- Doesn't affect GCDs at all - you still get one light attack inbetween abilities.
- Doesn't increase heavy attack speed (which is a bit strange).
- Has some interesting combo potential:
exeeter702 wrote: »
Could you elaborate. Based on your log im not sure if i see the combo potential. If the speed increase doesnt allow more than 1 light within the GCD, does it mean when the buff is active you will see a greater return by firing off light attacks back to back instead of weaving a spammable, since the speed buff would ostenibly result in getting more light attacks to fire within the 5 second frenzied duration than you would otherwise be able to?
I guess what im saying is, does the set buff incentivize stringing light attacks back to back when you become frenzied? Or does the speed buff effect the GCD overall? Or does the speed buff allow a second light attack to fit in between the standard GCD (which you said thats a negative). Otherwise im confused.
usmcjdking wrote: »
exeeter702 wrote: »
I didnt look at the time stamps. However if you are able to get 4 lights off in a second then you would naturally be able to get 2 lights off within the GCD which they said was not the case.
phillyproduct wrote: »But how is it possible 2 light attack 4times but not 2times in a gcd?
usmcjdking wrote: »
Let's put it into context.
That 1 second parse which is unremarkable in damage instances did (3-5.7k light attacks) pulled 23k DPS. Without bloodmoon he likely would have not even broken 10k.
exeeter702 wrote: »
Yes ofc, i understand the dps implications. If the speed is increased to the point where 4 lights can go out in 1 second, you should reasonbly assume 2 can fire within the GCD. I was curious if a standard rotation becomes light>light>skill>light>light>skill which was said to not be the case.
usmcjdking wrote: »
Too early to tell ATM. The set has two proc conditions and needs an incredible amount of testing to determine rotation changes during the proc given the capabilities.
usmcjdking wrote: »
It's a video game, not real life. There are dragons here. Just about anything is possible with a bit of savvy coding and ingenuity.
exeeter702 wrote: »
His question was a technical one. If the timing is set to allow 4 lights in a second, then that would mean you would naturally be able to fit 2 inside the GCD when the frenzied buff is active.
usmcjdking wrote: »
Let's put it into context.
That 1 second parse which is unremarkable in damage instances did (3-5.7k light attacks) pulled 23k DPS. Without bloodmoon he likely would have not even broken 10k. The only thing I am accounting for in that 1 second is Light attacks and Storm master - nevermind any other dots.
usmcjdking wrote: »TBH, this looks kinda like a PVE sustain set based of @DDuke post.
Set procs, afk light attack for 5 seconds to maintain DPS before resuming rotation. ~1600 stamina gain during the duration once every 18 seconds is no small amount - almost 200 regen worth. On something like a Redguard you could effectively ditch any cost redux/regen with that and use it elsewhere.
Well, the problem becomes the animation of Surprise Attack - it's not canceled instantly even if you block/bash (there's a period afterwards during which you can't light attack or use skills) so you don't really have time for two light attacks afterwards before the global cooldown is over.
Or atleast I haven't been able to do that.
exeeter702 wrote: »
Yeah for sure, after using surprise attack which is an instant cast ability, the GCD goes off and you have that 1 second where no actions can be taken (excluding defensive actions and bar swap ofc). Was curious if you can fire off 2 lights into a skill in the same time you normally fire off a single light into a skill such as..
light>light>Ability(1sGCD refresh)>light>light>Ability(1sGCD refresh)
which encompasses the same timing (while frenzied) as
light>Ability(1sGCD refresh)>light>Ability(1sGCD refresh)
what would u say about this set plus torugs on *spam light attacks/bows* nb?.xD
what would u say about this set plus torugs on *spam light attacks/bows* nb?.xD