So do I, and if I had known motiv achievements were going to be important, I might have choosen differently back when I made them.Narvuntien wrote: »I have my crafts across two different characters...
...and that is even less likely to happen.Facefister wrote: »The only account-wide thing I want is the riding skill.
In general would I like to see everything which you just collect account wide.
Which includes lore books, you just read, recepies and motifs, because you really collect them usually only with one char anyway.
Achievemtens could be nice too, as soon as you unlock an achievment with one char, it unlocks account wide.
You could even just add an "account" level of achievments, which means, you can still do every achievment per character, but you have one "account" achievment level. Plus! You can can add new account achievments, like get each class to 50 ... kill a huge amount of X etc.
I would like my horsies be account bound as well. After all if all our characters can have Championship Points on a new character why can't they have the same horse abilities as well?
Sylvermynx wrote: »I didn't worry much about it in WoW, and I don't really care about it here. Achievements are.... sort of not my thing - I gave up gold stars for stuff a very long time back - like when I got out of first grade I guess. Fun is my thing.... If Achievements occur, fine, but half the time I haven't a clue. Now, skyshards I care about, but as far as achieves for them, only so I can track them in the Achieve pane....
GarnetFire17 wrote: »
Achievements actually matter in this game though. There is a house I want to buy with gold.
. i have do 38 quests in a certain zone to get it so i have to grind quests I have already done on a single character. If i want to put skyshards in my house I have to get all the skyshards in all the base game zones minus Craglorn on one character. They allow 15 characters now they should do more to make it easier to play so many of them.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Pretty much this.
I mean, I -do- play a couple "main" characters I RP with when the occasion arises, and a couple "alts" I care less about and just made to try out something... and I would benefit from more accout wide stuff... but I dislike the idea and consider the current balance between accout-shared and character-specific stuff in ESO to be "just right".
Not to mention, I use the achievements to check on my character progress, see which skyshard or exploration location I may have missed on this or that character, which crafting style I have learned and yet to learn or which miniboss I forgot to hunt down in a public dungeon... that sort of thing.
And its not like achievements -do- anything except unlock dyes and titles, the former are already account wide, and the latter really should not be.
...if you really want it on an alt, spend the extra effort, just like you gotta spend the extra effort if you want to reach level 50, or some guild line, or your skills maxed, or your riding trained up, or whatever.
...and if you don't want to bother spending the effort, well, that that alt will have to do without this particular achievement/title.
And so in my opinion, the only thing missing is an "account overview" page, where people can see which achievement was achievend by which of their characters when, and so on... maybe with some extra goodies for multiple completions, like "finish mainstory with each class" or "get emperor in each alliance" or "reach level 50 with every race" and stuff like that...
Also everyone should remember that ESO is crown store powered now.
IF they would ever add some "convenience items" to help with any of this... it will come like the riding lessons, or research scrolls, or crownstore motivs. Does it still sound like a good idea to those "gimme crowd" people when they consider paying through the nose for it?
Skillasaurus88 wrote: »I'll admit it would be nice, but... if your going to have multiple playthroughs/characters, you should be prepared to do the same achievements over again. Wouldnt Skyrim be weird if it had a new game +?
In general would I like to see everything which you just collect account wide.
Which includes lore books, you just read, recepies and motifs, because you really collect them usually only with one char anyway.
Achievemtens could be nice too, as soon as you unlock an achievment with one char, it unlocks account wide.
You could even just add an "account" level of achievments, which means, you can still do every achievment per character, but you have one "account" achievment level. Plus! You can can add new account achievments, like get each class to 50 ... kill a huge amount of X etc.
This an MMORPG, not skyrim.
jedtb16_ESO wrote: »
oh, well spotted sir/madam.
housing and bank space account wide is fine.
nothing else should be.
themaddaedra wrote: »I would also say no if i was sitting on 2-3k ach points on several characters and calling it working hard for each character lmao. Post a proof of you having 30k+ achievement points on multiple characters, then you can urge people to work harder.
Many many people sadly got no idea on how impossible it'd be to make more than one achievement character. They just comment on these threads with their own ristricted experience.
Anyway tho, i'm all up for this. Give these noers a seperate tab where they can keep working hard for 15 more achievement points, and let us see our account progress.
Well going by your thoughts, why should those be account wide, while achievements now? Work for the houses on all your chatacters, each should earn it for themselves. <- using the logic of those who said no
This an MMORPG, not skyrim.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »
Actually, account-wide achievements would make it easier for everyone, since these days it can be really tricky to find a group to farm specific achievements. A lot of people just dont bother because they like playing alts.
Hardcore collectors will still have more points than everyone else, simply because there's a bunch of hard-to-get or grindy achieves.
And yes, the whole point of achievement system is to keep track of your progress which is very frustrating if you have multiple chars. You cannot even check when/if you got a specific dungeon thingy or bg achievement without relogging. I know, there is an addon, but I prefer to keep as few addons as possible since the game is pretty laggy.
EvilAutoTech wrote: »Please to making it optional. I not want achievements to blurring. You can to blur your own achievements. Leave mine out of it. Thanks much. Good day.