Should traitors vault wardrobes be nerfed?

It was recently mentioned that ZOS is planning on nerfing the traitors vault wardrobes. Currently there are a large amount of wardrobes in a single room in this delve that are lootable. HOWEVER, The rest of summerset is pretty void of lootable containers when compared to other zones. Even the cities have few areas to loot with almost no NPC housing.

So...Should traitors vault wardrobes be nerfed? Please explain your position as to make a case for the position.

@ZOS_GinaBruno Please listen to player feedback on this.

Should traitors vault wardrobes be nerfed? 264 votes

No, it should be left as is.
NestorlaurajfImryllSolarikennexxus_ESODeathStalkerMoloch1514PinesyYolokin_SwagonbornMISTRESS_DARKNESb14a_ESOMojmirCatsmoke14jrhiattjrb14_ESODarcyMardinOsteosPlagueSDwenchmore420b14_ESOWuffyCeruleiSvenjaAzurya 221 votes
It should be slightly nerfed.
Spiderg1rlAdernathbaratronSygil05LordDovDuskMarine 6 votes
It should be nerfed by about half.
vailjohn_ESOpod88kkCloudlessSilverIce58imrilaoisupaskrub 6 votes
It should mostly be nerfed
theyanceyAcrolasKawallMicah_BayerthemaddaedraFur_like_snowGoldneyeRagebull 8 votes
Get out the nerf wrecking ball and destroy that room!
otis67Joker99TroneonmoleculeDrSweetazzDenMoriaSkullstachiozykKeiruNicromTheStealthDudedave011dracul813commdtTheRedRavenTRStarlight_KnightNairinheUnit117 17 votes
I have another idea on the room.
rfennell_ESOAhPook_Is_HereHal_MooreGirl_Number8Anotherone773greenmachine 6 votes
  • Marabornwingrion
    No, it should be left as is.
    Developers should focus on more serious game issues instead of nerfing damn wardrobes in freaking delve.
  • Khaleesi8688
    No, it should be left as is.
    Call me a conspiracy theorist but after the anniversary event that plummeted the prices of just about everything...and now this... I am starting to wonder if this is all by design so there will be no real consistent way to make gold unless you live on the game 24/7 and way more people would be incentivized to sell crowns to earn gold.
  • VaranisArano
    How much of a clotheshorse was Mannimarco that he needed that many wardrobes?
  • Anotherone773
    I have another idea on the room.
    I understand the need to nerf the vault to keep loot prices at a desirable level. IE: not make them worthless. BUT i think swinging the nerf hammer at every problem is not a good solution either. Summerset is pretty void of lootable containers when it is compared to other zones. The cities, much to my disappointment, have a severe lack of NPC houses that you can steal from. Without traitors vault wardrobes, getting recipes and furnishing prints of any type in summerset is a fruitless waste of time. I know because i spent two weeks trying to farm other locations before i knew about traitors vault and i got almost nothing for my extensive effort in the way of salable loot little lone an alinor print.

    So i offer a compromise.

    Rather than nerf the room, put a delve wide cooldown on containers. The containers will not respawn loot for one( or two) hour(s) after that character has looted them. After the cooldown has expired you must either logout and back in or leave the delve and reenter to respawn the containers. Doing this before the cooldown will not change the containers content.

    This way, everyone has a chance at traitors vault and getting good loot, but it prevents excessive farming by some players.
  • Linaleah
    No, it should be left as is.
    there is already a delve cooldown. and its shared delve cooldown, meaning that if you enter a delve - ALL the delve containers in ALL the delves -go on cooldown. its the reason why people do the alts hopping dance.

    that said..... there is not such thing as excessive farming - people did the same kind of farming back in vvardenfel in Hhleran/dreloth tomb - the droprates were just worse. and no i'm not suggesting that they should nerf the droprates, I'm suggesting that they shouldn't repeat mistakes of vvardenfel (or worse - clockwork city) by making summerset recipes harder to get. the fact that recipes are actualy affordable and available now? is a GOOD thing. it means more people can afford to BUY them.

    here is the thing. selling to other players is not the only way to make gold and the only reason it even works is becasue there is gold generated into the economy via in game play activities to be shifted between players trading in a first place. just becasue something sells for less - is countered by the fact that you now have more things to sell.

    and... if you think this nerf is becasue between player economy? nope. the nerf is becasue crown sales. except.... rather then buy more furniture with crowns, people will just buy crown only houses less, zos.

    basically. all i'm saying is - please do not nerf traitor's. for once I was actualy able to stop the farming madness and just buy blueprints from other players and not feel like I'm breaking the bank and just spend more time playing. i say this as a buyer of your patterns, farmers. a buyer who would just have been another farmer, should the prices and availability be more like clockwork/vvardenfel.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • jaws343
    No, it should be left as is.
    Knowing that this nerf is coming, I am going to spend more time over the next 2 months farming this delve than I would have had they not been nerfing it. I think in two months, everyone who cares is going to have all of the Summerset blueprints and the nerf isn't really going to accomplish much.
  • redspecter23
    No, it should be left as is.
    This nerf is for monetary reasons only and it's blatantly obvious as it's coming at the same time the furnishings are hitting the crown store. I will never be on board with any nerf that is being done strictly so the company can get more money. I would have actually been more open to the change if the alinor furnishings were either already available in store or not being added yet.
  • Anotherone773
    I have another idea on the room.
    This nerf is for monetary reasons only and it's blatantly obvious as it's coming at the same time the furnishings are hitting the crown store. I will never be on board with any nerf that is being done strictly so the company can get more money. I would have actually been more open to the change if the alinor furnishings were either already available in store or not being added yet.

    I dont think items available in game should be in crown store and vice versa. There are ways, if you dont spend cash, to get items out of the crown store. As long as players who dont buy crowns have a path to obtain crown items via a gift/trading system then items should remain crown only or drop only.

    Items in the crown store should be able to be sold on the market system. They would make a ton more money off that than they do with all the annoying exclusive crap and trying to force people to buy something rather than make it appealing to buy. ZOS marketing department is horrible at marketing. They have no clue how to get gamers to buy their products so have to depend on expensive items to whales to make it look like the store is making good income.
  • Mureel
    No, it should be left as is.
    ZOS has better things to worry about than level of lockpicks gained in one instance of entire game. Ffs.

    Culanda laquer is so damning to construction that people will still buy your precious furnishing packs.

    Those who will not but them still won't.
  • Nestor
    No, it should be left as is.
    These wadrobes are no different than the hundreds of pots and urns in Old Orsinium. Those have never been nerfed. Nor the containers in Morkulden or some other delves.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
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  • FakeFox
    No, it should be left as is.
    It hurts crown store sales I guess.
    EU/PC (GER) - Healermain since 2014 - 50305 Achievement Points - Youtube (PvE Healing Guides, Builds & Gameplay)
  • SantieClaws
    No, it should be left as is.
    No. Please see the protest song in the other thread for more information.

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
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  • Kuramas9tails
    No, it should be left as is.
    FakeFox wrote: »
    It hurts crown store sales I guess.
    I have been told ZOS is the greediest MMO company they have ever experienced. I really believe it's to funnel people into buying the Alinor furnishings from the crown store....seeing as they are going to be having a "pack" sale of it as shown in the Data Mine.
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    • Evergnar
      No, it should be left as is.
      Drop rate is right where it should be imo.
    • Jaimeh
      No, it should be left as is.
      I don't think they should be nerfed, because I don't find the recipe drops from them that plentiful anyway. However, as with all things in ESO, even if there is a slight overabundance of something somewhere, then there will most likely be a limiting factor somewhere else: Alinor plans are not that rare (at least compared to Morrowind plans), but their Culanda style stones are hard to come by; Morrowind purple plans are available from the Master Writ merchant but they cost 50 writ voucers instead of 25; jewelery crafting is possible, but upgrading needs x10 times the materials, and so on. Therefore, I'm not surprised at the nerf--not even inanimate objects can escape it :lol:
    • greenmachine
      I have another idea on the room.
      I think it was ninja nerfed a couple of weeks ago, now all I pull out of there are lockpicks and starmetal
      greenmachine513 PS4-NA
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    • Sir_Xalvador
      No, it should be left as is.
      It was recently mentioned that ZOS is planning on nerfing the traitors vault wardrobes. Currently there are a large amount of wardrobes in a single room in this delve that are lootable. HOWEVER, The rest of summerset is pretty void of lootable containers when compared to other zones. Even the cities have few areas to loot with almost no NPC housing.

      So...Should traitors vault wardrobes be nerfed? Please explain your position as to make a case for the position.

      @ZOS_GinaBruno Please listen to player feedback on this.
      Should traitors vault wardrobes be nerfed? 41 votes

      No, it should be left as is.
      NestorMojmirAimorastarlizard70ub17_ESOHulkHogaLinaleahIluvrienAhzekredspecter23Sir_XalvadorTheShadowScoutApheriusvonScuzzmanbri5ganzaesoVenscalshadowwraith666MattT1988MureelEctheliontnacil 38 votes
      It should be slightly nerfed.
      It should be nerfed by about half.
      It should mostly be nerfed
      Get out the nerf wrecking ball and destroy that room!
      Nairinhe 1 vote
      I have another idea on the room.
      AhPook_Is_HereAnotherone773 2 vote

      On the Patch Notes it states: Fixed an issue where the Traitor's Vault had an excessive number of lootable wardrobes

      In my opinion When Summerset was released the wardrobes were placed there by ZOS they were intentionly placed there and now it's FIXED THE ISSUE? ummm dont understand that but, my question is, why is it an issue, you might get 2 good lootable items but mostly lockpics style stones and green recipes like oh i dont know Firsthold Fruit and Cheese plate do you know how many of those we get a day? right now as it is, you have to go in there 5 to 10 times to get a furniture recipe that you might need, including a random Alinor furnishing recipe.
    • ezio45
      No, it should be left as is.
      I am very angry and disappointed :'( This may be the cruelest thing i have seen zos do yet!
    • DenMoria
      Get out the nerf wrecking ball and destroy that room!
      EVERYTHING should get Nerfed, including the mobs. The difficulty should be reduced down to about that of "Novice" in Skyrim and the players should become Gods.

      No challenge, high-rewards and a walk-in-the-park attitude.

      CASUALS (and the lazy) RULE!
    • Mureel
      No, it should be left as is.
      I think it was ninja nerfed a couple of weeks ago, now all I pull out of there are lockpicks and starmetal

      Don't strip mine. I do each char (maybe not even all) every day, and net minimum 1x blue alinor plan a day.

      The lockdown on Culanda Laquer already nerfs furnishings more than enough, to where the furnishing itself is worth only slightly less than the plan.

      Also, as another poster mentioned: so few lootable containers anywhere else in Summerset and Artaeum.

      Unlike the Dwemer public dungeon in Alik'r with several urns/pots/containers and Morrowind with the many Crypts.

      Sure Dreloth has the most, but there are many more.
    • Anotherone773
      I have another idea on the room.

      On the Patch Notes it states: Fixed an issue where the Traitor's Vault had an excessive number of lootable wardrobes

      In my opinion When Summerset was released the wardrobes were placed there by ZOS they were intentionly placed there and now it's FIXED THE ISSUE? ummm dont understand that but, my question is, why is it an issue, you might get 2 good lootable items but mostly lockpics style stones and green recipes like oh i dont know Firsthold Fruit and Cheese plate do you know how many of those we get a day? right now as it is, you have to go in there 5 to 10 times to get a furniture recipe that you might need, including a random Alinor furnishing recipe.

      Right. The drop rate is good but its not THAT good. I might have one run where i get a good print or recipe and then i can run it 5 more times and the best thing i get is a green recipe and 500 lockpicks and style mats. Its not even like the style mats are for the rare styles. Its for the racial blue styles. I do get lucky sometimes.

      But overall it takes me about 3-4 days per character to get 100 or so items and that includes jewelry, lockpicks that are with style mats and all prints/recipes even the junk ones which i dont clean out until i get back to town.. Thats doing about 10 runs a day.

    • Ravenayle
      No, it should be left as is.
      This is dumb. The furniture is already painful to make due to the amount of lacquer needed for each piece. I constructed some things in one of my homes with the walls / floors, etc, and fortunately was able to find a couple of the needed patterns in this delve. The other one I did buy from a trader. I bought a few pieces from the crown store, but the floors were 300 crowns each and I needed a lot of them. There are some of us who just don't have endless amounts of RL money to put into this game.

      I do the TV run at least 4 times a day and have managed to get several of the Alinor plans and they have supplemented my sales to other players nicely via guild trader. I don't get a pattern every run, and they are a mix of the new and the older patterns, so I don't see an issue. I do think it's already been nerfed a bit in that I get less than I used to. I think it's fine, considering the pain of farming lacquer - I get a lacquer out of every 3 or 4 daily containers - the way it is.
    • DenMoria
      Get out the nerf wrecking ball and destroy that room!
      Ravenayle wrote: »
      There are some of us who just don't have endless amounts of RL money to put into this game.
      So? Obviously we're not the target audience. It's bored teenagers that can steal Mommy or Daddy's CC that really matter, after all.
    • Ravenayle
      No, it should be left as is.
      I also have to say, most of the people who I talk to who know about TV, don't actually farm it, or only go through when they get the daily for that one. Also, making furnishings for others - i.e. selling it through the vendor doesn't really net much money, so those of us who are out for patterns, are mostly doing it to get the ability to make furniture for our own houses. :P
    • Anotherone773
      I have another idea on the room.
      Ravenayle wrote: »
      I also have to say, most of the people who I talk to who know about TV, don't actually farm it, or only go through when they get the daily for that one. Also, making furnishings for others - i.e. selling it through the vendor doesn't really net much money, so those of us who are out for patterns, are mostly doing it to get the ability to make furniture for our own houses. :P

      I know, there are prints and recipes there that i havent found anywhere else in the game. And ive opened a few million containers in this game. I am a trader and i am against nerfing this because all it will do is jack the prices of these items up and make it more difficult for people to obtain.

      On top of that when i farm the room, i dont see very many other people farming...even at peak times. I will see 1-4 people farming for a round or two sometimes they do a few rounds and leave. Its not like there are 50 people constantly in the room opening wardrobes.
    • DuskMarine
      It should be slightly nerfed.
      im one of the few here but it will help the economy so yea it needs nerfed
    • Aimora
      No, it should be left as is.
      What is the purpose of doing this - it’s a fun thing to do - I will miss popping in there occasionally to do a quick run around :/
      Aimora Gilidhren - 50 Hybrid Sorcerer
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    • Moloch1514
      No, it should be left as is.
      ZOS just means to keep them rare since there are Alinor furniture packs datamined in the Crown Store. If the prices are reasonable in-game, why would I buy for Crowns? Thus the time spent on this, rather than some actual issue.
      Edited by Moloch1514 on July 11, 2018 8:18PM
    • Nebthet78
      No, it should be left as is.
      The only reason they are nerfing this is because the furniture pieces are going to be sold in the Crown Store.

      Seeing this happen, has now made me much less likely to buy anything from the Crown Store ever.
      Far too many characters to list any more.
    • Anotherone773
      I have another idea on the room.
      I feel like this has already been nerfed on live. Ive noticed a significant decrease in decent loot. Its all lockpicks, style mats and white gear..barely even any jewelry has dropped. I barely get any green recipes or prints and blue is quite rare now and purple...i havent got one in my last 50 runs at least.

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