Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
redspecter23 wrote: »This nerf is for monetary reasons only and it's blatantly obvious as it's coming at the same time the furnishings are hitting the crown store. I will never be on board with any nerf that is being done strictly so the company can get more money. I would have actually been more open to the change if the alinor furnishings were either already available in store or not being added yet.
I have been told ZOS is the greediest MMO company they have ever experienced. I really believe it's to funnel people into buying the Alinor furnishings from the crown store....seeing as they are going to be having a "pack" sale of it as shown in the Data Mine.It hurts crown store sales I guess.
greenmachine wrote: »I think it was ninja nerfed a couple of weeks ago, now all I pull out of there are lockpicks and starmetal
Sir_Xalvador wrote: »
On the Patch Notes it states: Fixed an issue where the Traitor's Vault had an excessive number of lootable wardrobes
In my opinion When Summerset was released the wardrobes were placed there by ZOS they were intentionly placed there and now it's FIXED THE ISSUE? ummm dont understand that but, my question is, why is it an issue, you might get 2 good lootable items but mostly lockpics style stones and green recipes like oh i dont know Firsthold Fruit and Cheese plate do you know how many of those we get a day? right now as it is, you have to go in there 5 to 10 times to get a furniture recipe that you might need, including a random Alinor furnishing recipe.
I also have to say, most of the people who I talk to who know about TV, don't actually farm it, or only go through when they get the daily for that one. Also, making furnishings for others - i.e. selling it through the vendor doesn't really net much money, so those of us who are out for patterns, are mostly doing it to get the ability to make furniture for our own houses. :P