Silver_Strider wrote: »Only after they add my Good Samaritan title for rezzing all those ungrateful people in PvP.
I DESERVE that title, and I'm sure so do plenty of other people as well.
Vercingetorix wrote: »Can I earn the Refrigerator title for playing in Cyrodiil on consoles?
bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »Hey everybody just sharing my Idea for a new in game title, I was thinking of Adventurer, I know we have a similar title already with explorer, but I was thinking Adventurer would be nice Title.
How you go about unlock this Title, I was thinking maybe if we had to find every wayshrine in the game, besides cyrodil of course.
When I look at the map, I see proof of my adventurs throughout Tamrial, when I look at how many wayshrines I have unlocked.
Edit: feel free to add any titles of your own but make sure you list the method of achieving it.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
Silver_Strider wrote: »Only after they add my Good Samaritan title for rezzing all those ungrateful people in PvP.
I DESERVE that title, and I'm sure so do plenty of other people as well.
OrphanHelgen wrote: »Tamriel Hero is already a better one then. That's all the quests including in cyrodiil. So basically if you have tamriel hero, you also should have all the wayshrines as well.
OrphanHelgen wrote: »Tamriel Hero is already a better one then. That's all the quests including in cyrodiil. So basically if you have tamriel hero, you also should have all the wayshrines as well.
I reckon, that -would- be too similar to "explorer", but there -really- ought to be an "adventurer" title.bloodthirstyvampire wrote: »Hey everybody just sharing my Idea for a new in game title, I was thinking of Adventurer, I know we have a similar title already with explorer, but I was thinking Adventurer would be nice Title.
How you go about unlock this Title, I was thinking maybe if we had to find every wayshrine in the game, besides cyrodil of course...
Another good one! Yeah, that -definitely- would be title-worthy. I mean, we get dye unlocks for killing people, why not a title for rezzing people?Silver_Strider wrote: »Only after they add my Good Samaritan title for rezzing all those ungrateful people in PvP.
Definitely "Master Baiter"! Austin Powers would approve of this!N0TPLAYER2 wrote: »How about Superior Angler (fine, or Master Baiter) for all fishing achievements in game. This includes master Angler plus all dlc fish.
Is tamriel hero all of the side quests, or just a set number of them? I was under the impression that it was a set number but not all.