meridia are going to have words about that, or else I may have to march on into the Coloured Rooms next and beat another Daedric Prince, saving the boi in the process.
    (MC) Main DPS: Redz Kuinn - Lvl 50 - MagSorc - PvE
    Main Healer: Soranna Anilu - Lvl 50 - Templar - PvE
    Main Tank: Seamus Kuinn - Lvl 50 - Dragonknight - PvE
  • KeiruNicrom


    I'd worship Hircine. Them eternal Hunting Grounds sound pretty rad.

    They didnt disappear they just went out to buy a pack of smokes.....together.......they will be back......soon ish
  • Vahrokh

    You have no Idea how powerful they truly are.
    Multiversal level threats, there are barriers stopping them from using their full powers, they could easily obliterate planets

    So far I have autoattacked Molag Bal to death and both the other demons and "gods" are weak whiners who beg me to kill 10 squirrels because they are in a weakened state, or have barriers or 1000 other sad excuses.
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Molag was weakened the vestige strengthened, the only reason we defeated him was because the amulet of kings lent us power directly from akatosh meridia another god gave us the true dawnbreaker to finish him. At their full power, they are omniscient, multiversal threats
  • bg22
    Dahell?! I killed Molag Bal... the deadric princes serve me.
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    bg22 wrote: »
    Dahell?! I killed Molag Bal... the deadric princes serve me.

    You didn't kill him you just gave a weakened molag bal a spankng while your powered by the amulet of kings, remove the lore restrictions and you'll see why one of his spheres is domination.

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